Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 238 Please take responsibility (3500 words)

Chapter 238 Please take responsibility! (3500 words!)

Passed through the crowds of people watching the fun.

Come to a hidden corner.

Wait to make sure no one is around.

Nanase Karin couldn't hold back at all.

The expression that had always been disguised as soft and elegant changed instantly.

"Did you do it on purpose? Did you do it on purpose! Did you do it on purpose?! Brother Beicheng!"

Three ‘Did you do it on purpose’ in a row?

He held Bei Chengmi and rocked it back and forth repeatedly.

The shoulder-length hair like crow feathers seems to be expressing his dissatisfaction, because his movements are jumping up and down.

"He transferred to Jingwen High School secretly and didn't even reveal any information to me. After all, maybe my brother wanted to give me some surprises. I can still deceive myself like this."

Nanase Karin was petite, with pink cheeks that could be wrapped with one palm. She was bulging with anger at this moment.


She can deceive herself.

For example, my brother Beicheng, who used to like teasing her and giving her some 'surprises' when she was a child, wanted to surprise herself.

That's why I hid the matter of transferring schools.

But today——

"Is it possible that Brother Beicheng did this on purpose?! Is he the type who knew his sister was watching and deliberately left his sister alone to be intimate with other girls?"

Her eyes were always as warm as clear springs.

At this moment, there was a lot of dissatisfaction and protest against Kitumi Minoru.

"Ahem, this is indeed my fault."

Kitachi Minoru coughed dryly and admitted his mistake.

Due to work reasons, he had not seen Nanase Kari for three or four months.

As a result, when they met, he didn't even have time to talk to his sister who kept talking about him, so he was busy chatting with other girls.

This is indeed somewhat inappropriate.

However, Kitaki Minoru didn't expect Nanase Karin's reaction to be so big.

Is this difficult?

"Huali, are you jealous?"

He asked questions instead.

This is a means of changing the topic.

After all this time.

Most of the girls who heard him ask this question would probably be at a loss because they were shy, or they didn't want to admit that they were jealous, so they just talked about other things.

However, what Kitumi did not expect was——

"Of course I'm jealous!"

"Huh? Huali? Are you admitting it directly?"

Listening to Nanase Karin's words, Kitaki Minoru was stunned for a moment.

His sister actually didn't even try to hide it.

What about the quiet and elegant image you usually have?

No more?

"Because it's Brother Beicheng, so it doesn't matter if you act coquettishly."

Without any hesitation, Nanase Kari pouted.

She had waited for more than ten years and endured it for several months before she could barely suppress her restless mood and not meet the busy Kitaki Minoru.

I just want to be an elegant, quiet, well-behaved and obedient sister in front of Kitaki Minoru.

But this time we met.

Not only did his brother not feel sorry for him.

Instead, he simply left her aside and started chatting with other girls in the same class who had nothing to do with her.

If you do this, you can still maintain a very strong concentration.

Then she should really run straight to the temple, kick the Buddha enshrined inside, and sit on it herself.

"And I'm angry! Very, very angry! No matter how much my brother coaxes or persuades me, I'm still very angry!"

When it comes to this.

She glanced at Kitumi Minoru, who was being held up in mid-air by her.

There was a trace of distress in his eyes, and he was worried that he would be hurt, so he put him down gently.

After making sure that nothing happened to him

He turned his head sideways again, his cheeks bulging angrily, looking really angry.

I noticed Nanase Karin's small and undetectable movements.

Kitaki was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly.

He took the initiative to step forward and took Nanase Karin's hand.

"Really? Then is there any specific way to compensate?"

"No! Not at all! And I want to punish my brother!"

Nanase Karin turned her head to the other side awkwardly, her face full of determination, but she didn't want to let go of Kitumi Minoru's hand.

This somewhat compromised her firm will.

"Oh? What is the specific punishment?"


This sudden attack made Nanase Karin's lips part and close again, and she didn't know what to do.

Because she really hadn't thought about such a thing.

The punishment is just a casual comment.

From before to now, she had never thought about being really angry with Beicheng Minoru.

Kitaki Minoru asked.

She was a little stunned.

But if nothing can be said.

He might be teased by his brother again.

"I-I want to punish my brother!"

Her white fingers clenched and unclenched.

His eyes began to wander.

He was obviously thinking about how to 'punish' Kitaki Minoru.

She held it in for a long time before finally speaking out.

"I will not talk to Brother Beicheng all day long!"

When it comes to this.

In fact, Nanase Karin no longer has any troubles.

She secretly looked at Kitaki Minoru.

I made up my mind even more - if Brother Beicheng comes to talk to me and comfort me, then just forgive him. A whole day is indeed too long.


"Really? You can't talk to me for a day. Oh, that's such a pity."

Under the surprised gaze of Nanase Kari.

Beicheng Minoru sighed, shook his head, took steps, and planned to leave.

Why.? etc? !

What's going on?

Shouldn't this be a plot where you see your sister still angry and come over to comfort her and win her forgiveness?

It looked like Kitumi was really planning to leave.

Nanase Karin hurriedly stopped the other party.

"Why did Brother Beicheng leave without saying anything?"

"Huh? Didn't Hua Li say that she would ignore me all day today?"


Looking at Kitumi Minoru who was staring at her with a strange expression on her face, Nanase Karin's face turned red.

She was hemming and hawing, completely speechless.

It was as if he was deliberately bullying her.

Beicheng on the other side saw that she was unmoved and sighed "heavily" again.

"Originally, I wanted to tell Hua Li my new address today, but alas - it's a pity, Hua Li didn't want to talk to me the whole day."

New. New home address?

As soon as these words were spoken.

Nanase Karin couldn't sit still.

She hurriedly took Kitumi's hand.

The soft, watery eyes raised.

"I, I know! A whole day is still too long. Just three minutes!"

She had given in as much as possible.


"Huh? Three minutes? It seems that Huali still doesn't want to forgive me. It feels like I'm forcing Huali. Hey, I'd better forget it."

Kitaki shook his head melancholy and stepped forward again.

This aggressive look made Nanase Karin groan. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't even open her eyes, and finally spoke as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

"I know! It's my fault! I forgive brother Beicheng! This is okay!"

Her voice trailed off.

It took a long time but I didn't hear Kitumi Minoru's answer.

This made Nanase Karin tentatively open her soft, watery eyes.

And this unfolds.

Kitaki Minoru's face with a slightly teasing smile jumped into her eyes.

"Brother Beicheng!"

He realized that he was most likely being played by Kitaki Minoru.

Nanase Karin blushed and made a shy and angry voice.

Kitami Minori finally told Nanase Kari her home address.

After all, he had planned to tell the other party today.

That is to say, the bunch of girls in the class kept pestering him, so he didn't have time to talk to Nanase Kari about it.

Just take advantage of this opportunity.

Kitazumi told the other party the address of the Odaiyama apartment.

And after handling this matter.

Only then was Kitaki Minoru able to calm down and look at Nanase Karin.

It was different from the last time I took the car at night and couldn't see clearly.

The weather is very nice today.

Therefore, Kitazumi felt the charm of Nanase Karin more intuitively.

Black shoulder-length hair.

Soft and refined facial features.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is her eyes.

They were a pair of gentle and demure eyes that seemed to have water waves rippling in them.

Through these eyes, one can see Nanase Karin's gentle temperament at a glance.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years, Huali is getting cuter and cuter."

According to the memory in his mind, Kitazumi praised Nanase Karin.

He did remember it.

In the past, when Nanase Karin was six or seven years old.

He only needs to praise the other party in this way.

The other party will be so happy that they spin around in circles, stamping their white feet while spinning, which is very cute.


"It will only bother me if you keep praising me like a child. I am already 17 years old this year, Brother Beicheng."

With her back straight and her hands on the hem of her navy blue skirt, Nanase Kari sighed slightly and gave him a complaining look.


This unexpected mature reaction made Beicheng Shi couldn't help but take another look at the other party.


Compared with the childish and lively age of six or seven years old.

The seventeen-year-old Nanase Kari is indeed completely different.

Educated manners, careful wording, equal and gentle treatment of everyone's gaze.

Beicheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It seemed that the childish Kari Nanase who always chased her and wanted to praise her was really different.

She is no longer as childish as before and has become mature.

"You really can't treat Huali as a child anymore. I will pay attention to it in the future."

"It's good that Brother Beicheng knows this."

Nanase Karin nodded her head, her delicate and pretty face unchanged at all.

The two of them just walked and talked.

Beicheng was in front and she was behind.

Until it was confirmed that Kitumi Minoru walked into the corner in front.

Nanase Karin, who had always remained gentle and mature, had a change in her movements.

She took a small breath first.

Recalling the scene when Kitumi praised herself just now.

She clenched her little fists happily.

Brother Beicheng just praised himself for being cute!

This should be true, right?

Your hard work has not been in vain, right? !

And Kitasumi's brother's sighing look! So cute!

Did he always look at me from this angle before?

Thinking so.

Her white feet wrapped in black socks stomped on the ground, and she moved briskly and excitedly and turned in small circles on the spot.

However, this action did not last long and stopped.

She couldn't let Kitasumi wait any longer.

After all, with her brother's cute appearance.

He might attract other girls.

As a younger sister, she must protect Kitasumi's school life.

Thinking of this.

She took a deep breath and simply sorted out her emotions.

Then she took a step without hesitation.


Nanase Karin saw it.

Kitasumi was surrounded by a bunch of little girls.


What's going on?

Nanase Karin's eyes widened.

Although she knew that her brother was indeed very cute and would probably attract many girls, this speed was too fast, right?

She was only slightly behind by five or six seconds, right?

And the leader

looked like the president of the Kendo Club next door. The famous Kitagawa Hanako?

Why did she come to see Brother Kitagawa?

With such doubtful thoughts.

Nanase Karin parted the crowd and walked over, wanting to ask what happened.

Then, she heard Kitagawa Hanako's serious questioning voice.

"You should take responsibility, right?"


As soon as this sentence was spoken.

Nanase Karin was stunned.

Girls let boys take responsibility.?

But this is too early, isn't it?

Brother Kitagawa should be only nine years old this year?

It's a bit difficult to handle the huge amount of information brought by this sentence.

Nanase Karin was stunned.

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