Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 175 Hello, are you a policeman? Someone is refining copper (4600 words)

The situation at "Little Canteen" can be said to be very good.

Kawamura Takefumi did not hesitate.

While the filming crew was full of energy, they struck while the iron was hot and immediately started filming the second episode of "Little Canteen".

Of course, Kitaki Minoru has no opinion on this.

Actively cooperated with the filming team of "Little Canteen".

Likewise, it's not just "Little Canteen".

During the filming of "Swordsman Den", Kitazumi did not miss out at all.

Should it be said that it deserves to be an action period film?

It is completely different from "The Resentful Son" and "The Kidnapped Natsuko".

The filming has been going on for three months so far.

Judging from the current progress.

It should take about two months to shoot all the scenes of "Swordsman Den", leaving another month for editing.

It can indeed be regarded as the longest film that Kitumi has been shooting since joining the industry.

that's all.

While filming "Little Canteen" was going on.

While taking care of the filming of "Swordsman Den".

Kitazumi's career as a child soldier continues to flourish.

At the same time, on the other side——

"This is really well written."

In the literary editorial department of Tanyan Publishing House, a female editor wearing black-rimmed glasses and a light blue down jacket held the manuscript in her hand, her eyes shining.

The woman's name is Chiyo Kojima, and she is the editor of the literary department of Tanko Publishing House.

To put it simply, her job is to receive the manuscript from the writer, and if she feels that the content is decent and of publishable quality, she then submits the manuscript to the editorial team leader, who will review it and vote on it before judging the book. Whether you have publishing qualifications.

And just like the name of their department, "Literary Editorial Department".

Their main target audience is authors of literary fiction.

The status of the author of literary novels in Japan is needless to say, and he is even known as the "national enlightenment educator".

So, it stands to reason.

As a traditional literary editor, Chiyo Kojima should fully respect and understand these ‘national educators’ who write works that can educate the Japanese people.

But for an editor like her, the reality is simply not like this.

the reason is simple.

Traditional Japanese literature has long been in decline.

Upper-class literary writers either take several years to create a high-quality literary work, or they are no longer able to produce it due to physical reasons.

However, middle-class and even lower-class literary writers are at risk of becoming obsolete.

The stuff written can only be said to be average, not even of excellent quality.

This can be seen from the overall downward trend of traditional literature in Japan today.

There are simply not many literary novels that have set off the same kind of literary wave in China, or have gone abroad.

Even the light novel and comic departments next door to their platform publisher are doing better than them now - at least their assembly line adaptation industry is doing well.

This also resulted in Chiyo Kojima receiving various manuscripts of novels every week.

But there are basically no manuscripts that are eye-catching, or even that can be published.

Most of the manuscripts are basically nonsense and rhetoric.

It seems to be gorgeous throughout.

But there is no literary quality at all.

Some contributors even write literary novels as sensual (pornographic) novels.

Throughout the story, the male protagonist goes to bed immediately after seeing a woman, and after having sex, there is a lot of reflection, moaning, and rhetoric.

This made Chiyo Kojima, the review editor, almost vomit - are you guys looking down on traditional literature? Do you think that as long as you include "sex" and "reflection", it is traditional literature?

Not to mention ‘respect’ for these so-called authors.

Even make time to read their bullshit manuscripts.

Chiyo Kojima felt like she was wasting her time - it had no meaning at all.

But today is completely different.

Chiyo Kojima got the latest manuscript "Her and Him" ​​by the writer she was responsible for, Kitamizu Cheng.

Should I say that I am worthy of being a writer who has been published twice?

It's different compared to those newcomers.

There is no deliberate use of rhetoric.

With clear sentences and simple emotions, the story of Fan Bo, who surrendered to herself and her nephew, was simply described.

Hanbo was fascinated by the cute and handsome Muro who was inexperienced in the world, and began to try to change himself.

Among them is her guilt for having feelings for her nephew outside of the family, and also the entanglement of wanting to get close but being afraid of hurting him.

All kinds of emotions are intertwined, thinking and sighing constantly

"It is indeed a good work."

Chiyo Kojima was a little moved.

Many of the descriptions touched her heart.

What she likes most is the scene where Fanbo, as an aunt, wants to touch the room, but is afraid that her dirty desires will pollute the pure white room.

As Teacher Beishui Cheng wrote in the article——

[I can't touch him. My body is full of filth. How can I touch such a child who is as white as snow? 】

She was filled with sighs.

Editor Taniguchi on the other side raised his head: "Kojima-san, what's wrong? I've been hearing sounds from your side just now?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, Taniguchi-san, my voice was too loud. By the way, have you read the "Her and Him" ​​that Mr. Kitamizu Cheng sent me today?"

Chiyo Kojima apologized hastily.

Her voice was indeed a bit loud just now, and in the eyes of other editors, she was indeed suspected of disrupting the 'workplace'.

"Kitamizu Cheng? Oh - it's the eccentric writer that Kojima editor is in charge of."

Editor Taniguchi showed a surprised expression.

He knew the author Bei Shuicheng.

This is a famous "eccentric writer" in their literary department of Tankosha - he really has some kind of eccentricity.

You must know that it started two years ago when Kitamizu Cheng submitted articles to their editorial department.

The other party never came to the editorial office once from beginning to end.

Yes, not even once.

This is absolutely incredible in an ordinary editorial department.

Because I don’t want to go out no matter what.

Ordinary authors will still come to the publishing house to take a look and discuss issues such as publishing contract benefits.

But Bei Shuicheng is here.

Not even a few calls were made.

That's a full two years.

Never attend book signings.

The discussion was basically on the phone.

Except for Chiyo Kojima, the editor-in-chief, who visited the author Kitamizu Cheng twice because of contract matters.

None of the literary editors at TanTalk News had seen each other's appearance.

We can only know from Chiyo Kojima's description that Kitamizu Cheng is a female author.

"Ahem, Editor Taniguchi, after all, Mr. Beishui is an experienced writer who has published twice in our publishing house. It's a bit inappropriate to describe it as 'quirky', right?"

Chiyo Kojima coughed, feeling a little embarrassed.

She knew best what kind of person Bei Shuicheng was, but she still had to say a few basic words of defense.

"Well, that's true. Teacher Beishui's works do sell quite well."

Editor Taniguchi rarely had no refutation of Chiyo Kojima's words.

Bei Shuizheng once wrote two literary novels that sold well, and he can be regarded as the backbone author of their publishing house.

It’s just the content of these two works.

One is "I, It's Me" with a touch of youthful pain literature.

It tells the tragic story of a patient with social disorder who grew up as a child, was rejected by many people, and eventually became a homeless man when he was old.

At the end of the story, the heroine huddled on a bridge in the cold winter, looking up at the falling snow, thinking that tomorrow would be better. However, her frozen body was found under the bridge the next day.

Another novel "The Tunnel" is also about people with social disorders.

It tells the story of the heroine who has always wanted to overcome social disorder, so she joined the performing arts club, practiced hard, studied, and wanted to go through the dark 'tunnel' that she could not overcome.

At first glance, this seems to be a fairly normal positive literary novel - that's basically what the editor who read Kitamizu Cheng's book originally thought.

However, in the end the heroine failed.

She stopped in front of the dark tunnel, completely losing the strength to move forward.

These two novels can be said to have used words such as "negative energy", "depression", "frustration" and "failure" to the extreme.

It is a particularly sad kind of tragic novel.

But the key is that these two novels are still selling well.

The results are quite good.

It seems that the true description of the symptoms of social disorder has touched the hearts of many people with the same social disorder.

As a result, rumors are now circulating in the editorial department whether Kitamizu Cheng is really a person with social disorder.

And this time Kitamizu Cheng, who has been silent for a year, has come up with this work called "She and Him"

To be honest——

"In my personal opinion, "Her and Him" ​​is fully qualified for publication."

Editor Taniguchi commented, "I didn't expect that Mr. Beishui, who had been silent for a year, could actually produce such an outstanding work."


Seeing the sighs on the faces of his colleagues, Chiyo Kojima next to him couldn't help but feel a little proud - there is no editor who doesn't like to hear other editors say good things about the authors they are responsible for.


Editor Taniguchi changed the topic and frowned, a little worried.

"The details about the life between aunt and nephew in Teacher Bei Shui's "She and Him" ​​are too detailed. To be honest, is there really no problem?"

"Huh? This can't be true, right?"

"If it were just an ordinary author, then of course not, but Editor Kojima, that is Mr. Beishui, and this writing is too detailed. I am indeed a little worried."

Editor Taniguchi frowned.

"." Chiyo Kojima opened his mouth.

She wanted to refute what Editor Taniguchi said, thinking that he was making a fuss.

But when the words reached his lips, he stopped again.

Because I am the only editor who has met the author Kitamizu Cheng.

Chiyo Kojima undoubtedly knows the other party best.

Kitamizu Cheng is a pen name, and the other party's original name is Kitazumi Aruba.

As the editors in the editorial department said - something is really not normal.

When I first met each other.

He had clearly said on his cell phone that he would open the door for himself when he arrived at the place.

As a result, the other party regretted it again.

No matter what, I don't want to open the door to myself.

As a result, she spent more than half an hour outside in the sun in the middle of summer.

Finally, he got into the room through hard work.

But he was startled by the other party's pale face, which looked like a female ghost.

The negotiation process was even more of a disaster.

She chattered a lot there.

But Kitamura Ariha was frightened by her and trembled all over, and hid directly in the room.

Kojima Chiyo waited for a long time.

But Kitamura Ariha did not come out.

Instead, several patrolmen came - saying that someone here called the police for illegal intrusion.

With a click, looking at the "silver bracelet" on her wrist, Kojima Chiyo was stunned at the time.

No -?

I came here just to talk to you about the contract.

So you want to send me to prison?

Kojima Chiyo was confused.

Fortunately, with her unremitting efforts later.

She dealt with the patrolmen and got the publishing contract signed by Kitamura Ariha.

After this experience.

Kojima Chiyo became a little closer to Kitamura Ariha, and could visit from time to time.

But close is close

'Teacher Kitamura should not be the kind of person who likes shota and boys.? '

Looking at "She and Him" ​​in her hand.

Even Kojima Chiyo had to doubt it at this moment.

Because Kitacumi Ariha's book is really full of details.

Not only the details of life such as bathing, washing clothes, mopping the floor, and sweeping the floor.

Even the expressions of the nephew when he speaks, and even the small movements are described very vividly as if he really exists in this world.

And Kojima Chiyo had seen a research report on patients with social disorders a few days ago.

It is said that some patients with social disorders like some little boys and girls who have not yet developed their intelligence.

Because they are one level higher than these children in terms of age and status.

This sense of superiority allows them to have ordinary communication with these children.

Could it be that Kitacumi Ariha really imprisoned a little boy or girl?

So he could write this book "She and He"?

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so realistic and detailed, right?

It's bad.

Could it be that the author he is responsible for really did something shameful?

Kojima Chiyo felt more and more that something was wrong, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

She went downstairs to get the car and drove towards Kitacumi Ariha's house.

Anyway, the publication of "She and He" is a foregone conclusion.

Sooner or later, she would have to go to Kitamura Ariha to discuss publishing matters.

It is better to do it today than today.

Why not go there today to discuss with the other party.

And by the way, see if the other party has really committed a crime.

She drove very fast, driving the vehicle within the speed limit, and Kitamura Ariha's Nerima District was not particularly far from their editorial office.

It was only half an hour.

Kojima Chiyo came to the apartment where Kitamura Ariha lived.

She entered.

Then she went up all the way.

Soon she arrived outside Kitamura's house.

It was a bit strange.

Kojima Chiyo looked at it in surprise.

Kitamura Ariha's door had a crack.

It was not closed as usual.

According to the etiquette of the guests.

At this time, Kojima Chiyo should at least ring the doorbell and then go in.

But the sound coming from the room made her give up this idea.

"Aunt Ariha, please be gentle, it's a bit tight, you said you made a mistake, right?"

"It's okay, Shi-chan! Leave it to me! I, I will do my best."

"Wait a minute, don't press on me."


Chiyoko Kojima was stunned.

She was really stunned.

Standing at the door, her mouth twitched, and she comforted herself frantically in her heart.

No way!

That's Teacher Kita Cheng!

Kita Cheng Ariha, who usually doesn't even dare to see people and speaks to others in a humble manner!

How could she do such a thing?

That's right, it must be a misunderstanding.

Just like in cartoons or novels, there must be some kind of misunderstanding.

Just listening to the sound is completely useless!

You have to see it with your own eyes!

Chiyoko Kojima calmed down and felt that she must have thought too much.

As long as she pushed the door open and walked in.

She would find that everything was a misunderstanding.

So Chiyoko Kojima pushed the door open.


Then she saw the disheveled Kitasumi Ariha in the living room, and the cute and handsome boy who was also disheveled and looked like he was about to cry, who was under her.

The commotion just now was completely quiet at this moment.

Kitasumi Ariha's beautiful face turned around in astonishment.

She and Kojima Chiyo looked at each other in surprise.

The air became a little awkward at this moment.

Quiet --

Very quiet --

Then --

"No, it's not like that, Editor Kojima, please listen to my explanation."

Kitasumi Ariha was panicked and her face flushed.

Should I say it was a mistake in a hurry?

Kitasumi Ariha subconsciously raised her hand.

As a result, because she was still holding Kitasumi Shi's clothes in her hand, with a "hiss", the clothes were directly torn into two halves in front of Kojima Chiyo.


Kitasumi Ariha hurriedly helped Kitasumi Shi pull up her clothes, her face flushed: "Editor Kojima, please listen to my explanation."

And looking at this scene,

Chiyoko Kojima first sighed deeply, then smiled with a forgiving smile like the Virgin Mary.

"Teacher Kitasumi, I am really happy to work with you for the past two years. I sincerely hope that you can actively reform yourself over there and become a healthy person who is useful to society."

After summarizing the relationship, she bowed deeply to Kitasumi Youbo.

Then, Chiyo Kojima took out her cell phone and dialed the number with one hand——

"Hello? Is this the police? Someone is molesting a child here."

I'm not sick or in pain, but I was a little down yesterday. I wrote more than 3,000 words but was not satisfied, so I deleted them all.

I really can't not take a shower, I'm not in good shape at all.

Thanks to Mengyue Jiuxian for the 10,000 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much!

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