Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 133 Friends all over the world (4000 words)

"Are those two guys Ogawa and Maejima starting again?"

Haneda Rika sighed helplessly, sitting in the corner, flipping through the book "The Great Gatsby" and shaking her head.

"Why are boys so stupid and stupid? What's the point of being fierce and ruthless?"

As the only A-level warrior in the AR warrior training center.

She really didn't understand why boys were so competitive whenever they got together.

This is not the first time something like this has happened today.

Probably because he was afraid that the arrival of new disciples would affect his weight in the AR disciple training center and evenly divide their job opportunities.

The new B player is always being picked on by Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsuya Ogawa for various reasons.

This is used to confirm the so-called ‘senior’ relationship.

This method is very effective.

Except for a small number of children who became B-level players before Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsuya Ogawa.

Most children have defaulted to the 'senior' relationship between these two people.

It's just that in the eyes of Haneda Rika, this kind of endorsement is just rude and immature.

There are only so many job opportunities in the industry.

Even if the relationship between 'seniors and juniors' is confirmed, what will happen?

If you don't have enough ability, it doesn't mean you still can't seize the opportunity.

Can't these boys be more mature?

Thinking of this, she pushed up her glasses and glanced in the direction of the personal training room with some concern.

That new kid.

It should be called Kitazumi Minoru, right?

She looks quite cute.

He looks like a little brother.

Girls all prefer cute things.

Even Haneda Rika, who has always regarded herself as 'mature' and looks down on the childish and childlike appearance of the koiya around her, is the same.

When I think about it, the handsome and lovely Kitami Minoru may be being bullied by those two guys.

After a slight hesitation, she put down the copy of "The Great Gatsby" and planned to go to her agent's office to explain the situation.

After all, more than ten minutes have passed and they haven't come out yet.

It's really too much.

You must know that usually it lasts for three or four minutes, which is considered a long time-Maejima Shinjiro and Ogawa Katsu can't really do anything, at most they just scare the newcomers.

She made up her mind and stood up.

But not before she made her move.

The door to the personal training room that had been closed nearby opened.


it's over?

But why is there no movement at all inside?

What happened?

What on earth did those two guys do to an innocent kid like Kitami Minoru?

Her heart slowly clenched.


"Beicheng Sang, please walk slowly. Look, there are steps here. You must not trip."


Her eyes widened under her glasses, Haneda Rika stood still and looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsuya Ogawa stood in front of Kitami Minoru and the other behind him.

The obviously flattering smiles on their faces didn't look like they were bullying Kitami Minoru, but more like they were being arrogant and being a coward.

What's happening here?

Her brother-in-law was confused and had no idea what Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsura Ogawa were up to.

Is this a new type of workplace bullying?

But this doesn’t look like it, does it?

How can any workplace bully treat you like a loser?

"Maejima, and Ogawa, what are you doing? The newcomer."

Seeing Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsuya Ogawa coming over, Rika Haneda couldn't help but ask.

And that's the question.

However, Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsuya Ogawa seemed to have recalled something extremely terrifying.

His whole body suddenly trembled.

Especially Katsuya Ogawa, who was responsible for pulling Minoru Kitazumi into the personal training room and was wearing a plaid shirt.

He even squatted down, hugged his head, and screamed with an expression that he didn't want to remember.

"Stop talking! Haneda! Stop talking!"


What happened?

Haneda Rika swallowed and took a step back subconsciously.

Because she was completely unable to associate the weak and fearful little boy in front of her with the Ogawa Katsuya who was usually very arrogant in the training room and looked like a 'subordinate bully'.

But that’s not all—

"That's not okay, Ogawa-senpai. People obviously care about you and that's why they ask about you. How can you speak with such a bad attitude?"

This is the voice of the newcomer named Kitazumi Minoru.

He walked up to Katsuya Ogawa, stared at the other person's panicked face, and spoke with a smile.

"You're not very good, Ogawa-senpai."

"Uh-huh. K-Kita Cheng-san is right."

A smile that was even uglier than crying appeared on his small face, and Ogawa Katsuya bowed repeatedly to Haneda Rika.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Haneda, I was too excited."

".There's no need to apologize like this."

Seeing him bowing repeatedly in front of him, he was so well-behaved that he looked like a completely reborn Katsuya Ogawa.

Haneda Rika was full of surprise, and she hurriedly said that it didn't have to be like this.


"It seems that your apology is not sincere enough. Senior Ogawa, this sister is not willing to accept your apology."

The new servant's cheerful voice sounded again.

That is, as soon as this sentence was uttered.

Haneda Rika saw Ogawa Katsuya crying.


I really cried.

Tears fell down in fistfuls.

The expression on her face was full of pleading.

Even Haneda Rika couldn't bear the pitiful look, so she spoke quickly.

"I accept Ogawa-kun's apology."

Haneda Rika felt it.

As soon as she said the words of accepting the apology.

Katsuki Ogawa over there was obviously relieved.


"That's great, Ogawa-senpai. My sister has such a good character that I forgive you easily."

Kitazumi, who was holding a wooden sword, stood next to Ogawa Katsuya who breathed a sigh of relief and laughed happily.

At the same time, he lowered his voice and narrowed his eyes.

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to accept the apology so easily."

Hearing this, Ogawa Katsuya, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, looked sad again.


Shinjiro Maeshima, who had entered the personal training room with him before, didn't even dare to say anything.

Just look down at your toes.

Afraid of being implicated.

"Okay, I'm a little thirsty too, so I'll ask you two seniors to buy me a bottle of water."

Kitaki Minoru spoke again.

It's just this sentence that is similar to asking someone to run errands.

However, at this moment, the two former 'subordinate bullies' showed expressions of 'as if they had been granted amnesty'.

They ran away without even hesitating.


Taking all this into consideration, Haneda Rika looked at Kitazumi in shock.

The other person is not tall, looks handsome and cute, and looks like a good-looking son-in-law.

But now.

The image of the other party in her eyes has become unknown and terrifying.

After all, even those two brave men, Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsura Ogawa, have become like this. And they only spent more than ten minutes together.

It's better not to have anything to do with this child.


Haneda Rika lowered her head in fear, took out "The Great Gatsby" again, and used the book to block the other person's eye contact with her.


"Oh? "The Great Gatsby", my sister has very good taste."

Obviously he didn't talk to the other party.

But the other party still came forward.

And the content of his words.

"Have you seen it too?"

Carefully looking away from the book, he spoke in a low voice.

But these words were just spoken.

Haneda Rika felt a little regretful.

Didn't you agree to ignore this terrible child?

Why did you still answer the call?

But it's not entirely her fault.

You must know that this is the first time that a peer has praised her taste.

On weekdays, most of the children in the Ziyong Training Center cannot read this type of novel.

Most of them looked at her with strange and incomprehensible eyes.

Some children even felt that she had become an A-level slave and deliberately wanted to highlight her presence by bringing some incomprehensible books to show off.

This is the same as girls who are too tall or have too big breasts are particularly conspicuous in school and attract comments.

This was the first time she heard a child of her own age compliment her taste.

That's why I couldn't help but ask.

"Of course I've seen it."

Beicheng Minoru sat beside her, minding her own business: "It's a good book. It's very particular about both the writing style and the narrative method."

"I really like the protagonist Gatsby's desperate pursuit of love."

"Has Beicheng-kun really seen it?"

Haneda Rika, who was still skeptical at first, put down the book that was used to isolate herself from the other party's sight, and was a little surprised.

"Why did I lie to you?"

Kitaki Minoru blinked.

Regardless of whether it was in his previous life or this life, he liked reading books.

It’s not just college exams that require exams, but also literary novels.

"The Great Gatsby" is also quite famous among literary novels.

Kitami Minoru also made a special trip to buy the original English version and read it, and it was indeed very well written.

But these things actually don't matter at this moment.

The key is--

"My name is Kitaki Minoru, what's your sister's name?"

He took the initiative to get closer and at the same time stretched out his hand and asked.

"Um, I'm Haneda Rika."

This kid is so familiar when he says hello.

And he sat down directly, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

She was a little surprised at how quickly the other party got acquainted with her, but Haneda Rika still stretched out her hand and shook it.

"Oh, it turns out to be Haneda-sister. It's great to meet such a like-minded friend in the training center."


Haneda Rika was stunned for a moment.

What's wrong?

Didn't I just say a few words to Kitaki Minoru and shake hands by the way?

This is a process that takes less than a minute.

Did I suddenly become his friend?

"Haneda-sama is so cold. We have both seen "The Great Gatsby". Could it be that book friends are not friends?"

Kitazumi asked as a matter of course.

"Ah? Can book friends be considered friends?"

Haneda Rika looked stunned.

She had heard of making friends, but she never expected that book friends could be considered friends.

"Of course it counts!"

Kitaki showed a pure smile and gave her a thumbs up.

"You like "The Great Gatsby" and I also like this work. We have the same ambition. If these are not friends, then what can be considered friends?"

His voice paused, and then he smiled and asked.

"Speaking of which, what's Haneda-nee's blood type?"

"Huh? I have type A blood."

"Wow, what a coincidence. I also have blood type A. So now it seems that we are not only book friends with the same book, but also blood friends with the same blood type. Maybe there was some kind of blood relationship before."

Kitaki Minoru smiled and spoke.



Is the progress a bit too fast?

Haneda Rika always felt as if she was being involved, and she opened her mouth to say something else.

But when she saw Beicheng Minoru turning over to look at her handsome and lovely face.

The doubts in my head disappeared subconsciously.

Hmm. Book friends, blood friends. These can barely be considered friends, right?


She scratched her hair and accepted the fact that she suddenly had a 'friend'.

But I still can't help but be curious.

"Speaking of which, wasn't Kitachi-kun brought into the personal training room by Maejima and Ogawa just now? What happened after that?"


So what happened after that?

When Mingming went in, both Maeshima and Ogawa were still fierce, with expressions that showed that no one could persuade them.

You can wait until they come out of the personal practice room.

It was like a different person.

Well-behaved and polite to the extreme.

Haneda Rika almost felt that she had recognized the wrong person.

"Oh, well, it actually took me a lot of effort to convince and impress Maeshima-senpai and Ogawa-senpai."

As if thinking of what happened before, Kitumi smiled.

"Persuade? Impress?"

Haneda Rika's expression became strange.

Judging from the performances of Maejima and Ogawa just now, they didn't look like they were 'persuaded' at all.

"Yes. You can't just look at the problem one-sidedly, Haneda-san."

Kitaki Minoru stretched out a finger with a serious expression.

"Actually, Maejima-senpai and Ogawa-senpai are not as vicious as you think. They are still children. It only takes a little effort to impress them."

"Is that so?"

Haneda Rika felt something was wrong, but she had to figure out what was wrong, but she couldn't explain it.

After all, Maeshima and Ogawa are indeed children.

It is not impossible for a child of this age to change for the better.


"Beicheng Sang, we bought all the mineral water you asked for."

"Maejima-senpai, Ogawa-senpai, what's going on with you two? Are you so slow at running errands? Can't even do ordinary errands well?"

"Yeah, sorry!"

"." Rika Haneda.

He looked at Kitami Minori frowning with her beautiful eyebrows and scolding Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsuya Ogawa who were a head taller than him in front of him.

Haneda Rika still feels that she has just made a friend.

how to say

Sure enough, something was still wrong.

Chapter two. I feel really refreshed after taking a shower!

Thanks for the reward of 200 starting coins for Determined to Be a Bad Guy! Thanks to Time Sage for the 100 starting coin reward! Thank you so much!

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