Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 10 Bei Chengshi's small goal

Wait until the clothes in the washing machine are taken out and dried.

Then sort the pickled vegetables that are not sealed well and have been damp and moldy and put them into the garbage bag.

Finally, clean up the floor where the potato chips were spilled.

The time has also changed from six o'clock at the beginning to more than seven o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Bei Chengshi has finished washing and walked out of the bathroom.

"." Bei Chengshi.

Looking at Bei Chengyoubo sitting in front of the laptop, staring at the screen, with his hands flying, he turned and walked into the room.

As a person with severe social phobia, Bei Chengyoubo still has a job.

But this job is naturally different from ordinary jobs - she writes novels.

Not light novels.

But literary novels in the traditional sense.

Maybe it's because of social phobia, inferiority and sensitivity.

The novels she wrote are said to be delicate and very popular with some people (Bei Chengshi has not actually read them), so they sell very well.

I heard from her editor that they have been reprinted (reprinted and sold) several times.

The royalties are not comparable to those of the top authors in the industry, but they are also very considerable.

This is also an important reason why she can stay at home and do nothing, sleep when she is full and eat when she is full.

However, these have little to do with Bei Chengshi.

The most important thing in front of him now is——

"Let's get started."

Turning on the light, Bei Chengshi took out the things in the backpack hanging on the wall and put them under the desk lamp——It's not elementary school homework, Bei Chengshi is too lazy to do that stuff, and basically all of them are distributed to others to help do.

Under the light are several books of Japanese university admission exercises.

What "Tokyo University College Entrance Examination Real Questions" and "Keio University Admission Real Questions", all kinds of things, piled up on the entire table.

Bei Chengshi just glanced at it roughly, then held the pen and started answering in another gray-covered notebook.

If you look closely, you will be surprised to find.

There is already a thick stack of gray-covered notebooks like this on the bookshelf in front of Bei Chengshi.

He flipped open the book and looked at it.

It was filled with answers and traces of red-line corrections.

That's right.

These were exercises that Kita Chengshi had done.

He knew that learning should start from childhood.

And the reason why he chose to accumulate knowledge at this age was very simple -

"I want to skip a grade to high school."

Putting down the pen, Kita Chengshi rubbed his temples.


Skip a grade to high school.

This was Kita Chengshi's goal.

The reason why he chose to skip a grade at this age was actually very simple.

That is - six years of compulsory elementary school education plus three years of junior high school education, this process is too torturous.

Kita Chengshi thought that he was not the type of person who hated children.

But not hating children does not mean that he likes to mix with children.

Can you imagine?

From early in the morning, he has to face a bunch of crying children.

From morning to noon, they are noisy.

There is no leisure at mealtime, and there are a lot of children eating with runny noses.

These are actually bearable.

For Kita Sumimi, studying is not torture, and he actually likes to get in touch with new knowledge.

But——what is 12x3=? Or 45+31=?

Isn't this a typical waste of time?

As a typical action-oriented person.

Kita Sumimi has always adhered to the belief that "wasting your time is murder".

This typical preschool education has no effect except wasting his time.

So it's better to skip a grade.

Skipping a grade means ignoring elementary school and junior high school, going straight to high school, and finally entering university to get a diploma.

For this reason, he spent a month self-studying the knowledge of Japanese junior high school.

It's not entirely true to say that it's junior high school knowledge.

After all, science, such as mathematics problems, are similar in every country in the world.

Not to mention that science problems in Japanese junior high and high schools are much simpler than those in China.

What's really difficult is the knowledge of liberal arts, such as Japanese history, Chinese literature, etc.

This aspect is indeed a difficult point.

But Japan is an island country. It does not have the long history of China, nor the ethnic diversity. This kind of history is basically a straight line, and it is not difficult at all. Moreover, liberal arts, including Chinese, only require pen skills.

For Kita Chengshi, who fought his way out of the college entrance examination, this is a pen? Question sea tactics?


The Japanese are really weak.

In this way, he, who is already self-disciplined, completed the self-study of junior high school liberal arts knowledge according to his own plan.

Then he is now self-studying high school knowledge.

The knowledge level of high school is higher than that of junior high school.

After all, the knowledge of junior high school is mainly "intelligence", while high school is for "examination".

The two are not comparable.

But... it is just a part of the difficulty.

For Kita Chengshi, it is still not a big problem.

All he needs is the process of getting familiar with the knowledge. In the life experience game, the "learning ability 8" on the user page is enough to explain everything.


Putting down the pen slowly, Kita Chengshi glanced at the time on his mobile phone.

The current time is nine o'clock in the evening.

"It's almost time to rest."

Kitamizumi stretched his body.

An eight-year-old body.

It not only needs adequate nutrition, but also adequate sleep.

It is impossible to stay up until midnight.

Go to bed early if you can.

Besides, there is filming of "The Grudge" tomorrow.

Kitamizumi glanced at the calendar.

April 23, Saturday.

In Japan, the working hours of koyaku are not as long as you think.

According to the laws here.

Koyaku must receive a minimum of preschool education.

Although they can take leave to act on school days, it is only occasionally.

If you take too many leave, your attendance score will definitely not be enough. If your attendance score is not enough, you will have to repeat the grade in the end.

Like today, Kitamizumi worked all day, which means that he had a double day off on Saturday and Sunday.

On weekdays from Monday to Friday, most of the time, koyaku will still receive preschool education, and at most they will rush to the theater to act after school.

As for the Saturdays and Sundays when koyaku don't have filming work?

That is of course very fulfilling.

They will be educated by teachers at the training center, and learn courses including but not limited to "dance", "singing", "recitation", and "performance".

As an adult, this kind of work intensity and time arrangement is actually nothing to Kita Chengshi.

But Japanese kotoyas are real children.

No wonder the kotoya industry is called a short-lived profession.

They have been tossed like this since they were young.

Who can stand it?


"That has nothing to do with me."

Lying down on the bed.

As a self-disciplined person.

Since crossing over, Kita Chengshi has never been confused.

His goal is simple from beginning to end.

Starting from an ordinary kotoya.

Then to financial independence.

He never likes living under someone else's roof.

Pure newbie, first time writing a book. Please give some recommendations, monthly tickets, thank you very much.

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