According to Kita Chengshi’s own wishes.

AR Ziyi Training Institute quickly formulated a specific operation strategy.

At the same time, they did not forget to prepare an official notice and placed it under the official account of AR Ziyi Training Institute.

The structure of this notice is quite simple.

The beginning is nothing more than an apology.

It means that the change of their own Ziyi’s academic status has attracted so much attention from the society and caused so much discussion. All the staff of AR Ziyi Training Institute hereby apologize.

Then they admitted the authenticity of the news that Kita Chengshi would skip a grade and transfer to high school.

As soon as these two notices came out.

The popularity of the news of the ‘9-year-old prodigy’ was immediately raised to a higher level.

After all, although many people on the Internet are spreading this news.

But in fact, there are too few people willing to trace the source.

Most people would rather watch the excitement and are too lazy to spend time to verify the truth.

This is the true manifestation of the so-called ‘it’s easy to spread rumors, but it takes a lot of effort to refute them’.


These two official notices are just the beginning.

The third message from the official account of AR Sub-service Training Institute is the real "killer weapon" that really aroused people's interest.

They said directly in the notice.

Kita Chengshi will prove her academic ability and high school admission on the program "Famous Sub-service is coming!" on Wednesday.

This message immediately made Kita Chengshi's name more and more popular.

There is a kind of warm-up of all the previous news.

This message is the real fuse of the bomb.

This time.

Whether it is the supporters who believe that there is indeed a "9-year-old prodigy" in the world, or the opponents who think there must be something fishy about it, they are all surprised.

Self-proof? A 9-year-old child proves himself?

How is he going to prove himself?

The discussion escalated further.

This also made Kita Chengshi enter the headlines of entertainment newspapers where only various famous actors, singers, and directors can appear as a sub-service.

This traffic heat can be said to be incredible.

You should know that although it is easy for koyaku to attract fans, there are very few who can make the headlines of entertainment newspapers.

Let me give you a very simple example.

In the past, the headlines of Japanese entertainment newspapers were basically occupied by people like Kimura Takuya or Sakai Izumi.

Even if there are no particularly popular people in the Japanese industry in recent years.

Most of the people who can make the headlines are quite famous adult actors and singers.

It is really difficult for young koyaku to make the headlines.

Kita Sumire's sudden rise in popularity naturally attracted the attention of other koyaku agencies.

In particular, several large koyaku agencies were a little confused by Kita Sumire's surging popularity.

What's going on?

What's going on with you? !

I remember that this AR koyaku training center is a small koyaku agency, right?

What is it trying to do?

Is it trying to create a "nuclear weapon"?

You should know that Kita Sumire had previously robbed a lot of koyaku of the same period because of "Kenghouden".

In order to grab more online popularity from Kita Sumimi.

All major agencies have spent a lot of effort to operate their own signature actors.

As a result, the popularity of "Kenghao Den" has not subsided yet and this has happened again!

They secretly complained in their hearts, and at the same time couldn't help but curse.

This AR actor training center is obviously a small agency, what kind of shit luck did it have?

Where did it pick up such a "nuclear weapon" actor?

If they met such a high-profile actor in the past.

They still have ways to deal with it.

That is to follow the trend caused by the other party and imitate the operation routine of the other party's actor.

As long as it is roughly the same, you can basically get a bite of soup.

But Kita Sumimi.

Succubus actor, set up a "friend fee" paid channel immediately after the number of followers exceeded 100,000, and entered high school at the age of 9.

Don't even mention imitation.

Just hearing these words can make them look puzzled.

Whose good actor can be related to these things?

God knows where this weird actor Kita Sumire came from?

It only took him one year to become famous from the bottom.

He could actually "drain" all the popularity of actors in the same period, and his figure was on the headlines of various entertainment newspapers.

Could it be that this actor is really a reincarnation of a succubus?

They complained bitterly in their hearts.

But compared with the headache of various large actor agencies.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi, Akiyama Shion and others called Kita Sumire to congratulate him.

It has to be said.

The friendship between children is indeed quite pure.

Even though Kita Sumire has "drained" the popularity of actors in the same period.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi and Akiyama Shion don't care at all.

Especially Akiyama Shion.

The Dajinzhan Theater is obviously trying its best to operate her this year.

At the beginning of the year, she took on three movies and a TV series, and there were countless variety shows during this period.

I just wanted to take advantage of the popularity of Yukishiro Kaoru after the release of Kengoden by Akiyama Shion.

I wanted to make her popularity, which was already good, even more popular.

In the end, this plan was only halfway realized before it was "collapsed" - because Kita Sumire was too strong this year.

Really strong.

First, there was the hype of the character Kenichi Aoki in "Kengouden".

Then there was the news about the 9-year-old alien.

Explosive topics came one after another, as if they were free.

This led to the fact that although Akiyama Shion's schedule in the first half of the year was full and she worked hard every day, people didn't pay any attention to her at all.

Even Akiyama Shion's agent Sugimu Shoko called Kita Sumire to complain.

She said that Akiyama Shion had posted dynamics to support him several times during social media discussions.

As a result, Kita Sumire had no intention of "sympathizing with women".

He beat her "black and blue" on the hot topics.

This is indeed the truth.

Kita Sumire thought of the previous things.

When he was still a low-level actor, Akiyama Shion often promoted him as a good friend on her personal homepage.

When Miharu Yukako was in power, Akiyama Shion even stood up for him despite the pressure from her mother.

You have to know that Akiyama Shion was already King Frieza with more than 500,000 fans at that time.

Whether it is the number of followers or the popularity, it has always been high.

In addition, as a fellow actor, he spoke for him, which really achieved a very good publicity effect.

So Kitasumi Shion made a special video call to Akiyama Shion and apologized in person.


"Hey? That. I think Shion-chan doesn't need to care at all."


Kitasumi Shion looked at Akiyama Shion who smiled at him in the video call with a little surprise.

Although he had known that this little girl was always quiet and elegant, he never thought that she could be so "quiet".

You know, he sucked up all the topic of the other party.

As a result, the other party not only didn't care, but also said to him "Don't care"?

Isn't this little girl's temper too good?

He was secretly surprised in his heart, and at the same time he heard Akiyama Shion's voice.

"Compared to popularity and other things, I actually have a question for Shion-chan."

When Akiyama Shion said this, there was a clear sense of embarrassment on her delicate and elegant face.

This made Kita Sumire even more puzzled.

"What's the matter?"

Under his gaze, Akiyama Shion first took a deep breath, then put her hands on her chest, her fair face was blushed, and she suddenly raised her voice.

"That's it. That Shi-chan! You should be 9 years old this year, right?"

"Yeah? That's right."

"Then, then you should be 10 next year, right?!"

"." Kita Sumire.

Akiyama Shion's words had a sense of nonsense literature of 'people will die if they are killed'.

He didn't know how to complain for a while.

But looking at the other party's serious face.

He rarely didn't joke, and nodded directly: "My birthday is January 1st, and it is true that I will be 10 years old next year."

Hearing Kita Sumire's answer.

Akiyama Shion's expression on the other end of the video call became obviously cheerful.

"Well, I will be twelve years old next year and a junior high school student. Mom will probably relax her control over me. Then, can you go out with me? Just the two of us?"

When she said the last part.

Akiyama Shion's voice became smaller unconsciously, and her head lowered.

She had never actively invited boys to play outside together, let alone limit it to "two people together".

Of course, this made her feel very embarrassed.

Because according to what people usually say.

When a man and a woman go out to play alone, isn't that a date.

Woo! ! !

When she thought of that word.

Her fair face flushed like a steamed octopus, and her heart was even more flustered, not knowing what to do.


"Oh? Shion-chan, are you inviting me on a date?"

Kitasumi Shion on the other end of the video call made a funny sound.

This made Akiyama Shion even more uncomfortable.

Would Shion-chan reject her with that smile?

If she thought about it carefully, it was natural for her to reject her, right?

After all, she was going out with a girl who was so tall and boring.

Her mood gradually became heavy.

Her eyes slowly lowered.



Akiyama Shion widened her eyes and raised her face.

"I say, sure, we don't even have to wait until next year, let's find a time to go out together."

"Shi, Shi-chan!"

Akiyama Shion blushed at Kita Sumi's insistence on mentioning the word "date".

But how to say it

Her eyes drooped.

It was really strange.

She had already started to feel lost and bitter in the last second.

But when she heard Kita Sumi's "Sure\

,"all the haze in her heart was dispelled without warning, leaving only the other party's joy of agreeing to her.

The next thing was much simpler.

After a while of communication.

Kita Sumi said that he would call her again in the future to ask her about her free time, and then hung up the phone.

On the other side, Akiyama Shion didn't say much.

She just stared at the video call that had been hung up.

After a while.

She silently picked up the pillow on the sofa next to her.

She put her head into the pillow.

After a while -

It seemed that she thought of something happy.


She let out a small, cute laugh.

As mentioned earlier.

Kita Sumimi will prove her academic ability on the program "The Famous Actors Are Coming!" on Wednesday to respond to social doubts.

The reason why Kita Sumimi chose the program "The Famous Actors Are Coming!" is also quite simple.

That is - authority.


Just as the name of the program suggests.

"The Famous Actors Are Coming!" is a program specifically used to interview actors.

The program has a long history and has existed since the golden age of the television industry.

It has a history of 40 to 50 years.

During this period, countless top-tier and first-class actors have been interviewed.

Even Hosokawa Shibaizumi and Akiyama Shion have appeared on the program interview of "The Famous Actors Are Coming!".

In addition, "The Famous Actors Are Coming!" is a long-established program that has dug deep into the scandal of "sexual abuse" of actors in certain agencies in the industry.

The combination of various factors.

In addition, its selling point is "uncovering the truth behind the scenes of the koyaku industry".

It is loved by many viewers.

Therefore, the program "The koyaku is coming!" has a saying in the koyaku industry that "only by appearing on "The koyaku is coming!" can you be qualified to call yourself a first-class koyaku."

Kita Sumire has been famous as a first-class koyaku for a long time.

He has also been invited to the program "The koyaku is coming!" many times.

But at that time, Kita Sumire was busy with the filming of "Kengouden" and the recording of "Little Shokudo" in the afternoon.

He was in a state where he could not get away at all.

But now it is different.

The popularity of the child prodigy has fermented to this day.

Kita Sumire will naturally not miss the "The koyaku is coming!", which is the best platform for self-certification.

He directly asked Tamura Koji to contact the program team.

The result of the negotiation can be said to be quite successful.

As a koyaku column program, "The koyaku is coming!" 》The program team has actually been secretly paying attention to Kita Sumi's recent developments.

After all, Kita Sumi's recent popularity is frighteningly high.

It was Kita Sumi who recently rejected the program team's invitation.

Otherwise, their program director would really come to invite her directly.

At this time, Tamura Koji's proactive contact was simply a pillow sent to him when he was sleepy.

They immediately expressed their willingness to prepare a stage for Kita Sumi to prove herself.

Let Kita Sumi prepare as soon as possible.

There was also a big misunderstanding.

Because according to the program team's scheduled process.

The next episode of the program "The Name Role is Coming!" is actually the male role Tachibana Ayumi, who is in the limelight recently in addition to Kita Sumi.

They are equivalent to changing the program process midway.

Naturally, it caused dissatisfaction from the agency of the male role Tachibana Ayumi, and they called the program team to protest for a long time.

But they protested.

The "Name Role is Coming!" program team didn't care at all.

Anyway, there are people lining up to appear on "The Name Role is Coming!" 》There are many sub-actors.

If you don't want to, just give way. Anyway, we don't need you.

The industry environment is the same.

The TV station and the filming crew are equivalent to Party A (the boss).

And the agency is equivalent to Party B (the employee).

Although it is a cooperative relationship, the status difference between the two is very large.

After all, the TV station can lack the actors of the agency, but the actors of the agency cannot lose their job opportunities.

It is precisely under these big and small, various situations.

The time finally came to the Wednesday night when Kita Chengshi proved himself——

Thank you very much, brothers!

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