Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 219 S-level service (4200 words)

It is different from "The Resentful Son" and "The Kidnapped Natsuko".

"Swordsman Den" attaches great importance to the first-day box office.

It can even vaguely estimate the box office from the first day to the final total box office.

The reason is also very simple.

That’s why “Swordsman Den” has a very strong advertising campaign! quite big!

Let’s not even mention the fact that we asked the original author, Watanabe Maysuki, to help with endorsements and publicity, alleviate negative online comments, and place advertisements everywhere in subways, stations, and places with huge traffic such as Shinjuku and Shibuya cross streets.

Even movie theaters across Japan have tied up with the promotion of "Jianhao Den" - popcorn cups, drink cups, and paper pads for movie snacks such as French fries have been replaced with "Jianhao Den" linkage models.

From here we can also see the amount of money spent on advertising for "Swordsman Den".

There is a saying that goes very well.

The box office on the first day depends on the announcement - this is a wise saying in the film industry of any country.

And "Swordsman Den" spent so much effort to promote it.

If the box office performance on the first day is still mediocre.

That was really a bit explosive.

Tanaka Kenzo's mental state is also relatively tense.

After all, I jumped from the category of river dramas and historical movies to this kind of action business movie.

It is also a rare challenge for him.

Coupled with the large investment of 2 billion yen and large-scale IPs such as "Swordsman Den".

Under the pressure, he felt like his hair was falling out.

Fortunately, despite this pressure, there is still good news - although the first-day box office has not been released, the first-day pre-sale box office has exceeded 25 million yen.

This is undoubtedly good news.

You must know that this is only the box office of online pre-sales.

Follow this data and proceed.

It is basically not a problem for the box office to exceed 200 million yen on the first day, and it is not even a problem to continue to rise.

Coupled with weekends off, word-of-mouth fermented.

It may be possible to exceed one billion yen in three days.

He gained a little more confidence.

At the same time, he glanced at Nagahama Takashi on the other side.

This guy was restless from the beginning today.


As the director of the first three parts of the "Swordsman Den" series.

He is also very concerned about the box office results of "Return to Youth" this time.

It’s natural to think about it.

Just because this wicked guy didn't want to take the blame, he used the car accident as an excuse to throw "Rejuvenation", a particularly difficult hot potato, to him.

If "Rejuvenation" had average box office results.

Then everyone is happy.

If it does well at the box office.

Doesn't that mean in disguise that Nagahama Takashi is not as capable as Tanaka Kenzo?

Not to mention the time since the filming of "Rejuvenation" began.

There are many fans of the original "Swordsman Den" who have repeatedly touted Nagahama Takashi's trilogy, believing that the only director who can make "Swordsman Den" well is Nagahama Takashi, and other directors can stay cool.

Nagahama Takashi did feel quite comfortable hearing these words at the time.

But what if "Rejuvenation" is a hit at the box office.

Then the taste will change.

In addition, Nagahama Takashi really has character problems.

Generally speaking, you should thank your colleagues for taking over your mess.

It turned out that when he was filming "Rejuvenation", this person would come over from time to time to make some weird comments.

There are various hints that as a historical film director, it is impossible for him to make the commercial action movie "The Swordsman" well, and it smells like chicken intestines.

Therefore, when I saw Nagahama Takashi, he couldn't sit still.

Of course, Tanaka Kenzo will not let go of the idea of ​​​​beating the drowned dog.

He came a little closer cheerfully.

"Speaking of which, Nagahama-san really cares about other people's works. He didn't go back to rest even though it was the weekend. He was waiting for the results at the Statistics Department."

Tanaka Kenzo smiled when he spoke, and his voice was quite polite, without any weirdness at all.

Just when it comes to ‘other people’s works’.

Tanaka Kenzo bit a little harder.

This changes the flavor of the entire sentence.

There is an indescribable feeling of yin and yang.

Upon hearing these words of holding a gun and a stick, Nagahama Takashi's expression changed slightly.

But after all, they are all veterans who have been in the industry for a long time.

He immediately managed a smile.

"Oh, I really care about the results of "Kenhao Den". After all, the average box office of the first three "Kenhao Den" films I filmed was around 2.5 billion yen. I just hope that this time "Jianghao Den" will be better." The box office performance shouldn’t be too bad, so I’m paying special attention to it.”

The subtext of this statement is very simple - the box office results of the first three "Swordsman Den" I filmed were not bad. I am more concerned about the results and I am just worried about whether you will ruin this big IP.

The other party's words naturally made Tanaka Kenzo twitch the corners of his mouth, and he continued immediately.

"I remember that the pre-sale box office of Nagahama-san's first three "Swordsman Den" was less than 10 million yen, right? The pre-sale box office of "Rejuvenation" this time is 25 million yen."

"The pre-sale box office does not represent the total box office performance on that day, and to put it bluntly, this result is probably due to the accumulated popularity of the first three movies."


Next, it’s time for you to say “yin and yang” and “I” to say something back.

Although there was a polite smile on his face.

But in fact, both Tanaka Kenzo and Nagahama Takashi are gritting their teeth in their hearts, eager to use their box office results to slap the other party hard.

that's all.

In this situation where you come back and I go back, and both sides give each other a cold shoulder.

The data department of Kadokawa Pictures finally received news.

The first-day box office statistics of "Kengouden: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" have been released.

The first-day box office of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is 314 million yen.

As soon as this news came out.

Nagahama Takashi was stunned first.

He was not the only one stunned.

Tanaka Kenzo, who had been giving Nagahama Takashi a cold shoulder from time to time, was also stunned for a moment.

Although he was quite confident about Kita Sumire's performance in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" before, he thought that the audience would definitely buy it.

But he didn't expect that the audience would actually buy it so much.

The first-day box office was 314 million yen.

Even with the credit for advertising and promotion, this result can be regarded as the best in the "Kengouden" series.

You should know that the first-day box office of "Heart Sword", the best performance of "Kengouden" before, was only about 160 million yen.

The difference of almost double is enough to explain everything - it is definitely not explained by "strong advertising and promotion".

Kenzo Tanaka opened his mobile phone without hesitation and scanned the theater situation of movie theaters in various places. At the same time, he did not forget to check the response of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

The result can be said to be far beyond his expectations.

"Kengoden" has become popular.

Unlike "The Grudge" and "Kidnapped Natsuko", which are only spread in a small circle.

Not only SNS social network platforms and movie rating websites

Even some short video creation platforms have been completely swept by the craze of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

And the most important thing is -

"Kita Sumire"

Kenzo Tanaka muttered Kita Sumire's name.


Rather than saying that "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" made Kita Sumire popular.

It is better to say that Kita Sumire's image as a child swordsman made "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" popular.

Kenzo Tanaka opened a website at random.

The most popular search terms are basically keywords related to "child swordsman, sword drawing, kendo, Edo".

"This is true."

Tanaka Kenzo is a famous director in the industry after all.

Just a quick look and analysis, he knew where Kita Sumimi's unusual popularity came from.

It's actually very simple.

It's nothing more than the curiosity that everyone has.

A more specific example is that a dog biting a person is not news, but a person biting a dog is news.

The same is true for "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" released this time.

The cute child actor plays a swordsman in the Edo period, killing people and throwing corpses at will.

This kind of contrast between age and role identity is completely inconsistent but perfectly combined.

Naturally, many viewers who are watching the excitement have the curiosity to know each other.

Not to mention that Kita Sumimi's acting skills on the screen are perfect.

The long sword is thrown out.

The blood drips.

Yellow-brown skin.

The moon hanging high.

It really looks like a great swordsman.

Such a contrast in the ages of the actors and the identities of the characters can certainly attract a lot of people.

In addition, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" spent a lot of effort on publicity.

As a result, the online popularity of Kita Sumimi, the protagonist, is even higher than that of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

It can only be said that people's curiosity is really exaggerated.

But no matter what.

The box office performance of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" will definitely not be too bad.

With such high online popularity, so many viewers have come to recommend it spontaneously.

Whether it is good or bad.

It will always attract some curious viewers who don't know why to come and watch.

Thinking of this.

Tanaka Kenzo's body, which was originally under a lot of pressure, finally relaxed at this moment.

Since taking on the filming task of "Kengouden" last year.

He has been tense every day.

After all, this is his first time to get involved in the field of business action movies.

And now, the hard work has finally paid off.

He relaxed as a whole and felt that he could finally have a good sleep tonight.

But speaking of a good night's sleep

Tanaka Kenzo turned his head and looked to the other side.

The place where Nagahama Takashi was originally was now empty.

"."Tanaka Kenzo.


Nagahama Takashi really doesn't play a disadvantageous game.

He originally thought that the other party would still talk tough.

Unexpectedly, he just slipped away after hearing the news.

But think about it.

Nagahama Takashi has such a personality.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have left a lot of messes to others.

Thinking of this, Tanaka Kenzo just felt like drinking a whole bottle of Coca-Cola in the hot summer, and his whole body was extremely comfortable.

He had a good sleep today.

But some people may not be able to sleep today.

Kitasumi didn't know the situation of Tanaka Kenzo.

In fact, even if he knew about the other party, he would probably just laugh it off.

After all, compared with the grudge between Tanaka Kenzo and Nagahama Takashi.

He actually cares more about whether he can make further progress after the filming of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is finished.

Therefore, it was only the first day of the premiere.

After his morning run, Kita Sumimi took out his mobile phone and wanted to check the specific status of his personal homepage.

But before he could start checking.

The door of his house was knocked by Koji Tamura.

"Tamura-san, what are you doing?"

Kitazumi couldn't help but glance up and down at Tamura Koji in front of him.

The other party didn't knock on his door early on a weekday, and he still looked out of breath. What was he trying to do?

"Over there at the office"

Koji Tamura obviously went through an intense run.

While speaking, he also gasped heavily and intermittently.

This made Kitaki Minoru raise his eyebrows, tilt his head, and ask Kitachi Ariha to help him pour a glass of water.

Kitachi Ariha was very obedient, although she was still a little afraid of contact with people, but after all, it was her lovely nephew who asked for it, so she still took a glass of water and handed it over.

"Thank you, Miss Beicheng."

Taking the water glass handed to him by Kitazumi Yuha who lowered his head and did not dare to raise his head, Tamura Koji thanked him and sighed a little in his heart.

Although I have cooperated with Kitumi Minoru for so long.

I have also met Beicheng Yunami several times.

But every time I see each other.

He would still marvel at the other's amazing beauty.

A face as white as the bright moon, delicate facial features, and a timid and endearing expression.

With this kind of appearance, if she enters the industry, she will at least be a "beauty that is rare to see in a thousand years."

But he didn't come here this time to admire Beicheng Ariha's appearance.

He drank the water in one gulp and adjusted his breathing a little.

Only then did Tamura Koji speak energetically.

"Jun Beicheng, I came here this time to tell you some good news."

"Good news? The first-day box office statistics of "Return to Youth" have been released?"

Beicheng Minoru became interested and simply spoke.

Let’s talk about the recent good news.

That should be the first-hand news about the box office performance of "Return to Youth".

But to what Kitumi expected, Tamura Koji actually smiled and shook his head.

"Although there is good news in "Rejuvenation", that's not what I want to say."

He did not continue to show off, and handed the water glass back to Beicheng Yuha, saying seriously.

"The good news I want to say is that the AR Training Center has decided to improve Beicheng-kun's job benefits."

"Improve my job benefits?"

As soon as this sentence was said, Beicheng was a little surprised.

Because there should be no room for further improvement in his job remuneration.

The AR Ziyue Training Center has a total of five stalls.

A file, B file, C file, D file and finally E file.

Among them, D-level and E-level slaves do not have any slave benefits, and they just pay training fees.

Only when reaching the C level, the AR Ziyue Training Institute will pay the minimum guarantee every month, which is equivalent to a guaranteed salary - in case the Ziyue cannot get a job and starve to death.

Not to mention File B and File A.

The B-level employees are the backbone of the company, while the A-level employees are the pillars of the AR training center.

And Bei Chengzhi now belongs to the A grade.

Even among the A-level players, his current performance and reputation are top-notch.

And this is what makes Kitaki Minoru strange.

The highest level is the A-level AR subservient training center. How can you improve your job benefits?

"Beicheng Jun, you don't know that this morning, all the agents and general managers of our company held a morning meeting. Beicheng Jun, your performance is second to none even in the entire training institute, so the training institute We are willing to offer you a brand new treatment.”

Tamura Koji smiled and stretched out his hand.

"In other words, Beicheng-kun, you are no longer an A-grade servant. You are the only S-grade servant in our training center."


The treatment of the A-grade servants is obviously not in line with Beicheng's current popularity outside.

AR Ziyue Training Center is not a fool, and of course it is willing to continue to improve Kitazumi Minoru's treatment.

Thanks to Camelias for the 1014 starting coin reward! Thank you so much!

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