Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 193 Bei Chengshi noticed something was wrong (4500 words)

After hugging Kitaki Minoru.

Akiyama Shiyin looked around with a guilty conscience, as if she had become a thief.

His face was even redder.

But my chest was full of swelling, and I wanted to find someone to tell my feelings to.

However, at this time, his manager Sugi Shoko was not around.

This made her couldn't help but pick up her phone and click on one of the people's chat boxes.

Looking at the nickname "I won't listen to you".

Akiyama Shion smiled subconsciously.

Among her friends, she has more than one friend, Kitazumi Minoru.

Hosokawa Chaizumi is also a rare friend she can have close friends with.

There should be no problem in telling Chaizumi-chan about Minoru-chan.

She thought so.

Then the finger starts tapping the screen.

Tokyo to Kyoto.

Kyoto and then Tokyo.

Because of the filming of "Swordsman Den".

Kitazumi has been living a life of visiting the two places repeatedly.

But these days ended completely the day before yesterday.

After four months of filming.

The shots for "Swordsman Den" in Kyoto were finally completed.

And this also means that "Swordsman Den" has completely entered the finishing work-it only needs to complete the last few shots in Tokyo, and the entire movie will be completed.

Tanaka Kenzo made a little prediction.

It will take about a month to complete the final finishing work of "Swordsman Den".

Make time for editing again.

"Swordsman Den" should be released around the end of March or early April at the earliest.

This is a full month ahead of schedule.

This speed is not unpleasant.

And where did this saved time go?

In fact, Tanaka Kenzo knows it quite well.

Since the filming of "Swordsman Den", Kitami Minori's performance has been particularly outstanding, attracting praise from countless actors who have worked with him.

Naturally the same goes for Tanigaki Shiken as the action director.

After spending these few months with Kitumi Minoru.

He was completely impressed by this servant.

You must know that Kitumi Minoru plays the protagonist Kenichi Aoki.

There are many moves that require a lot of practice before they can be officially performed.

But Kitumi Minoru is different.

Those extra difficult moves he designed.

Kitami Minoru basically knows it at a glance, and can accurately restore it in the second time. It can be said that it is quite rare to see the days when he can take the third time.

Moreover, the days when Kitazumi took the initiative to ask for Wia were even rarer.

This made Tanigaki Shiken a little uncomfortable.

As an action director who once worked in Hong Kong.

Many of the moves he designed were somewhat dangerous.

Usually it's the actors begging him to go to Wia.

It turned out that Beicheng was actually doing well.

He is still discussing whether to go to Wia.

On the other side, he suddenly flew out of the practice field.

That kind of terrifying explosive power really makes him look like a sword master.

It's just that this is really unfriendly to the heart.

Tanigaki Shiken was almost frightened to death by Kitumi Minoru's risky actions several times - he was really almost frightened to death.

His face turned purple with fear.

You must know that he is now the action director of "Swordsman Den".

If something happens to Beicheng Minoru, he will take the blame.

This led him to carry several bottles of heart-treating medicine with him, and he also talked to Kitumi Minoru more than once.

And it is precisely because Kitumi Minoru needs little practice to meet the requirements of action guidance.

This saves a lot of shooting time.

And today is also the day of filming "Swordsman Den".

Beicheng Mi, who is wearing Wu uniform, is short in stature.

Just step on the wall with just two feet.


The long knife under his wrist simply slipped out.

The cold light flashed across the wandering swordsman's throat as naturally as mercury pouring down the ground.


Kenzo Tanaka's eyes lit up when he looked at the effect in the camera.

He has seen Kitumi complete countless operations like wall pushing, front flipping, and back flipping with his own eyes.

But every time I see it, I still can't help but sigh - it's so sharp.

It's really too fierce.

Kitami Minori completed Tanigaki Shiken's actions without any sense of sloppiness.

The whole thing gave off an indescribably sharp and murderous feeling.

And other actors want to get to that point.

Most of them require repeated practice and repeated corrections by Shiken Tanigaki.

But Beicheng basically omitted the above steps.

And the most important thing is——

"Director Tanaka, I wonder if you've noticed that Beicheng-kun's acting skills seem to have improved further."


Listening to the sighing voice of his field team leader, Tanaka Kenzo also nodded.

He is not blind, and has always been very fond of Kitumi Minoru. Naturally, he can see that Kitumi Minoru's acting skills have improved again.

The other party's acting skills are obviously different from before.

The most different feeling is probably the aspect of ‘emotional expression’.

In the past, Kitazumi would always use facial expressions and some small movements to express Aoki Kenichi's emotions.

But he is different now.

Raise your hands, let go, lean forward, and take a sharp step forward.

This is of course not to say that the previous way of performance was bad.

But now Kitumi Minoru's performance is richer and more layered than before.

"What a freak. I have never seen such a slave boy. How can you say that progress means progress?"

Next to Tanaka Kenzo, the field team leader continued to express his emotions.

If other actors want to make progress, they need to go through the long and boring process of accepting scenes and filming.

But Beicheng Shi is a subordinate.

He never saw the other party practicing at all, nor did he see him reciting his lines during breaks.

Every time I look over at Kitumi Chengmi.

He basically lies on the children's recliner that comes with him to rest.

This kind of leisurely and lazy son-in-law can actually improve his acting skills.

This, of course, was difficult for him to understand.

"Maybe it's because Minoru recently took on a stage play."

Staring at Kitami Minori in the camera, Tanaka Kenzo expressed his analysis.

Exaggeration of emotional expression and body language.

This is an aspect that cannot be ignored in stage plays.

This resulted in Kitaki Minoru's Aoki Kenichi becoming more aggressive and murderous than before.

I don’t know what kind of ‘switch’ the stage play “Tokyo Cursed Sword Master” turned on for Kitami Minoru.

They were discussing over there.

And the other side.

Kitaki Minoru is also quite satisfied with this unexpected gain.

His acting skills have really improved a lot.

When he was filming "The Resentment", he relied solely on his own experience in the game of life. As a result, although his emotions were fully expressed, his acting performance was much worse.

To put it bluntly, it is acting purely based on emotion.

Later, when filming "The Kidnapped Natsuko", he practiced acting in the practice space, which caused him to shift most of his attention to acting.

Although emotions such as sadness and joy can be expressed through acting.

But its appeal is definitely not as good as true feelings.

And this is why Kitazumi bothered the stage actors to cooperate in the stage play "Tokyo Cursed Sword Master".

I just want to capture the feeling of combining the experience of the game of life with acting skills.

Kitazumi is a very smart person.

After you have a feeling, follow the feeling and catch it.

It only took less than a week.

He was completely adapted to this performance state.

This also makes him feel at ease in both emotional expression and acting skills.

It is no longer like before where there is only emotion or acting.

It can be said that Beicheng is quite satisfied with this.

Just before you are satisfied

Kitaki Minoru looked to the other side.


It's Hosokawa Shibaizumi wearing a yarmulke and another male character who appeared as a supporting role in "Swordsman Den".

At this time, Xiao Chaiquan was angrily pulling the other person, not letting him leave.

"Hey, hey! Did you see that? That's the acting skills of the nuisance! I know the nuisance! The nuisance is very powerful, right?"

He spoke excitedly.

"Why don't you say anything? Are you unwilling to admit the annoying guy's acting skills?!"

Little white hands on hips.

"I'm going to be angry! Did you hear that? I won't allow you to leave until you say 'nuisance is very powerful' a hundred times!"

Looking at the low-level male servant in front of him who could not say a word, Hosokawa Shibaizumi grabbed him and looked like he would not allow him to escape.

He also looked towards the shooting location from time to time.

The annoying ghost is really awesome.

When you were filming "Natsuko Kidnapped" before, you didn't have such great acting skills, right?

Although Hosokawa Shibaizumi has always been arrogant and arrogant in his acting skills, he feels a little arrogant.

But after seeing Minoru Kitami's acting skills today.

A sense of admiration could not help but arise in my heart.

Although this annoying guy is usually annoying, his acting skills are really great.

"Uh a hundred times?"

Faced with the coercion of Hosokawa Shibaizumi, the low-level servant was almost crying.

After all, the Hosokawa Chaizumi in front of him was different from him.

He is a first-class servant in the industry.

The identity gap was so big that he didn't know how to deal with it.

Looking at Hosokawa Shibaizumi frowning and unhappy.

The male servant swallowed in fear.

Is it possible that all the top actors in the industry are the same as Hosokawa Shibaizumi? Do you all have this weird habit of catching others and forcing them to praise you?

The mom industry is so scary. I really want to go home.

He already didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, at this time, Kitumi Minoru's voice came over.


As if a certain switch had been touched, Hosokawa Shibaizumi was stunned for a moment, said to the male servant, "You are no longer useful," and released his hand.

At the same time she turned her head.

Her short black hair swayed.

He looked at Kitumi Minoru with his hands on his hips, his soft and cute face seemed to move.

"Too slow! You bastard! How long do you think I've been waiting for you?"

She made a dissatisfied sound.

"I didn't know that Shibaizumi-chan would come here."

Kitazumi deliberately teased the other party: "Shiaizumi-chan came here specially, could it be that she came to visit Shion-chan?"

If you follow the usual rhythm.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi must be stammering, not knowing what to do.


"Of course I came here to see you."

Hosokawa Shibaizumi looked at him with an expression like "What are you talking about?"

Then she said "Ah" again, as if she thought of something and became a little unhappy.

"Still, I came here specifically to see you. Do you have any objections?"

“.I don’t have any objection.”

Kitasumi looked at her in surprise.

If it was before, Shibazumi Hosokawa would have said awkwardly, ‘I’m not here to see you!’ and then turned his head away angrily.

Thinking about it carefully, it was quite strange before.

Shibazumi Hosokawa actually took desserts to find the AR child training center.

It can be seen.

Although Shibazumi Hosokawa’s attitude towards him is subtle, it is indeed changing.

Kitasumi blinked.

It was when he was thinking.

Shibazumi Hosokawa stretched out his hand without hesitation.

“Give it to me.”


Kitasumi looked up in surprise.

“You annoying fool! Give me the ticket! Even Sister Shion has received it!”

“Tickets—that’s what’s going on.”

Kitasumi suddenly realized.

The stage play “Tokyo Curse Sword Master” will start next week.

The organizer specially distributed a batch of tickets to the actors of the stage play, which can be regarded as internal employee benefits.

Last time, when he noticed that Akiyama Shion had a cold body, he specifically asked the staff for some hot water.

While waiting for Akiyama Shion to drink the hot water, Kitasumi handed over the two tickets to her.

Unexpectedly, this matter was heard by Hosokawa Shibaizumi so quickly.

No wonder the other party hurried over

"Okay, two should be enough, right?" Kitasumi asked.

Although it was an employee benefit, there were only five tickets in total for him.

Two for Akiyama Shion, two for Hosokawa Shibaizumi, and one for Kitasumi Youbo.

These five tickets all had their owners.


"Three! Not only Sister Hezi, but my sister also wants one."

".Oh. Miss Chiori."

Kitasumi remembered Chiori Hosokawa, who played opposite him during the filming of "The Grudge", and was frightened by him for several days and exhausted.

The other party also introduced the work of "Human Investigation" on his behalf at that time.

"Okay." Kita Sumi nodded.

Anyway, it is highly unlikely that her own salted radish number one will go out of the house to watch the stage play, and her ticket is likely to be piled with dust.

Since Chiori Hosokawa has helped him before, and it was Xiao Shiba Izumi's request, it doesn't matter if she gives it to him as a personal favor.

He asked Hosokawa Shiba Izumi to wait for a while.

Then he went to the rest shed and took out the ticket and gave it to Hosokawa Shiba Izumi.

At this point in the process, it stands to reason that Hosokawa Shiba Izumi has almost got what he wanted and can go back.

But what Kita Sumimi didn't expect was——

"And this, I hate you, Minoru."

A muffled voice sounded from the front.

Kita Sumimi subconsciously raised his head and looked at Hosokawa Shiba Izumi in front of him.

Hosokawa Shiba Izumi was closing his eyes, his fair face was red, and he opened his hands to him, making a hug gesture.

What does this mean?

Kita Sumimi tilted his head.

Why did Hosokawa Shibaizumi suddenly let him hug her?

Although he didn't care.

Thinking of this, Kita Sumi walked towards her.

Maybe it was because Kita Sumi's movements were slow.

Or maybe Hosokawa Shibaizumi was impatient.

She made an impatient sound of "annoying! What a nuisance!"

She stamped her feet and rushed forward, embarrassedly pursed her cherry pink lips, closed her eyes and hugged Kita Sumi directly.

To be honest, Hosokawa Shibaizumi's hug was not comfortable.

The body trembled slightly because of shyness and embarrassment.

For some reason, she was completely unwilling to let go, as if pouring all her strength into her hands.

It was different from the gentle hug of Akiyama Shion that was like a spring hot spring.

Xiao Shibaizumi's "hug" was quite tough, and it only lasted less than a minute before it ended.

"Humph! Have you bullied Sister Shion like this before?"

Let go of both hands.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi glared at Kita Sumire with his beautiful big eyes.

"Oh, you're talking about that thing."

Kita Sumire suddenly realized.

It seemed that Hosokawa Shibaizumi was concerned about this matter.

But he didn't do anything at that time, at most he just hugged the other person for a while.

He was about to explain.

But Hosokawa Shibaizumi on the other side had no intention of listening to his explanation at all.

He just came over without hesitation and bit his cheek hard - he really bit it, and there was a red mark.

It was like being marked with a mark of some exclusive item.

"See if you dare to bully Sister Shion without telling me in the future!"

She said this angrily, ignoring the inexplicable expression of Kita Sumire behind her.

She turned and left.

But when she turned around.

Kita Sumire clearly saw.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi's brisk steps when he left.

And the obvious blush on her ears.


Kita Sumire touched her chin.

He is not a fool, and he has more or less realized that something is wrong.

Thank you to the Sage of Time for the 200 starting coins reward! Thank you very much!

I guess there will only be two chapters today. I am not in good condition in the early morning, so I will make up for it tomorrow. I am very sorry.

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