Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 243 A Dilemma! (3500 words)

Hanada TV is considered to be a relatively old TV station in Japan. It also experienced the golden age of the TV industry, and launched several very good TV programs at that time, which achieved very good ratings.

But none of this has anything to do with Koji Tamura.

As an agent.

He just wanted to bring Kita Sumi to the workplace as soon as possible.

He explained the situation to the front desk staff.

Then, under the guidance of the other party, Koji Tamura quickly found the studio where Kita Sumi was going to record the program tonight.

At this time, the answering machine had been installed inside, and the props team was working in a hurry.

Koji Tamura sent Kita Sumi to the location, and watched him enter the working state under the guidance of the director, and he was also relieved.

Apart from anything else, he was still quite confident in the business ability of his own Kita Sumi.

At this moment, he looked around and there was nothing for him to do.

Koji Tamura planned to find a place to sit for a while.

But before he found a good place to sit down.

A smiling voice came from behind.

"Are you Mr. Tamura from the AR Actor Training Center?"


Tamura Koji looked back in surprise.

He saw a middle-aged man approaching with a smile.

He was a middle-aged man with a side part and a fat body.

"Hello, I am Nobuo Kaneda who invited Minoru to come for the photo shoot this time."

He smiled and extended his hand in a friendly manner.

Good guy.

As soon as he heard the other party introduce himself, Tamura Koji was stunned for a moment.

Good guy.

This is really like saying the devil, the devil will appear.

For producers like Nobuo Kaneda, Tamura Koji has always adopted the strategy of not being able to provoke but being able to avoid.

But before he could get away from the "cesspool".

As a result, the other party had already taken the initiative to come to the door and said hello.

This made Tamura Koji a little dilemma.

There was no way.

After all, the other party was a very famous producer in Hanada TV.

And he was just an agent of a small agency.

Koji Tamura could only simply shake hands and nod to introduce himself.

"Hello, Producer Kaneda, I am Koji Tamura from the AR shoujo training center."

A simple introduction.

Then they exchanged a few more pleasantries.

Koji Tamura thought that this was enough.

The other party should not care about him as an agent of a small agency.

However, what Koji Tamura did not expect was that as the main producer of this program.

Instead of leaving, Kaneda Nobuo smiled happily and pulled him to the other side to sit down.

This made Koji Tamura a little confused.

"Speaking of which, I have always wanted to meet Tamura-san. After all, Tamura-san has trained such an outstanding shoujo agent like Kita Sumire."

Kaneda Nobuo held his hand affectionately, with a sigh on his face.

Kita Sumire's progress is very fast.

Whether it was just more than half a year to become a first-class shoujo, or the "swordsman fever" and "prodigy fever" caused by "Kengouden" later.

This is a miracle that cannot be replicated in the industry.

Even Nobuo Kaneda was surprised when he saw Kita Sumi's career. He had never seen a child actor who rose so fast and could maintain such a high popularity.

But when he said this, Koji Tamura's mouth twitched.

This person, like everyone else, seemed to have some misunderstandings about him.

What does it mean to be 'Kita Sumi' trained by him?

That was Kita Sumi's own automatic training, and he didn't need to intervene at all.

When he came to his senses, Kita Sumi was already the best in the industry.

But if he told Nobuo Kaneda about these things, he would definitely not believe it, and might think that he was perfunctory.

In addition, Koji Tamura didn't want to have too deep a communication with Nobuo Kaneda.

So he didn't go into this topic.

However, although Koji Tamura didn't want to find a topic, Nobuo Kaneda on the other side didn't think so. He smiled and asked questions.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Tamura, you guys are late today, right? Did something happen?"

"Uh--I'm really sorry, I'm dealing with something."

As soon as he said this.

Mitsuji Tamura couldn't help but look away.

He couldn't tell him that his son-in-law was wandering around, so they didn't come to the program recording site as scheduled, right?

Fortunately, Nobuo Kaneda didn't seem to hold on to this work mistake.

After seeing Mr. Tamura apologize, he also smiled and waved his hand.

"I don't mean to blame Mr. Tamura, but is it really okay?"

"It's really okay?"

Mitsuji Tamura was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Nobuo Kaneda was referring to.

"It's the recording of the program."

Nobuo Kaneda didn't keep him in suspense, and said what he really cared about.

"Our quiz variety show has a script. Mr. Tamura should know that, right?"

"I know that."

Mitsuji Tamura nodded.

After all, the main purpose of a variety show is to make the audience watch it "interesting".

To this end, the program must have corresponding highlights and hot spots that can attract the audience.

But whether it is a highlight or a hot spot, it is not so easy to appear.

For this reason, the script of the variety show was born.

This is not an uncommon thing in the industry.

And the puzzle program that Kitami Minori participated in today has a script.

The program team specially prepared a script and an answer booklet for tonight's puzzle questions for each Ziyi on stage.

The questions that each character needs to answer, where to answer them, and where to answer them incorrectly are all dictated by the script.

Before Tamura Koji and the others came over.

There are already many disciples who came over more than two hours in advance to memorize tonight's script and answer booklet.

Now it only takes half an hour at most.

Nobuo Kaneda was naturally worried about whether Kitami Minoru could keep up with the progress.

Don't go on stage at that time, but Kitumi Minoru doesn't even remember the script. That would be a big joke.


"It's okay, Producer Kaneda, Beicheng-kun is absolutely fine."


Nobuo Kaneda glanced at Koji Tamura in surprise.

He was a little surprised.

You must know that Tamura Koji was still submissive in front of him just now.

Why are you so confident when it comes to Kitami Minori's business abilities?

"Then I really have to wait and see."

Nobuo Kaneda said nothing more.

He is quite curious about Kitumi Minoru's abilities.

After all, the other party can be said to be very popular in the industry - since the bonus of the 'prodigy wave', even prodigies like Akiyama Shion are vaguely inferior to him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be willing to pay the sky-high price of 500,000 yen to hire a servant.

He turned his attention to Kitami Minori on the stage, looking forward to whether his performance in the show was worthy of the price of 500,000 yen.


Then Nobuo Kaneda showed a surprised look.

Because under his gaze.

Kitami Minoru, who was obviously the last one to arrive at the scene, seemed to be able to face questions from the program host with ease.

That bright smile when facing the camera.

After answering the question incorrectly, the expressions of 'annoyance' and 'reluctance' that were performed with acting skills were completely invisible.

This almost perfect performance made Nobuo Kaneda completely unable to take his eyes away.

It's not even just him.

Even the director on the scene unconsciously asked the camera to shoot more in the direction of Kitumi Mi.

Obviously this is a puzzle show with many characters participating, and each character has a role.

But under the outstanding performance of Kitaki Minoru.

It's like he is the main star of this show.

The dazzling features of other servants were completely snatched away by him naturally.

Nobuo Kaneda didn't even realize it until later.

Kitami Minoru seemed to not only perfectly remember the answers they gave, but he also seemed to have memorized the answers of other subordinates.

Among them was a girl named Mayuki, probably because she was a little nervous and because the answer book contained a lot of content.

She actually forgot the answer on the spot, causing her to press the answering machine, but she stumbled in front of the camera. She couldn't say a word for a long time and was about to cry.

If you follow the general program flow.

At this time, the director will directly shout "click" and then do it all over again.


"I actually know the answer to this question. Mr. Host, please don't bully Mayuki-chan. Let me answer it on Mayuki-chan's behalf."

Kitazumi raised her palms and looked at the host with a smile that healed innocence.

At the same time, he jumped off his answering desk and walked to the female servant who was already anxious and about to cry.

He gently comforted her with his hands.

Nervous and anxious little girl.

Comforting her was Kitaki Minoru who extended a helping hand.

The children's innocent mutual help, without the slightest hint of scheming, is revealed in front of the camera.

This save can be said to be perfect.

Not only does it save time on reshoots, it also adds another layer of highlights to the show.

"This is truly outstanding."

Nobuo Kaneda couldn't help but think.

It's not like he has never seen Ziyi with outstanding personal abilities.

Kitazumi's memory is really powerful and impressive.

But compared to these

What's more important is Kitami Minori's on-the-spot reaction just now - that is the performance that all directors and producers want.

Not only can you seize opportunities, but you can also turn disadvantages into advantages.

Read the air around you.

There is no trace of a 9-year-old at all.

Nobuo Kaneda's eyes flickered, and his eyes, which were originally narrowed into a straight line when he smiled and looked quite kind, were now fully open.

He looked up and down, carefully looking at Kitaki Minoru on the stage.

The things that I had been thinking about before I sent out the invitation to Kitaki Minoru have now come to my mind.

He tilted his head, smiled again, and spoke.

"Tamura-san, oh my, this is really eye-opening. I didn't expect that the subordinate of your office can be so eye-catching."

Listening to his tone full of sincere admiration, Tamura Koji also hurriedly answered.

"Producer Kaneda has given too much credit. Kitaki-kun still has a lot to correct as a subservient."

"Haha, Tamura-san doesn't need to be modest. Beicheng-kun's performance is indeed outstanding."

Nobuo Kaneda waved his hand.

The people present are not blind.

It can be seen at a glance that Beicheng feels like he stands out among a group of subordinates.

This ability is indeed far superior to other servants.

Tamura Koji didn’t have any more modest words to say.

After all, the other party said so.

If he continues to be modest and refuse, it will be endless.

However, Koji Tamura was also a little surprised.

This Nobuo Kaneda seemed easy to get along with.

His words and expressions were all very polite.

There was nothing impolite about him because he was an agent of a small agency.

Why did the outside world spread such exaggerated rumors about him?

He thought so.

Then he heard Nobuo Kaneda's voice.

"Speaking of which, I personally want to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with your agency. I wonder if Mr. Tamura has time tonight. Let's go for a drink together? Let's talk?"


As soon as he said this.

Koji Tamura's expression changed slightly.

After all, Nobuo Kaneda's invitation was too abrupt.

He suddenly spoke without any preparation.

Koji Tamura was a little nervous.

To be honest.

He had already vaguely thought of refusing.

But he was just an agent of the AR agency.

The other party is a big producer in Hanada TV, with amazing resources and connections.

The AR sub-service training center of a small agency can't compete with him at all.

Reject the other party's request.

This is not appropriate no matter how you think about it.

But if the other party takes the opportunity to make an unacceptable request

What should I do?

Looking at Nobuo Kaneda, Koji Tamura was silent.


Or agree?

No matter which choice I make, it's a bit difficult.

Good night everyone! See you tomorrow!

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