Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 137 He is still not used to the weak light of the sunset (4600 words)

Kitami Sumi discovered something he had already discovered.

That is, his own system is really weird.

When he got the script of "Passion and Love" before.

The system did not show that he could experience life simulation.

At that time, Kitami Sumi thought it was understandable.

After all, there was only one episode of the unit drama script, and he was not the protagonist and did not have many lines.

It was normal for the life experience game to judge that he could not experience the life of the character.

"But how come I can experience it again when I play the role of a criminal?"

Kitami Sumi thought that "Night Walk" only gave him two episodes in total, at most one more episode than "Passion and Love", that's all.

Why can't the normal child character in "Passion and Love" be experienced?

On the contrary, the criminal who framed and killed people in the original work, such as Kenji Kirihara, can be experienced?

Just looking at the words [This game is designed to let users experience a perfect and happy life] on the life experience game.

Kitami Sumi was a little overwhelmed.

This is also called "perfect and happy life", right?

You are indifferent to ordinary and normal characters.

When you see a murderer, it's like a maggot smelling rotten meat, and you can't drive him away.

Kita Sumimi was speechless and couldn't help shaking his head, while looking at the life experience game page.

[Current script that meets user requirements: "Night Walk" (four stars: mainly describes the delicate entanglement and complex relationship between people)]

[Current script role that meets user requirements: Kirihara Kenji. ]

[Role type: murderer. ]

[Do you want to start experiencing this role type? Yes/No? ]

If you want to grasp the psychology of Kirihara Kenji's character, then it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to experience life for this character.

After all, it is a popular TV series, so it is better to be cautious.

After thinking about it, Kita Sumimi finally decided to experience life.

Raise your hand.

After pressing the "yes" option.

Kita Sumimi lay flat on his bed.

After a moment.

Consciousness seemed to merge into nothingness.

Only the scales of memory shine in my mind.

[You can live well alone. ]

[You must live alone. ]

[You, who have been abandoned by your parents since childhood, tell yourself this. ]

[The sunset in the distance is gloomy and deep, like a faint orange flame, trying to ignite your already silent heart. ]

[But how can a heart that has been disheartened and closed be lit up by such a weak and gloomy light? ]

[Because of your parents. ]

[You have never managed interpersonal relationships, nor have you ever longed for encounters with others. ]

[Parents are unreliable, others are unreliable, and only you are your strongest backing. ]

[This has always been your motto. ]

[You execute your own plans and never care about the eyes of your peers. ]

[When they are busy going out to sing with a few friends, you have already gone out to work. ]

[When they are busy communicating with women and longing for young love, you are studying. ]

[While they were enjoying the school festival, you were exercising. ]

[Studying, working part-time, exercising. ]

[The morning in Tokyo, the smell of oil smoke in restaurants, and the smell of sweat after exercise]

[These three things make up your life, allowing you to have rich knowledge, social experience, and a strong body that your peers don’t have just in high school. ]

[But the price is that you have become a lonely and difficult person to get along with in the eyes of your classmates. ]

[You didn’t care about these, just as usual. ]

[When the results of the first year of high school came out, you stood out among 300 students of the same age and ranked first, which surprised all the students. ]

[They have never seen your sweat in the shadows, nor have they ever seen the morning light at 5 o'clock in the morning in Tokyo. ]

[Naturally, they suspected that you used some shady means. ]

[The intention of exclusion became more and more serious. 】

【But even in this environment, there is still someone who is willing to approach you.】

"Are you going back already? Bei Cheng-san?"


"Then, can I go back with you?"

"No, are you annoying?"

Bei Cheng-shi was quite impatient, and his voice was raised.

"Get out of here!"


Looking at the back of the gloomy girl who was frightened and crawling away in a hurry.

The bright colors in Bei Cheng-shi's eyes became more and more anxious.

He didn't know the girl's name, and he didn't want to find out.

The closed heart was unwilling to communicate with others.

The only thing he knew was that the girl was the same as him in school.

Always sitting alone in the seat.

Always subconsciously asking questions to others and showing a flattering smile.

This is undoubtedly a symbol of weakness.

Bei Cheng-shi, who has always been strong even when alone, hates weak people the most.

He scolded the other person countless times.

But the next day.

The other party would still hesitate for a while, and then trembled and came forward to greet him.

Bei Chengshi was somewhat inexplicably anxious about this kind of active contact with him.

He simply packed his schoolbag and planned to leave school and go to the place where he worked.

Under the setting sun, everything looked like it had been burned by fire.

The tall buildings in Tokyo were clearly divided into two interfaces of light and dark by the sunset.

However, Kita Chengshi had just left school.

A group of malicious figures surrounded him.

Kita Chengshi knew them.

Most of them were people who couldn't stand his cold and indifferent attitude.

No matter how weak, light always attracts flies.

Kita Chengshi knew this.

I hope it won't affect my part-time job.

He stopped thinking so.

Under the alley in the gloomy sunset.

There were muffled sounds of punches.

And occasional cries of pain.

Almost five minutes passed like this.

Kita Chengshi stood in the middle.

Panting and looking at the people lying on the ground.

These people were lying on the ground with bruised faces and noses.

But he didn't feel well either.

His handsome side face was punched and swollen visibly.

His abdomen and side abdomen also felt a little burning.

It looks like I can't work today.

I can't serve customers in the restaurant with a wound on my face.

He thought so and covered his side.

He even twitched when he walked, and it was a bit painful.

He stumbled forward.

He didn't fall.

He was supported by someone.

"Bei, Bei Cheng-san!"

She was still timid and didn't dare to speak loudly.

It was the gloomy girl he drove away.

Just looking at her like this.

Bei Cheng was inexplicably angry.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to get out before?"

"I... I just saw Bei Cheng-kun being surrounded, so I thought if I could help."

Her voice was stuttering.

Her face was more rosy than the summer sunset.

But the words she said made his originally impatient voice pause.

Of course he knew how weak the girl in front of him was.

Normally, as long as he spoke a little louder.

She would be scared.

But even though she was so timid, she stopped for him.

Bei Chengshi was silent for a moment.

But soon he spoke again.

". Name."


The girl raised her face in surprise.

Under the setting sun, her profile was slightly transparent.

"I asked you what your name is! You dark and stupid woman!"

"Oh, oh! That. My name is Arima Mahiru, Kita Cheng classmate."

The gloomy girl reacted and answered hurriedly.

"Can you treat bruises?"

"Yes, a little. I learned some emergency courses when I was in elementary school."

"Help me go to the school health room."

"Oh, oh, okay, Kita Cheng classmate."

She responded awkwardly.

That obedient look was scolded by him as a "stupid woman" with disgust.

She helped him to the health room and hurriedly searched for medicines.

It was probably time to get off work, and there was no health teacher in the health room.

Thermometers were placed.

A picture of the internal organs of the human body hung on the wall.

The side of the faucet was shining brightly.

Everything seemed so quiet.

Under his instruction, she lowered her body and carefully applied medicine to him.

It was not until then that Bei Chengshi could see her face hidden under her long black hair.

Cherry pink, lovable lips.

The delicate facial features that people could not ignore.

Always frowning, as if afraid of making someone unhappy.

"Are you a stupid woman?! Don't you know to be gentle? It hurts!"

Bei Chengshi scolded her again.

For some reason, he hoped that she could refute it.

Don't always let others manipulate you, and look weak and willing to be asked for.

But she was still so obedient.

She just smiled awkwardly at him, said "oh" twice a little embarrassedly, and then lightened her hand movements.

Under the orange sunset light.

Her movements became more and more light, and she would raise her head from time to time to check if Bei Chengshi felt uncomfortable.

Her expression was so serious.

Tiny beads of sweat oozed from the tip of her white nose.

Through the bright colors outside the window, colorful bright colors were reflected.

Bei Chengshi did not continue to speak.

He just looked at her appearance, and then looked at the gradually dimming sunset outside the window.

He never liked the sunset.

Because the light of the sunset was too weak.

This light was not as gradually strong as the morning light, nor as gentle as the moonlight at night. After giving people false hope, it sank into darkness in an instant.

But anyway.

Through this experience.

He and her still had some connection.

So when she came over awkwardly again.

In response, Bei Chengshi just said "stupid woman" at most and ignored her talking to herself.

She would clumsily share with him the trivial and interesting things in life.

She would also prepare a lunch box for him from time to time because he didn't eat on time.

Although their relationship was still the same.

Bei Chengshi would still sigh and call her a ‘stupid woman’.

But even with Bei Chengshi’s bad attitude.

Her enthusiasm showed no signs of fading.

She continued to make lunch boxes for Bei Chengshi.

Even if she heard Bei Chengshi’s comments like ‘It’s not delicious at all, stupid woman’.

She still worked hard for him.

Her clumsy show of kindness left Kitumi at a loss.

Because he doesn't understand.

Why is she so obsessed with such a lonely and unsociable guy like him?

Among the classmates in high school.

There are many sunny and handsome boys.

There is absolutely no need for the other party to waste time on himself.

He is a straightforward person.

I have no habit of dragging my feet.

After noticing the problem.

He immediately approached her and asked.

And faced with Kitaki Minoru's inquiry.

Mahiru Arima was panicked for a while.

But finally the reason was revealed.

"Because, because Beicheng-san saved me before."

The shadow of memories flashed.

That was probably when Mahiru Arima had just entered high school.

At that time, her parents had just divorced.

After encountering such an unfortunate thing, I changed into a brand new environment.

This made her already soft-tempered even more overwhelmed and confused.

But weakness brings misfortune, especially external weakness.

Probably because when walking, I accidentally knocked over the pencil case of the girl in the small group.

This is just a small accident.

But even then Mahiru Arima panicked and apologized.

She had always been alone, but she was still being targeted.

What followed was what everyone knows as bullying.

Every day of school life made her feel physically and mentally exhausted.

And because that small group of girls are very popular in the class.

Everyone turned a blind eye.

That's the time.

Kitazumi stood up.

The reason why he stood up was not that he couldn't stand the clique of girls forming cliques.

It was just that he was being targeted for being a simple and lonely person.

In this regard, he who is exercising every day will naturally not spoil the other party, and he will not hold back because the other party is a girl.

Just one afternoon.

The little group fell apart - I heard that everyone was severely punished by Kitami Minoru.

after that.

Her life is back on track.

Even though he knew that Beicheng Minoru did not save him specifically.

But Mahiru Arima still has a crush on Beicheng.

She began to secretly observe Kitumi Minoru.

She knew that Beicheng actually had a part-time job outside.

I also know that Beicheng is not as withdrawn as he appears. He also studies hard in the library and exercises to hone himself.

Maybe it’s because of the saying ‘people who work hard and are very charming’.

Or maybe Kitumi Minoru had accidentally extended a helping hand to herself.

She would be annoyed that others didn't understand Kitami Minori.

He will feel aggrieved when others slander Kitaki Minoru.

Because she was his only witness.

The sweat he shed, the look of his contemplation, the figure of his efforts.

She can see it all.

It was also in the process of secretly observing him.

There is a different kind of emotion rising from my heart.

But she had never experienced such feelings before and was a little at a loss.

She didn't know how to express her feelings to Kitumi, so she could only clumsily try to say hello to him every day.

So even though he scolded her over and over again, she still clumsily wanted to express her gratitude to Kitumi Minoru and the faint feelings in her heart.

Hear this.

Kitami Minoru understood why Arima Mahiru was so concerned about his affairs.

He also knew the feelings she had for him.


"I'm sorry, I don't have those thoughts about Arima. To be precise, I don't have those thoughts about anyone."

This time, Kitumi answered very firmly.

No more 'stupid woman' sentences.


He didn't think that way, not about anyone.

Mahiru Arima is a good girl.

Even though she is clumsy and looks easy to bully, she is also a good girl.

During the time I spent with her, the gentleness and kindness she displayed really touched my heart.

But he is not a good person.

His heart had long since fallen silent.

He couldn't be illuminated by Arima Mahiru's light, which was as weak as the setting sun.

He knew that he was cold-tempered and didn't care about anyone, so he didn't want her to have unrealistic fantasies.

It's better to refuse decisively here.

This is also for her own good.

After saying this.

Kitaki Minoru turned around and left.

He walked very quickly, with almost no sloppiness.

Because he found out.

At this time, he was actually a little afraid to see the tears shining in Arima Mahiru's eyes.

A slight sobbing sound sounded from behind.

His steps fell forward.

More urgent.

And now think about it again.

At that time, I refused Arima Mahiru.

Perhaps it is the most regretful decision I have ever made in my life.

Time returns to the present.

In the quiet woods of the park.

Staring at the fallen man in front of him.

Kitazumi didn't hesitate at all.

Ignoring her shouts in his ears, he thrust the shining dagger in his hand into the opponent's arms.

The blood flowed out instantly.

The colors smudged out - making the sunset that slanted in even redder.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

Kitaki Minoru also dropped his short sword, feeling the life disappear from his hands.

She cried and hugged him, refusing to let go.

But he understood.

He has embarked on a path from which there is absolutely no turning back.

This road is deep and dark, and there is no light at all.

"As expected."

Kitasumi murmured to himself, staring at the setting sun.

Even with Mahiru by his side.

He was still not used to the light of the setting sun.

Chapter 2! 4600 words!

Thanks to Xiaojie for the 1500 starting coins reward! Thanks to the time saint for the 600 starting coins reward! Thank you very much!

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