Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 124 Where did they find such a terrifying servant? (4300 words)

Even if the top actors in the industry are invited to film a TV series, their salary for one episode is at most 250,000 yen to 300,000 yen.

The ones further up are basically the top ones, or the group of leaders in the industry.

One episode costs 400,000 yen.

Kitagami really couldn't figure out which swindled filming crew would offer this price.

Especially network dramas like "Passion and Love", which are not even qualified to be broadcast on TV, are of a much lower level.

Logically speaking, the budget of the entire filming team should be tight. It is estimated that they only have to rehearse once - how can they have so much spare money to hire a servant?

And Kitazumi also heard it from Tamura Koji.

It seems that the production team of "Passion and Love" specially sent an invitation to the AR Ziying Training Institute and asked for him by name.

This makes Kitazumi a little strange.

To be honest, his reputation is not that big.

The work "Kidnapped Natsuko" really made his debut.

But it's just his official debut, and he can't compare with those top or first-rate heroes.

With a budget of 400,000 yen, the filming team of "Passion and Love" was more than enough to hire one of the top and first-class actors in the industry.

But why don't they do this?

You must know that it can not only increase Ziyou's reputation, but also improve the poor reputation of the Internet.

Why should we cling to him?

To be honest, there are various doubts if you think about it deeply.

It's just that these doubts have little to do with Beicheng Minoru.

He has also signed a contract, and the money he should receive will not be less. It is useless even if the filming crew of "Passion and Love" regrets it later.

The content of the contract is also very simple.

"Passion and Love" is a small-scale unit drama. The first 6 episodes have been broadcast on the Internet. Kitami Minoru is responsible for the appearance of the 7th episode that needs to be filmed this week.

In other words, he will only appear in the last episode, which is equivalent to a guest appearance.

Moreover, Kitami Minori is also confident in his acting skills, and with his status as a "kid" that is almost immune to death in Japan - it is impossible for online criticism to affect him.

It can be said that when I was walking on the road, money suddenly fell from the sky and hit my head.

Think of this.

Kitaki Minoru comfortably pulled out the small recliner for the children he was carrying and lay down on it, while waiting for the 'money' to fall.


"Master Beicheng! You are finally here!"

An overly familiar voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

"." Beicheng Shi.

He seemed to have heard a voice just now that he absolutely didn't want to hear.

It seems to be an illusion.

I'd better continue to lie on my side for a while.

"Master Beicheng! Didn't you hear?"


Feel the recliner shaking.

Kitaki sighed helplessly and opened his eyes.

"Shimada, why are you here too?"

That's right.

The person standing in front of Kitaki Minoru was none other than Makoto Shimada, whom he had not seen for a while.

At this moment, the other person's face was full of a friendly smile, and his eyes were looking at him unblinkingly.

"Why am I here? Oh - Master Beicheng, didn't you receive the invitation I sent to Director Gensu to give you an AR subservient training center?"

"Did you ask the director of "Passion and Love" to send me an invitation to act in the last episode?"


"." Beicheng Shi.

Looking at Makoto Shimada in front of him.

Kitami Minori finally understood why there was a crew that was willing to spend 400,000 yen to invite him to appear in the filming.

Makoto Shimada and his father probably also participated in the financing of "Passion and Love".

Makoto Shimada, who relies on his father with all his strength, is not short of money at all.

In his eyes, 400,000 yen is probably only about 4,000 yen.

No wonder he was looking for me by name.

Now all the puzzles are really solved.

Kitumi suddenly felt a little headache. He sighed silently, and then pointed to the small fan next to him.

Makoto Shimada over there saw his action and consciously stood next to Minoru Kitaki to fan him.

"I understand the specific situation. Speaking of which, who are the two who came with you?"

Kitumi stood up, crossed his legs, supported his face with his right hand, pointed at the man and woman following behind him, and turned his head to ask Shimada Makoto.

"Ah - these are my friends. The young man here is Mizuguchi Shinji, and the girl here is Oishi Chika. They are also part of this shooting. Shinji is a model and Chika over there is an idol. "

". Model? And idol?"

Kitumi Minoru, who was still looking unconcerned at first, was stunned for a moment.

There was an incredible expression on his handsome and lovely face.

Mainly because he really didn't expect to see these two rare professions on the shooting set.

In the Japanese industry, there are several professions that exist at the bottom of the industry food chain.

Among them are models and idols, which belong to the "lower third-rate" professions in the industry.

These words are not groundless.

In Japan, the threshold for the idol industry has always been very low.

There are even some underground idol groups. As long as you are willing to join and look good enough, you can join directly.

Generally, after models or idols become popular, they will transform into 'actors' and 'singers'.

He is the type who doesn't want to stay in his own circle.

From this, we can see how low the status of idols and models is in the industry.

Even Shimizu-san said this to Kitasumi-idols and models are only worthy of showing up on variety shows (the kind of prank variety shows in Japan). Acting? That can only mean that the director of the filming crew has a problem with his brain.

As a result, there are not only two of them in the filming crew of "Passion and Love"!

It would be strange if the online reputation didn't explode!

No wonder when he watched "Passion and Love", he always felt that the actors in it looked very good, but their acting skills were really outrageous. They suddenly became angry when they should have expressed sadness.

It makes people feel a little bit unlike human beings.

Unexpectedly, these guys are really not actors.

He was a little surprised.

Shimada Makoto on the other side also approached at the right time.

"Master Kitasumi, Shinji and Chika have a good relationship with me, and they also want to act well in this play. After all, models and idols don't always have such opportunities to act. What do you think?"

As he said this, he had a pleading expression on his face.

Bei Chengshi glanced at Shimada Makoto and sighed again.

There really is no such good thing as pie in the sky in this world.

So he was picked by Shimada Makoto and pulled over to guide their acting skills?

Thinking of this, Bei Chengshi stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

He had the experience of teammates "pretending to be professional actors" - referring to Shimada Makoto.

Just guiding Shimada Makoto is already a kind of torture, and now he has to give him "two kings"?

Bei Chengshi wanted to refuse very straightforwardly.

There is no problem in guiding Shimada Makoto, after all, he has a good relationship with him, and the other party has paid tuition fees specifically, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

But add two more?

"You find me for such a hard job, right?"

You have to change another sheep to get the wool!

Bei Chengshi looked at Shimada Makoto, with a bit of a sense of regret - this traitor will sooner or later make the teacher angry to death.

Noticing the change in Bei Chengshi's expression.

Shimada Makoto also laughed a little embarrassedly.

But he soon coughed and approached cautiously.

"If Master Bei Cheng is willing to guide, in addition to the film remuneration, I am willing to give Master Bei Cheng a personal remuneration. We really want to make this last episode well!"

"Why are you so persistent?"

Bei Cheng was a little confused.

The reputation of the online drama "Passion and Love" can be said to be a mess.

Now on the Internet, either the original fans are particularly persistent, or they are just fun people who want to see how bad this TV series can be.

Even if the effect of the last episode is good, what can it do?

It has no meaning for the reversal of word of mouth.

And to put it bluntly.

Putting so many idols and models into a TV series shows that the investors don't expect this online drama to be so popular at all.

They are just building momentum for their own models and idols to increase their popularity - this is equivalent to gilding, so that when introducing their own idols in the future, they can say "I have participated in the filming of so-and-so and have experience in filming."

This method is very common in the industry.

To put it bluntly, the online drama "Passion and Love" is nothing more than a victim of capital.

It is equivalent to the "abandoned child" that has been abandoned by the director.

Shimada Makoto should also understand this.

But why is he still so persistent?

Kita Sumi asked this question.

After hearing his question, Shimada Makoto, who originally seemed to be very interested, changed his expression.

His expression was a little complicated, and he sorted out his words and told the reason.

As mentioned earlier, the online drama "Passion and Love" is based on an original work.

It is a literary novel written by a male author named Kawamoto Yosuke that tells one warm and healing story after another.

However, it was this original author who passed away due to bone cancer in June this year.

The story should have ended here.

But probably because "Passion and Love" started filming.

The mother of the original author Kawamoto Yosuke also heard the overwhelming criticism on the Internet.

She is already in her sixties this year.

In fact, she does not know the reputation of "Passion and Love" on the Internet.

She also didn't know the various and complicated operating methods in the industry.

But as a mother, she still came to the filming crew to check the specific situation.

After all, "Passion and Love" is the work left by her son in this world.

Mother's love is unconditional.

Even if she doesn't understand.

The old man in his sixties still wants to understand, to understand the world when her son was alive.


Until today.

Shimada Makoto still can't forget the disappointed look of the old man after arriving at the scene.

It was not until then that he understood personally.

How insignificant his level as an actor is.

"Master Bei Cheng, of course I know that no matter how hard "Passion and Love" struggles, there is no way to reverse the reputation."

Yes, the online reputation is already rotten.

The director has basically given up. It is basically impossible to reverse the reputation with such a short episode as the last one.


"I still want to play it well, even if it's only the last episode."

It has nothing to do with whether the industry has given up on this work.

Shimada Makoto just wants to play this work well.

Don't pursue superb acting skills.

Rather, it only needs to express the story in the original work of "Passion and Love" exactly as it is.

"Please guide me as you did before! Master Beicheng!"

Another bow.

As a Japanese, Shimada Makoto was born with a special liking for the action of bowing.

Even if you do something hugely wrong, you just need to bow and apologize, and that's the end of it - this thing is so useful.

But today is different.

Makoto Shimada's request was filled with unimaginable fervor.

He bowed down.

Kitaki Minoru over there also fell silent.

that's all.

There was silence for about three or four seconds.

Beicheng Minoru's voice sounded helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I understand, can't I promise you?"

"Master Beicheng?!"

Shimada Makoto raised his face in surprise.

"In fact, even if you didn't tell me, I would have done my job well. Besides, there is no difference between teaching you one person and teaching you three."

Kitaki shook his head.

The other party said a lot of things that were both sensational and money-laden.

He has simply stood on the moral high ground.

If he doesn't agree now, he will feel like a 'sinner on the set'.

And tell the truth.

As one of the participants in this shoot.

He also wants to perform "Love and Passion" well - this is the most basic quality of an actor.

Think of this.

Kitaki Minoru turned his attention to Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika on the other side.

Not thinking much.

He raised his hand and waved at the two of them.

Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika over there were actually a little strange at the moment.

The two of them came with Shimada Makoto at his invitation.

After all, the other party said so.

This time they invited a ‘teacher’ who could guide them both in their acting skills.

But what did they see when they came over?

Isn't this just a slave?

Although she does look pretty.

But this kind of boy who looks like he is only seven or eight years old?

Coaching both of them?

Are you sure this isn't an April Fool's joke?

At this time, I saw Beicheng Minoru waving towards me.

The two of them looked at each other a little bit at this moment, but they still took the initiative to lean over.


Then they saw the unsatisfied expression on Kitumi Minoru's face.

"Ah, anyway, I hate people who talk frivolously and are not serious. Since you want to learn acting from me, then you two will do the same as Shimada and call me Master Beicheng. Do you understand?"



Where did this child come from? Why do you always look so awesome when you open your mouth?

Is this looking down on us adults?

Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika were a little unable to hold back.

They were about to continue talking.


"Is it okay? Big brother, big sister."

The innocent voice of a child rang out.

This should have been a meaningless repetitive question.

But look at Beicheng Shi's raised eyes.

When they felt those dark eyes staring at them.


Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika, who were about to continue talking, paused for some reason.

Because I just looked at Kitaki Minoru like this.

Feel the depth in his eyes.

It was like being blown by a cold wind.

Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika also trembled inexplicably at this moment.


Very strange!

It's obviously not that cold in Tokyo right now.

But why——

"Is it okay? Call me Master Beicheng?"

The cold voice sounded again, and Kitumi looked over with a smile and asked.

This time.

Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika lost their courage.

They lowered their heads and opened their mouths.

"It's Master Beicheng."

"Well, you're so good. Shimada, your friend is quite sensible. I don't hate sensible children."

After hearing this, Kitumi Minoru nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time looked at Makoto Shimada next to him and praised him.

And he just said these words.

Over there, Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths, and they really wanted to curse.


Is this because we are willing to be ‘sensible’?

And where did you find Shimada?

Why does it feel so scary?

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