Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 102 The Neighbor's Child Monster (4200 words)

Where the hell did this guy come from as an alien?

Aliens just stay on other planets. Can you please stop casually coming to the earth?

Seeing the way Kitumi put down the pen without hesitation, Matsuo Shizu really doubted his life.

The problem in junior high school has become a 'strong enemy' that she needs to work hard to defeat.

As for high school?

To put it bluntly.

It's completely different in terms of level.

Questions in primary schools and junior high schools belong to the level of "enlightenment", which is the level of enlightening children's wisdom.

And high school? That already belongs to the category of "taking academic exams". In order to get into college, you have to compete with countless peers, which is essentially different.

If the exercises in junior high school are considered a "strong enemy" for her, then the exercises in high school at the next level are considered "monsters".

You don't even have to fight to know that you can't defeat it.

But why is it that Kitazumi was able to punch and kick these 'monsters'?

Watching Beicheng's face unchanged, he wrote and answered without hesitation, as if those 'monsters' couldn't trouble him at all.

The feeling of powerlessness that had just been crushed by the other party in the 'cooking' session welled up from Matsuo Shizu's heart.

She clicked, lost all strength, and sat back in her seat.

Mainly because before the start of the 'academic ability' test, she had already thought about what victory speech she should give after winning.

First of all, he expressed that he was lucky and won by chance, so as to increase the favorability of the director and the audience and let the camera focus on him again.

The second step was to walk up to Kitumi Minoru and tell him that I was really sorry and that she was 'lucky to win' this time.

Take these two items at once.

It will definitely make this annoying guy disgusted to death.


To win favor?

Face riding output?

Look at Kitumi Minoru's movements.

There was only one thought in Matsuo Shizu's mind - it's over, she will be disgusted by Kitaki Minoru again later.

Forget about gaining favor.

She estimated that she would be ridiculed by Kitumi Minoru again later, saying, "Ah, oh, oh, that's weird!"



It’s so irritating! So angry!

Just thinking about that scene.

Like a lit gasoline can, Matsuo Shizu was so angry that his body shook.

But the key point is that she still has nothing to do with Beicheng!

This is the most irritating thing!

She tried her best.

For the rest of the high school exercises, she didn't even understand what the questions were saying, let alone write them down.

Kitazumi Minori was like a big truck that ran over her small motorcycle with a roar, without even looking at her——

And this was obviously what she had imagined, and her plot for Kitumi Minoru was the right one.

But it turned out to be the other way around this time?

Isn't this too unreasonable?

She felt her nose was sore and her eyes were wet - she was really about to cry.

At the same time, Akasaka Kazuya on the other side was a little unable to hold himself tight at the moment.

He really felt that unilateral crushing was totally pointless.

But this person is completely wrong.

Why did Kitazumi unilaterally crush Shizuo Matsuo?

This is completely unexpected.

But to be honest

The eight-year-old Ziyi defeated the 12-year-old Ziyi in the 'academic ability' test. This is an interesting development in a variety reality show.

It is a point that can attract the audience's attention.

Akasaka Kazuya should not feel anxious when facing this situation, he should even feel happy.


"Isn't this a bit too much?"

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Akasaka Kazuya, as the program director, was the same as Matsuo Shizu.

He was also sweating a little now.

to be honest.

Elementary school students can successfully solve elementary and junior high school questions.

This is undoubtedly a surprise for Akasaka Kazuya, because it is eye-catching enough, the content of the program can also be full of explosive points, and the feeling of contrast can increase the interest.

But when elementary school students start to answer high school students’ questions.

The surprise is about to turn into shock and even fright.

Because just from common sense, you can know that it is impossible for elementary school students to solve high school problems.

This is not just about academic ability, but because the development of a child’s brain cannot keep up with that of a high school student.

And most importantly - what will the audience think?

See eight-year-olds solving high school problems fluently.

Most viewers will only feel that the script team's traces are too heavy, and it is simply rubbing their IQ on the floor, which is kind of insulting to the audience.

How do children solve high school questions?

And can you write it so fluently? It looks like you’re not even thinking? What could this be if it wasn't a script?

To be honest, it wouldn't be much of a problem if it was just suspected to be a script.

As long as their program assembly handles it coldly, the turmoil over this matter won't last long.

But the point is, Kitumi Minoru is just a child. A child of only eight years old.

In Japan, as long as it involves children.

There are a lot of extremely sensitive Holy Mothers who will come over if they smell something.

At that time, their program team will be labeled as "unscrupulous program team forcing children to receive early education", "killing children's nature" and "using children's topics to hype traffic".

Their program team exploded on the spot.

After all, Ziyi himself is a particularly sensitive person in the industry.

For this reason, Kazuya Akasaka just called the program planner over.

He repeatedly asked the other party whether he had failed to keep the confidentiality secret and leaked the answer to the question of this program - when he asked these questions, he wanted to skin the program planner and eat him whole.

To make such a big fuss.

However, what Akasaka Kazuya didn't expect was.

Even under his "I'll get you stewed if you don't tell the truth" look, the program planner still shook his head with an innocent face, saying that all the questions were randomly selected from the question bank to prevent leaks.

The other party's attitude was very firm.

It doesn't look like he's lying at all.

That is to say

Did Kitumi really get through all the high school questions on her own?

Akasaka Kazuya felt his face hurt a little because he thought of the time he watched "The Human Investigation" before.

At that time, he saw Kitumi Minoru taking out the application form for skipping a grade and some exercise books.

I also felt that the director of "The Great Investigation" was really a fool.

Such an obvious script still needs to be used.

In fact, after the "Human Investigation" program was broadcast, a considerable number of viewers did point at Kobayashi Micong's nose on the comment page and scolded him.

But now it seems.

Looking at Beicheng Minoru's back.

There seems to be such a group of people in this world, aliens that ordinary people cannot understand.

"never mind."

Without further thinking, Akasaka Kazuya shook his head.

Since it was a live broadcast, no matter how much they tried to remedy the situation, it was too late and the show could only go on.


Akasaka Kazuya had some expectations.

What if I contact the servant that Homma Feiyan found? Is he really an alien? Is it really possible to get all the high school questions right easily?

The fake "alien" needs their program team to pinch their noses and wipe their butts.

But real ‘aliens’ are different.

It’s the real stuff, so there’s nothing to feel guilty about.

The world is so big, can’t we have an eight-year-old genius?

Akasaka Kazuya took a deep breath.

At this moment, he could only hope that Beicheng was truly talented and learned, instead of just memorizing answers.

Otherwise, their program team will definitely be stabbed in the spine by a group of viewers.

His expression was serious and he looked in the direction of Bei Chengmi.

At this time, the other party has completed question 29 and has begun to answer question 30.

At this point, the difficulty has risen to the point where even high school students with good grades find it difficult to solve the problem at hand.


Kitaki Minoru just paused his pen for a moment before continuing to write.

"Director Akasaka, we are going to have difficult questions on the university admission exam soon."

There is a staff member nearby to remind you.

That's right.

The first thirty questions have ended.

Kitazumi is all correct.

The moment the result came out.

The staff responsible for preparing the questions were surprised.

Even though it’s just a show.

But it was still a bit difficult for them to choose a few questions for the finale.

Not to mention elementary school students, even high school students may not be able to answer it.

They looked at each other, waiting for Akasaka Kazuya's instructions.

However, Akasaka Kazuya just waved his hand, indicating that the program should continue, and the camera could not stop!


Next are the difficult questions for college admissions.

Reason told him that it was probably impossible.

But what if.?

Under his gaze.

After looking at the question, Kitumi took a breath, and the sensor pen in his hand, which was originally very smooth, seemed to pause.

In this way, the university admission questions can no longer be continued?

Akasaka Kazuya breathed a sigh of relief.

As the director of this show, he naturally hopes that Kitumi Minoru will continue to rush forward.

After all, answering college admissions questions is more eye-catching than ordinary high school questions.

The operation of their program team is better, plus behind-the-scenes tidbits and clarifications.

There is no doubt that it will attract more attention.

Maybe it can also lead to an increase in ratings.

"But that's enough."

Akasaka Kazuya breathed a small sigh of relief.

Even if you can't continue.

In his opinion, Kitaki Minoru's results were already shocking - all thirty questions were correct, without even a single mistake.

Although it cannot be said that he is an alien who can answer college admissions questions.

But Kitazumi definitely deserves the titles of genius and child prodigy.

You should know that Beicheng Minoru is only eight years old, which is really amazing.

If there were any more extravagance, it would be just forcing it on an eight-year-old child.

How should I put it? Even Akasaka and Kazuya would feel guilty.

So let’s end it here.

Thinking of this, Akasaka Kazuya picked up the radio and was about to let the host announce the result.



Akasaka Kazuya's movements stopped and his eyes froze.

Because he saw it.

Just took a little break.

Kitaki Minoru in front of the answering desk actually picked up the sensor pen again.

He could actually continue writing.

And it's not slow at all.

"." Akasaka Kazuya.


It seems that our program team really invited an 'alien' to come over.

Akasaka Kazuya opened his mouth.

The main reason is that the scene before me is a bit too exaggerated.

The theme of their program today is ‘Zi Yong’.

Considering that the answerers are all children.

The only question types they really prepared for were elementary school, junior high school, and high school.

The last ten questions are the real questions from the university entrance examinations of prestigious universities such as Tokyo University, Keitai University and Waseda University from 20 to 23.

In terms of difficulty, it's not intended for children to answer at all, it's purely a show gimmick.


Kitaki Minoru is still writing.

The sensor pen didn't stop at all.

And the speed of thinking and answering is too fast, right?

The first question is correct!

The second question is also correct!

Then the third question was a big one, so Kitazumi paused for a moment.

But he finally did it! The answer is still correct!

It's like Kitumi Minoru has done these questions.

There was no hesitation in writing.

Is it possible?

Is Kitumi Minori really aiming to be admitted to university, as he said in "The Great Survey of the Human World"?

Going to college at eight years old?

In the past, Akasaka Kazuya would only think it was a joke.

But now, the facts are before him

It doesn’t seem impossible?

But what were you doing when you were eight years old?

Are you playing in the sand with Xiaohua Xiaoxue who leads the family?

The gap seems a bit too big... Are children nowadays so competitive?

Akasaka Kazuya was silent and looked sideways at the staff member responsible for reporting data.

"Approximately how many people are watching in real time on the Internet now?"

I can't think about it anymore.

He is just an ordinary person, and there is no reference at all compared to a 'neighbor monster' like Kitami Minoru.

Real-time viewership is what he should be most concerned about as a director.

Because this thing will reflect the ratings of their programs to a certain extent.

"The number of people watching now has exceeded 2,300, and it's still rising."

2,300 people? Still rising? This is true.

Akasaka Kazuya sighed with a face full of emotion.

You must know that their usual peak number of real-time viewers on the Internet is only about 2,100 people.

But today they broke through this peak.

From the analysis of this data, we can also know how high the quality of this program is.

He had originally invited Minoru Kitazumi with the attitude of drawing a lottery - after all, there was Zhu Yu from "The Great Investigation of the Human World" in front of him.

But now it seems that Kitumi Minoru is really a gold mine!

Just take a pickaxe and dig out all the golden gold!

Whether it is from the overall effect of the program or from the topic, the existence of Kitami Minoru is a surprise among surprises.

Think about it too.

No matter how great other variety shows are, can they hire prostitutes who can get into college?

However, being highly topical has its advantages and disadvantages.

At this moment, some viewers are already questioning that the show crew is acting according to a crappy script.

It's a normal reaction.

If he hadn't been the director of this show, he would have doubted whether the show was following the script.

Does an 8-year-old have the academic ability to go to college?

It wasn’t the script that he devoured the entire program!

This situation can only be clarified afterwards.

Thinking of this, Akasaka Kazuya raised his head and looked at Kitazumi expectantly.

As he lifted the tip of the sensor pen, the last mathematical symbol fell.

The ‘academic ability’ test ends here.

Except for the two big questions in the middle, there are a lot of steps.

Kitami Minoru, the 'neighbor kid', finished all ten questions with almost no pause - no mistakes could be found at all.

This is simply terrifying!

He glanced at Kitumi Minoru's handsome and lovely face.

I took another look at the real-time online viewership of my program which is still rising.

very good!

Akasaka Kazuya was satisfied.

No wonder the ratings of "Investigation of the World" have soared, and Mi Satoshi Kobayashi is still reluctant to let go!

It turned out to be such a treasure!

The first chapter is 4200 words! The second chapter of 4,000 words will be updated soon!

Thanks to Piou Ke for the 500 starting coin reward! Thanks to Xiangsijisui for the reward of 100 starting coins! Thank you so much!

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