Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 186 Fans of Kita Chengshi (4600 words)


This is undoubtedly the most effective way to increase popularity and traffic besides taking on TV dramas and movies.


How can a sub-serviceman do borderline? !

Tamura Koji racked his brains but couldn't imagine how a sub-serviceman could do borderline, not to mention that Kita Sumimi is a male serviceman.

How can this be associated with the word "borderline"?

Tamura Koji felt his scalp tingling.

His own sub-serviceman always seemed to have his own unique insights in track development.

Just the word "sub-serviceman rubbing the edge".

It made his brain feel a little out of sync.

He couldn't help but speak.

"Kita Sumimi, I have no opinion on your operating methods, but sub-serviceman rubbing the edge."

"Don't worry, Tamura-san, they are all normal and healthy borderlines."

Is there a normal and healthy borderline?

Tamura Koji was full of disbelief.

As a man, he also had some special needs and specifically browsed some "special" personal accounts on the Internet.

Some of them are bloggers who sell picture packages or videos.

Their bold actions and thin clothes

Even his experienced agent sometimes blushed.

The key is that Kita Sumire is really a person who can do this.

I have been with Kita Sumire for more than half a year.

His ability is not only in acting.

He has strong execution ability, never looks back on things he has determined, and moves forward courageously. Even if he hits a wall, he doesn't care. At most, he will try again next time.

Such a sub-actor. As long as it can increase popularity and fame.

This little guy is really good at doing "borderline" things!

"If you really care so much, can't Tamura-san go home and take a look for himself?"

Kita Sumire looked up nonchalantly.

This self-righteous and fearless attitude made Tamura Koji a little unsure.

That's right.

Kita Sumire is also an active sub-actor after all.

It's impossible for him to really do some real borderline things that are not suitable for children on the Internet, right?

He was relieved a little.


"Why does my personal account for the role-playing role need adult verification?!"

Looking at the adult verification in front of him [Are you sure you are 18 years old? Yes/No?],

Tamura Koji couldn't hold it in.

Kita Sumire is just an eight or nine-year-old child!

Does accessing his personal dynamics require adult verification?

He really doesn't understand it at all.

His role-playing role can always bring him this kind of "surprise" similar to shock.

Click "Yes".

Then Tamura Koji saw what Kita Sumire meant by "skirting the edge".

How to say it

Really, it's completely different from what he imagined "skirting the edge".

The Kita Sumire in the photo is taken from an upward angle.

He stretched out his foot with a look of disgust and placed it on the camera of the mobile phone, making the viewer feel like he was "stepped on".

And the dynamic content he matched was [Which big brothers and big sisters want to be stepped on by me?]

To be honest.

He couldn't find anything that could attract normal people from Kita Sumimi's disgusted and contemptuous eyes and the frowning expression when she raised her foot.

However, this dynamic appeared on the daily search list of actors, and it can be called Kita Sumimi's most popular dynamic, no one else.

Looking at the comments below [Spiritual food! ] [I will try to refresh it every day! ] [Shi-chan's small feet are fragrant and soft], etc.

Tamura Koji supported his forehead.

Although he knew that Kita Sumimi's followers were not very normal.

But this is too abnormal, right?

Admittedly, sometimes he would be looked at by Kita Sumimi with a disgusted expression of "Tamura-san, why don't you know anything?"

At that time, he would feel a little itchy in his heart, and thought Kita Sumimi was particularly cute.

But it shouldn't be to this extent, right?

The key is that these so-called [adult certifications] were not added by Kita Sumimi.

Instead, they were added by the big data of personal accounts based on the feedback of the users who followed them.

What do these followers usually do with Kita Sumimi's photos?

He is only eight or nine years old.

Even if she is really a 'succubus' character, she is not an adult at all.

The corners of Tamura Koji's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

Although as an insider in the industry, he had heard about the rumors that some fanatics would collect actors' hair and canned drinks.

But when the things actually happened.

Tamura Koji was still shocked by the bigness of the world and the strangeness of it.

To be on the safe side.

Tamura Koji flipped through Kita Sumimi's other 'borderline' dynamics.

And these dynamics are not 'borderline' at all.

The most explicit ones are just photos of the back of the neck or the collarbone - it is indeed as Kita Sumimi said, it is a particularly 'normal and healthy' 'borderline'.

And it is just this kind of ordinary dynamics.

There are people posting comments like [Thank you for the hospitality].

These people are really hungry.

Tamura Koji had originally planned to organize an offline gathering for Kitasumi Minoru.

But looking at this.

"It's better to postpone it."

He made up his mind from the bottom of his heart.

God knows what these followers are like offline -

"Hey?! Uncle is watching Minoru too?"

A voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Tamura Koji was stunned for a moment and turned to look.

Only then did he realize that at some point, several high school girls who were particularly well-dressed and quite youthful and beautiful had gathered around him.


He had just sent Kitumi Minoru home, and then found a convenience store to buy some things to go home.

In the end, I just opened Kitami Minori’s feed and took a look.

Suddenly, several female high school students in uniforms gathered around him.

"Um, I'm sorry. What can I do for you?"

Feel the oppression caused by the bright eyes of these female high school students who suddenly appeared.

Tamura Koji took a step back slightly.

"There is indeed something going on, uncle. Aren't you also a follower of Shijiang? You've been standing on the street looking at Shijiang's updates."

The leading girl with a single ponytail walked forward with a smile.

She added the next sentence with almost no hesitation.

"In that case, aren't we friends who are both fans of Minoru?"

Are you both a fan of Shijiang?

Should this be said to be 'Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be there'?

Just now, he was still lamenting what Minu Kitumi's fans were like offline.

This time he hit him.

Tamura Koji couldn't help but look up and down at the female high school students in front of him.

The clothes are clean and tidy, the black hair is scattered, and the eyes are clean and pure.

Tamura Koji was a little surprised.

Because in his imagination, most of Kitami Minoru's fans should be abnormal people.

But the few female high school students in front of him seemed to have no problem at all, giving him the feeling of being a top student who was very obedient in school.

His tense mood relaxed slightly.

It seems that Kitazumi still has normal fans.

Although he is just a bit mature.

He thought so, and then heard the invitation from the girl with a high ponytail.

"It just so happens that a few of us are going to a nearby family restaurant to hold an offline gathering of Shijiang fans. If you don't mind, would you like to come with us?"

The young and tender face of the high ponytail female high school student is full of sincerity in the invitation.

"Ah, that's no need. I have some things to deal with."

Tamura Koji smiled politely and refused.

He did have things to do.



The smile on Tamura Koji's face stiffened.

He has obviously refused.

But what does it mean when the other party grabs his hand and refuses to let him go?

There was a bad feeling in my heart.

Tamura Koji forced a smile from his face.

"Um. I'm sorry. I should have refused, right?"

"Oh, this is a rare offline fan gathering of Shijiang. If you miss it, uncle, you will definitely regret it."

"I appreciate the kindness, but it's really not necessary."

"Oh, don't be shy."

"." Tamura Koji.

He looked at the girl with a high ponytail who still had a youthful and beautiful smile on her face, but she grabbed herself and refused to let go.

no? !

Is it religion? !

Is it the kind of persuasion that persuades people to join an unorthodox religious cult?

In Japan and South Korea, it is not illegal to establish a private religious group.

So you can often see people who force others to join the cult.

This is exactly the same as what he is experiencing now!

Beicheng-kun, what is the situation with your fans? !

He called out Kitumi Minoru's name in his heart.

But it obviously has no effect.

Several female high school students who looked very normal but were obviously "Beicheng fans" gathered around him with smiles.

The most important thing is that he can't break away from the other party!

It was obvious that the few people gathered around were female high school students.

The strength is amazing.

God knows what the other person ate.

"I really don't have to!"

Cold sweat oozed from his forehead, and he had noticed something was wrong. Tamura Koji, who kept struggling, repeatedly refused.


"Oh, there's no need to be so polite, uncle."

"There's really no need - hiss, wait a minute! Don't twist my arm! I'm going! Can't I just go?!"

ten minutes later--

In a family restaurant that allows private rooms.

The people gathered in a circle, led by the leading woman with a high ponytail, raised their drinks.

"Then let's hold a Mi-chan offline fan gathering now! Let's welcome our new partner who has volunteered to join us, Tamura-san!"


Tamura Koji, who was sitting in the middle, felt like he didn't know how to answer the call.


Do you think the act of locking my shoulders with joint techniques and relying on the number of people to pull me here is called voluntary?

Beicheng-kun, what is the situation with your fans?

Tamura Koji sighed deeply.

But that’s okay.

Fortunately, judging from their conversation, this was indeed just a gathering of fans, not the suspicious religious group he had imagined.

This made Tamura Koji feel a little relieved.

It also happened to be an opportunity to observe the fans of Kitami Minori up close.

Understanding the mental state of these people is also part of his job as Kitami Minori's agent.


"Tsukishima-kun, why are there so many high school young people here?"

Tamura Koji looked at the girl with high ponytail beside him.

When invited over by the other party, Gao Ponytail also introduced himself.

Her name is Tsukishima Ringo.

He is considered the organizer of this Beicheng Hobby Club.

What Tamura Koji doesn't quite understand is.

Although there are men and women in the club.

But it’s not difficult to find out at such a cursory glance.

They are basically dressed like high school students or even junior high school students.

This made Tamura Koji a little confused.

Generally speaking, shouldn't this type of fan club for actors be organized by adults with a certain financial strength?

"Hehe. It's true that I'm a little embarrassed about what Tamura-san said about this, but in fact, the people gathered here are all people who have been helped by Minoru-chan."


This word is too out of the ordinary.

And help?


Will your own 'succubus' servants help you?

Kitazumi? Will that 'succubus' who has no friends and can't afford early help you?

Tamura Koji touched his head.

He just feels extremely baffled now.

After all, don’t these young people in front of me look like they are only high school students?

What troubles do you have at a young age that you need help with?

And it seems that Tamura Koji's incomprehension can be seen.

Tsukishima Ringo began to introduce the situation of the fan club present.

White palms stretched out.

"Ueda-kun over there suffered violence from his father when he was a child."

"And Jingzi here has been bullied by several girls with bad relationships before."

"There are also spring vegetables and Japanese twigs."

Along with Tsukishima Ringo's explanations one by one.

Tamura Koji also went from being puzzled at the beginning to gradually becoming silent later on.

It turns out that those gathered here are either victims of domestic violence or school bullying.

They were all attracted by Minoru Kitami's acting in "Natsuko Kidnapped".

Natsuko Nogi's reaction to domestic violence and numbness to life in the movie are simply the epitome of their long-term hearts.

Including Tsukishima Ringo in front of him.

She was also violently treated by her divorced mother for various reasons.

Inexplicable scolding.

Sudden violence.

It left her physically and mentally exhausted.

One night, she couldn't stand this kind of life anymore.

I once left a message on the Internet in a private message on Kitumi Minori’s personal account [Domestic violence is so sad, I want to die. 】

What Tsukishima Ringo didn't expect was that Kitumi Minoru actually responded to her the next day.

Not only did he ask about her current situation, but he also taught her how to go to the minors welfare office to ask for help.

And she also got rid of her mother.

Among them, Kitumi Minoru said something that she still remembers very clearly to this day.

"First of all, you have to find a way to change your situation. If you give up struggling yourself, then no matter what you do, it will be in vain."

When he said this, Tsukishima Ringo also had a moved look on his face.

And not just her.

The victims on campus and at home around her.

Beicheng Shidu gave corresponding solution strategies one by one.

For fans who are really uncomfortable, Kitami Minoru will also send a healing video.

"I don't know why, but just looking at Minoru's pure smile in the video, no matter how discouraged I am, I feel like I can continue to persevere. It's like magic."

A girl next to her couldn't help but sigh.

In this regard, Koji Tamura is undoubtedly the most knowledgeable.

Kitazumi Minoru's smile is indeed evil.

There were obviously times when he was exhausted.

But just look at his 'healed' smiling face.

It felt like the fatigue had dissipated unconsciously.

I can continue to work again.

Similarly, Tamura Koji didn't expect it either.

Kitazumi Minoru, who started out as a "succubus", actually did something serious.

He thought Kitumi Minoru only had 'friend fees' in his eyes.

Tamura Koji sighed, feeling that he had completely misjudged his son.


"So if you think about it this way, Minoru's new 1,500 yen psychological counseling channel is really a bargain."

"Pfft - wait. Is this a paid service?"

Tamura Koji spat out a mouthful of drink and opened his mouth in astonishment.

"Huh? Yes. It's a new project on Minoru's personal account. He can receive psychological counseling for only 1,500 yen. You see, Tamura-san, it also says that as long as you hand over 1,500 yen, you can get together with Minoru. Become close friends.”

Tsukishima Ringo took the phone over with great interest: "Tamura-san, do you want to try to join the membership? More than 200 people have already paid 1,500 yen. Now that you join the membership, you can also get a short video of Mi-chan's exquisite healing smile."

"." Tamura Koji.

At first he thought he was mistaken about Beicheng Minoru.

The result is absolutely unmistakable!

Isn’t this just another way to get ‘friend money’?

And it’s the kind of trick that sells with videos!


Looking at Tsukishima Ringo and her friends who were chatting happily over there.

Tamura Koji suddenly felt a little relieved again.

Although it is a paid item.

But his son-in-law also fulfilled his responsibilities as a ‘son-servant’ perfectly.

It has truly cured these children who were devastated by school and domestic violence.

This doesn't seem to be unacceptable.

Two more chapters to go! There should be two more chapters!

I will work hard!

Thanks to AlchemistLC for the 600 Qidian coins reward! Thanks to book friend 20231215084549124 for the 100 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much!

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