Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 210 It’s bad, I’ve become the target of a prank (4000 words)

Pick No. 1.

This position seems to be a good start, which is quite good, but in fact it is very embarrassing.

the reason is simple.

Because Miyazato Bunta and the others are in the second lottery.

Miyazato Bunta is quite confident in his micro-film work, after all, it has been recognized by the director he consulted.

Isn’t it true that the No. 1 pick, Kitumi Minoru, has become the background of their group?

Originally, it was unlucky enough for Ziyi to draw a lottery with a love theme - because this theme is not something Ziyi can understand at all. You can't film two Ziyi falling in love, right?

As a result, I won the No. 1 lottery this time.

Isn't this person too unlucky?

He looked at Kitaki Minoru with a more sympathetic look.

The kind-hearted Miyazato Bunta couldn't bear it anymore.

He walked forward, sighed slightly, and patted Kitumi Minoru on the shoulder.

"Come on, Beicheng."

"Huh? Oh. Okay."

Looking at Kitazumi who seemed a little confused in front of him, Miyazato Bunta shook his head.

Poor Kitaki Minoru doesn't know what he is going to face at this time.

He said nothing more and sat back in his group's seat. From time to time he looked sideways in the direction of Bei Chengmi, feeling particularly regretful.

The next step is much simpler.

The host announced the order of the draw, and then introduced the judges who appeared.

Except for Jun Shiraishi, the other two are all very famous directors within Fuji TV - after all, it is a variety show of their own TV station. As long as they are willing to invite them, basically no director would be so ignorant of the world and would refuse an invitation from colleagues of their own TV station. .

The specific introduction does not last long.

About three or four minutes later, the program team played the short film of Kitami Minoru and his team on the large LCD screen that had been prepared.

Miyazato Bunta did not continue to look in Kitumi Minoru's direction at this moment.

After all, he was also quite curious about what the other party had taken.

He raised his gaze and looked at the big screen.


Miyazato Bunta's gaze paused.

Because the scene in front of me is really so beautiful.

The sound of seagulls chirping sounded.

Then there was a flash of distant blue sky and a shot of long, dragging clouds of airplanes.

Finally the camera moves down——

The entire short film begins in this gentle atmosphere.

It was a station with a sense of age.

The platform signboard has been blown by the sea breeze all year round and has some bright red rust.

The platform is soaked by the sunshine on the seaside.

It gives the whole picture an indescribable sense of warmth.

At the same time, the boy's childish voice sounded.

Miyazato Bunta heard it instantly.

This is the voice of Kitazumi Minoru.

His voice is childish and calm, and you can tell from the first listen that it represents the protagonist's childhood stage.

"Adults like to tease me and ask me if I like Okja next door."

"But I don't know if I like her, I just feel comfortable playing with her."

With this sentence fell.

The camera turned.

It was Tamako who was wearing a white hat and a white skirt, showing her snow-white arms, kneeling on a wooden bench, looking at the sea in the distance.

She is wearing red leather shoes.

The sea breeze blows.

She reached out and pressed the brim of her hat,

"Her name is Arima Tamako, and she is my childhood sweetheart."

Kitazumi continued to tell the story in a calm tone.

"We used to play in this station when we were kids."

Probably aware of the male protagonist's gaze.

She turned around and showed a pure and flawless smile to the camera.

Then she held out her hand to the camera.

The next moment, the camera began to shake.

It was like the hero was being dragged along.

"Yu-kun, look, the sea over there is so beautiful."

This is a close shot -

Holding Yujun's hand.

Her white fingers stretched out and pointed to the sparkling coastline in the distance.

The camera also zoomed in.

In the sea breeze.

The white skirt and short black hair are flying.

Her childish smile.

Under the sea sun.

Extremely brilliant.

"I don't know the length of time. I only know that it could be a moment, or it could be a long time. Yuzi and I entered high school."

The voice changed, from that of a child to that of a teenager.

It symbolizes that the protagonist has entered the next age stage.

"I don't want to hear Yu-kun's explanation! Don't you get along well with Meiko from the next class?"

He turned his head to the side angrily.

The girl sat on the other end of the wooden bench.

She is sixteen years old this year and has become a slim girl.

The boy next to him rubbed his head in embarrassment.

But in the end, he bravely stepped forward.

He half-crouched down towards the girl and expressed his love.

The speeding train passes——

Then the protagonist's voice sounded.

"That day, I confessed my love to Yuzi."

"Although I told her that I liked her, in fact, I was immature at that time and didn't know what liking was or what love was."

"I just remember that Okja smiled really beautifully that day."

The voice paused.

Then another change occurred.

The young man's originally delicate voice became magnetic.

The protagonist has entered middle age.

"Tamako and I have a child."

"I don't know why, but my soul seems to have been touched despite being a child who has never been masked before he was born. I have a feeling——"

Pause slightly.

"I can give everything to this child, just like I can give everything I have to Okja."

The tram at the station clattered past.

Sitting on a wooden bench, the middle-aged man held his daughter's hand and looked sideways at his wife on the other side.

Every now and then he would whisper a wisecrack.

This aroused warm laughter between mother and daughter.

Their palms were held together tightly through their daughter's small palms.

There is no loosening.

The voice also changed again at this moment, and the magnetic voice began to become as gentle and thick as an old man.

"For more than thirty years, this station has sent many people away and welcomed many people back and forth."

"To this day, Yuzi and I are still together."

The sound stops here, giving people a sense of unfinished meaning.

The camera pans and the transition begins.

The reflected light of the sea enters the mirror and quickly emerges.

Finally, the picture freezes.

Still wooden benches.

On the bench.

The white-haired old man was holding a handkerchief and gently wiping the sweat from the side of his face for his wife who had closed her eyes to rest.

They are already old.

Just walking to the station and waiting for the bus took a lot of effort.

His movements were light.

Afraid of waking her up while she was resting.

I finally wiped the side of my face clean.

He reached out and stroked her messy hair, gathering them back one by one.

The strong wind of time turned her hair gray, making her no longer beautiful.


Just looked at her breathing lightly.

Time seems to be meaningless at this moment.

The tram passes by again——

Bang, bang, bang.

The huge sound was like a giant hammer, hitting the hearts of everyone present.

Wait until the tram has completely passed by.

The old man was the only one left on the bench.

"To this day, I still don't understand what love is."

A warm and thick voice sounded.

The old man stood up from the wooden bench.

The reason he stood up was simple.

Because it's right in front of him.

The tram stopped.

"I just feel that being by Yuzi's side makes me feel at ease. Maybe this is happiness. I don't understand."

Walking towards the tram.

"Although I don't understand what love is."

He stopped and waited for the tram door to open.

"But I have never regretted meeting her."

The old man looked back.

He didn't speak.

His expression is also very simple.

He just smiled slightly at the camera.

Then he boarded the tram behind him.

The tram starts moving.

The camera pans upward.

The endless blue sky and airplane clouds echo the beginning

The title of the micro-movie composed of pure white subtitles also appeared in everyone’s eyes——

"Station, Bench".

At the same time, the list of participating producers began to roll——

to be honest.

At this time, Miyazato Bunta was completely stunned.


What's going on!

Although as a child, he did not understand the theme of 'love' expressed in this short film.

But the shooting details alone are completely incomparable to the thing he shot.

It's like the first shot at the beginning.

The hero is pulled away by the heroine.

The camera starts to shake.

It feels like the first-person male protagonist is being dragged away.

This is called handheld shooting in photography and lens aesthetics, and is often used in horror films and sports films to express the characters in motion.

It's perfect for that place.

There are also a few long shots that followed.

It simply takes the aesthetics of photography to its extreme.


Seagulls call in the distance.

blue sky.

and the hero and heroine conversing in hushed tones.

The whole picture can be said to be extremely beautiful.

Coupled with the superb acting skills of the actors

Even though Miyazato Bunta couldn't quite understand the plot, she felt from the bottom of her heart that these scenes were really beautiful.

He was stunned and couldn't help but turn his head to look at Beicheng Minoru on the other side and opened his mouth.

This... obviously didn't start.

Why does he feel like he's going to lose?

This is wrong!

Aren’t all the previous scripts written?

Kitazumi came on the field and performed normally. Then he took over and released his work, which was praised and recognized by everyone present.


"It seems like we don't have to play anymore."

Miyazato Bunta touched his head, his face full of confusion.

Yes, how can this compare?

Akasaka Kazuya is not as confused as Miyazato Bunta.

He just wanted to curse.

Damn it - I really hired Takeo Mikawa for Minoru Kitazumi!

It's not even just Takeo Mikawa.

The young and middle-aged heroines are played by Hosokawa Shibaizumi's sister, Hosokawa Chiori.

These people are all famous actors in the industry.

In addition, during the final announcement, the words "Photography Director: Qingmizuyama, Shiraishi Jun" were clearly written on it.

Akasaka Kazuya really couldn't hold himself any longer.

He made up the gap of 1.3 million yen by himself without telling Daisuke Nohara.

Just as he had said in the izakaya that he didn't need his help with a smile, he was crying to make up for it now.

He had held out some hope today.

He thought Kitasumi wouldn't be so generous as to let Shimizu-san and Shiraishi Jun help him shoot a whole micro-film.

After all, they are usually very busy.

But who knows?

The quality of the filming just now.

Let alone whether Shimizu-san and Shiraishi Jun assisted or not

Kazuya Akasaka began to doubt whether the two of them had helped Kitasumi and the others to shoot the whole process.

Kitasumi is just a first-rate actor in the industry - there are not too many first-rate actors in the industry, but there are not too few either.

How could he be so generous as to willingly let Shimizu-san and Shiraishi Jun help him shoot?

And he even invited Takeo Mikawa!

At this point, Kazuya Akasaka's heart finally died.

When he thought that 1.3 million yen was missing from his account inexplicably, he was shocked.

Akasaka Kazuya felt a slight pain in his chest.

He was grinning over there.

But he didn't know that the pressure had been completely given to the other two Fuji TV directors on the stage except Shiraishi Jun.

Both of them are famous directors in Fuji TV, and they have outstanding works.

But compared with Shiraishi Jun, who has long been famous, and Shimizusan, who is known as a master in horror movies,

they are still a little worse.

After all, they are directors employed by Fuji TV.

Unlike directors of the level of Shimizusan and Shiraishi Jun, they are quite free to shoot.

So when the two of them saw Mikawa Takeo's performance and the subsequent names of Shimizusan and Shiraishi Jun.

The originally casual sitting posture straightened up all of a sudden.

The brain was a little bit out of sync.


Isn't this an ordinary sakura prank show?

Why did Mikawa Takeo come out?

An actor of this level appeared in an ordinary sakura prank show?

And Shiraishi Jun? Aren't you with us? Aren't we all judges?

Why did you suddenly defect to the enemy? And also appeared at the final announcement?

This is bad.

The target of this show's prank, shouldn't it be the actors?

Why do we suddenly become the targets of this show's prank?

This is really possible.

After all, some unscrupulous variety shows in Japan are like this.

They don't tell the artists the program process at all, but just prank them.

They must have fallen for it.

And the first few actors were okay.

The most important thing is

How can they be qualified to comment on Takeo Mikawa's acting skills?

Who in this industry doesn't give Mr. Mikawa a face?

If they really did this.

Then it is likely that as soon as the show is broadcast the day after tomorrow.

There will be countless viewers who like Takeo Mikawa pointing at their faces and scolding them under their personal homepages, and they dare not talk back.

Both directors were stunned.

They really didn't expect Kazuya Akasaka to be so unkind.

They came here with good intentions to cooperate with the TV station, and to give Kazuya Akasaka a face, and came to work overtime as the so-called micro-film judges.

What was the result?

Good boy.

Kazuya Akasaka actually dug such a big pit for them.

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