Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 70 Is the TV station leader blind?

Although Nanase Karin's room is very important to Tsukimi Natsuwa.

But fortunately, Nanase Karin is still the same Nanase Karin.

He still greeted her gently, made tea, and invited her to sit down.

This appears to be normal.

No matter what he says or does, there is a sense of obedience and gentleness unique to Karin Nanase.

He also reluctantly made Tsukimi Natsuwa feel that the other party really just liked this subcontractor named Kitazumi Minoru.

Although this way of expressing ‘like’ is a bit unique.

But that’s what I say.

Tsukimi Natsuwa glanced at Nanase Karin, still a little worried.

And he probably sensed Tsukimi Natsuwa's worries.

Nanase Karin couldn't help but sigh and put down the teacup.

"Actually, you really don't have to worry. I still know what can and cannot be done."

As she spoke, she looked at Kitumi Minoru's poster on the wall with a look of reminiscence.

"Xia He, do you still remember what I told you before, that I was saved by a man when I was a child?"

Cold room.

Painful scars.

Fasting when hungry.

Under the dim light, it looked like mosquitoes lingering in the morgue.

And the person who pulled her out from under that gloomy sky was none other than Kitaki Minoru.

Time has not been able to dilute the longing.

On the contrary, the longing becomes more intense.

"Maybe it's because the names are similar. I saw the shadow of that person in the servant named Kitazumi Minoru."

"So that's what it is?"

After listening to Nanase Karin's story, Tsukimi Natsuwa finally understood.

No wonder the other party, who had never been interested in actors, was so interested in a boy.

It turns out there is such a hidden secret in it.

She understood the inside story and also heard Nanase Kari's next voice.

"Of course, I promise you, Xia He, I won't get addicted to it. I can tell the difference clearly because brother Beicheng has passed away."

"Similarly, I also know that there is no point in obsessing about these things, but I still want to do it."

Tsukimi Natsuwa was a little stunned.

Because when she said these words, Nanase Karin's delicate and gentle face was full of seriousness.

Just through this expression.

She knew that what her friend said was all true.

In this case--

"This is not meaningless, Huali."

"Let's like Beicheng-kun together. I am also your friend after all."


As a friend, she should support the other party no matter what he thinks.

Tsukimi Natsuwa even felt guilty for questioning Nanase Kari.


No matter how you think about it, Huali is not that kind of person.

I am definitely overthinking it.


"Kitasumi-kun really looks like that person. He must be in Tokyo, right? I checked out the situation last time. It doesn't look like he's in Shinjuku or Shibuya. Could it be that he's in the Ashikaga area?"

"." Yue Jian Xia He.

He looked at Nanase Karin, who was frowning and taking notes carefully while reading.

Tsukimi Natsuwa was silent.

Sorry, Huali.

Although I said I can understand you.


How do you want me to understand you?

Have you already started writing notes and doing fieldwork?

Didn't the show just start?

Can't you watch the show seriously?

Although Tsukimi Natsuwa knew that Nanase Karin was very powerful, she didn't know that the other party would be so strong.

Fortunately, Nanase Karin also noticed Tsukimi Natsukazu's gaze.

She put down her notebook, looked over with her big beautiful eyes, and said apologetically:

"Sorry, Xia He, I just took notes because I was thinking about where to go sightseeing after the summer vacation to kill time. Did it affect your viewing of the show?"

".is that so?"

Tsukimi Natsuwa touched his head.

She always felt that something was wrong with the other party.

But if you think about it, there's nothing wrong with it, because their school is indeed approaching summer vacation.

She nodded and didn't care anymore.

Beside her, Nanase Karin nodded slightly, very satisfied.

Since Kitaki Minoru taught her since childhood, Nanase Kari remembers it very clearly.

To be successful at something.

You have to mobilize all available resources around you.

And want people around you to be willing to help.

Then we must give priority to grasping the psychology of others.

At least for now, it seems that she has been completely fooled - her friend Tsukimi Natsuwa has fully accepted the fact that she is interested in Ziyu.

Sure enough, Brother Beicheng was right.

In this way, Xia He will probably help me in the future.

She didn't want to do anything else, she just wanted to meet this son-in-law in reality.

But once we meet... so what?

Nanase Karin herself was a little confused.

But there are some things you can’t move forward without doing!

This is what Big Brother Beicheng told him.

Then do it! We must move forward!

Bless me, brother Beicheng...

He squeezed the pendant containing Kitazumi's photo.

Nanase Karin did not continue, but raised her head to look at the TV with Tsukimi Natsuwa.

After all, in addition to inoculating my best friend today, I also have the purpose of watching "The Great Investigation of the World".

It was quiet on her end.

Natsuka Tsukimi here also started to get involved in the show.

But let’s be honest.

Tsukimi Natsuwa actually doesn't like watching reality shows like "The Great Investigation of the World".

Because this type of reality show has a common problem.

That is the homogeneity of program content - a shortcoming that all reality TV programs cannot escape.

For example, an escape reality show focuses on how the invited guests escape from the show's "tricks".

Another example is a love variety show, which features invited guests performing shows to show the audience the process of ‘falling in love’

It doesn't matter if you just watch one or two episodes of this kind of program.

But if you read it issue after issue, it will only make people feel boring.

This time, it was only because of Nanase Karin's invitation that she was willing to sit down and watch "The Great Investigation of the World".

This time on weekdays.

She either went to watch her favorite late-night animation, or went straight to bed.

It's impossible to stay up until twelve o'clock just to watch a reality show.

Therefore, she did not have high expectations for "The Great Investigation of the Human World".

And this idea of ​​not having much expectations slowly disappeared five minutes after the show officially started.

The screen shows the figure of Kitazumi Minoru.

The eight-year-old man, wearing a small sportswear, opened the door and walked out.

Morning run? Kitazumi Minoru is going for a morning run? So self-disciplined?

Yue Jian Xiahe was a little surprised. She got up early to exercise and run, which was indeed a bit rare for an eight-year-old child.

She continued to look down, her expression a little surprised.

"Running for a full hour? Although I know that today's variety shows will work hard to improve the program effect, isn't this too hard for the program effect?"

Tsukimi Natsuwa murmured to himself, frowning a little at the same time.

Jog for an hour.

What is this concept?

Children are not equivalent to adults. They are light in weight and strong in recovery, but what they lack most is physical strength.

If you jog for an hour, even if you look at the pace of a child, it will cover five or six kilometers.

Eight-year-old Ziyi.

Run five or six kilometers?

This is really an exaggeration.

Does the program team have common sense?

Is there no lower limit for the effectiveness of the program?

Can Beicheng actually run away? Child labor abuse?

Yes. There is indeed such a program group.

Deceiver yourself into doing things you simply cannot do.

This is really darkness in the industry!

Tsukimi Natsuwa was a little indignant.

I really have the urge to call Sakura TV right now and ask them why they abuse child labor and let an eight-year-old child accomplish something that is impossible. Huh?

Look at the post-processed real-time recording time at the bottom of the screen, and then look at Kitumi Minoru who doesn't show any signs of fatigue.

"You really ran for an hour? And it wasn't forced?"

What's going on with this kid? Muscular boy?

And the show crew also provided very good shots.

Glittery sweat slid down from the side of his handsome and lovely face.

The boy on the street corner.

Woman covering her knees.

Half-up view.

Tokyo in the early morning.

Orange morning light and dark steel jungle.

The sun shines just right.

Yue Jian Xiahe was 'shocked' and felt a bit stunned.

Is this really the reality show she remembers?

Isn't it something that a director from somewhere who makes art films came to shoot?

This shot is kind of nice.

Even if you zoom in to get a close-up of Kitaki Minoru.

She would only feel the other's extraordinary beauty from a close distance.

Tsukimi Natsuwa sat up slightly.

The fingers that were swiping at the phone from time to time also stopped.

She started to sink in.


"Adopted by my aunt? My father died? My mother ran away with someone else?"

Tsukimi Natsuwa's palms clenched subconsciously.

Is it acting?

Deliberately making the audience feel pitiful?

Poor acting skills are not uncommon in the industry.


"This doesn't look like acting at all."


It doesn't look like acting at all.

Beicheng Minoru's body trembled, and his small arms were raised, as if wiping his eyes.

When he raised his head, he had another innocent smile that said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

And this kind of child pretending to be strong happens to be the most touching.

Tsukimi Natsuhe's eyes were red.

She was sure of it.

Kitami Minoru's performance is indeed not acting.

After all, who can perform such heartfelt acting?

If even Kitumi Minoru's tears were fake.

Then Tsukimi Natsu Kazuma doesn’t know what else is true in the industry.

Fortunately at this time.

Kitazumi mentioned his aunt.

The originally tense atmosphere was also relieved.

"Are you pursued by more than a hundred people? Are you gentle and sunny, outgoing and generous? Are you also a beauty?"

When Tsukimi Natsuwa heard this, he didn't believe it at first.

After all, how can such a person exist in the world?

Good character, smart mind, gentle and sunny?

But looking at Kitumi Minoru on the screen, she didn't look like "acting" with admiration at all.

Yue Jian Xiahe chose to believe again.


Minoru doesn't lie.

There are probably only people with such perfect personalities.

Only then can we raise a strong and cute child like Minoru, right?

This also made her feel a little curious about Kitami Minoru's aunt - what kind of person is she? Why is it so good?

Will there be an interview with Aunt Kitazumi later in the show?

She felt expectant and looked down with relish.

"You're just in elementary school and you're already preparing to take the college entrance examination? This is really a big joke, isn't it? Huali?"

She smiled and tilted her head and said to Nanase Kari next to her.


If we talk about her previous life experience and description of her aunt.

Tsukimi Natsuwa can still express his belief.

That's when Kitazumi said that she had the idea of ​​taking the college entrance examination.

She didn't believe it at all and just regarded it as a program effect of the program team.

Because how is it possible?

Primary school students going to college?

Isn't this a total joke?

No normal person would believe it!

It will only be treated as a kid's joke, similar to whether he will be the Prime Minister or the President of the United States when he grows up.



Nanase Karin put her white fingers next to Sakura's lips: "I don't think it's a joke. Maybe he can really do it?"

"No. Huali, are you serious?"

He never expected that the always rational Nanase Kari would actually contradict himself at this time.

Tsukimi Natsuwa's mouth twitched: "Do you know how difficult it is for an eight-year-old child to take the college entrance examination?"

"I know."

Nanase Karin smiled and nodded.


Getting into college is not that simple.

That takes a long time to prepare——

Apart from anything else, you have to study those ridiculously difficult college exam questions, right?

Not to mention universities at the level of Tokyo University and Kyung University.

And Beicheng Minoru is only eight years old.

Do you need to prepare the application form for skipping a grade in advance?

No matter which item is taken out.

These are all tasks that Kitami Minoru cannot accomplish at this stage.


"I know Huali that you may have a good impression of this child, but without preparation for skipping a grade and preparing for college exams, this is just a joke on his part."

Yue Jian Xiahe asserted this with confidence.


Kitami Minoru on the screen actually took out the application form for skipping a grade and the exam strategies he had prepared, including several large test books from Tohoku University and Yingda University.


Tsukimi Natsuwa was stunned.


Are you serious?

Are you already preparing for grade-skipping applications and exam strategies?

Did you know you are only 8 years old?

When you are 10 years old, you are not allowed to start preparing for your own retirement pension?

Are they aliens from a galaxy outside the Milky Way? This child?

The sudden fact made Yue Jian Xiahe feel incredible.

It was at this time that Nanase Karin next to her spoke:

"After all, he is a child bearing the name of Big Brother Beicheng. Big Brother Beicheng can do anything."

When she said this, there was an expression of 'Sure enough' on her delicate face.

"." Yue Jian Xia He.

Beicheng here is really an alien, and his friends are not simple either.

At this time, she didn't question whether this was a prop prepared by the program team, but chose to believe it.

How much did she like her dead 'brother Beicheng'?

Tsukimi Natsuwa was a little speechless.

He shook his head and continued to look down.

Wait until the program is completely finished.

She just took a breath, and she felt as if she had watched a blockbuster movie again - it was obviously a variety reality show, but she didn't miss a minute, and she watched it with complete concentration.

no way.

The quality of this issue of "The Survey of the Human World" is indeed too high.

To put it bluntly.

The female protagonist in the last issue of "The Great Survey of the Human World" has an extremely thin presence compared to Kitazumi Minoru.

Tsukimi Natsukazu's only impression of that girl warrior was that she was 'very cute'.

But Minoru Kitazumi is completely different.

Another hour of morning jogging, another flawless cooking skills, plus the disclosure of his life experience later, and then there is the topic of Dongda and Qingda.

This is so versatile!

She didn't relax even for an hour.

Until now, she was still a little confused.

I even felt obviously sleepy.

However, she felt a sense of anticipation that she would continue to see Beicheng's face on TV.

Think of this.

Tsukimi Natsuwa tapped her fingers on the small table and began to complain about Sakura TV.

It is obviously this issue of "The Great Survey of the World" by Minoru Kitazumi that is so interesting.

But only given more than an hour of broadcast time?

Is it possible that the leaders of the TV station are blind?

The writer's assistant had a seizure. I sent out the first version of my manuscript early this morning and also swallowed the second version of my manuscript.

As a result, I had to recode the words and write them down to now.

More than 4,300 words

I was so sick.

For the sake of my hard work, can you all come and give me a monthly pass?


Thanks to Ye Luo Zhiqiu for singing! Thank you so much!

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