Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 46 I will take good care of your sister

When Kita Sumire went to Tamura Koji to get the contract, he clearly felt that the other party was not in a good state.

It was indeed not quite right.

How to say it

There was a sense of confusion as if he had suddenly lost his life goal?

Kita Sumire was a little strange, but he didn't care that much.

After all, the other party was not too old, and it was normal for him to be "confused" in his youth.

Without paying much attention to Tamura Koji, Kita Sumire glanced at the content of the contract.

The content of this contract was quite simple.

It mainly discussed the after-tax share of work and the treatment of Kita Sumire after the upgrade.

First of all, the issue of upgrading

Kita Sumire's previous D-level contract with the minimum guarantee was changed to C+. As long as he continued to achieve results, he could be promoted to B-level-

The so-called minimum guarantee is the welfare benefits of the AR Sub-service Training Institute to reimburse the work salary when the sub-service has not received any work.

Kita Sumire's monthly guarantee was 80,000 yen before, and after upgrading to C+, it increased from 80,000 yen to 200,000 yen.

This money is not small.

You should know that in Japan, an ordinary office worker only has a monthly salary of around 300,000 yen.

The second is the commission after tax.

The main income of the child actor still comes from various advertisements, movies, TV dramas and variety shows.

Among them, the company will take a part of the work remuneration of the child actor.

For example, the shooting period of Kita Sumire's "The Grudge" this time was two months, and the salary was 900,000 yen (it increased a bit after Shimizu Mountain).

But with the payment of taxes and the company's commission.

In fact, Kita Sumire only got about 500,000 yen.

This is actually nothing.

Kita Sumire has also heard that there are talented child actors in the industry who earn 100 million or 200 million a year, and they have to pay taxes at the end of the year. In the end, the income is only about 50 or 60 million yen.

It is no wonder that some companies in the Japanese industry know that tax evasion is illegal, but they are eventually found out by the Japanese National Tax Agency, causing the president and the actors to go to jail together.

To put it bluntly, the profit is too big.

However, these things have nothing to do with Bei Chengshi now - he has not yet reached an annual income of 100 million or 200 million, so he can't worry about that.

On the way back after getting the contract, Bei Chengshi did not forget to call Qing Shuishan to congratulate him.

The other party sounded a little tired on the phone.

It must be that Qing Shuishan has spent a lot of energy waiting for the box office in the past two days.

But although tired, Bei Chengshi still heard a sense of relaxation from it.

After all, the low-cost movie "The Grudge" can achieve the current results, which is completely excellent. As long as it can continue to maintain, it will definitely gain considerable popularity in the low-cost horror film.

At this point, "The Grudge" can be regarded as a truly stable landing.

Qing Shuishan also said that he was really under a lot of pressure these days and had to find an opportunity to go to Shinjuku for a drink.

As for whether he really went to drink.

Bei Chengshi didn't go into details, but just told him to take care of his health. After a few more pleasantries, he hung up the phone.

Since the matter of "The Grudge" has come to an end for the time being.

Then what will happen next.

Kitasumi thought for a moment and cast his eyes on his desk.

On the desk is the script of "Kidnapped Natsuko".

Hosokawa Shibaizumi hates the opening ceremony.

She especially hates the opening ceremony that does not feature her as the main character.

"Why don't you use me as the main character? Even if you don't use me as the main character, shouldn't you use Akiyama-sister? Why use a completely unknown sub-actress?"

Hosokawa Shibaizumi complained.

That's natural.

You know, although she is only seven years old this year and has only been a sub-actress for two years, she can stand out among many sub-actresses with her "lively and cute" image.

She has achieved an annual income of 18 million yen in this industry and has become a hot first-class sub-actress in the industry today.

Adults' praise next to her.

Parents' praise in her ears.

Even some of her former sub-actresses envy and compliment her.

Although in the minds of seven-year-old children, she doesn't know what 15 million yen means.

But all of the above have long made her develop a mindset of "sales is right" and "annual income is justice".

However, this time in "Kidnapped Natsuko", she is not the main character - she is even just Hanako, the protagonist Natsuko's schoolmate!

Isn't this just being pulled in to make up the numbers? !

And it's for a sub-actress who took away Akiyama's sister's job.

This makes her very unhappy!

Very unhappy!

What is the name of that sub-actress?

Kita Sumire? No matter, it doesn't sell that well anyway! I haven't even heard of it, it must be an unknown sub-actress!

After the entire opening ceremony process was over.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi's eyes began to search the venue.

She must let this unknown sub-actress know what "sales is justice" means.

That is, at this glance.

She easily saw the small figure slowly pulling out a children's recliner at the back of the set.

It was a little boy with short black hair and a handsome and cute profile that attracted a lot of attention on the set.

It was him!

Hosokawa Shibaizumi knew it very well.

There were only two main characters in "Kidnapped Natsuko" - her and the other party.

The other actors were just extras, they only acted for one day, there was no need to attend the opening ceremony.

So it could only be this little boy.

Thinking of this.

Without saying anything, Shibaizumi Hosokawa took his short white legs, ran to the other party, and then stood still.

"Are you the actor who took away Sister Akiyama's job?"

Before the boy in front of her could speak, she hugged her chest and continued to speak.

"I don't care what you did in the last crew, anyway, you must listen to me in this crew!"

After saying this, she exhaled heavily, feeling proud.


I, a first-class actor in the industry, have spoken like this.

Are you still afraid that the unknown other party will not obey?


When the other party agrees, I will bully him severely!

She has already thought about how to bully the other party.

For example, I will give the other party money and ask him to run errands to buy me drinks.

For example, bring homework from school and ask him to do it for you!

But it would be too rude to just ask someone to run errands, so you should buy him a drink after running errands.

Similarly, you can ask him to do homework, but there may be mistakes, and you have to teach him what he doesn't understand.

Well. Anyway, that's it!

Her bullying plan is perfect!

However, just when Hosokawa Shibaizumi was thinking this.

A slow and lazy voice came from the little boy on the other side:

"I don't want it, why should I listen to you?"


He never thought that he would be rejected.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi was stunned.

Then she blushed and spoke angrily:

"You, do you know who I am? I am Hosokawa Shibaizumi! You should have heard of me! I am a top-notch actress in the industry with an annual income of 18 million yen! Why don't you listen to me?"

"Hosokawa Shibaizumi. What is your relationship with Chiori Hosokawa who played in "White Saturday"?"

"That's my sister. Wait, why do you know my sister's name?"

Hosokawa Shibaizumi raised his head, his little face full of surprise. How could this annoying guy know his sister's name?

She was wondering over there.

Kitasumi, who had already sat down, was a little surprised.


This... Chiori Hosokawa's father is really strong and healthy, right?

Calculating the age, Chiori Hosokawa is also 27 or 28 years old, right?

How can he have a younger sister like this? It can only be said that Chiori Hosokawa's father is really good in terms of physical strength.

Thinking of this, Kitasumi looked at Hosokawa Shibaizumi and hesitated a little.

In short, this is also considered an acquaintance's younger sister, right?

Chiori Hosokawa, the tough-talking elder sister, was also very nice to me on the previous set of "The Grudge".

So I should take good care of her sister on this set.

Here, I will give the tough-talking elder sister some face.

Thinking of this, Kita Sumire spoke as if mumbling to himself.

"Oh, come to think of it, I'm a little thirsty after walking all the way here. If someone is willing to buy me a bottle of sugar-free cola from the vending machine outside, then I will really listen to that benefactor no matter what."

He spoke loudly, and Shibaizumi Hosokawa also heard it.


The little girl realized it immediately.

This is an opportunity!

A good opportunity to make this ignorant child actor listen to her in everything!

Thinking of this, she was afraid of missing the opportunity and immediately took a step forward with her little white legs, running out of the set with a panting sound, but she didn't run far before she came back.

"You idiot! Do you want a sugar-free or sugar-free cola?"


"Okay! Wash your neck and wait!"

About a minute later.

She ran back.

Handed the drink to Kita Sumire.



Looking at Kita Sumire, she said thank you and pulled the pull ring to drink the drink.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi was full of energy, and his chubby face showed an evil smile.

Drink it, drink it.

After you finish this can of drink, you will have to listen to me!


Hosokawa Shibaizumi touched her little head a little strangely.

She always felt that something seemed strange.

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