Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 205: Prank Show and Two Million Dollar Prize (4300 words)

Kitasumi is really amazing.

At least Ogihara Rinka has never seen such a peer.

Ordinary male actors of the same age.

When facing the program team, the director, the field staff and other staff, they will feel more or less nervous because of their identity and age.

But Kitasumi is different.

Ogihara Rinka watched Kitasumi take the initiative to find the director of the "Little Director" program team.

After only about two or three minutes of negotiation.

He shook hands with the other party and decided on the cameraman responsible for filming the movie neatly - the untrained male actors did not know how to use the camera at all, so the program team would lend a cameraman responsible for filming.

There was no dragging during this period.

What about the other two groups?

They were still discussing what to do next.

Ogihara Rinka just looked at them, who were pushing each other and were a little timid, and then looked at Kitasumi's steady and mature communication.

The contrast came out at once.

Rinka Ogiwara sighed.

And on the other side——

"I'm sorry to bother you again this time, Director Akasaka."

Kitasumi shook hands with the program director and sighed in his heart: "I didn't expect to meet Director Akasaka here."

I have to say.

The industry is big, and the industry is also small——this sentence does make some sense.

Because Kitasumi knew the director in front of him.

The other party was Kazuya Akasaka, the director of the program "Now! Let's Test!" that he had participated in last year.

I really didn't expect that the other party did not continue to do the program project "Now! Let's Test!", but turned to be the director of this episode of "Little Director".

"I didn't expect to meet Kitasumi here."

Akasaka Kazuya also sighed.

He can be said to be quite impressed with the child actor in front of him.

After all, the child actor who made a full-course meal in the "Now! Let's Test!" program and answered all the university entrance examination questions correctly in the academic ability test. At present, there is only Kitasumi.

Because of the presence of Kita Sumi, the program set a record for the number of online viewers of their program group at that time - it has not been surpassed so far.

Even the ratings of the following programs have increased significantly.

So Akasaka Kazuya still prefers Kita Sumi in front of him.


When Akasaka Kazuya saw Kita Sumi wanting to borrow a good post-editing engineer from him.

It seems that he really wants to make a good micro-film.

Akasaka Kazuya really couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although very smart, Kita Sumi is still just a child after all.

He didn't understand the selling point of the program "Little Director" at all.

The selling point of the program "Little Director" has never been what kind of micro-film the child actors shoot.

Because to put it bluntly, a group of children can't shoot a decent work at all.

Even if the structure of the "micro-film" is quite simple, it may only take a few minutes or even more than ten minutes to shoot one, it still requires a certain shooting foundation.

For actors who have not systematically learned the knowledge of filming, even if someone provides limited guidance, it is impossible for them to shoot any decent works.

Then again.

What is the real selling point of "Little Director"?

It is actually very simple.

Kazuya Akasaka knocked on the table.

The various hilarious behaviors that actors perform in front of the camera to shoot the "micro-movie" are the selling point.

This is equivalent to some Japanese variety shows that prank artists.

The director and the program staff members know that they are using the program process that looks serious to prank the actors.

It's just that the actors who are pranked are not aware that they are being pranked because of their immaturity.

As for the "micro-movie" itself?

It doesn't matter how bad it is.

After all, there is a filter added by the children, no matter how bad it is, it is unbearable to watch.

The audience will only think that the actors are cute for making a good movie, and will not blame them.

The actors tried their best to shoot the "micro-movie", but the result was just a serious cute and stupid performance in front of the camera, which made the audience laugh and feel healed by the actors. This is the real selling point of this program.

From the beginning, the "Little Director" program did not have any expectations for these children to make a good movie.

In order to gain attention.

Their "Little Director" program team also set up a 2 million yen reward.

As long as the actors' micro-movies can get a total score of 30 points from the three judges in the final scoring stage, and the score exceeds 25 points, they can pocket the 2 million yen.

Of course.

It is impossible for a micro-movie shot by a child to get such a high score.

Therefore, when seeing Kita Sumimi preparing seriously.

Akasaka Kazuya couldn't help laughing.

This kid. Don't you really think they can make a good work?

A group of actors who have never learned photography knowledge want to make a good movie?

Even if it is a micro-film, it is impossible.

He thought so and then shook his head.

Regarding Kitasumi's request for an editor.

Akasaka Kazuya did not refuse and simply agreed to provide the most experienced editor here to edit the film for him.

After all, he liked the other party very much, and he was quite curious about what kind of surprise Beicheng Minoru could bring to him in this situation.

But he soon dismissed his idea with a smile.

"Even Beicheng-kun can't do anything, right?"

This prank show is equivalent to a birdcage, and Kitumi Minoru and the others are parrots locked in a birdcage and responsible for making the audience laugh.

There is no possibility of a comeback at all.

You can’t expect a kid like Kitumi Minoru to actually make a decent short film, right?

Not to mention that Kitumi Minoru drew the theme of ‘love’.

Isn’t this even more of a death sentence?

He calmed down and came back, watching Kitami Minori leave with the confirmed filming crew, Hosokawa Shibaizumi, and Ogiwara Rinka.

Something is wrong.

Something is very wrong.

Kusakabe Koko, who was in charge of driving, glanced at Kitazumi Minoru who was chatting and laughing with Hosokawa Shibaizumi and Ogiwara Rinka in the rearview mirror.

My heart was full of confusion.

As Hosokawa Shibaizumi's agent.

Of course she could see the essence of the program "Little Director" at a glance.

To put it bluntly, this show is just a prank show with the gimmick of ‘subordinates filming movies’.

It's normal for Hosokawa Shibaizumi and Ogiwara Rinka not to be able to see it.

After all, both of them are relatively young.

It is natural not to notice the sinister intentions of those working in the industry.

Can it be said that Beicheng can't notice it?

That day Hezi didn't believe it at all.

Although the other party was just a child, after "The Kidnapped Natsuko" and subsequent contacts.

Kusakabe Koko is well aware that Kitami Minoru's sharp perception is completely unlike that of a child.

The "Little Director" program team wants to fool Kitumi Minoru in this regard?

Kusakabe Hezi didn't believe it at all.

Of course, this is not to say that the prank show "Little Director" is bad.

After all, Akasaka Kazuya and the others only resorted to this trick to make the program more interesting and gain higher ratings.

It's not inherently malicious.

And this is also the most important reason why the grass in Kusakabe does not make a sound.

After all, it's just to tease children, not to use those trick props. In fact, this standard is still relatively low in the entire industry.

But Beicheng really didn't see it?

She really didn't believe it.

But now that Beicheng Shi has seen it.

Why doesn't it make any sound?

She didn't think Beicheng was the type who would just take the beating if he was beaten.

With such doubts.

Kusakabe Hezi quickly drove the car to the destination.

This is the place that Kitumi Minoru ordered, and it is also the location he chose for shooting - a seaside station full of age.

The blocking rod is already somewhat rusty.

A small police station.

There are wooden benches behind the platform that have shown some age.

Behind the wooden bench is the endless sea of ​​Tokyo Bay.

The weather is very good today.

The sun shines.

Reflecting the sparkling water on the sea.

From time to time, the sound of a tram or a train comes from far away.

It adds some indescribable artistic conception to Linhai Station, which is already full of age.

This place is really quite nice.

Beicheng Minoru nodded his head with great satisfaction.

I didn’t expect that my previous experience in the game of life could be of such use.


He found this place through a combination of life experience games.

That was my previous life experience while filming "Night Walk"——

After leaving the juvenile detention center, Minoru Kitami passed the exam, and Mahiru Arima entered university and transferred to Tokyo.

Every day he and Mahiru Arima would take the train from Odai Station to the university.

Sit on the wooden bench behind the platform.

The morning light falls.

He and Mahiru Arima depended on each other.

The sea breeze blew.

But who would have thought?

They have been together for more than forty years.

He and Mahiru Arima did not leave after graduation, but continued their studies and found a job as a university lecturer at the university.

From young to old.

The sun is still there.

The sea breeze blew the girl's black hair into a snowy white.

Smooth skin becomes wrinkled.

The station is quiet.

Except for her gentle breathing and the distant calls of seabirds.

Kitazumi couldn't hear anything.

She gave a shallow, shy smile.

Interlocked fingers.

That was Kitumi Minoru's best memory in that life experience game.

What is love?

The answer is actually very simple.

Love is responsibility.

Kitazumi has seen her lover turn from young to old with her own eyes.

I have personally experienced being a couple, a group of three, and then alone.

But when he finally looked back.

in memory.

Only that person is smiling at me

This is enough.

When Kitacumi saw Ogiwara Rinka draw the theme of 'love'.

He thought of the story about the station he had with Arima Mahiru during his life game experience.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try.

Kitazumi even made a special trip to search on the map.

Only then did I discover that Odai Station actually existed.

His idea of ​​filming a story about the station gradually took root.

It’s just. How do I put it?——

"The current water quality in Tokyo Bay is too bad, right?"

Covering her nose, Kitumi frowned.

The current water quality in Tokyo Bay is really poor.

Although at first glance the scenery seems pretty good.

But the sea breeze carries a strange smell.

have to say.

The reality is indeed cruel.

It can easily destroy the beautiful memories of Bai Yueguang in people's hearts.


never mind.

Kitami shook his head, and was just about to tell his thoughts to Hosokawa Shibaizumi, Ogiwara Rinka and the photographer who just came over——

"Jun Beicheng, come here for a moment, I have something to tell you."

Before he could speak, he was directly pulled into a small corner by Kusakabe Hezi.

"What do you want to do? Beicheng-kun? Don't tell me that you haven't realized what kind of program "Little Director" is, right?"

Kusakabe Hezi stared at Kitami Minoru and asked his own question.

And Kitumi Minoru's answer did not exceed her expectations.

"Of course I know, Sister Hezi, you want to say that "Little Director" is a prank show. Even if you try hard to make a short film, it won't have much effect, right?"

"Since you know everything, why are you still working so hard?"

Kusakabe Koko frowned as she looked at Kitazumi Minoru, who looked extremely handsome and cute with her big eyes blinking.

She really couldn't understand it.

You have to know that the harder you work, the funnier and more contrasting the feeling of being tricked and edited by the program team in the end.

Isn't this causing trouble for yourself?

Is it possible that Beicheng actually has the idea of ​​​​transforming into a comedian?

Otherwise she really doesn't understand.


Kusakabe Hezi heard Kitazumi's natural answer.

"Because I want to get the two million yen, and I can also make a short film of very good quality."

Kitazumi smiled.

He did not forget the two million yen reward prepared by the "Little Director" program team.

Since everyone has participated in this show.

No matter what, you can't just let two million yen go empty, right?


As soon as the words were spoken.

Kusakabe Hezi felt that his brain's CPU had overheated on the spot.

Can you shoot a micro-movie of particularly good quality?


You are a kid who has no knowledge of photography at all.


Are you serious?

"Beicheng-kun, do you know what a prank show is?"

Kusakabe Hezi was speechless: "To put it bluntly, the two million yen is just a cover and a gimmick."

That's right.

"Little Director" is just a short-term variety show, not a long-term variety show.

How could Fuji TV give such a big budget?

The two million yen is just a gimmick for the program team to attract viewers.


"Even if two million yen is not a gimmick, you don't really think that two million yen is easy to get, do you? To put it bluntly, even if the effect of your actual shooting is not bad, but you want to get two million yen It’s simply impossible.”

Kusakabe Koko added.

That's right.

If you really want to think about those two million yen.

At least you have to make a short film that others can’t help but give a thumbs up when they see it.

Only by achieving this kind of "amazing" micro-film, the program team of "Little Director" had no room for maneuver, and were unwilling to hand over 2 million yen to Kitami Minoru.

After all, the audience is not blind, they can still tell whether something is good or bad.

But Ziyi shot a stunning short film...?

Kusakabe Hezi felt that this kind of thing probably only happened in dreams.

Just when she was about to say something more.

Suddenly a grumbling, dull male voice came from the other side.

"Boy Beicheng, you just called me and summoned me to come out just for the filming of a variety show?"

Kusakabe Hezi subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

Only then did he realize that a white-haired old man with a beard was standing behind him.

And wait until you can see the other person's appearance clearly.

Kusakabe Hezi was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

"Are you Mr. Takeo Mikawa?!"


The old man standing behind her.

It is the legendary actor Takeo Mikawa who is hailed as a living fossil by countless people in the industry.

Chapter 2: 4,000 words - You’ve worked hard! Come on! I’m really sorry for writing this now! terribly sorry!

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