Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 260 At least get one point? (3800 words)

Either do nothing, or do your best.

This has always been Kitasumi's motto in life.

He was a little too excited yesterday.

After all, Ishikawa Masajo and Goto Heihachi were tricked by Adachi Gakuen.

He was holding back his anger all day yesterday.

No matter who he met, he would just hit them on the head with a bamboo sword, and all of them were defeated head-on.

But today was different.

Every one of Adachi Gakuen was sent away by him.

This also led to Kitasumi not taking a direct attack like yesterday.

After all, Kitasumi's ancient swordsmanship focuses on flexibility and diversity, without the fixed secrets and excessive sets of moves in the Japanese kendo school.

Relying on the sword moves of Kitasumi's ancient swordsmanship.

In addition to Kitasumi's own super-fast reaction ability.

He first won 5 kills in the top 32.

Then he won 1-on-5 again in the top 16.

This is a 1-on-5 in the top 16.

It is completely different from the 1-on-5 in the previous regional competition.

Every person that Bei Chengshi killed had the ability to defeat 5 players in the division battle.

And the cumulative number of people he killed reached 40 at this moment.

The contestants from other schools were sweating profusely.

After all, Bei Chengshi's game ended too quickly.

Can you imagine?

They were still fighting hard and trying to kill the enemy players.

The air of the top 16 to the top 8 was full of tension.

On the other side, Bei Chengshi had already come to their division to take a walk and spy on the enemy.

Seeing someone playing well, this 9-year-old kid even slapped his thigh and said "good"!

This mental attack was so angry that people almost wanted to vomit blood.

After all, you worked so hard here and finally killed an opponent.

Bei Chengshi had already sat down and cheered "good" for you at the edge of your field.

There were even one or two students with unstable sword hearts who saw Bei Chengshi's old man strolling and doing nothing, and they lost their focus during the game and were hit by their opponents.

This made them so depressed that their livers hurt - damn! This is too unethical, isn't it? ! It's just a game, and you also use mental attacks? !

Later, students from several schools in the same division as Bei Chengshi couldn't help but complain to the competition team - Jingwen High School Bei Chengshi was suspected of deliberately interfering with them.

There was really no way, the Yulongqi competition team had to stop Bei Chengshi and said that he could go to watch the games in other divisions, but he couldn't get too close, so as not to interfere with the mentality of the players in other divisions.

Bei Chengshi could only shrug helplessly and agree.

He was indeed using mental attacks, and his main goal was to wear down the opponent's confidence and disrupt his mood.

After all, he had finally won all the way here.

Of course, he didn't want his busy days to go to waste.

He would improve his winning rate as much as possible.

But who knows?

His mental interference plan has just been implemented.

Several schools over there reacted and launched a "joint boycott" against him.

This made Bei Chengshi more or less helpless.

But it's okay, he can still watch the game. Although the cheering voice cannot be too loud, it's okay to shout.

It can more or less interfere with the enemy.

He just carried his water bottle and said "good!" from time to time, which scared the whole team.

It should be said that the players of Jingwen Men's Team are also a group of live treasures.

Seeing Bei Chengshi using "mental warfare" here.

A group of people came over and pointed out.

Sometimes they commented that this person's cutting posture was not standard, and sometimes they felt that the generals of this team were useless, like silver candle heads.

Their voices were not loud.

But they could be heard by the players of these schools.

This made the remaining schools disgusted.

Bastard! You said we are silver candle heads, right? !

When you meet us, you will know how powerful we are!

The women's team of Jingwen High School all covered their faces, feeling a bit ashamed of this guy - what a bunch of funny people!

Just like that, they withstood the "mental attack" from Jingwen High School.

The final winner of the 16-to-8 match was a team called Fukuoka Ohori, who faced Jingwen High School.

As soon as they saw that it was Jingwen High School.

They immediately became excited and gnashed their teeth at Ishikawa Masaaki and Goto Heihachi - these two people were just there pointing fingers! They will never forget it!

Oh, right!

And the culprit is Kita Sumi!

Every one of them! They all have to go back to Tokyo!

They bared their teeth, and everyone was full of murderous intent, obviously very angry about the "mental attack" just now.

But when the Fukuoka Ohori team officially faced Kita Sumi.

They realized something was wrong.

Unlike those opponents who were not even elite monsters in the regional war.

Kita Sumi just stood there without moving, and they already felt it - this kid was so strong.

This strength does not come from the fancy title of "30 consecutive kills".

Rather, it comes from the sense of oppression that can be felt from Bei Chengshi's movements of raising and dropping the sword.

The following game further confirmed their uneasiness.

Whether it is the reckless rush forward of the Shixian style, the cutting and falling style of the Nian style, or the ancient swordsmanship of the Shindang style

The kendo techniques they used on the field can be said to be all kinds of strange.

But these kendo techniques seemed to have been completely seen through by Kitaki Minoru. Not only did they have no effect, but Kitachi Minoru caught the flaw in them and defeated the enemy with one strike.

When they got to the back, the contestants from Fukuoka Ohori looked at their hands with some doubts, wondering if they had practiced for so many years in vain.

Why do I feel like my normally airtight swordsmanship has no flaw.

He was like a toy in front of Kitami Minoru, vulnerable?

You must know that although Kitumi Minoru changed his playing style, he never changed his technique.

Still using the same unknown style of techniques he had used since the division war.

But it just so happens that the techniques of an unknown sect like Kitumi Minoru are able to resolve all the kendo techniques they have inherited to this day.

It was as if Kitumi Minoru was more familiar with the kendo style they practiced than they were.

Is this really possible?

An unknown kendo sect, but he knows the kendo techniques of so many schools at the same time? And there are corresponding cracking methods for each of their swordsmanship.

When did such a kendo school appear in Japan?

The key is that they have never heard of it.

Kitazumi didn't know what they were thinking.

But even if Beicheng knew it, he probably couldn't help but take a second look at it - let alone killing these high school students, he might even have passed down these kendo schools when he was Beicheng Sword Master. founders have been cut off.

Isn’t it natural for them to know everything about them?

No matter what, the five players on the Fukuoka Ohori side were already confused.

But even though they were confused, they were more likely to be furious.

No - Kitami Minoru can defeat them just by relying on hard power!

Why did you still use mental tactics before? !

How much do you want to capture the flag?

Isn’t it too much of a loss?

Fukuoka Dahao's face was full of depression.

After losing, two boys even cried outright on the spot - they really cried, they hugged each other and cried very loudly.

But if you lose, you lose. It's normal to be inferior in skills. You can't rely entirely on Kitumi Minoru's mental attack.

After crying, they could only salute each other with Jingwen High School, and then left this sad place together.

Even Kitumi Minoru, who had always been very shameless, felt a little guilty when he saw them hugging each other and crying.

There is indeed something wrong with killing someone and punishing one's heart.

Kitami Minori did not adopt the same mental tactics in the following time - mainly because the Jingwen High School men's team were real treasures.

When he screamed, they screamed too, it was just crazy.

He simply sat there and meditated.

Information about other divisional competitions and the kendo schools used by each player were all conveyed by Kitagawa Hanako——

I have to say.

Kitagawa Hanako's eyes were quite vicious.

Just by looking at the opponent's sword-holding and striking techniques, you can tell a lot about the player's habits and kendo school.

With her narration comes a helping hand.

Kitaki Minoru's next trip to Yulong Banner went more smoothly.

In this way, 16 goes into 8, and 8 goes into 4.

Beicheng Minoru actually pushed him flat all the way.

It's just that it was accompanied by a flat push from his side.

On the contrary, the expressions of the audience on the stage became more and more confused, and they looked at each other in confusion.

You must know that most of them came to watch the game today because they wanted to see Beicheng shine on the field and directly capture the flag.

The result is this.

Is Kitumi Minoru's playing time too short?

You know, there are a total of 5 battles today.

There will be a 3rd round battle in the morning and a 2nd round in the afternoon.

But Kitumi Minoru's attack was too fast, right?

Especially in the morning.

Kitami Minoru lasted almost five to six minutes and lasted for more than ten minutes before cutting down all his opponents.

The rest of the time is either resting or shopping in other competition areas.

Not to mention a fierce duel.

There is no player who can even go head-to-head with Kitami Minoru.

Moreover, Fukuoka Ohori was the winning team of the Jade Dragon Banner last year, and they had won the Jade Dragon Banner eight times.

How come such a winning team can't even get past two moves in front of Kitami Minori? From the vanguard to the general, everyone kneels down in an instant?

If that's the case, then I can go too.

Isn’t it just a loss anyway?

Their expressions are really getting weirder.

It's not that they don't allow Beicheng Shi to pass the test.

But Kitaki Minoru's process of passing the test was too overwhelming.

I just blinked at everyone I saw along the way, and there was no competitiveness at all.

What else are they looking at?

Their expressions were full of confusion.

That's when they were confused.

On the other side, Kitumi Minoru also officially ended her opponent and came to the finals.

To be honest, the strength of each of these opponents is generally not much different from Kyushu Academy, which Kitami Minoru defeated in the first round yesterday. They are all players who have the ability to enter the top four, but who enters the top four depends on luck.

The player he beat to tears before, the players of the Fukuoka Ohori men's team who advanced from 16 to 8, were indeed more difficult to deal with, and they looked like they were capturing the flag.

The others are not even elite monsters.

The audience also cheered up again at this moment.

All right.

Since none of the previous opponents can cause you any trouble,

But the opponents in the finals should be different, right?

The two teams stood out from 500 teams.

This time, Kita Sumimi won't be so overwhelming, right?

They got interested, looked up, and looked forward to the battle.


‘Pah’ ‘Pah! ’ ‘Pah! ’!

It was like setting off firecrackers on New Year's Day.

Under the gaze of all the spectators.

The contestant praised by the reporter team as ‘the most promising Fukuoka Daiichi Gakuen besides Jingwen High School’.

But after ten minutes, he was completely eliminated by Kita Sumimi alone.

The reporters present were stunned.


This is the final match, right?

I don't expect you to give me any fierce confrontation or big news.

But your performance is too ordinary, isn't it?

It's like ‘I'm on, I'm defeated in seconds’.

There is no confrontation at all.

In a competitive game like kendo, it is naturally a back-and-forth battle. It is more interesting if you take my point and I take your life.

Of course, this doesn't mean that if you just go up and kill one person in a second, it won't be interesting anymore - after all, being able to quickly defeat the opponent with your superb swordsmanship is also a highlight in itself.

But Bei Chengshi's swordsmanship is too superb.

No matter who it is, he will be killed immediately after a few rounds.

And it's been like this for 5 rounds and 25 fights.

Anyone who comes to watch will be a little tired of it.

It's just like an Olympic athlete punching a kindergartener. Do you think it's interesting?

And the audience is looking at each other at this moment, and they are a little disappointed.

Their mentality has long changed.

From the previous "fighting back and forth, fierce confrontation" to "at least get one point from Bei Chengshi".

After all, Bei Chengshi's journey is not just about accumulating the number of consecutive kills.

The most terrifying thing is that no player can get points from Bei Chengshi -

This also shows.

From the Jade Dragon Flag to now.

No one has really caused effective killing blows to Bei Chengshi.

In ancient times, Kitasumi Minoru stood on the ring and was beaten by 55 people in a round-robin battle, without even a scratch on his body.

This is really quite exaggerated.

The audience in Kyushu region saw their Fukuoka team lose so miserably, and they wailed even more.

Damn it!

What about the promise of not being so crushing?

What about the promise that Fukuoka Daiichi Gakuen is the most powerful candidate for the championship this year?

Why are they so disappointing? !

Five people went up.


They didn't even get one point from Kitasumi Great Demon King!

I thought you could at least get one point from Kitasumi Great Demon King!

Good night everyone! See you tomorrow!

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