Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 146: Such a strong sense of oppression! (4400 words!)

The filming of the twelfth episode of "Night Walk" was not complicated.

After all, it mainly tells the story of Kenji Kirihara and Miho Nishizono meeting, getting to know each other, and finally pretending not to know each other.

In the deep river.

Kenji Kirihara, played by Kita Sumimi, looked at Miho Nishizono in front of him with a panic.

In the adapted story of "Night Walk".

Miho Nishizono, who was bullied in her childhood, has been looking for white flowers that can bloom in the mud.

In order to fulfill her wish, Kenji Kirihara found a paper-cutting tutorial and cut out a crystal clear "white flower" for her.

The moment she saw the crystal white flower.

Miho Nishizono immediately went down into the river and wanted to take the white flower into her hands.

But the paper-made white flower drifted away with the river.

White flower.

This symbolizes that although she suffered dirty bullying, it is also her wish to bloom in the mud called "adults".

But she could only watch the white flower drift away.

At that moment.

A feeling of powerlessness and helplessness surged from her heart.

The strong shell made of paper all the time.

It was also taken off at this moment.

Tears also flowed out.

"It's okay, Miho-chan, that white flower was actually made by me with scissors."

A soft, as if protecting some fragile comfort.

Kenji Kirihara spoke awkwardly.

His eyes were full of comfort.

He didn't know what the white flower born from the mud meant to Nishizono Miho.

He only knew that he had done something wrong, so Nishizono Miho cried.

But he was just a child.

He didn't know how to comfort others.

So he could only sit awkwardly beside her.

He told her word by word about his process from looking for information, to self-learning paper cutting, to deceiving her with fake white flowers.

"Miho-chan, I'm sorry for deceiving you with fake white flowers."

When he said this.

Kenji Kirihara's head dropped down in guilt, and he whispered an apology to Miho Nishizono in front of him.

He was so kind.

Even if he concealed the truth, Miho Nishizono would not know.

He was also so clumsy.

At such a young age, he could only express his immature love for Miho Nishizono through this method.

Under the light.

The small hand stretched out, but finally put it down.

Kita Sumi looked up and down.

There was an indescribable brilliance of guilt and self-blame.


If it was Kenji Kirihara.

He would definitely have such an expression.

Because he hurt Miho Nishizono with a lie.

Hurt the girl he loved.

The wind passed silently.

Blowing her hair.

But it couldn't take away her tears.

Kita Sumi and the others were still filming.

Assistant director Misaki Morinaga was also a little surprised.

"Director Shiraishi, Kitasumi-kun's condition doesn't seem to be affected at all. Is his psychological adjustment ability so strong?"

She exclaimed in surprise and turned her eyes to Shiraishi Jun beside her.

"Yeah. It's really amazing."

Shiraishi Jun also nodded and affirmed her statement.

Generally speaking.

In order to avoid putting pressure on the sub-actors, their filming crew generally does not reveal the ratings to the sub-actors.

This is also an important reason why he asked Kitasumi in advance whether the ratings statistics were needed.

After all, unlike adult actors with strong psychological acceptance, sub-actors are generally not mature mentally.

If the ratings are quite good, then everything is fine.

But if the ratings are not ideal, or even a big decline.

The impact on the sub-actors will be great.

Sub-actors with milder conditions will be restrained and their acting skills will get worse and worse.

And for some sub-actors with poor psychological tolerance, they will even doubt themselves fundamentally.

There are more than 30,000 actors in the industry now, and a large part of them have psychological problems because of the ratings and box office failures or even Waterloo when they debuted.

Even if they have good acting skills, they will think of the previous failures. No matter how they act, they will still be restrained and unable to show it on the scene, and then they will be lost in the crowd.

This kind of thing is common in the industry.

Like this time, the ratings of "Night Walk" fell sharply.

Even some of the staff of the "Night Walk" shooting team can't accept it and sigh all day long.

After all, the original work of "Night Walk" has a wide foundation, and Fuji TV attaches great importance to this TV series and reserves it for them in the prime time.

Such a big advantage still has a decline in ratings.

Of course, they find it difficult to accept.

But what about Kita Sumire?

This freak is only 8 years old, which is the most vulnerable period of life.

But it seems that he is not affected by the outside world's reputation at all.

He is getting more and more into the state.

His acting is getting better and better.

Obviously, the previous scene was mainly about Kitayama Rie.

But with his excellent acting skills.

He almost became a one-man show.

What kind of "spring-type role" is this?

The greater the difficulty, the stronger he is?

Looking at Kitasumi who performed so well.

"This is really a natural role."

Morinaga Misaki couldn't help but sigh again.

In terms of acting skills, mentality, and excellent appearance, Kitasumi is not bad in all three, and is even better than some adults.

He is only eight years old, and he is simply born to be a role.

She sighed over there.

On the other side, Kitasumi Minoru also finished filming the last shot of the twelfth episode of "Night Walk".

He took the initiative to come over and asked with a smile.

"Director Shiraishi, there shouldn't be any problem with the ratings of "Night Walk" this time, right?"

Another four days have passed, and tomorrow is the time for "Night Walk" to be broadcast.

He just asked this casually.

It's similar to asking the director if he has confidence.

According to general logic.

At this time, the director should nod without hesitation, indicating that there is no problem at all.

After all, one of the director's work links is to encourage the members of the filming crew.


"If you act well, people will naturally watch it."


Listening to Shiraishi Jun's words, Kitasumi Minoru shook his head.

Well, this icy director is still as "good at talking" as always.

But it's true.

How can the ratings be high even if the acting is not good?

He and Kitayama Rie can be said to have performed very well.

If the ratings are still not high, then he really has no choice - he can't point at the audience and scold them for being blind, right?

"Kitasumi-kun, why are you running so fast? Here's a hot towel for you."

He followed him from behind with a panting sound.

Rie Kitayama handed the hot towel prepared by the filming crew to Kitasumi.

Looking at Kitasumi who smiled and nodded, and seemed to be unconcerned.

Rie Kitayama was also secretly amazed.

After spending a week together, she fully understood what a monster was.

This is not just a problem of acting.

The most important thing is that Kitasumi's physical fitness is also terrifyingly strong.

You know, it's December now.

It's getting cold in Tokyo, and the temperature has dropped sharply.

It was only five or six degrees the other day.

Just now, when she and Kitasumi were filming in the river, it was so cold that it was piercing.

Add to that the cold wind that blew from time to time when filming outdoors.

Even though she was wrapped in a towel, she couldn't help but shiver.

But what about Kitasumi in front of her?

He was covered in water just like her, but he didn't seem to have any problems at all.

Her face was also healthy and red, and she didn't look frozen at all.

Although she was a good friend of Kitasumi, this guy was really a freak.

And he was the kind that she couldn't compare to.

Of course, while she was secretly surprised, she didn't forget to stretch comfortably-

"The last episode of "Night Walk" has finally been filmed."

Her words were full of relief.

After all, after the filming of "Night Walk" was over, she no longer worked under Shiraishi Jun.

She finally escaped from this guy! Free!

How could she not be happy?


Kitasumi looked at Shiraishi Jun who stood up again.

This little girl really remembered to eat but not to be beaten.

The big ice cube was still sticking.

Why can't she control her mouth?

Seeing her crying again and being called to the other side by Shiraishi Jun.

Kitasumi shook her head speechlessly.

But it was just as Kitayama Rie said.

The filming of "Night Walk" was almost over here.

The ratings of the eleventh episode last week were a disastrous defeat.

This also made him work very hard in the filming of "Night Walk" this week.

"I hope the ratings will be ideal this time."

He thought so.

As for whether to slap the faces of those film critics who fanned the flames and criticized him last week?

This is a matter of convenience.

To put it bluntly.

As long as the ratings are high, even if Kita Chengshi doesn't take the initiative to slap them in the face, their faces will be swollen.

After all, the phrase "ratings are justice" is not said in vain.

With such thoughts in mind.

Kita Chengshi is vaguely looking forward to the ratings of "Night Walk" after it is broadcast tomorrow.

What Kita Chengshi didn't expect was.

After finishing elementary school courses on Friday, he didn't wait for the ratings, but waited for a heavy snow.

It was really heavy snow.

It was probably around one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

In just two or three hours, a shallow layer of snow had accumulated on the ground.

The snowflakes fell down in a flocculent manner.

The withered branches were covered with a layer of white.

The low buildings in the distance were also covered with snow.

It looked very beautiful.

Many elementary school students of the same age cheered in the snow.

Only Kita Sumire sat at the desk, staring at the snowflakes falling from the sky and shaking his head.

The weather was getting colder and colder.

He had already prepared for the possibility of snow.

But it snowed too early.

The most important thing was——

"It's snowing so hard, and the traffic seems to be blocked."

Leaning against the window, Kita Sumire supported his face.

He didn't hate snow.

It's just that in Japan, it's very common for trains to stop running and airplanes to stop flying on the same day due to extreme weather such as heavy snow or typhoons.

The snow was so heavy.

It only took a short while to lay a shallow layer.

How bad will the weather be later?

He definitely won't be able to go to Kyoto to shoot "Kengouden" today.

And the fact is just as Kitasumi thought.

Tamura Koji called and said that Kyoto was also experiencing heavy snowfall. For safety reasons, they probably couldn't go to Kyoto today.

There was also a small episode.

Director Tanaka Kenzo seemed to be running around in a panic on the Kyoto set.

After all, this was the snowy weather he had dreamed of.

If everything goes well, it will be possible to capture the scene - the most beautiful part in "Rejuvenation" is the snow scene.

But his precious protagonist has no way of getting to Kyoto.

Isn’t this a waste of the beautiful snow scenery?

The bald director was a little angry.

We even asked several people in the industry to inquire about the situation - even if we borrowed a private plane, Kitumi would have to be 'airlifted' there.

However, the matter eventually came to nothing.

Kenzo Tanaka personally called to tell Minoru Kitumi that she must rush to the filming crew if she finds an opportunity tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

There was a tinge of gritted teeth in the words.

Even through the phone, Kitumi Minoru could hear it.

Don’t say it’s Kenzo Tanaka.

The situation on his side is not optimistic either.

It's snowing too hard.

Public transportation facilities in the city are basically out of service.

There was really no other way, Kitami Minoru could only ask Tamura Koji to pick him up and take him to the AR sub-service training center.

Anyway, it is impossible to shoot "Swordsman Den" today.

It's better to stay in the training center and watch what happens in the twelfth episode of "Night Flight".

He made a special trip to call Beicheng Yuha at home and told him that he would probably go back later tonight.

Then he went to the AR training center.

There is actually a TV set inside the AR training center.

After all, sometimes training teachers will ask for leave for personal matters and will not be available at all times.

At that time, the actors could also receive acting training through video tapes and other methods.

But before that——

"Maejima, Ogawa, you two are enough, right?"

He pushed up the glasses on his smooth nose.

Haneda Rika's face was full of disgust.

Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsuya Ogawa, two guys who had been well educated by Kitami Minoru, were gathering with a bunch of B-movies to discuss the ratings failure of "Night Walk".

From time to time, you can still hear "joyful" laughter from them.

These two guys have been spreading the news about "Night Walk"'s ratings failure to other sub-agents in the training center since last week.

She was tired of hearing it.

"Isn't it that Beicheng-kun taught you two a lesson before? And you two did it on your own, so are you like this now?"

After all, he is Kitazumi's friend.

Haneda Rika spoke simply.


"We are telling the truth. The ratings of "Night Walk" have indeed dropped seriously. That guy, Commander-in-Chief Beicheng, is the main protagonist, so he must have some responsibility that he cannot shirk!"

Maejima Shinjiro ‘hem’ smiled happily - finally giving him a breath of bad breath!

You must know that since Kitami taught them a lesson.

Their life was extremely difficult.

If you see each other on weekdays, you should take a detour.

If you meet someone head-on, you have to say hello respectfully.

It was so frustrating.

But now Beicheng is really in despair!

Of course they want to beat each other up and add insult to injury.

In other words, they are only ten years old and cannot drink.

Otherwise, there would probably be several bottles of champagne opened by now.

Kitazumi Minoru, the submissive devil's new drama hits the streets! This is simply something worth celebrating!

"And what do you mean by 'teaching' us two a lesson? Haneda, please don't talk nonsense."

Katsuya Ogawa now stretched out his finger and corrected his expression seriously.

"At that time, we really misjudged the strength of that guy Beicheng!"


"It's different now! There are five of us this time!"

Kitumi Minoru was away from filming "Night Walk" these days.

They have brought back the old small group.

Now there are five of them!

If Kitazumi comes back this time.

They must let him know what it means that "the era of Kitazumi Minoru is over".

The more they talked, the more excited they became.

Several male servants nearby also echoed.

It seemed that they had already imagined the scene of trampling Kitumi Minori hard in their minds.


"Oh? It seems that Ogawa-san and Maeshima-san have been a little unbehaved during the two days I was away."

A voice like a reminder suddenly sounded from behind.

Ogawa Katsuya and Maeshima Shinjiro were stunned for a moment, and then heartfelt fear rose from their hearts.

They turned their heads tremblingly.

Looking behind him, Kitumi Minoru tilted his head and looked at him with a smile.

"You guys seem to be talking about something interesting."

With a smile on his face, but no hint of smile in his expression, Kitumi took a step forward.

Under the light.

His small shadow enveloped Shinjiro Maeshima and Katsuya Ogawa in front of him.

The two swallowed at this moment.

The other three subservients who just shouted, "Hokusumi Minoru's time has passed."

At this moment, I am living in the shadow of Beicheng Minoru, too scared to say a word.

Sure enough, it doesn’t work!

Until the moment when he faced Kitaki Minoru.

Katsuya Ogawa and Shinjiro Maeshima just discovered it.

What numerical advantage.

Why Beicheng Shi is already in despair.

These are just farts!

This feeling of oppression from Kitaki Minoru is too strong!

They couldn't even resist!

Just when I saw him, my whole body felt soft.

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