Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 30 Let’s just follow the moon.

Kitazumi Minoru knew it from the beginning.

There is never a so-called happy death for people in his profession.

Perhaps it would be the wisest choice not to have anything to do with that little girl in the first place.

Because at least then he could stay in the grave.

His heart can still be like the graveyard of the dead, unable to see the sun.

If you can't see the sun, naturally there will be no hope.

What to do next?

Kitaki Minoru walked forward.

First of all, it is basically impossible to resist the Five Peace Conference.

Although Kitami Minoru is confident in his own skills and can compete with anyone one-on-one, this is only limited to situations where the opponent does not possess modern firearms.

Reality is not like animation or novels.

A male protagonist carrying a toy-like weapon can easily defeat armed violent groups single-handedly.

So, should we hide Nanase Karin?

It's impossible just thinking about it.

How could a seven or eight-year-old child disappear from the world under the eyes of adults?

Isn't this just plain fooling people?

There was no way he could survive.

Think about this.

The answer is very obvious——

Hand over Nanase Karin to the Five Peace Conference tonight.

This is undoubtedly the wisest approach.

He only needs to hand over a little girl who has nothing to do with him to the Five Peace Society.

He can continue to live a comfortable life now.

There is no need to be frightened, and there is no need to be disliked wherever you go.

But why?

Beicheng breathed out smoke.

Watching the white smoke rising and falling.

The sound of rain in my ears did not stop with the end of my thinking.

Instead, it got bigger.

Arrive at Nanase Karin's home.

This little girl is still as enthusiastic and kind as usual.

She took the initiative to say hello and smiled gently.

As usual.

But the more she becomes like this.

The strings in Beicheng Minoru's heart became tighter and tighter.

The strings stretched into his flesh, making his chest feel tight.

He could only hold Nanase Karin's small hand as if to atone for his sins and lead her towards the amusement park.

only today.

Just today.

He wanted to play with Nanase Kari for a while.

That's it, from morning to sunset.

He accompanied her on the children's roller coaster, took her to visit Happy Valley in the theme park, and let her choose her favorite cartoon character to take photos. Finally, he successfully treated her to a drink and a hearty meal. Had a meal.

On the way back.

She excitedly talked about how high the roller coaster could go.

I have never tasted such delicious food.

Likewise, she did not forget her gratitude.

"I'm really happy today. Thank you, Brother Beicheng. Let's go out and play together next time. Next time, next time I will definitely make a lot of money and take Brother Beicheng out to play."

next time.

This is the little girl's vision for the future.

It was Kitazumi who gave her the space to dream and imagine.

That's how it should be.

But - the time is coming.

Night has fallen.

Kitaki Minoru has even seen it.

Standing at the door of Nanase Karin's house, there were several people from the Five Peace Society who were responsible for handing over to him.

So he could only speak.

"Huali, listen to me, this may be the last time we see each other."


Nanase Karin, who suddenly heard this, trembled in her thin body, and then looked at Kitumi Minori with a surprised look on her face.

Her stunned expression fell in Kitumi Minoru's eyes.

It was like an indescribable condiment spilled into Kitumi Minoru's mouth.

All kinds of flavors are swirling, mixed into a mess.

"Listen to me, Huali, the brothers over there are taking care of Huali on my behalf."

The inner torture made Beicheng really struggling at this moment, and he spoke slowly and heavily.

The sound of the rainstorm in my ears is also getting worse.

It was as if he wanted to leave everything in him, including Nanase Karin, in that summer when the transparent rain vapor obscured everything.

The psychological trauma caused Kitumi to bend over, breathing heavily, and her eyes seemed to be blurry.

It was at this time.

The small palm pressed gently.

"Everything will be fine if it's okay, Brother Beicheng."

The girl's palm gently pressed Kitazumi's palm.

She showed a gentle smile that was completely different from before.

After getting along for a long time, Kitumi understood the meaning of her smile in just a moment.

For him, she was willing to leave with the person who took over the Wuhe Society.

And she just hoped that he wouldn't show such a painful expression.

That's all.

The little angel stood on tiptoes.

He gently kissed the side of the sinner's face that was bent down in pain.

"Thank you always, Brother Beicheng."

After taking two steps back, she smiled and held the handover person's hand, looking satisfied.

But, before getting in the car.

At the last moment—really just at the last moment—she reluctantly looked back at Kitumi Minoru, who was standing there.

That look was very familiar to Kitaki.

Just like before.

On that rainy night.

Crying and struggling, I looked at my mother's eyes.

at this time.

spanned ten years.

The child trapped in the rainy night has that look again

Look at yourself.

The rain vapor is boiling.

The storm roared in my ears.

"I'm sorry."

The palm of his hand rested on the shoulder of the person who was pulling Nanase Kari.

"I'm a little tired of the sound of the rainstorm in my ears."

Looking at the other party's astonished expression, he said this.


He was tired of the rainstorms in his ears.

I’ve been tired of it for a long time——


The rain stopped.

Above the white mountains illuminated by the moonlight.

It is the night sky washed clean by lead.

The mountains illuminated by the moonlight were originally the skirt of the earth.

The Milky Way is the streamer of the night.

Kitaki Minoru was wearing a motorcycle helmet and a thick windproof suit.

Behind him, Kari Nanase was wearing a small motorcycle suit and hugged him tightly.

"Brother Beicheng! Where are we going?"

She asked loudly against the whistling wind.

"Huali, your mother has not repaid the loan overdue, so I'm sorry, I'm going to kidnap you."

"I mean, where are we going? Brother Beicheng!"

Nanase Karin hugged Kitumi Minoru's waist excitedly.

The unknown road ahead.

Uncharted roads.

For her little one, it was like going on an unknown adventure.

Kitami Minoru rescued her from others on a motorcycle.

It was like a prince riding a white horse to greet her.

"I don't know either! Anyway, let's follow the light of the moon first! Then go to Hokkaido! Go to Hokkaido!"

In the sound of the wind, Kitumi Minoru, who was driving a motorcycle across the land, smiled.


In short, let’s follow the moon first.

People who step out of the shadows always need light.

The sun's rays are too dazzling and not as soft as the moonlight.

His and her world can't stand the burning of the sun yet.

As for going to Hokkaido.

Kitazumi still remembers it.

Nanase Karin also has a grandfather.

The other party lives in Hokkaido.

Then go to Hokkaido!

Go to Hokkaido!

There is Huali's grandfather there!

There is also the scenery of the North Country!

Just go to Hokkaido.

Everything should get better!

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