Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 143 Ratings are Justice (4400 words)

The next filming of "Night Walk" went surprisingly smoothly.

The main reason is that Rie Kitayama, who usually puts on a bad show, seems to be getting serious.

Shiraishi Jun can clearly see that her performance is much more delicate than before.

Of course, the more important thing is that as the male protagonist, Kitaki Minoru did not let up.

This child obviously only got two days of scripts.

But it felt like I had been immersed in the script of "Night Walk" for several months.

The role of Kirihara Kenji is very well controlled.

Sometimes, Shiraishi Jun feels like Kitazumi Minoru Kirihara Kenji.

The fear and hesitation after accidentally killing his father.

The clumsy but youthful expression of love when she is attracted to the closed-minded Miho Nishizono.

It was as if in another world, Kitazumi Minoru really met Nishizono Miho.

"Have you already started learning English at this age? That's amazing."

Clumsy inquiries and sounds of pursuit.

"I heard that many of my peers are also taking English lessons."

Under the night light.

Kirihara Kenji continues to try to get closer to Miho Sazono.

"I saw you by the river yesterday. What were you doing? It would be dangerous if you don't go home at night."

Kirihara Kenji leaned over with some concern.

But these words of concern caused an extremely complicated expression to appear on Miho Nishizono's face.


This word should be warm and bright to every child.

But for her, the word 'home'.

All it brought her was endless pain.

The man's heavy breathing made her shudder.

Her mother's flattering smile made her even more nauseous.

But what she hates most is living in this environment and being unable to save herself.

She ran forward.

Kirihara Kenji originally wanted to chase him.

But the red light came on.

The zebra crossing on the street separated the two people.

She raised her head and looked at Kirihara Kenji.

The deep pain in his eyes is in sharp contrast to the innocence and beauty of Kirihara Kenji.

She stood there.

There is no light at that end, only depth and darkness.

He's standing here.

Behind him is the brightly lit city of Tokyo.

The two just stared at each other.

Light and dark contrast.

Dark and bright colors intertwined

"It's amazing."

Is Kitazumi really only 8 years old?

Why do you feel like your acting skills are so proficient?

Otsu Makisai felt that he had really underestimated this servant.

Not only the crying scene, but also other scenes, the other party is very familiar with it.

Watching Minoru Kitumi act is like actually watching the TV series "Night Walk" live.

It feels completely different.

He wanted to continue reading.

Originally, he planned to leave after watching the crying scene and go back to work.

As a result, I was "retained" by Kitumi Minoru's acting skills, and I have stayed here until now.

This made him feel like he had made a mistake - Damn it, I'm afraid he's going to have to stay up late and work overtime to complete his work tonight.

He looked confused here.

On the other side, Shiraishi Jun made a gesture without hesitation.

"Okay! Click! This one is passed!"

"Thank you for your hard work! Today's filming ends here!"

The field manager made a gesture and took out a loudspeaker.

This also made all the tense people present relax at once.

Even Kitazumi Minoru is no exception.

Because Jun Shiraishi's filming team is indeed different from other filming teams.

Everything is planned in order.

It's like an extremely efficient machine.

The actors are thrown in, like gears biting into the machine, and they will follow the pace of the filming crew even if they are reluctant.

Just like he is now.

It has been more than four hours since I joined the filming crew.

During this period, I just rested for ten minutes and drank some water.

The rest of the time is either touching up makeup or rehearsing.

The time was planned to be extremely compact.

No wonder Rie Kitayama would secretly call Shiraishi Jun the 'sub-killer'.

With this kind of work intensity, it would indeed be very difficult for Ziyi, whose average age is only over ten years old, to follow a movie.

But it was just right for him.

Kitumi sat down comfortably and watched the people in the "Night Walk" filming crew pack their things.

But he hasn't been watching for long.

A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind.


"Huh? Oh, it's Director Shiraishi."

Suddenly someone spoke behind him, and even Kitumi was startled.

He turned around subconsciously, only to find that Bai Shichun was stuck behind him like a big wooden stake.

He was a little speechless.

It's okay for this wooden director to not speak on weekdays, but suddenly standing behind him and talking is really scary.

"Today was tough."

Under the light, the expressionless Shiraishi Jun handed over a bottle of water.

"Thank you, Director Shiraishi."

Kitaki took the water and thanked the other party.


Shiraishi Jun nodded. He still said very few words. He just took one more look at Kitaki Minoru and then simply turned around and left.

Kitazumi Minoru was about to take a drink of water.


"Little brother Beicheng, was it Ziyi who killed Director Shiraishi just now?"

It suddenly jumped out of nowhere.

Kitayama Rie looked surprised: "He is actually willing to buy you water?"

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Kitayama Rie didn't quite understand Kitayama Rie's expression.

It's not uncommon for a director to buy a bottle of water when he sees an actor is thirsty.

"Generally speaking, it's not uncommon! But that's Director Shiraishi!"

Kitayama Rie approached, her face full of disbelief.

"I've been with him in two dramas, but he hasn't bought me a bottle of water."


She has known Shiraishi Jun for a long time.

She followed him for half a year in the last drama.

But she has never seen him take the initiative to buy water for actors to comfort them.

When he asked the actors to come over, he mostly made requests for their acting skills.

It's okay to say that he doesn't treat actors as human beings at all.

But it was this kind of 'wooden director' who actually took the initiative to buy water for Kitayama?

This is indeed a bit unprecedented.

"It seems that Director Shiraishi likes you very much."

She simply concluded, and for the first time there was a sense of envy in her tone.

"Is that so?"

Kitayama Rie didn't think as much as she thought.

The wooden director Shiraishi Jun was expressionless at best, so he was not given any special treatment.

Compared to that——

"When is the weekly broadcast time of "Night Walk"? Sister Kitayama?"

Kitasumi asked curiously.

He had just received the script for two days.

In addition to playing the life experience game, he had been memorizing the lines.

He didn't remember the shooting and broadcasting time of "Night Walk" at all.

"Huh? Oh, it's probably every Friday night from 8 to 9."

"Prime time?"

Kitasumi was a little surprised-he had never fought such a rich battle.

The so-called "prime time" refers to the general term for the time period when the number of Japanese TV viewers is the most widely turned on.

Generally from 8 to 11 pm.

The most Japanese people watch TV programs during this time period-after a whole day's work, of course they want to turn on the TV and take a rest.

After 11 pm, it is almost the rest time for most viewers, and the number of people watching TV will slowly decrease.

Kita Sumimi's previous show "Human Investigation: Children's Special" is a 'late night' variety show after 11pm.

If you count carefully.

This is Kita Sumimi's first time to appear in prime time.

"I don't know what the final result will be." Kita Sumimi touched his chin and muttered to himself.

The average ratings of each episode of "Night Walk" are 13.08%.

In other words, as long as it exceeds 13.08% or reaches 13.08%.

Then the eleventh episode of "Night Walk" starring him this time is excellent.

After all, for TV dramas in the current Japanese industry, even if they can maintain double-digit ratings, it is already considered particularly remarkable.

Of course, these are not the most important.

The most important thing is how much fame he can bring to himself by appearing in "Night Walk".

You know, this is a prime-time TV drama.

If he can leave a deep impression in the eyes of many viewers.

It is conceivable that his fame will grow further - even the late-night reality show "Human Investigation" has brought him 20,000 to 30,000 followers.

"Night Walk" should be more, not less, right?

Bei Chengshi had a vague expectation.

If it can really succeed, it can attract viewers and increase the number of followers by more than 100,000, plus his current number of more than 100,000 followers.

The total is more than 200,000.

His idea of ​​taking external advertisements is no longer a dream!

You know, CM advertisements are the biggest source of income for Japanese actors - one advertisement is paid 10 or 20 million yen.

In other words.

"Night Walk" may be a huge cornerstone for him to get rid of poverty and become rich - he has only saved more than 1 million yen so far.

Compared with the future high school entrance examination and financial independence, this more than 1 million yen is not enough at all.

Although Bei Chengyoubo still has some spare money on hand.

But he can't really cheat all the money of his own big salted radish away, right?

That's too much.

He was still thinking about repaying the kindness of his cheap aunt, Kita Cheng Youbo, for adopting him.

But he hasn't repaid the kindness yet, and he's sucking the other person's blood?

This is inappropriate no matter how you think about it, isn't it?

"Anyway, no matter how you look at it now, you have to see the ratings of "Night Walk" on Friday."

Kita Chengshi has a strong ability to adjust himself.

He suppressed his inner restlessness and looked forward to the performance of "Night Walk" on Friday.

If the ratings are bad, he, as a male role, will also be scolded by many viewers - the fanaticism of mystery fans in the island country is not ordinary.

But if the ratings are good, he can also make a lot of money - at least he can also enjoy the huge popularity brought by "Night Walk", the hottest Japanese drama of the season.

This is a double-edged sword.

Whether this double-edged sword can be used well.

It all depends on the ratings performance of "Night Walk" in the future.

Time passed quickly.

The shooting time of "Night Walk" is four or five days, and it has come to the fourth day in a blink of an eye.

Because Kita Chengshi has been performing steadily.

In addition, Kitayama Rie did not slack off and kept working at her full capacity.

The filming of the eleventh episode of "Night Walk" was extremely smooth and fast.

It took only four days.

Not only has the eleventh episode of "Night Walk" been filmed.

Even the twelfth episode of "Night Walk" has started.

"Okay! That's all for today's work!"

The steward clapped his hands, indicating that everyone could rest.

At the same time, it was Shiraishi Jun's voice calling.

"Beicheng-kun, come here."

Originally, it was like this kind of thing where "director Shiraishi" Jun took the initiative to call a certain actor.

The staff present should be surprised and find it incredible.

You know that is Shiraishi Jun.

Really big lumps of ice and wooden piles.

Some staff members even doubted whether their director was a robot and were so indifferent to everyone, both actors and staff.

But since Beicheng Minoru came.

And they found out.

The 'big ice lump' of my own director seems to be showing signs of 'melting'.

Shiraishi Jun took the initiative to approach Kitaki Minu more than once.

I also gave him water and asked him how he was doing.

I even had a meal with Kitaki Minoru at noon today.

This is incredible.

Don’t talk about eating on weekdays.

Jun Shiraishi rarely spends time chatting with actors.

Is the charm of that boy named Kitazumi Minori really that great?

If Minoru Kitazumi had just come to the filming crew of "Night Walk" four days ago.

There may also be a question here.

But now.

As long as they are the staff of the "Night Walk" shooting team, they will basically give a positive answer——

There really is!

Kitaki is straightforward in her work, and her handsome and lovely face has an indescribable charm.

Of course, the most important thing is that his acting skills are very reliable!

Basically, the shooting tasks are exceeded every time, so they rarely work overtime.

You can even get off work more than an hour earlier than usual.

This is equivalent to giving them an extra hour of vacation for no reason.

Who doesn't like this kind of servant?

So when I heard Shiraishi Jun call Kitaki Minori's name again.

All the staff looked calm and continued with the work at hand.

"Director Shiraishi, do you have something to do with me?"

Kitaki Minoru's hands were covered in blood - he had just finished performing the scene of stabbing his father to death, and he came over before he could wipe off the artificial plasma on his hands.

"Do you need me to give you the ratings statistics of "Night Walk"?"

Shiraishi Jun's words were as crisp as ever.

After all, we have been together for four days.

Kitazumi is a little concerned about the ratings data.

Shiraishi Jun also vaguely noticed it, so he asked.

After all, today is Friday.

The eleventh episode of "Night Walk" is officially released.

But Kitami Minori didn't have any time to relax - she would need to transfer to Kyoto immediately for the filming of "Swordsman Den".

He simply doesn't have time to pay attention to the ratings data.

That's why Jun Shiraishi was thinking about sending a "Night Walk" ratings data sheet to Minoru Kitazumi.

"If it's not particularly troublesome to Director Shiraishi, then I really want to have a look."

Beicheng was not rude.

He originally cared about the ratings data of "Night Walk".

Shiraishi Chun was willing to take the initiative to tell him, and he naturally couldn't ask for it.


Shiraishi Jun didn't waste any time and casually wrote down the other party's request in the memo.

Also pick up the megaphone.

"Tonight is the day when the eleventh episode of "Night Walk" will be aired. Please remember to have a good rest when you go back and prepare for next week's filming."

He spoke like this.

The original intention may be to keep the staff present in a good state of relaxation.

But the words were just spoken.

This left everyone present speechless.

Director Bingtuozi. If you don’t know how to comfort people, just stop talking, okay?

Doesn’t this put us under psychological pressure for nothing?

In the Japanese industry, there is a saying used to describe TV dramas.

It’s called ‘Ratings Are Justice’.

"Night Walk" is an adaptation of the popular mystery novel.

Every episode of "Night Travel" is filmed.

The pressure on the staff present was never less than that of Kitaki Minoru.

After all, the filming of TV series is not like that of movies, where the final result can be predicted by the box office.

It's been a while waiting for the ratings results.

It goes without saying that the ratings are good.

As the crew of "Night Walk", they can walk sideways on the TV station.

Even if you dance in the office, the boss will nod and applaud you, saying that you dance well.

But if the series is not recognized by the audience.

Ratings and reviews dropped.

Then they will also be scolded.

If you walk in a TV station, you may get a look from the boss - this is the so-called ratings equal justice.

Of course the psychological pressure can also be imagined.

After filming the eleventh episode, my heart, which had finally calmed down, was raised again by Shiraishi Jun's words.

This reverse operation was too terrifying, and of course they wanted to complain.

It just doesn’t matter whether you want to complain or whether you are under pressure.

The eleventh episode of "Night Walk" will be broadcast on Fuji Channel at 8pm tonight.

Whether it's Kitami Minoru or the staff of "Night Walk".

At this time, everyone is waiting for a result.

Thank you for the 500 starting coin reward for determined to be a bad guy, and thank you for the 100 starting coin reward for Locke Luthor! Thank you so much!

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