Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 22 Damn it, I have to pay out of my own pocket?

"Sorry to bother you. I will cooperate with your work and try not to disturb you."

"No, no, Shion-chan, you are very welcome."

Qiyishan smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Akiyama Shion in front of him, and then said:

"The environment of our crew is definitely not as good as that of your Dajinzhan Theater. Please forgive me."

Of course, his small crew cannot compare with the Dajinzhan Theater to which Akiyama Shion belongs.

That is a famous theater in the industry.

There are not only acting girls like Akiyama Shion, but also many famous Japanese actors.

If we talk about the professionalism of various equipments.

Even the crews with larger investment scales cannot compare with it.

"No, Director Shimizu."

Akiyama Shion bowed to Qingshuishan politely.

The height of 1.4 meters was fully displayed at this time. When standing up, although it was still not as good as Qingshuishan, it was only a head lower than Qingshuishan.

This height. Is it really only two years shorter than the precocious child?

Is there any suspicion of misrepresenting age?

When Qingshuishan first met Akiyama Shion, he was ‘shocked’. But his expression did not change much, he just paused and spoke.

“The shooting will start soon. If you want to watch, sit behind me and Takayama.”


Akiyama Shion nodded gently, with a gentle tone.

Qingshuishan looked at her for a while.

Perhaps the name is as good as the person, Akiyama Shion is as quiet as the hills under the autumn sky.

She is so young, so amazing.

He sighed here, but immediately became worried.

I don’t know if the precocious child can handle the ‘hard bone’ of Akiyama Shion.

He was a little worried, but soon put this worry behind him.


Why does he care so much about the precocious child?

If he can do it, it’s fine, if he can’t, forget it.

He is not Kita Chengshi’s father!

He had to send this opportunity to Bei Chengshi and watch him swallow it before he could feel at ease - and if he really had a son like Bei Chengshi, he would probably be so angry that he would live two years less.

Keep your thoughts to yourself.

Qingshuishan looked at the scenery in the field, cleared his throat, and began to give instructions to each group.

Akiyama Shion sat down behind him and scanned the surrounding environment.

Is this the scene of the sanatorium? It seems interesting.

Is there a separate camera position for that position? So novel.

This is the first time that Akiyama Shion has scanned the entire crew from the perspective of a director.

She felt a little strange.

There are many things she wants to ask.

But when she thought of what her mother had said before, that she should not cause trouble to the people around her, which would be annoying.

Her curious face darkened and she closed her mouth carefully.

Only her bright eyes were left scanning the surrounding environment.

The whole scene began under her gaze.

To be honest, the plot structure of "The Grudge" is not very novel in Japanese horror suspense movies.

It is the old-fashioned route of discovering problems, the hero and heroine looking for clues, discovering the truth, and the villain revealing his true face.

Although the plot is not novel.

Akiyama Shion can also feel the craftsmanship of Shimizu-san to make this movie well.

First of all, the scenery is very particular, almost all of which are scenes with unstable structures and environments that are more important than characters.

The environment and props wrap the actors, making the viewers feel oppressed and peeped by the environment.

The unstable scene gives people an indescribable sense of depression.

The second is the selection of actors.

Akiyama Shion looked.

The male lead, Yujin Ishigami, and the female lead, Aiko Ishigami, both actors' acting skills are very good.

There have been almost no mistakes since the start of filming.


That's all.

Akiyama Shion was a little disappointed and gave an evaluation in her heart.

She came from the Dajinzhan Theater, which has many famous actors with superb acting skills.

According to her perspective.

So far, the play "The Grudge" has given her a feeling that it can only be said to be above average.

It was when she was thinking about this.




The crisp footsteps that broke the quiet atmosphere appeared.

If this sound was in a normal movie shooting, it would definitely be considered noise.

But at this stage, in the scene of this abandoned nursing home, it gave Akiyama Shion a very fitting feeling.

Her originally scattered attention was refocused.

Is that the Kita Sumire that Director Honma mentioned?

Inside the venue.

"Why did you do this?"

Ishigami Aiko, who was forcibly tied to a soft chair, looked at Kuroda Uchiichi and asked unwillingly.


She was unwilling.

Why did their family have to suffer such a situation?

When she said this, her eyes were a little evasive, and she was obviously still afraid of Kuroda Uchiichi in front of her.

Inside the venue, Kuroda Uchiichi fell into a brief silence.

It was really a very short silence.

"Why did I do this?"

A calm question.

The rhythm of this question was very good.

It made Akiyama Shion subconsciously ignore her breathing.

Kuroda Uchiichi put down the knife in his hand.

"I once had a mother, no, a stepmother."

Then he gave a long line that was extremely challenging for his line skills.

"My stepmother had two sons. She treated them very well, but she always beat and scolded me."

Kuroda Uchiichi took two steps forward forcefully and stopped.

"It's just because I'm not her biological child, that's all. But I didn't hate her at that time."

He stood still.

"As long as I do everything better than my two brothers, I should be able to make her happy."

"To achieve this goal, I studied hard and was admitted to a key high school and a key university. No one helped me advance my tuition fees, so I borrowed student loans... In this way, I survived all the hardships, and even On my mother’s birthday, I even bought a cake and lit candles for her.”

"But that woman was not grateful at all and even knocked the cake to the ground. But what she didn't expect was that there was still high-concentration alcohol at home that I left behind when I was catching up on my college courses."

"The flames spread very quickly and burned the entire room in just a moment. The woman panicked and begged me to save her."

"How terrible this world is! It's so terrible that the people who were full of resentment towards me one second, knelt down to me the next second, wagging their tails to survive."

A heavy breath came out of his nostrils.

His voice also became urgent.

"Do you know? At that time, at that moment, I felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and joy!"

Kuroda Uchiichi's face seemed to be divided into two people.

Half of them were laughing with anger, and the other half were crying with sadness.

He was actually already dead.

He died in the fire more than ten years ago!

The person alive now is no longer Kuroda Uchiichi.

Rather, he is a walking zombie wearing the skin of Kuroda.

And now.

This walking corpse is killing people.

Kurodauchi raised his head and looked at Ishigami Aiko.

This time he didn't say anything more.

Only the dark eyes shined with deep light under the flickering lights in the old nursing home.



Everyone fell silent.

Even Qingshui Mountain was stunned.

Because he never thought that Kitumi Minoru could perform so well.

It completely exceeded all his previous expectations.

And this also made him scratch his head and cheeks.

This bastard is acting too well, right? And his acting skills have improved again? This was not the case yesterday and the day before yesterday.

The question is, since it can perform so well, why not put it all out at the beginning?

Do you have to take it out bit by bit?

You’ve seen too many cartoons about those trashy alien worlds where you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, right?

Damn it. What about those previously shot shots? The gap is a bit big.


But setting and reshooting all require funds. You can’t pay for this out of your own pocket, right?

He was a little speechless, feeling that he had been stabbed in the back by the assassin Kitaki Minoru.

He was confused and speechless here.

On the other side, Akiyama Shion had already bit her lower lip.

"Is he the Minoru Kitazumi that Director Honma mentioned?"

"It's really amazing."

She was a little distracted.

This acting is so infectious and layered.

I'm so unwilling.

Really unwilling.

But he is indeed very powerful.

But I’m still so unwilling to do so.

It’s really awesome

Not reconciled.


Emotions are intermingling.

Thanks to Duanmuci 10086 for the reward! Thank you so much!

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