Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 246 There is only a fine line between surprise and shock (4400 words)

Although it is the right way and cooperation is a good thing.

But Tamura Koji and Kitami Minoru are too coordinated, right?

He just watched Tamura Koji and Kitaki Minae seem to have a simple communication.

On the other side, Kitaki Minoru simply and neatly made a no-questions-asked gesture.

Even Nobuo Kaneda was a bit amazed at that speed without hesitation.

He even once wondered if Kitumi Minoru had been deceived by Tamura Koji and didn't understand what he was going to do later.

Until he saw the miscellaneous props prepared in the small bag that Kitumi Minoru carried - handcuffs, blindfolds and the like.

Nobuo Kaneda really felt like his eyes were opened.

This was the first time he saw these things in a 9-year-old child's belongings.

Beicheng Minoru doesn't understand this.

The other party simply understood it too well.

Nobuo Kaneda didn't know what to say.

It's no wonder that Kitazumi was able to go from a low-level servant to a first-class servant in such a short period of time.

The 9-year-old prodigy is really not just talk.

Look at this bag of props.?

Can other servants do it?

He was a little dazed.

"Speaking of which, Producer Kaneda, Beicheng-kun is also ready. When will your side be ready? Can it be done today?"

"." Nobuo Kaneda.

Tamura Koji's overly anxious attitude made Nobuo Kaneda couldn't help but look up at him.

You must know that when he came here today, he had the idea of ​​​​persuading Tamura Koji no matter what.

The result now?

Why did you push me instead?

This position has changed too much.

This made Nobuo Kaneda's expression become quite strange and he was at a loss as to what to do.

But at this moment, I heard Tamura Koji and the others urging them in turn.

Nobuo Kaneda was a little hesitant.

You know, he originally thought it would take at least half a month or a month to get this thing done.

So I am not so anxious to contact the sponsors who support me.

As it turned out, it hadn't even been three days.

Tamura Koji dragged his family and his family over to 'surrender'.

This is really sudden.


Nobuo Kaneda thought about it and decided to call directly to inform the sponsors behind it.

After all, it is comfortable to serve these sponsors.

My path to promotion in the future will be smoother.

In fact, many TV station producers are like this, and they all have a relationship of competition for performance.

And when their status and resources at hand are about the same.

Only programs with strong financial support can carve out a niche in the already fiercely competitive television industry.

The sponsor that Nobuo Kaneda contacted this time was Otake Electric Co., Ltd., the largest financial backer behind him.

It seems that she is the daughter of the president of Otake Electric. As soon as she saw Kitami Minori on TV, she was 'charmed' by his handsome, cute and innocent smile.

For this purpose, the room was covered with posters of Kitami Minoru.

To please my daughter.

The president of Otake Electric made a special trip to Nobuo Kaneda.

I hope he can help his daughter connect the dots.

It can only be said that rich people are indeed different.

It's really fun to play.

Nobuo Kaneda sighed while reporting his situation to Otake Electric Co., Ltd.

Fortunately, the timetable incompatibility that worried him didn't happen.

He just said that Kitumi Minoru's matter has been settled.

Dazhu Electric simply asked him to send Bei Chengmi over.

very good!

I heard the other party express his position like this.

The huge boulder was removed from my heart.

Nobuo Kaneda breathed a sigh of relief.

Only he knows how fierce competition is in the industry.

Dazhu Electric is helping with the platform.

There shouldn't be much problem with his promotion path.

After that, he only needs to draw up a long-term cooperation contract between Huatian TV and Dazhu Electric Co., Ltd., and then there will basically not be much of a problem.

What happens next is much simpler.

Together with Tamura Koji, Nobuo Kaneda sent Minoru Kitazumi into the building belonging to Otake Electric Co., Ltd.

Watching Kitaki Minori being taken upstairs by the employees of Otake Electric Co., Ltd. and disappearing at the door.

Nobuo Kaneda was also relieved, and at the same time he smiled and patted the shoulder of Koji Tamura next to him.

"Brother Tamura, I really want to thank you for what happened this time."

There was no social rhetoric involved in these words, it was just what he said from the bottom of his heart.

Thanks to Koji Tamura for being so cooperative.

He no longer has to worry about promotion.

"How about it? Do you want to have another drink together? Tamura brother?"

"I'm very grateful to Producer Kaneda for the invitation, but I still have some work to deal with. I'm very sorry, but I may have to excuse myself."


Nobuo Kaneda felt very sorry.

It's rare to meet an agent like Tamura Koji who has the same "same smell" as him.

He originally wanted to have a good relationship with the other party again.

"Since Brother Tamura doesn't have time for the time being, I can't force it, so that's it, eh?"

When it comes to the back.

Nobuo Kaneda showed a slightly strange expression.

Because I don't know why.

He noticed that Tamura Koji seemed to have glanced at him with an inexplicable sympathy just now.

What's going on?

Nobuo Kaneda just wanted to ask.

But before he could ask, he asked.

Tamura Koji had already bowed 30° to him, turned around and got into the car, started the car and left.


Nobuo Kaneda couldn't quite understand.

However, he quickly forgot about Tamura Koji's unusual performance.

After all, what is more important than Tamura Koji is——

Nobuo Kaneda turned his attention to the building belonging to Otake Electric, feeling quite good.

He now hopes that Beicheng Minoru can work harder.

Completely pave the road to promotion for him.

to be honest.

This is the first time Kitazumi has looked at the world from the perspective of "hidden rules".

How to say

This feeling is really strange.

As soon as you enter the building, someone will take you to the elevator all the way up.

Wait until it is delivered to the relevant floor.

There were also several people who came to check his body - mainly to check whether he had any other audio or video recording equipment besides his mobile phone.

This whole process is down.

Let Kitachi Minoru call him professional from the bottom of his heart.

Although I know that it is not just the Japanese industry, but also slightly famous entertainment circles around the world may have this kind of nonsense.

But after these things actually happened to him, he realized why there were not many unspoken rules and business-related violations in the industry.

This inspection is too strict.

I wish I could lift my fingernails to look at it.

Even if there are actors or idols who have suffered these things, there is no evidence at all if they want to be exposed, and they can only be treated as rumors.

He sighed inwardly, and at the same time he did not forget to hand over the small bag in his hand for inspection.

When asked what the handcuffs, blindfolds and wooden knives in the bag were for——

Kitami Minoru had no psychological burden at all and simply threw the pot to Nobuo Kaneda, saying that the other party asked him to bring these things up.

The inspector saw that Beicheng was just an ordinary, extremely thin child.

The props he was carrying were most likely things that Nobuo Kaneda asked him to use to make it more interesting.

As for the wooden knife?

A 9 year old kid.

Even if I carry this thing, is there any threat or lethality?

So they didn't pay much attention at all.

He just glanced sympathetically at Minoru Kitami, who was looking at them with a smile, looking particularly innocent.

Poor child.

He probably doesn’t know what he will encounter next, right?

But forget it.

It has nothing to do with them either.

Did some simple checks.

Only then did they put Kitazumi into the room behind him.

That is, until then.

Only then did Beicheng Minoru clearly see the furnishings in the room behind this.

Needless to say, it is indeed a place where rich people go to relax and have fun.

The room is quite large.

Sofas, LCD TVs, computers and other daily necessities are all available.

Looking inside, you can see a very well-decorated shower room.

But none of this actually matters.

The most eye-catching thing is the round big bed laid next to it - a real 'big bed'.

Kitaki took a cursory look and saw that this round bed was big enough for three or four adults to lie down on.

And it was on this big round bed that a woman with short black hair was sitting.

Natsuko Otake is a college girl with eccentricities and a privileged family background.

When she realized this.

It was the time when Kitazumi Minoru started working on "Resentful Son".

She was invited by a friend to watch the screening of "The Resentful Son".

The result was out of control at first sight.

I was struck hard by Kitumi Minoru's vicious and cold eyes on the screen, and I fell in love with him.

For this reason, she made a special trip online to follow Minoru Kitazumi's personal homepage.

I even sent [Friend fee? I'll hand it over! I want to be Shijiang’s first good friend! ] remarks.

Later, I even sent it [Mi-chan’s eyes look like she’s looking at garbage, it’s really cool! 】Wait for comments.

From that time on, she became completely addicted to Beicheng.

It is for this reason.

When she heard her father say that the birthday gift he wanted to give her was actually to meet Beicheng Minoru and let him spend the night with her.

She was really looking forward to it.

You must know that it is Kitazumi Minoru.

The person I have always wanted to meet online.

And spend one night with yourself?

The meaning of this sentence is quite obvious, right?

Ozhu Xiazi didn't expect it at all.

One day she will also be able to become the sponsor of the ‘hidden rules’.

If it was before.

She must have scorned this kind of thing, thinking that this kind of transaction hidden under the industry was quite dirty and disgusting.

But now?

It can be said that Ozhu Xiazi is quite looking forward to it.

I also followed the tutorials on the Internet and prepared quite a few props.

Think of this.

Otake Natsuko swallowed, looking forward to Kitaki Minoru entering the room.

To be honest, the waiting process was not as long as she imagined.

There was just a knock on the door.

The opponent has already entered.

A handsome face.

Under the light, the facial features are not as clean and deep as those of children.

The big eyes sparkled with innocence.

Even his short black hair and slender hands and feet were so charming in the eyes of Ozhu Xiazi.

It’s really Kitazumi!

Her heart was stirring, and she was about to stand up and introduce herself——

"Sister, what's your name?"


Looking at Kitasumi Minoru who had already run up to her before she could speak, Otake Natsuko was stunned.

So close! And smells so good!

But Otake Natsuko is an adult after all.

Naturally, she would not be flustered by such a thing.

After a little daze, she introduced herself.

"My name is Otake Natsuko."

"Hello, Sister Natsuko, I am Kitasumi Minoru, you can call me Minoru-chan."

Her hand was held by Kitasumi Minoru.


Otake Natsuko was stunned again.

The main reason was that Kitasumi Minoru was too fast to get close to her.

She had just finished introducing herself.

Her hand was held by the other party.

The key point was that she didn't even feel disgusted by such an intimate touch.

Otake Natsuko was secretly surprised.

Is this the ability of the top sub-actress to please people?

At the same time, she was looking forward to tonight more and more.

I have to say.

Sub-actresses are really different from ordinary children.

The chat with Kita Sumire was quite comfortable.

It seemed that he could come up with a lot of topics casually.

From the behind-the-scenes of the show to the gossip of some directors and producers.

Compared with him, my communication skills as a college student were weaker.

And it was just when the atmosphere of their conversation was just right.

Kita Sumire suddenly stopped talking and spoke with a smile.

"Sister Xia Zi, I have to prepare."


As soon as she said this.

Otake Natsuko's breathing became a little faster, and she immediately became interested.

This means that she can use the small props she prepared to get closer?

She was very interested and was about to ask Kita Sumire to cooperate with her.


"Then Sister Xia Zi, can you please lie down and cooperate with me?"


Looking at the smiling Kita Sumire in front of her, Otake Natsuko was stunned.

Is the entertainment industry so open?

A 9-year-old child.

Asking her, an adult college student, to cooperate with him?

Isn't this too much?


Looking at Kitasumi's innocent smile in front of her.

Otake Natsuko nodded vigorously without thinking.

The excitement and expectation in her heart did not decrease but increased - after all, the feeling of being manipulated by Shi-chan was also very good.

She did not hesitate and simply lay down on the round bed.

At the same time, she heard Kitasumi's curious question.

"Speaking of which, Sister Natsuko, how is the sound insulation of this room?"

This. Asking about the sound insulation?

Is Shi-chan such a bold boy?

But she did not hesitate.

"The sound insulation of this room is very good. It is very close to where I usually go to college. I often rest here."

"Really? Then Sister Natsuko, can you unlock your phone for me? Before I get ready, I want to call my agent first - after all, my phone has been confiscated by the big brother who is responsible for the inspection outside."


This request made Otake Natsuko show a slightly strange expression.

Forget about asking about the sound insulation.

But unlocking the phone

But forget it.

Since it was a request from Shi-chan

Otake Natsuko didn't hesitate much, and simply unlocked her phone on the bedside and handed it to Kitasumi Shi.

"Thank you, sister Natsuko, then I will continue to prepare."

"Continue to prepare?"

Otake Natsuko was a little strange.

Didn't Kitasumi Shi say that she would call her agent first? Why did she suddenly talk about preparation again?

She was about to ask a question.



A crisp sound rang out.


Otake Natsuko looked at her handcuffed hands and feet in astonishment.

It seemed like just a moment.

She was handcuffed before she could react.

This. Kitasumi Shi is too bold, isn't it?

Or are all the sub-actors in the industry so bold?

She actually took the initiative to handcuff others to the bed.

But this is also pretty good!

This situation where you want to resist but can't because of your body is restrained is really touching.

Otake Natsuko's breathing became a little heavier.

Her eyes also looked at Kitasumi Shi.

She was already looking forward to what kind of surprise the other party would bring her next.


Then Otake Natsuko saw it.

Kita Sumire took her unlocked phone.

He smiled at her lying on the bed, unable to resist, and turned on the video function.


The smile on her face froze.

At the same time, Otake Natsuko looked at the camera with a look of horror.

What's going on? !

4400 words - I stayed up very late yesterday, and I don't know if I can complete the 8000-word goal today. I can only say come on.

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