Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 57 I really want to improve! Master Bei Cheng!

Shimada Makoto sat down in front of Kitami Minoru.

He sat down helplessly.

Likewise, it also meant that he accepted the fact that he was about to be taught directing skills by a child.

To be honest, this result made him somewhat helpless.

After all, it is simply impossible for a child to play the role of 'Takiya Shunsuke' well - after all, the age and experience of the character are there, and it is definitely not something that a child can grasp.

If he sits here, he is most likely wasting his time.

But now that he has sat down.

Then he would like to see it.

What is the difference between a subordinate’s ‘Takitani Shunsuke’ and my own ‘Takitani Shunsuke’.

He stopped talking now and just stared at Beicheng Minoru.

It was at this time that the other party smiled and spoke: "Shimada-kun, are you wondering why a subservient would think he could play the role of Shunsuke Takiya well and feel a little contempt for it, right?"

"How did you know?"

Shimada Makoto couldn't help but stand up and looked over in surprise.


How did the other party see what he was thinking?

Is it still compulsory for Ziyi to learn mind-reading skills now?

"It's just basic observation, not mind-reading at all."

Kitazumi blinked, and then continued:

"Putting aside this irrelevant matter, let's talk about what is missing in Shimada-kun's acting skills."

"First of all, Shimada-kun, you should still remember the lines of 'Takiya Shunsuke', right?"

"It's the line 'Eat, eat, kid', right? Beicheng-kun, although my acting skills are not great, I won't forget such a simple line."

Shimada Makoto was speechless, feeling that he had been completely underestimated by Kitami Minoru.

Shunsuke Takitani originally had only two lines in this eating scene.

One sentence is this: 'Eat, eat, you disgusting brat', and the other is 'Eat slowly, no one will compete with you'.

Kitazumi actually thought that he would forget these two simple lines?

Isn't this a joke?

"How could I forget such a simple thing? Memorizing lines is the most basic quality for an actor!"

He spoke confidently.


"Since it's so simple, then Shimada-kun, can you tell me in detail the emotions of Shunsuke Takitani who said these two lines?"


Kitaki Minoru said this.

Immediately, Shimada Makoto was stopped.

If only he knew the answer to that question, after all.

It’s not like I was criticized so many times for ‘emotional expression’ by Honma Feiyan.

He stayed for a while, and then he tentatively said, "Is it concern?"

"Yes, but not that right."

Kitaki shook his head.

What is right and wrong?

Shimada Makoto wanted to refute.

Right is right, wrong is wrong.

Why is there still a centered answer?

But he didn't refute in the end.

Because when Beicheng actually said these words in front of him, he showed a maturity that was different from ordinary Ziyi, and that transcended his age.

This is probably a temperament.

Shimada Makoto is also a little unsure.

So he rarely refuted, but remained quiet and listened to Kitumi Minoru continue to speak.

"Concern is just one of Takiya Shunsuke's emotions, but here Takiya Shunsuke has just met Natsuko. For this child who met for the first time, his more emotion should be impatient, but deep down he is a little concerned and cannot put it into words. Xia Zi left it alone."

As soon as the words were spoken.

Shimada Makoto suddenly realized.


Shunsuke Takitani in the plot is also a child who suffered domestic violence when he was young.

Although Shunsuke Takiya, as a gangster, is very impatient and even disgusted with being involved in troublesome things.

Seeing that Xia Zi suffered the same fate as his own childhood, he naturally couldn't leave it alone with his conscience still intact.


"Then how do you express your emotions?"

Shimada Makoto subconsciously used honorifics.


Now that you’ve figured out the character’s emotions.

Then how to express emotions becomes another problem.

Faced with his subconscious question, Kitumi Minoru's approach was also very simple.

"That's how I express it."

Under the gaze of Makoto Shimada, Minoru Kitami took a deep breath and then slowly lowered his head.

It looked like he was brewing emotions.


Kitaki Minami slowly raised his head and raised his eyes at the same time, looking impatiently in front of him.

This look.

Following the guidance of his gaze, Shimada Cheng held his breath.

It was as if there really was a small, thin Natsuko in front of Kitaki Minoru's empty body.

"Eat, eat, you disgusting brat."

Takiya Shunsuke's legs were shaking impatiently.

The voice was also disgusting and disgusting.

But his eyes clearly did not leave Natsuko at all.

Although he said 'disgusting brat', Natsuko could be seen eating ramen with big mouthfuls.

He made another 'tsk' sound and thoughtfully pushed the condiment bottle next to him.

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

to here.

The disgust in his voice slowed down.

It seemed like even the tone had become a little softer.

There seemed to be a smile on his lips.

Shimada Makoto was silent.

To be more precise, I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say.

A subservient performs as an adult male.

It will definitely give people a sense of abruptness and perversion.

This is a given.

Because the age and identity are there, it is difficult for the audience to adjust.


Kitaki Minoru's performance was not abrupt at all.

It seems that it really transcends the limitations of body and age.

He became like Shunsuke Takitani, who always looked disgusted and impatient, but always secretly gave Natsuko warm care.

Shimada Makoto was speechless.

He thought of what Feiyan Honma said when he came to him before.

"You'd better ask Precocious for advice. Don't treat him like an ordinary servant. That boy is different."


When he heard this sentence at that time, Shimada Makoto didn't pay much attention to it at all.

Different from ordinary servants?

Aren't creatures like Ziyi just small, inexperienced children? What could be different?

but now

This is really completely different from ordinary slaves.

Even if he is not of his age group, he can still control him so well?

There is something really unusual about this servant.

Damn it, I might not be able to compare.

Shimada Makoto was a little dumbfounded.

Even he had to admit it.

Even if they are not in the same age group.

Kitazumi Minoru's 'Takiya Shunsuke' also attracts more attention than him.

He couldn't hold back even a single word.

Kitaki Minoru on the other side did not continue to pursue and fight.

He just raised his head, looked at Shimada Makoto, and spoke in a sincere voice:

"Shimada-kun, do you want to be a good actor? If you don't want to be a good actor, then we'll stop here and you can continue to act in your own way."


He got close and held Shimada Makoto's hand firmly.

"But I really want to star with you, Shimada-kun. Let's work hard together to make "Natsuko Kidnapped" a better work!"


Shimada Makoto opened his mouth.

Of course he wants to be an excellent actor.

After all, everyone wants to compete.

Even if you can't be the best, at least you can't be looked down upon by others.

But what now?

Because I failed several times in a row.

It's not just Honma Feiyan who doesn't have a good look towards him.

Even the recorders and field staff frowned when they saw him - this emotion is normal, because every time he messes up in a performance, it is equivalent to adding a burden to the entire film crew.

Who likes this kind of actor?

Although the majority of the investors are funded by his father, it is impossible for him to be kicked out of the group by Toshihiko Honma.

But who can bear to be despised by others all the time?


‘I want to star with you’.

To say something embarrassing.

This is the first time Shimada Makoto has heard words of recognition from others when he joined the filming crew of "Kidnapped Natsuko".

Even if it comes from the mouth of an eight-year-old child.

But it also gave him an inexplicable inspiration.


Are you willing to go on like this?

Are you willing to let the movie "Kidnapped Natsuko" suck?

You must know that this is not only Kitumi Minori's first starring role.

It was also the first time he got the main role - although it was the reason why he brought money into the team.


"Please continue to guide me in the future! Master Beicheng!"

Shimada Makoto bowed.

Since you have decided to bow your head, then simply bow your head a little deeper.

There is no shame in calling a child ‘teacher’.

What’s really embarrassing, and what easily stings one’s self-esteem, is the look of disdain and disdain that comes from everyone on the film crew.

He doesn't want this.

He wants to succeed!

So just bow your head!


He looked at Kitumi Minoru who said "Okay" in front of him, showing his innocence, as if his smile could heal him.

Shimada Makoto breathed a sigh of relief.

He suddenly felt.

It seems pretty good to have such a little master.

He was thinking so.

His face also cheered up.

"Then what should I do next? Master Beicheng?"

He approached and asked Kitumi Minoru in front of him seriously.

"Do you really want to make progress?"

Beicheng Shi glanced sideways at him and asked.

"Yes! I want to make progress so much! Master Beicheng!"

"very good."

Kitaki nodded with satisfaction: "Before teaching the directing skills, you first stretch out your hands."


Shimada Makoto did not refute, but obediently stretched out his palm.


There was something more in his hand.

It was a small plastic round fan.

"You fan me for a while. If you're tired after eating three bowls of ramen, lie down for a while."


Shimada Makoto opened his mouth.

"Hey what? Who do you think made me eat three bowls of ramen?"

Beicheng Minoru wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows and asked in reply.

This stunned Shimada Makoto for a moment.



Didn't you just smile at me with a healing face? Why did you suddenly change your face?


".Fan and act."

"Nothing more."

Beicheng Shi waved his hand and asked: "I am your master and you are my apprentice. Isn't it right for you to take care of me?"


Shimada Makoto clearly felt that something was wrong.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, it was because of him that Kitaki Minoru ate three large bowls of ramen and now felt a little indigestion.

Then it is indeed right for me to fan him and let him take a breath.

More importantly, -

"I'm only eight years old, Shimada-kun, as an adult, shouldn't you take good care of me?"

Kitazashi spoke seriously without any deception.

And it was this sentence that made Shimada Makoto, who had never been beaten by the industry and was considered to have a relatively "simple" personality, stop investigating further.

He nodded.

This... what the other party said does make sense.

As an adult, it is not too strange for me to take care of the eight-year-old Kitazashi.

Even taking a step back, this should be considered his responsibility as an apprentice.

Then take care of him, there is no problem.

And he really wants to improve!

At least he can't let the people in the same crew look down on him!

Then ask this child!

Thinking of this.

Shimada Makoto moved a chair, with a serious look, and fanned Kitazashi who was lying on the recliner without any carelessness.

Two updates this morning! Please read! It is so important to follow up the data now. Otherwise, I can't win the PK at all - anyway, please follow up!

Thanks to the old man and the seaweed for the reward! Thank you very much!

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