There is a very good saying.

All the dissatisfaction between partners is not achieved overnight, but accumulated little by little in daily life.

Bei Cheng Youbo feels that this is the case with her.

Although it is indeed inappropriate to use "partners" to describe the relationship between her and Shi-chan.

But Bei Cheng Youbo knows it.

It must be that her usual disgusting behavior finally caused the dissatisfaction of the gods, so she was punished by the gods.

Sitting in the recliner, Bei Cheng Youbo's heart beat violently.

In front of him was Bei Cheng Shi, who was smiling and saying something.

To be honest.

After Bei Cheng Shi said "planning to buy a house", Bei Cheng Youbo could no longer hear what he said afterwards.

Her eyes were raised and quickly fell down.

Her body was close to the back of the recliner.

All kinds of thoughts and ideas were mixed together in a mess.

It made her unable to think calmly.

She always thought that if Bei Cheng Shi asked her to separate.

She would definitely not resist at all, and honestly hand over the bank card to the little angel, and she could accept this result calmly.

After all, as the aunt of the little angel and a loyal believer of Bei Cheng Shen.

She would understand and respect Bei Cheng Shi's ideas.

But when things actually happened.

Bei Cheng Youbo realized that things were not as simple as she thought.

She couldn't say a word.

Obviously, she had already prepared for this day to come.

After all, Bei Cheng Shi would grow up.

One day, he would have to live separately from her.

And she was a social phobia.

Even though she had made great progress recently.

But she couldn't refuse Bei Cheng Shi's reasonable request.


I don't want to do that.

Her mind was empty, and only this sentence remained.

Bei Cheng Youbo's cherry pink lips were tightly pressed together.


She didn't want to separate from Bei Cheng Shi.

She wanted to live with him forever.

She wanted to continue making the fried chicken nuggets he liked.

She wanted to see him nagging impatiently, but in the end he would always take care of himself.

She wanted to continue writing some fantasies of being with him that could only be written in novels.

Even if she might be hated by the little angel and be looked down upon by the world.

She still wanted to stay with Bei Chengshi.

But how could she do it? How could she make the little angel change his mind?

She had difficulty communicating with others.

There was no way to persuade others in her mind.

It was impossible to find a reason to persuade the little angel who was good at speaking.


"Shi, Shi-chan!"

The chair rubbed against the ground, making a harsh sound.


Bei Chengshi, who was still talking about the room change, looked at Bei Cheng Youbo in front of him strangely.

Because he rarely saw Bei Cheng Youbo like this——

The thin and beautiful eyebrows were tightly frowned.

The cherry pink lips were pressed together.

The face like the bright moon was raised weakly, and it seemed to be overlaid with a sad mood, which made people feel pity at a glance.

The black hair like crow feathers fell listlessly from her shoulders.

She spoke in a hurry and panic.

"I will never stay up late secretly without telling Shi-chan again!"


Bei Chengshi blinked.

"I will do all the housework at home!"

"Very good."

Although she didn't know why Bei Chengyoubo suddenly expressed her determination, Bei Chengshi still praised her.

But Bei Chengyoubo didn't want this kind of praise.

She looked at Bei Chengshi's petite body and took a deep breath.

"I will work hard to become better in the future! Become an aunt that Shi-chan can show off to others and be proud of!"


"So, Shi-chan, don't separate from your aunt, okay?"

Rather than persuading, it's more like begging.

But this is the best 'persuasion method' that Bei Chengyoubo can think of with all his strength.

She raised her eyes with tears in her eyes weakly and grabbed Bei Chengshi's hand.

She has always been a very introverted and weak person since she was a child.

Don't say she has ever competed with others for anything.

Even the days when she quarreled with others were rare.

Only Bei Chengshi.

She didn't want to give up at all.

Bei Cheng Youbo just grabbed Bei Chengshi's palm.

She looked at him seriously.

Hoping to get his answer.

The little angel seemed to be at a loss for what to do with her sudden action, and looked a little dazed.

But she still didn't let go.

She didn't want to separate from Bei Chengshi, and wanted to stay with him forever.

It was in such an action.

She looked at Bei Chengshi and was a little dazed at first, and then showed a little surprise.


Bei Cheng Youbo, who looked serious and determined, heard Bei Chengshi's surprised voice.

"Aunt Youbo, did you make a mistake?"


"I never said from the beginning that I wanted to separate from you, aunt."

Bei Chengshi looked at Bei Cheng Youbo with a puzzled look on his face.

What's going on? He didn't do anything, but why did he feel like he had tricked Bei Cheng Youbo's ultimate move with a basic attack?


"Of course it's true. Why should I separate from Aunt Youbo?"


Listening to Bei Chengshi's matter-of-fact voice.

Bei Chengshi Youbo's firm expression began to melt.

At this moment, a blush that was difficult to hide quickly appeared on his serious face.

The corners of Bei Chengshi's mouth began to tremble violently.

Then she made a "woosh".

Her head hit the table hard!

At this moment.

Bei Chengshi Youbo really felt what it felt like to "want to find a crack in the ground to crawl into".

It was really embarrassing!

Obviously, Bei Chengshi had never thought about it at all, but she made up a tragic drama in her mind!

Shame and embarrassment gathered together.

Her face was burning.

She felt that her brain was about to burn out.

At this time, Bei Chengshi seemed to see what Bei Chengshi Youbo was thinking.

He smiled and propped up that cute face.

"Aunt Ariha wants to stay with me forever."


Faced with the teasing, Kita Cheng Ariha was in a state of embarrassment and could not resist.

"Hey? Doesn't Aunt Ariha want to live with me? Oh--that's such a pity."

He sighed softly.

"Of course I want to be with Shi-chan! Ah! Shi-chan!"

Knowing that this was Kita Cheng Shi's teasing.

But Kita Cheng Ariha was fooled when she heard this. She was extremely shy and didn't know what to do, so she simply turned her head to the other side--

"My aunt is ignoring you!"

This was the greatest resistance she could make to Kita Cheng Shi.

Blushing, she turned her eyes to the other side and made up her mind to ignore him.

But under the handsome face that Kita Cheng Shi deliberately approached.

Her original firm belief began to rebel, and she was divided into the surrender faction and the persistence faction.

But it might be because she had made a big fool of herself before.

Bei Cheng Youbo actually managed to calm down the "surrenderist" in her heart, and turned her head to the other side, refusing to be teased by her nephew.

However, this time, she was not teased.

Bei Chengshi's soft little hand touched her forehead, and it felt cold and comfortable.

His concerned voice also rang out.

"Does it hurt? Aunt?"

The sound of Bei Chengyoubo's head hitting the table just now was very muffled and loud, with a "dong" sound, which was very painful to hear.

"No, it hurts a little."

Bei Chengyoubo lied to Bei Chengshi.

The material of the table is a wooden table, not a stone table. When her head hit it, she actually retracted her strength.

So it didn't hurt that much.

But this is the touch of a little angel.

Maybe there is only this one chance in a lifetime!

She would rather go against her conscience.


Looking at Bei Chengshi's petite palm gently rubbing and stroking her forehead.

Looking at his fair chin

Bei Cheng Youbo blushed and spoke in a very low voice.



"You really won't separate from me?"

"Are you still talking about this? Didn't I make it very clear before?"


Bei Cheng Youbo's cherry pink lips moved.

But this might just be Shi-chan's comfort. She didn't say this.

Looking at her hesitant and shrinking appearance.

Bei Cheng Shi smiled and grabbed Bei Cheng Youbo's palm.

"In this case, let my aunt sleep with me tonight. This should be able to show that I don't hate my aunt."


Bei Cheng Youbo raised her beautiful and delicate eyes, and her face was full of surprise.

Looking at Bei Cheng Shi's expression that didn't seem to be joking.

Bei Cheng Youbo opened his mouth.

Is this. true?

It should be true, right?

You know, she couldn't have such a dream even with three layers of pillows.

Things were very simple after nightfall.

Bei Cheng Youbo took a bath first, and then put on a nightgown.

Even the loose white nightgown could not hide the magnificence of her chest.

"Shi, Shi-chan, are you really going to do this?"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Bei Cheng Youbo's legs rubbed restlessly, and her white and attractive calves were looming under the hem of her skirt because of this action.

"? What are you thinking about, Aunt Youbo?"

Bei Cheng Shi smiled, with a matter-of-fact look on his face: "Is it strange for a nephew to sleep with his aunt?"

His voice paused.

"Or is it that Aunt Youbo has a lot of delusions in her head?"

"Of course not! I'm an adult! How could I have delusions about Shi-chan!"

Bei Cheng Youbo hurriedly turned her head to the other side.

In fact, she did think about it!

And she thought about a lot of messy things!


Bei Cheng Shi's chuckle while speaking made Bei Cheng Youbo realize that he was probably teased by the other party again.

Bei Chengyoubo simply went to bed and covered her red face.

Then, she heard a rustling sound, and something seemed to have crawled into the quilt in front of her, small and soft.

She reluctantly opened her eyes.

Then she realized that Bei Chengshi had been lying on his side next to her.

An innocent expression that made people feel pity.

A straight nose, a fair face, slender but very beautiful eyebrows, and curly and slightly trembling eyelashes.

Under the dim light of the bedside lamp.

The outline of his face looked slightly transparent

It feels like a glass product, as if it will break if you apply a little force.


At this moment.

All the messy thoughts that Bei Chengyoubo had considered in his mind before were gone.

She stared blankly at Bei Chengshi who closed his eyes in front of her, and subconsciously reached out to hug him.

Although Bei Chengshi ran every morning, his body was stronger than that of ordinary children.

But compared to her, he was still a little thin.

And it was such a slender and thin child who had always been by her side.

Thinking of this.

Bei Chengyoubo put his white chin on Bei Chengshi's forehead.

Like a big cat protecting a kitten.

She spoke softly.



"Thank you all the time."


She had always wanted to say this to Bei Chengshi.

If he hadn't come to her side and encouraged her to contact others.

Maybe she would still be a dark, lonely useless person curled up in the room waiting for her body to decay.

She thanked Bei Chengshi from the bottom of her heart.

At the same time, she reached out and gently held his small palm.

Bei Chengshi closed his eyes.

She had a hunch.

She would sleep very soundly this time - no way!

The truth was, as soon as she closed her eyes.

The random thoughts that had disappeared without a trace would spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

The fragrance of Bei Chengshi.

The soft, delicate touch.

And the innocent and flawless sleeping face with closed eyes.

All made her unable to sleep at all!

She overestimated her self-control and underestimated Bei Chengshi's charm to her.

Her brain was not relaxed for a moment.

The key was that she didn't dare to move!

Because Bei Chengshi was in her arms.

If she moved a few times by accident.

She disturbed the sleeping little angel.

Then she would really be blamed for her death!

That's it.

Kitacumi Ariha stared with eyes wide open, staying up all night until 6:30 the next day——

"Hmm? Aunt Ariha, what's wrong with you? Did you stay up late?"

As soon as she opened her eyes, Kitacumi Ariha, who was exhausted, disheveled, and pale, stared at her, and Kitacumi Shi was startled.

Kitacumi Ariha didn't say anything.

She just clasped her hands together.

Although she didn't sleep well the whole night.

But——she also watched Kitacumi Shi's cute sleeping face all night.

This. is not bad.

It's just that this kind of free sleeping service is better once in a while.

If there is a free sleeping service from the little angel every day

Kitacumi Ariha really feels that her body may not be able to bear it and die happily.

"Very good."

Kitacumi Shi is very satisfied.

The whole process was a bit tortuous, but he still persuaded Kitacumi Ariha to move with him to the vicinity of Bunkyo District.

The next step is to ask others to choose the property and other issues.

As for the apartment in Nerima District.

This will be left to Kitacumi Ariha himself.

After all, it is her own asset.

Whether it is sold, left as it is, or rented out, it is a good choice.

However, according to his understanding of Bei Chengyoubo.

The other party is unlikely to sell it or rent it out.

After all, this place also carries a lot of memories between her and him.

"So. The first step of moving is temporarily completed. Then the next step is the issue of transferring to another school."

Bei Chengshi raised his eyes and actually had a plan in his mind.

Thank you for the 500 starting coins reward from the power of struggle! Thank you for the 100 starting coins from the book friend 20240702221943437, and thank you for the 100 starting coins reward from the attacking little fat man! Thank you very much!

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