Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 151 Broken and Charmed (4400 words!)

Kitazumi Minoru is an industry prostitute who belongs to the AR prostitute training center.

Compare it to my own Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

Kitaki Minoru is just a second-rate servant who has just joined the industry.

Of course, it cannot be ignored here that the other party has indeed been very impressive recently - he has appeared as the main protagonist in two works, "Natsuko Kidnapped" and "Night Walk".

Develop along this line.

Kitami Minoru becoming a first-class actor in the industry is just a matter of fans accumulating.

Think of this.

Kusakabe Hezi was also slightly relieved.

Although her own troublesome Shibaizumi-chan does have good intentions for Kitazumi Minoru.

But if Beicheng really belongs to that kind of 'scumbag male servant' with no ambition at all.

She couldn't just watch her lovely 'sister' jump into the fire pit - although it was indeed a bit weird to use the adjective 'scumbag' to describe a child who was only eight years old.

But Kitumi Minoru gave her the impression that she was the type who would be very good at deceiving girls when she grew up.

Of course, Kusakabe Hezi must be careful not to let Hosokawa Shibaizumi 'be deceived'.


He looked at Hosokawa Shibaizumi with his little feet crossed in the rearview mirror and staring out the window with big expectant eyes.

“If you want to say ‘being deceived’, then this is already ‘being deceived’, right?”


Known as Hokkaido’s best souvenir, ‘Shiroi Koibito’ biscuits are not cheap—really not cheap.

The regular version costs 1,800 yen per box.

She still remembered that day Hosokawa Shibaizumi stood in front of the specialty store and hesitated for a long time.

In the end, I gritted my teeth and used my pocket money to buy the deluxe version - 18,000 yen per box, which comes with packaging.

There is absolutely no problem in saying that he has been trapped by this bad boy, Kitumi Minori.

But forget it.

Kusakabe Koko focused her energy on driving.

Anyway, the only one who has a close relationship with Kitazumi Minoru is Shibaizumi-chan, who likes to cause trouble.

So it doesn't matter.

She thought so when she saw that she was approaching the home address of Beicheng Minoru.

Then he changed the direction slightly and drove the car towards the nearby underground parking lot.

While parking the car, she didn't forget to look back at Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

"Chaizumi-chan, I'm going to see Beicheng-kun, the one you miss so much. Do you want to put on some light makeup? I just happened to bring a makeup box."

"I'm not thinking about that annoying guy! Sister Hezi, don't talk nonsense!"

She only spoke half of what she said.

He was hurriedly interrupted by Hosokawa Shibaizumi, who seemed to have stepped on a puppy's tail.

I'm really anxious.

The cute little face that was hidden under the beret and covered by beautiful bangs was slightly red.

The little tiger teeth hidden under Yingpin's lips were also exposed, and she felt like she was desperately trying to defend herself.

When I saw my boy servant, he still looked so dishonest.

Kusakabe Hezi also rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little headache.

No, not at all!

We're already meeting, and we're still being so dishonest.

How is it possible to capture a boy's heart?

Kusakabe Hezi stopped being secretive and spoke very simply.

"Shibaizumi-chan is so dishonest, even if she is cute, no boys will like her."


Hosokawa Shibaizumi was stunned for a moment, but the next second she was a little unconvinced, her pink lips squirmed, and she wanted to refute.


"Girls! You should pick up all the weapons at hand, so that you can capture a man's heart! If Shibaizumi-chan is picky, even if she really likes Beicheng-kun, she may be beaten in the end. He eats it and throws it away!”


Although I don’t quite understand what Kusakabe Heko means by ‘eat it dry and wipe it clean’.

But the last sentence is ‘throw it away’.

Six-year-old Hosokawa Shibaizumi is still very clear.

Being abandoned. Does that mean not being friends with her?

Will Kitazumi stop being friends with her?

This is really possible!

Hosokawa Shibaizumi thought of the photo of Rie Kitayama showing off her and Minoru Kitazumi some time ago.

The annoying guy in the photo is smiling so happily.

She had never seen that annoying guy smiling so happily in front of her.

Most of the time, he looked at her helplessly and dotingly.


The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

An indescribable sense of crisis surged in my little heart.

Does the annoying guy already hate himself?

Tired of yourself already?

It seems that I have always been making him angry.

I never listened to him obediently

The thought of this.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi raised his cute face in a panic.

"S-Sure, I'd better put on makeup. I'm sorry to bother Sister Hezi."

He clenched his little fists.

Although I don’t like wearing makeup, I do it to prevent haters from hating me.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi felt that he could still work a little harder.

"That's right! That's it! Shibaizumi-chan! You are also our Marigold Office's clerk after all, a second-rate clerk in the industry! You will be attracted to you in no time! I will fall in love with you!"

Kusakabe Koko's eyes lit up, and she joined hands and began to put makeup on Hosokawa Shibaizumi, vowing to arm her to the teeth.

You must be so fascinated by Kitaki Minoru that you can't take your eyes away the moment you meet her!

"Really? Will the annoying Minoru-chan like it?"

Hosokawa Shibaizumi asked doubtfully as he closed his eyes tightly because he was putting on makeup.

"Definitely! Not everyone is like you, Shibaizumi-chan!"

She answered without hesitation.

"You are the best in the industry with an annual income of 18 million yen! This year, your income exceeded 30 million yen! This is amazing. Kitazumi-kun has probably never seen so much money in his life. ? Who can compete with Chai Quan-chan?”


At just six years old, his income exceeded 30 million yen.

Who couldn't stand it and pointed at Hosokawa Shibaizumi and said "genius son-in-law"?

I really want to say someone who can compete with Hosokawa Shibaizumi on the same stage.

Only monsters like Akiyama Shion, who earned 100 million yen this year, and a very small number of prostitutes in the industry can compare with Hosokawa Shibaizumi.


"You must show confidence, Chai Quan-chan, don't worry, you will definitely succeed."

She put on a light layer of makeup for Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

The originally cute and energetic face of the other party now has an extra layer of indescribable charm.

very good!

Kusakabe Hezi looked at the 'masterpiece' in front of him and was very satisfied.

In this way, if she doesn't believe it, she can't seduce Kitaki Minoru!

Isn't this a small second-rate servant in the industry being pinched by their own Hosokawa Shibaizumi?

She is full of confidence.

Then he turned his attention to the apartment building where Kitumi lived.

Now, are you still worried that you won’t obey?


"Miss Firgi."


"Your Daisy Troupe's signature servant, Akiyama Shion, probably doesn't have that much free time to visit other servants' homes, right?"

With a stiff smile on her lips, Kusakabe Hezi looked at Sugi Shoko.

The words are full of crowding.

"Oh my, this is so true - isn't it the same at the Marigold Office? It must be difficult for the new generation of genius, Hosokawa Shibaizumi, to find time, right?"

His expression didn't change much, Sugi Xiangzi blinked.

Although she smiled so brightly, the yin and yang meaning in her words was quite obvious.

The visitor is not good!

This was the only thought after Kusakabe Hezi and Sugi Shoko looked at each other.

Mainly because the two of them had never thought about it.

Kitazumi not only has a good relationship with Hosokawa Shibaizumi, but is even involved with Akiyama Shion!

Hosokawa Shibaizumi and Akiyama Shiyin.

These two are both top performers in the industry today.

In terms of popularity and charm, no one is worse than anyone else.

And the most important thing is——

Look at Qiu Shan Shiyin, who stands gracefully like a peony flower.

Kusakabe Hezi clenched his fists.

Damn woman!

In order to seduce his underage slave, he actually put on a layer of light makeup on his own slave!

This method is simply despicable!

Is this person really qualified to be an agent?

Kusakabe Hezi smiled on the surface, but actually gritted his teeth.

And the same with her.

On the other side, Sugi Shoko thought so too.

She took a deep look at Hosokawa Shibaizumi, who was holding the gift box like a treasure.

Under the light of the elevator, her raised face looked indescribably lively and cute.

This made Sugi Xiangzi grit his teeth.

Damn woman!

He actually chose to let Ziyi bring dessert to that guy Kitazumi Minoru?

Do you want to start from the stomach pouch?

‘White Lover’ cookies? Is it that particularly famous Hokkaido specialty?

You bastard. Just be careful!

Don’t you have the dignity of being an agent?

Shoko Sugi appears to be amiable on the surface, but is actually very angry.

In order to pave the way for the children of each family on the road of love.

Both of them were considered top-notch agents in the industry. The look in their eyes at this moment lost the warmth they usually had when meeting each other.

I wish I could just kill each other with the look in each other's eyes.

In contrast, their respective agents looked full of anger.

Akiyama Shion and Hosokawa Shibaizumi were both a little surprised.

The two of them have collaborated before.

Hosokawa Shiaizumi also affectionately called Akiyama Shion ‘Sister Shion’.

It can also be seen from this that the relationship between the two of them is quite good.

"Chaizumi-chan came here this time to see if there is anything wrong with Minoru-chan?"

Taking a small step to the side, Akiyama Shion asked Hosokawa Shibaizumi curiously.

"Huh? I'm here to celebrate the annoying guy. What's that Shiyin sister here for?"

Hosokawa Shibaizumi looked at Akiyama Shion strangely.

"Is it Shibaizumi-chan too? What a coincidence. I'm here to celebrate Minoru-chan too."

A bright smile appeared, and Akiyama Shiyin answered.

"It's great! With Sister Shiyin here, no annoying person can bully me."

"Huh? Bullying you? Minoru-chan?"


Ignoring the struggling state of their manager, the two of them chatted one sentence at a time.

After all, they are both little girls.

There is simply no such strong sense of competition.

They would only feel sincerely happy to see their friends at the 'celebration party'.

But Kusakabe Heko and Sugi Shoko didn't think so.

As women, they have finally managed to carve out a "bloody road" from the industry's corpse mountain - a road full of competition and fighting.

Now there is an 'opponent' in front of me that hinders the progress of my son's relationship.

How could they retreat at a time like this?

"Chaizumi-chan, we want to be the first to ring the doorbell of Beicheng's house."

Kusakabe Hezi lowered his head and looked at Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

She knew it.

Light makeup like Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

It will be amazing at first glance.

But the second time you look at it, the surprise will fade away.

Since Sugi Xiangzi also used this trick.

She doesn’t care about losing face anymore!

In order to further the relationship between Hosokawa Shibaizumi and Kitazumi Minoru.

They must be the first to ring the doorbell of Kitazumi Minoru's house.

Even with Hosokawa Shibaizumi's "charm value", Kitumi Minoru must be defeated.

This is what she told Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

And Xiangzi Sugi next to him didn't hesitate and turned around.

"Shion-chan, we can't admit defeat. We must be the first to ring the doorbell of Beicheng's house."

She's not a fool.

Of course he knew what Kusakabe Hezi was planning.


Can she let the other party succeed so easily?

The only one who can 'charm' Kitazumi Minoru is Akiyama Shion, known as 'Princess Hime of Daidaigi Theater Company'!

They both let out a sigh of relief.

The 'vixen' on the other side must not succeed.

The elevator goes up very quickly.

But after they finished formulating their countermeasures, they had already arrived at the station.

There was no hesitation.

Holding the hands of Akiyama Shion/Hosokawa Shibaizumi, the two faced each other and got out of the elevator door without giving up any second.

"Oh, are you in such a hurry? Miss Sugi? The bow tie is obviously crooked, so why not tidy it up before visiting?"

"Both each other, Miss Kusakabe, aren't you the same? Your forehead is sweating, why don't you wipe it off?"

Love is a battlefield!

War of words! Intrigue!

Two adult women were standing in front of Beicheng's doorbell.

In order to win the victory of his son, he will go to any extent, with all kinds of yin and yang, and will not give in to each other.

"Shiyin-chan entered the industry before Chaiquan-chan. Logically speaking, she is Chaiquan-chan's elder. I should be the one to ring the doorbell, right?"

"If Miss Sugi says so, then I am also your senior and the eldest one present. Shouldn't I be the one who calls the doorbell when visiting the master's house?"

Even if the doorbell is approaching.

The two of them also stared at each other, showing no intention of retreating.

And just when they were about to say something else——

"Huh? Shion-chan? Shibaizumi-chan? What are you doing in front of my house?"

Kitazumi's voice sounded from behind.

He looked at the huddled group of Sugi Shoko and Kusakabe Heko with some strange eyes.

Kitazumi's sudden appearance.

This immediately disrupted the rhythm of the two female agents.

But think about it on the other hand, this is also a good opportunity!

Let’s use the charm of their sons to decide the outcome!

Let’s see who can charm Kitaki Minoru!

Think of this.

Almost by chance.

Shoko Sugi and Koko Kusakabe turned their heads to Minoru Kitazumi.



All the quarrels and quarrels just now dissipated without a trace at this moment.

He must have just run.

Kitaki Minoru's healthy and white face showed a hint of blush.

The smooth, undeveloped white neck was stained with beads of sweat.

Sweat beads slowly went down again and fell onto the beautiful collarbone.

His short black hair was slightly damp from sweat.

Under the illumination of the morning light, it is filled with indescribable brightness.

I have to say the most eye-catching one.

Sure enough, his face was slightly tilted out of confusion.

That handsome and lovely face reveals a little innocence of the eight-year-old age group.

The flushed cheeks and the lips exhaling white breath look extremely cute against the backdrop of the tall buildings covered in silver.


Heavy falling snow.

Elevator entrance.

The hot breath.

Everything is so harmonious and beautiful in their eyes.

Sugi Xiangzi and Kusakabe Hezi were stunned.

Not even just the two of them.

Even Akiyama Shion and Hosokawa Shibaizumi were chatting and laughing just now.

At this moment, everyone invariably stared at Kitumi Minoru with unblinking eyes.

Mainly this scene

They were mesmerized.

After twenty or thirty seconds, they suddenly came to their senses and looked at each other in shock.


what's the situation?

Originally, they planned to use the appearance of their servant to seduce Kitaki Minoru.

But why were they the ones who were 'charmed' by Kitaki Minoru alone?

Isn't this too evil?

good! 4400 words! Chapter two!

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