Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 54 What are you doing? I asked you what you are doing.

Chapter 54 What are you doing? I ask what you are doing!

There are several scenes in "Kidnapped Natsuko" that require attention.

The next scene is what needs attention.

This scene is not complicated to say it is complicated, but it is indeed a bit difficult to say it is difficult.

This scene is the so-called ‘eating scene’.

It mainly tells the story of Shunsuke Takitani, who is responsible for loan collection, meeting Natsuko for the first time, and because Natsuko has never eaten serious food at home, he has the same childhood experience as Natsuko, and invites Natsuko out to eat.

‘Eating drama’ is recognized as ‘difficult’ in the industry.

Because when filming scenes about eating scenes, we usually pursue authenticity first, so the actors are usually required to actually eat.

But just eating it is nothing.

The key is that when eating, the director usually also needs to let the actors express certain emotions.

For example, I cried when I was eating, and I laughed when I was eating.

There should be a sense of happiness or sadness when eating that can be conveyed to the audience through the camera.

The key is that one shot doesn’t necessarily mean it’s passed. Most directors have to shoot it many times and strive to get a satisfactory shot before they can say “passed”.

This is hard on the actors.

My stomach is full, so I have to bite the bullet and continue eating.

As for the food prepared by the prop team

To be honest, the appearance may be good, but the taste is really unflattering.

It is really difficult to express the feeling of ‘happy and delicious’ by eating these things.

Kitami Minoru even heard about the experience of an actor in the industry who suffered from psychological distress while filming a eating scene, and almost vomited out after seeing a certain dish that had been used in the "eating scene".

Before shooting, he stood still and thought for a while, and began to brew his emotions.

First, go through all the bad things you have done in your life in your mind, and then flash past the sad things.

Wait until he raises his head again.

That's about it for the emotions brewing on his face.

"It looks pretty good to me as a precocious child."

Honma Feiyan sat on a chair outside the venue and glanced at Kitazumi Minoru.

"That's Beicheng-kun, he must be in good condition."

Next to him, Masayoshi Yotsuya, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but frowned and glanced at him before speaking out.

There was a tone in his tone of ‘Isn’t this a matter of course? Don’t talk nonsense’ sense of blame.

Damn Beicheng Control

Honma Feiyan's mouth twitched.

He knew how much Masayoshi Yotsuya liked this young boy Kitami Minori.

Not only did they reorganize the scenes involving Natsuko, but they even added a lot of new scenes involving Natsuko on top of the original ones.

Shunsuke Takiya, who is also the male protagonist, is a bit marginalized.

Fortunately, Honma Feiyan asked him to modify it later, and it became what it is now.

Later I heard that he also contributed some box office to "The Son of Resentment" in which Kitumi Minoru participated - I went to the movie theater and watched "The Son of Resentment" three or four times.

Through the above points, Honma Feiyan can be regarded as seeing that his friend, who has an outrageous personality, really likes Kitazumi Minoru.

Even today.

Even though there was nothing to do with being a screenwriter, he still came to the scene to check on the situation.

Honma Feiyan was a little speechless, but he still didn't make Yotsuya Masayoshi too optimistic: "It's not enough to just feel good. Don't be too optimistic. Eating scenes are inherently difficult to film."


Eating scenes are inherently difficult to film.

Not to mention Ziyi's drama.

That was really taken with the camera pointed at the face.

Some young actors can't stand this kind of pressure. Let alone acting, they can't even eat. In the end, they cry after eating, but in the end they still can't pass the camera. It often happens.

And then.

Honma Feiyan glanced at the actor responsible for the male lead, Takitani Shunsuke, a little worriedly.

The other party's real name was Shimada Makoto, and he was not the actor he and Yotsuya Masayoshi had seen and carefully selected.

It was stuffed into the film crew by the investors.

Naturally, Honma Feiyan was very opposed to this backdoor approach.

But the investors insisted on it.

no way.

If you have money, you can be unreasonable, especially in a place like the industry.

Fortunately, Makoto Shimada has been doing pretty well these days.

Although there is indeed a gap between Kitami Minoru and Hosokawa Shibaizumi in terms of acting skills.

But it didn't cause too much trouble. At most, it only clicked a few times.

Honma Feiyan endured it and it passed.

But today was a more difficult eating scene.

Honma Feiyan sighed.

how to say?

I just hope that the next filming will go smoothly.

Along with the sounds of readiness coming from each group on the radio, Toshihiko Honma nodded.

The field recorder started playing the game.

The official filming of "Kidnapped Natsuko" began.

"This is your home? Where is your mother?"

"My mother went outside, probably to watch a horse race."


"Do you usually just eat these?"


".Come out with me."

What Feiyan Honma was worried about has not happened yet.

The filming went very smoothly, with basically no glitches.

In particular, Kitumi Minori's performance is really eye-catching.

The bruises on his body, the pain in his frown when walking, his dull expression and his big, pure eyes, outline a very pitiful image of a child.

This charming guy's acting skills are really great.

The emotions and facial expressions that need to be expressed by him can all be expressed completely.

This is really good.

Even Honma Feiyan couldn't help but nod his head at this moment, thinking that he had made a perfect choice by choosing Kita Sumire.

A well-behaved and sensible child actor?

Although it was indeed comfortable to look at.

But it was not as easy to use as Kita Sumire. To put it bluntly, actors can only be comfortable if the director can use them easily.

If there were no restrictions and the precocious child was allowed to show his acting skills, even Hosokawa Shibaizumi would probably be beaten by him, right?

Really amazing!

He sighed in his heart, and at the same time he was alert.

Because the next step was very crucial.

The 'eating scene' was about to begin.

Accompanied by the steaming ramen served on the table.

Then followed Kita Sumire and nodded to indicate that he was ready.

The whole scene also began under the clapboard of the stage manager.

The steaming ramen blinded the lights and also stained Natsuko's pure eyes.

The camera zoomed in.

Look carefully.

Natsuko's fingers holding the chopsticks were trembling slightly.

Probably because of the pain caused by the bruise on her arm.

Or maybe it was because he hadn't eaten such delicious food for a long time since he could remember.

He didn't say anything, but just kept silent and looked up at Shunsuke Takiya.

He was too sensible.

So sensible that even the act of eating required permission from others.

"Disgusting kid, eat it."

Shunsuke Takiya said.

After getting the other party's permission.

Natsuko then put the noodles into her mouth with chopsticks.

At first, she ate slowly and slowly, like a robot, and Natsuko's expression was still dull.

But later in the meal, the dull expression dissolved.

Tears could no longer be stopped from falling.

There was no sharp crying.

There were only tears sliding silently across the face.

The heat of the ramen and the tears were mixed together.

It was hard to tell the difference between tears and heat.

Under domestic violence, some children even forgot how to cry.

This is what Yotsuya Masayoshi wanted to express.

Kita Sumire's performance can be said to be perfect!

There is almost no flaw!

Those few careful micro-expressions can make the audience feel heartbroken and cry.


Honma Hiko didn't feel happy at all.

He just felt like he stepped on stinky dog ​​shit while walking on the road.


Kita Sumire's performance can be said to be perfect, just like everyone's impression of "Natsuko".


"What are you doing, Shunsuke Takiya?! What are you doing? What are you doing?! I've been watching you! Where are your emotions? What are you doing?!"

Honma Hiko stood up, picked up the megaphone, and three consecutive "what are you doing" were enough to show his anger.


Because Makoto Shimada, who was responsible for the role of Shunsuke Takiya, had problems expressing his emotions.

As a result, Kita Sumire's perfect shot just now was wasted!

Honma Hiko gritted his teeth.

He wished he could go down and strangle this guy to death right now!

It's a waste of the precocious acting skills!

Thanks to Jianwu Zhongxing, Locke Luther, and Ershiyuan Yifeng Yeyu for the tips! Thank you very much!

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