Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 221 The difference between top stream and first-rate (4200 words)


To put it nicely, this profession is to assist the AR child-servant training center in training child-servants.

To put it bluntly, it is a pure office worker, a part-time worker.

And as an office worker.

When facing his immediate superior, Okano Yoshiko, Koji Tamura still felt a little uncomfortable.


Koji Tamura had only one idea - to quickly deal with the work problems and leave.

However, what he didn't expect was -

"Sister Yoshiko, what are you holding in your hand?"

Kitasumi-kun! ! !

Seeing his own child-servant approach Okano Yoshiko without hesitation and speaking with a smile on his face.

Koji Tamura really felt that his heart stopped.

He really wanted to ask Kitasumi, didn't you promise me before that you would be quiet? !

This is his immediate superior.

Don't mess around!

If you make the other party unhappy - you may be fine, but I will be scolded! In serious cases, there may be a salary cut!

Sweat beads seeped from the corners of his forehead.

Koji Tamura stole a glance at Okano Yoshiko.

Then he felt relieved.

Because Okano Yoshiko didn't seem to care much about Kita Sumi's call of "Sister Yoshiko" that brought them closer.

Her expression looked normal.

She also calmly raised the documents in her hand.

"This is your S-grade contract. I just asked the cooperating lawyer to draft it."


Not only does she look like she's not angry, but she's even a little too considerate?

She even made a special trip to explain for Kita Sumi?


This made Koji Tamura a little strange.

Because he clearly remembered that Okano Yoshiko shouldn't like children very much.

Why is she so enthusiastic about Kita Sumi?

This is possible.

Koji Tamura felt a little relieved, so he forced a smile: "Don't worry, President Okano. Kita Sumi is a little pro-adult. Regarding the S-grade contract..."

He only said half of his words, and his eyes widened.

Because under his gaze, Kita Sumire actually walked directly to Okano Yoshiko, with a delicate face, as if afraid that Okano Yoshiko would refuse and spoke.

"Sister Yoshiko, can I see my S-level contract?"

The role of the son-in-law really started.

Tamura Koji has been working with Kita Sumire for quite a long time.

Of course, he knows many of Kita Sumire's methods.

In fact, Kita Sumire's expression is really lethal to women.

Big eyes shining with soft and bright colors, slender fingers pulling the corners of clothes, handsome and cute but afraid that the other party will refuse.

Few actresses or female agents can take Kita Sumire's trick head-on without "falling".

Tamura Koji stopped talking.

Since Okano Yoshiko had not refused Kita Sumire's closeness before, it should be normal to agree to his little thing.

And in fact, it was just as he expected.

Although the expression on her face still did not fluctuate much, Okano Yoshiko nodded as expected.

"Okay, it's for Kitasumi-kun anyway."

As expected.

Apart from anything else, the charm of his own son is still very strong.

Tamura Koji breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the matter should end here.


"Then can sister Yoshiko hold me and look at me? I don't want to sit on the sofa, the sofa is cold."

"Ahem cough cough!"

No? Kitasumi-kun? You are really rude.

Looking at Kitasumi Minoru with his hands open, looking up, asking Okano Yoshiko for a "hug".

Tamura Koji really couldn't hold it anymore.

He saw it.

Kitasumi Minoru is simply the type who takes advantage of others.

But what surprised him even more was yet to come.

Okano Yoshiko hesitated for a moment, and actually picked up Kitasumi Minoru all at once.

"."Tamura Koji.

Looking at Okano Yoshiko putting her hands on Kitasumi Minoru's waist, her expressionless face was slightly red.

Tamura Koji really thought he was seeing things.

That Okano Yoshiko who was famous in the department for not liking children.

She was so doting on a new boy who she just met?

In fact, Okano Yoshiko didn't know what was wrong with her.

Although Kita Sumi was just a child, it was not a big problem for her to hold him, and she herself did have a good impression of Kita Sumi's innocent smile.

But this progress was too fast, wasn't it?

It felt that the distance between them was inexplicably shortened.

Normally, the work should have been discussed at this time.


Forget it.

Looking at Kita Sumi sitting on her white thighs, stretching out her little hand seriously, and clumsily flipping through the S-level boy contract.

This child is indeed different from other boys.

Compared with other boys, he has a natural sense of closeness without any scheming.

Okano Yoshiko's scrutiny slowed down a little and spoke softly.

"Ki Cheng-kun, how are you doing?"

"I've finished it."

Under her gaze, Kita Cheng-shi turned his head and smiled at her: "Thank you, Sister Liangzi."

"Very good."

Although it's nice to hug Kita Cheng-shi like this, she's soft and fragrant, but since I've finished reading it, there's nothing I can do.

Gangye Liangzi thought, feeling a little regretful, and was about to let go.


"But there are several things I don't quite understand, can Sister Liangzi explain it to me?"


Looking at Kita Sumire, who had no intention of getting off her, tilted his head, and looked like a curious baby.

Okano Yoshiko was stunned, and was also amused by his cute expression and laughed.

She simply hugged Kita Sumire tightly.

Although it was a little uncomfortable to have her plump chest pressed against Kita Sumire's little head.

But it didn't matter, it was just a child anyway.

"Tamura-san, come here, I'll tell you about the contract after the upgrade."

Okano Yoshiko turned her head and looked at Tamura Mitsuji.

"Oh, okay."

Tamura Mitsuji was actually stunned at this time, and he barely came back to his senses until Okano Yoshiko called him.

The main thing was that he really felt a little overwhelmed.

Who would have thought that Okano Yoshiko, who was usually serious, would actually be willing to hug a child actor she had just met, and she felt like she would not let go?

Tamura Mitsuji shook his head secretly.

Although Kitasumi usually uses the identity of "child" as a weapon to "bully" outside.

But Tamura Koji never thought that Kitasumi would dare to "manipulate" even when facing the president of AR child training center, Okano Yoshiko.

The key is that he really succeeded in the operation.

He sighed a little, and even asked in his heart-Is there really anyone in this industry who can resist Kitasumi's "charm"?

There is no answer to this question for the time being.

Rather than caring about such things.

Tamura Koji took two steps forward.

What's more important is Kitasumi's S-level child contract in front of him.

Kitasumi's S-level child contract is actually not complicated.

There are only three changes in the content.

The first one is the share of film remuneration, advertising, etc. In the past, AR child training center would extract 40% of the child's film remuneration and advertising income.

In the industry, 40% is actually quite common.

Some large child agencies even share 50-50 with child actors.

Let's put aside matters like paying taxes to the National Tax Agency.

If a shoujo earns 10 million yen, it's already a lot to earn 4-5 million yen.

After Kita Sumire is upgraded to S-level.

AR Sumire Training Institute will only take 30% of Kita Sumire's film and advertising income.

The second is the change in the minimum guarantee.

Kita Sumire's minimum guarantee has been upgraded from 500,000 yen per month to 800,000 yen per month.

In other words, even if Kita Sumire doesn't work every month.

AR Sumire Training Institute will pay him 800,000 yen - in Japan, this is twice the monthly salary of an ordinary office worker.

And the third is the most critical one.

In the future, AR Sumire Training Institute will consider Kita Sumire first for any job invitations from TV stations and directors.

In other words, in the future, all TV stations and producers in the industry that have cooperative relations with AR Sumire Training will consider Kita Sumire first for job invitations.

This condition is really too generous.

Kita Sumire was stunned when he heard Okano Yoshiko's explanation.

This is more than treating him as a unique shoujo, this is simply treating him as the ‘crown prince’.

Kita Sumire had worked as a low-level shoujo, so he naturally knew how important a good job opportunity was for a shoujo - many shoujo were only one job away from becoming famous.

And the AR shoujo training center was equivalent to completely tilting the resources to him.

Okano Yoshiko probably saw Tamura Mitsuji's surprise.

Although there was no need to explain to him.

But the other party was Kita Sumire's agent after all.

After thinking about it, she still asked a question.

"Tamura-san, what do you think is the most important thing about the shoujo training center?"


The question from his immediate superior made Tamura Mitsuji think for a while.

"Is it the reputation of the agency and the influence in the industry?"

The greater the reputation and influence of the agency.

There will be more and more TV stations, producers and directors willing to cooperate, and there will be more and more job opportunities, forming a virtuous circle.

"Then where does the agency's reputation and influence come from?"

Okano Yoshiko spoke again.

"Our artists, right?"

Tamura Koji groaned.


The reputation and influence of the agency are not obtained out of thin air.

It comes from the fame and influence of its artists in front of the audience.

The partners are definitely more willing to negotiate cooperation issues with large agencies with many famous artists.

"This is why our AR Actress Training Institute is still a small actress agency."

Okano Yoshiko shook her head, then stretched out her finger and tapped the table: "We don't have any good actors in the industry."

Whether it's Haneda Rika or other A-level actors.

Although their work can bring stable income to the agency.

But there is no way to further expand the agency's reputation and influence.

To put it bluntly, they are not outstanding enough.

They are similar to ordinary first-class actors, and they can be replaced by other actors, which is not unique.

The actor craze basically rises every 20 years, and there are a few particularly outstanding actors who are well-known to the world.

For example, Suzuki Fuku and Ashida Mana, who were very popular at the time.

They are the top-tier koyaku in the industry, and are truly sought after by countless directors and producers. They are the real leaders in the koyaku boom era.

To be frank.

At that time, when it came to subtitles, both the industry and the audience could not avoid the names of Suzuki Fuku and Ashida Aina.

As long as there is a program that requires sub-contractors, the two of them will be considered first. Only when the production funds are insufficient, the standards will be lowered and other sub-contractors will be considered.

This is the difference between a top-notch person and a first-rate person.

In the opinion of Kitazumi and Gangno Ryoko, he has the potential to become such a top-notch servant.

After all, the other party went from being a low-level servant to a top-notch servant in just half a year.

Even now.

As long as Kitami Minoru's name is mentioned, some people in the industry will think of the AR Ziyue Training Center.

Not to mention the popularity of "Rejuvenation" this time.

Kitami Minori will only appear in public more frequently.

In this case, the AR Training Center must seize the opportunity.

Make Kitami Minoru the brand and facade of your company, so that others will think of the AR sub-service training center whenever they see Kitazumi Minoru, thereby gaining fame and expanding influence, and use this to promote the remaining sub-services of your company. Go out and form a more virtuous cycle.

Even if Kitazumi fails to become a top-notch sub-contractor in the end,

Then their AR Ziyue Training Center is not at a loss either.

After all, Kitami Minoru's work ability is there.

Ryoko Okano was very decisive when she said these words, and her eyes were full of competence. She really seemed to have a kind of "leadership charm".


Tamura Koji couldn't help but take another look at the other party.

To this day, Ryoko Okano is still holding Minoru Kitaki in her arms and refuses to let go.

Although he does have ‘charisma’, but it looks like this

Tamura Koji coughed.

The next thing is simple.

Kitami Minori got the S-level subservient contract in duplicate.

However, due to the fact that he is a minor, he still needs to take the contract home and have Beicheng Yubo sign and seal it before the contract is officially legally binding.

Therefore, Kitazumi did not hesitate, got off Okano Ryoko and said goodbye to her with a smile.


"Can I still play with Sister Liangzi in the future?"

Just as he was about to go out, Kitumi Minoru's cute head suddenly popped out from behind the door.

This sudden attack made Tamura Koji a little nervous.

He sighed helplessly and patted Kitumi Minoru's head gently.

"Kita Cheng-kun! President Okano has a lot of work, so please stop messing around."

That's right.

After all, Ryoko Gangano is also the president of the AR sub-service training center.

Although Shenlong usually sees the beginning but not the end, it does not mean that the other party is not busy.

She also ‘played with Sister Liangzi’. Do you really think she is a primary school student making friends?

He wanted to say something else, but was blocked by Okano Ryoko's next sentence.


"." Tamura Koji.

Seeing the way Ryoko Gangno spoke without much hesitation.

Tamura Koji basically confirmed it.

There is a high probability that this is another adult woman who was "charmed" by Kitami Minoru.

I really don’t know how Kitami Minoru did it.

He's obviously just a nine-year-old child.

But in dealing with women, he is more skilled than an adult male.

Kitazumi didn't know what Tamura Koji was thinking.

After leaving Ryoko Okano's office, he rarely fell into thinking.

After becoming a top player in the industry, he was already relatively satisfied.

After all, at this point, you basically don’t have to worry about food and clothing.

As long as you stay safe, you can easily get money for your future life.

But what Ryoko Gangano said just now made him have other thoughts - to stand out among many first-class servants and become the top servant in the wave of servants.

This small goal is indeed very good.

Kitazumi, who originally wanted to become the number one prostitute in the industry, suddenly became interested.

Thanks to Sword of Destruction for the 100 starting coin reward! Thank you so much!

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