Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 67: Commander Kitasumi of Nerima Metropolitan Elementary School!

Maybe there really are aliens in this world.

This is what Kobayashi Micong thought after seeing several exercise books that Kitumi Minoru took out.

She originally thought that Beicheng Minoru was just talking.

In the end, I didn’t expect the other party to come for real.

Eight-year-old child.

Are you going to study at Tokyo University, Keida University or Waseda University?

She was a bit silent.

And after seeing Kitami Minoru applying for permission to jump from elementary school to high school.

Kobayashi Meicong became even more silent.

Japan’s education law contains explanations about skipping grades.

If there are sufficient reasons, the school can make cross-grade transfers based on students' ability and other circumstances.

But actually speaking, skipping a grade is not common in Japanese schools.

After all, not every normal person can meet the conditions for skipping a grade in school like a monster.

If you want to skip a level, you must first meet three conditions.

The first is the academic ability of students - this is similar in every country.

Without sufficient academic ability and grades, even if you skip a grade, you will simply go to jail. After all, you will know nothing.

The second is the psychological adaptability of students and the need to keep up.

Although some students have successfully skipped a grade, the sudden changes in interpersonal relationships and the unfamiliar school environment can easily cause students psychological pressure, which requires students to have strong social skills.

Third, you need to meet the school's regulations.

Some colleges and universities simply don’t allow students to skip a grade and don’t even give them a chance. Naturally, they cannot choose this school.

So to sum up -

Those who can complete the level-skipping operation basically have intelligence and psychological adjustment abilities far beyond those of their peers.

And when I was eight years old, I wanted to skip a grade to high school.

to be honest.

Mi Satoshi Kobayashi could only think of the adjective 'alien'.

Otherwise it’s really unjustifiable!

The key is to think carefully.

It seems that Kitazumi really has these abilities?

As a subordinate, his previous performance has been outstanding.

Not only is he able to adapt to changes in the on-site environment, but he also has good relationships with the people around him. His social skills are absolutely incredible.

Psychological Adjustment Ability Even when faced with difficult situations such as the death of his father and the abandonment of his mother, Meicong Kobayashi found it difficult to survive, but he was able to face it all with strength.

Does this question his ability to adjust mentally?

Really inappropriate, right?

As for academic ability

Able to study the real test papers of Dongda University and Qingda University at the age of eight.

This learning quality itself is almost like Kitazumi using the brains of two people.

It's totally fine to say aliens.

So Kitumi's desire to skip a grade is really not a foolish dream.

She was stunned when she thought of this.

Inexplicably, I feel that Beicheng Minoru is a bit inferior to his talents as a servant.

So she couldn't help but speak: "Since Beicheng Jun is so well prepared, why don't you finish your work and concentrate on preparing for the exam?"

she asked.

Then I heard Beicheng Minoru sighing helplessly.


Is there anything strange about what I just said?

Xiaolin Meicong's expression turned serious and he was about to ask.


"Director Xiaolin, how can I achieve financial independence without this job?"


The words that Kobayashi Meicong wanted to question stuck in her mouth.

"My aunt has taken care of me a lot, I can't hold her back financially, right?"


Kobayashi Meicong's voice weakened.

"It's not that simple to skip a grade. I need to pass the academic evaluation, the school's psychological evaluation, plus the school's interview and other miscellaneous evaluations. These things cannot be completed in half a year."


Meicong Kobayashi was left speechless.

"Taking a step back, even if I can pass these miscellaneous school evaluations, I still have to consider the social impact, right? What will people in society think of an eight-year-old child skipping a grade to high school? They will definitely think it is pure hype and ahead of its time. Isn’t this kind of premature education ruining children?”


I really want to refute.

But what he said does make sense!

Considered from all angles

On the contrary, it was a bit irrational for me to speak rashly.

Kobayashi Meicong's voice is na na.


Kitumi Minoru's handsome and lovely face showed an innocent smile.

"However, even though I didn't take this into consideration, in my opinion, Sister Xiaolin is still very cute, because Sister Xiaolin really thinks about me. Thank you, Sister Xiaolin."

As he spoke, he gently climbed onto the back seat of the car and stroked Meicong Kobayashi's head.

And this unexpected action.

Instead, it caught Meicong Kobayashi off guard.

A twenty-eight-year-old adult was called cute by an eight-year-old child.

No matter how you look at it, this can be regarded as contempt.


I don’t know why, but I saw Kitumi’s innocent smile.

The anger that Kobayashi Minato was supposed to have quickly turned into a feeling of "Oh my, there's nothing I can do about it after Minoru said this".

And he also called me ‘Sister Xiaolin’?

When twenty-eight-year-old Xiao Lin Meicong heard these words, he felt really comfortable all over his body.


The cameraman who was watching and recording the program didn't know what to say.

Because he looked at Kobayashi Meicong's expression of enjoyment.

He really felt as if his own director had been abducted by an eight-year-old servant.


Something feels really wrong, right?

The scene with Kitaki at school is very simple.

It's just going to class and leaving get out of class, that's all.

The only difference may be that Kitasumi Minoru is always accompanied by a little girl named Kitagawa Ruiko.

Kitagawa Ruiko seems to have a good relationship with Kitasumi Minoru.

And she is also very cute.

The short legs wearing white socks and small round-toed red leather shoes, and the double ponytails tied on both sides can be said to be very photogenic.

For this reason, Kobayashi Misato did a small interview with the other party.

Mainly asked about Kitasumi Minoru's daily performance in school.

Whether he has ever encountered strange eyes and bullying from classmates because of his status as a child.

And the answer he got was——

"Minoru-chan is very smart! And he has a good relationship with people! Many people in our school are rushing to do homework for him!"

"I often give Minoru-chan friend money! But he always secretly uses the money to treat me to food."

"Minoru-chan is also very smart, and he always gets full marks in every exam."

"Mei-chan at the next table told me that Minoru-chan is the Kitasumi commander who dominates our Nerima Metropolitan Elementary School. Sister Kobayashi, what does commander mean?"

"." Kobayashi Misato.

Looking at Kitagawa Ruiko who was half-tilting her head in front of her cutely.

Kobayashi Misato turned around silently and said to the cameraman beside him: "Remember to cut this part when you go back, okay?"

Let the elementary school students solve the problems themselves.

They adults will not delve into these things too much.

".I know."

The cameraman wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded under pressure.

No matter from any angle.

Kita Chengshi, who was followed and filmed by the "Human Investigation" program team this time, can be said to be a person with a lot of explosive points.

At least more than ten years in the industry.

He has never seen such a child actor who "explodes" from the beginning of the show to the end of the show.

Ah. No, it's a person.

Thanks to T001zhanghao, Nanmu JNU, Rockluther, and Rapid Advance for the rewards! Thank you very much!

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