Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 50 A capable child!

Kitasumi felt it.

To be precise, he had felt it a long time ago.

Ever since he achieved some success in "The Grudge\

,"AR's child training center has increased its resource allocation.

One of the most significant changes is that he has a special car to pick him up.

"Kitasumi-kun, get in the car."

"Okay. Sorry to bother you, Mr. Tamura."

Looking at Koji Tamura who parked in front of him, Kitasumi, holding his schoolbag, sat in the back seat and turned to look out the window.

Outside the car window were some minor actors and minor children from the same crew of "The Kidnapped Natsuko".

All kinds of people, both men and women.

But without exception, when they saw Kitasumi get on the special shuttle bus,

they all showed envy on their faces.

In order to participate in this filming.

These minor actors and minor children who have been at the bottom for a long time even had to take the tram at their own expense to come to the filming site.

Tokyo at the end of July was very hot and the tram was very crowded.

After an hour or two of tossing and turning, they came to this studio for their so-called "actor dream" and "child actor dream", just for a minor role that only appeared for more than ten seconds.

The remuneration was terribly low, and they couldn't even recover the time cost.

But no one cared.

If you want to act, act, if you don't want to act, get out.

The industry doesn't care at all.

But they still continued to fight and dedicated their best youth to the industry.

Under the setting sun.

Their dark figures were like moths that rushed into the sunset without hesitation.

Bei Chengshi sat in the car, supporting his side face, looking at the scene outside, and sighed in his heart.

Once upon a time, he was also one of these low-level actors.

Waiting for the tram, waiting for the boring but full advertising car of the AR child actor training center to pick him up.

It was indeed quite emotional, but it was not sad.

It was even more impossible to stop there.

He turned his eyes back.

In short, you have to become a genius child actor first! Make hundreds of millions a year! Pave the way for your future!

He reaffirmed his determination.

On the other side.

"." Tamura Koji glanced at Kitasumi Minoru through the rearview mirror.

To be honest, he actually wanted to speak at this moment.

After all, Honma Fuhiko came to him today and asked him to take care of Kitasumi Minoru and not let Kitasumi Minoru "seduce" or "cheat" other companies' actors.


"It shouldn't be?"

He thought so.

What "seduce" and "cheat", these words are too serious.

Kitasumi-kun is only eight years old, how could he do such a thing?

Tamura Koji felt that Honma Fuhiko was exaggerating.

After all, Kitasumi Minoru's performance has always been well-behaved.

At most, he made friends with actors from other companies.

It's normal for actors to have interpersonal relationships. It's not that serious, so he doesn't need to intervene as an adult.

And Kitasumi Minoru's performance on the set today was really outstanding.

With this outstanding performance, he got the business cards of two well-known producers and actors in the industry without any effort.

The other party even smiled and said that they must cooperate if there is a chance in the future.

This has never happened before.

As a new agent with no connections, no one will take the initiative to talk to him at the scene.


He still relies on Kita Sumire.

It is inappropriate to preach to him, right?

So Tamura Koji thought about it and decided to ignore Honma Fuhiko's words.

Seduction? Cheating?

My son will never do such a thing!

Just let him develop.

Yamada Yuko is a person who is very good at emotional management.

People who know her say so.

Except for being a little black-bellied and liking to tease others occasionally, she has almost no shortcomings.

However, such a person who is very good at emotional management made a shocked sound at this time, which she would never make in her school days.

"You adopted your own nephew?!"

Looking at the timid and shrunken Kitacumi Ariha in front of her, Yamada Yuko was really shocked.

As the only college friend who still contacts Kitacumi Ariha from time to time, she knows Kitacumi Ariha's personality very well.

If you can eat takeout, you will never cook it yourself.

If you can sit, you will never stand, and if you can lie down, you will never sit.

Life is a mess, and you can see casually discarded underwear on the floor from time to time.

Because of irregular diet, her complexion is also very bad.

She is pale all year round, and with the long bangs on her forehead, she is the type of person who can be directly pulled into a horror movie set to play a female ghost without makeup.

So when Yamada Yuko heard the other party whisper that he adopted his own nephew, she was really shocked.

She even forgot to shake the ash of the lady's cigarette between her fingers, and burned herself.

She looked at Kitacumi Ariha in front of her with doubt.

Take care of the nephew? Kitacumi Ariha. Is it okay?

Maybe it's okay?

After all, it's been so long since we graduated.

People can also improve, and Youbo may have improved in places he doesn't know about.

That's right.

Taking care of an eight-year-old child.

For an adult like Beicheng Youbo, it's nothing at all.

She thought so and prepared to speak.


A crisp sound of the door opening was heard.

Then, along with the footsteps, a handsome and cute boy entered the living room.

This should be the nephew Kita Chengshi that Youbo mentioned, right?

So handsome

She was stunned, but soon stood up and took the initiative to introduce herself.

"Hello, Kita Chengjun, I am your aunt's friend, my name is Yamada Yuko, you can just call me Sister Yamada."

This was originally just a very normal self-introduction with no faults at all.

But as soon as these words came out.

Yamada Yuko keenly discovered that the air around her seemed to stagnate for a moment.

She raised her head in surprise.

Then she noticed that the expression on Kita Chengshi's face in front of her was a little wrong.

He was a little surprised at first, as if he was surprised that there was suddenly a stranger in the house.

Then he was shocked, shocked by the content of her words.

Finally, he was a little relieved, that expression. Like. the relief of an old father?

Wait a minute?

Old father?

Yamada Yuko was stunned.

She had never seen an eight-year-old child with such rich and delicate expressions on his face.

But this was just the beginning.

She had just finished introducing herself.

The other party suddenly appeared in front of her and looked up to ask.

"Are you my aunt's friend?"

The other party's voice was childish, but the tone revealed a sense of relief and disbelief of an old father who said, "My salty radish daughter finally made a friend."

The gap between this tone and the cute child's face was too big.

The sense of oppression was also a bit strong.

Yamada Yuko sat down subconsciously.

"Ah, yes, it's hot!"

She shuddered, and the lady's cigarette burned her hand again.

Then the next second——

"Please use the ashtray."

The ashtray was handed over just right.

"Ah, thank you."

She subconsciously took the ashtray.

Then, Kita Sumire carried a small stool to the stove, stepped on it, tied an apron, and asked with a fatherly smile:

"Have you eaten? If you don't mind, please stay at my humble abode for dinner. I'll start cooking now. Do you have any dietary restrictions?"

"Hey? I don't have any dietary restrictions, thank you."

The completely childlike behavior brought her into the rhythm of the other party, and Yamada Yuko even subconsciously used the honorific "you".

When she reacted.

The other party, who had already prepared the ingredients, smiled and spoke again.

"What is the angle of the cushion? Is it a little too soft? I have a cushion with a moderate hardness in my room, which is very suitable for you."

"Oh, Aunt Ariha has been taking care of you all the time, please keep up the good work and continue to be friends with her."

The sound of rubbing hands embarrassedly.

"Are you thirsty? Do you need tea?"


This child. Isn't it too capable?

Seeing that Kitasumi made dinner and even took the clothes hanging outside into the room.

Yamada Yuko was really stunned.

This is completely different from what she imagined before.

How could it be that Kitasumi Youbo took care of the other person?

It was clearly the other person who took care of Kitasumi Youbo!

And it was from the perspective of an old father!

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