Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 81: Warm up the wine and wait for me to come back

"I didn't kill him."

Another night of warmth.

Kitaki Minoru gently stroked the long black hair of Chihara Yuki who was lying on his chest and said this.

Maybe he was thinking of Chihara Yukihime's question before he left, "Is it more important than life?"

Kitaki Minoru did not kill him.

After all, the woman affected the speed at which he drew the knife.

However, what he didn't expect was Chihara Yukihime's answer.

"I know it. Needless to say, I also know it. This is the kind of person Shi-kun is."

Chihara Yuki's beautiful side face was pressed against Kitumi Minoru's chest, listening to the beating of his heart.


She knew it.

Since the day my parents passed away.

She knew it when Kitazumi came to visit her from time to time.

This man is far less cold than he appears.

Beicheng Minoru didn't say anything, but just hugged the girl's petite body tightly.

He closed his eyes.

The matter of Kusano Ittoryu has nothing to do with him.

As for whether the master of the Kusano Itto-ryu dojo will feel humiliated in the future and choose to commit suicide?

This kind of thing has nothing to do with him.

At this time, he just wanted to enjoy the tenderness with Chihara Yukihime.

That's all.

Probably because of the fight with Kusano Itto-ryu.

Absorbing the advantages of Kusano's Itto-ryu, Beicheng Minoru's understanding of kendo has deepened.

In his mind, he had new ideas about the most perfect swordsmanship.

But this is not enough.

Far from enough.

To survive in this troubled world.

He still needs to become stronger and his reputation will become louder. He needs to become a real swordsman and a real master of swordsmanship.

After a short break.

in the following days.

While practicing and continuing to improve his understanding of kendo, Kitazumi Minoru continued to challenge various kendo masters in Kyoto.

Evenly matched from the start.

Then gradually gain the upper hand.

Then comes the lead.

Finally, a full-scale crushing began.

Beicheng's growth rate was too terrifying, and his sword moves were gradually perfected through learning and became flawless.

This made almost all the famous swordsmen in Kyoto feel inexplicably frightened.

And because he drew his sword almost silently, it was as fast as wind and thunder when he faced it.

In addition, before facing an enemy, he would always pick up the Chihara Yukizo from the wine flask at his waist and drink it in one gulp.

There is also an indescribable and unrestrained feeling on his handsome face.

Therefore, some good-hearted people call him the Drunken Wind Swordsman, which means "rapid" and "unstoppable".

He was in the spotlight.

But every time he won, he was basically upright and never used any dirty tricks.

This makes it impossible for those who try to accuse him of false accusations.

at the same time.

Rumors also began to spread in Kyoto.

The Yoshioka clan, a famous kendo master in Kyoto, is secretly recruiting some wandering swordsmen to attack the popular Minoru Kitazumi.

The famous swordsmanship family that has been passed down for centuries feels an unprecedented threat from this handsome young man.

Time also passed slowly amid rumors and rumors.

Today is the day that Kitami Minoru officially challenges the Yoshioka clan, the famous kendo masters in Kyoto.

"Shi-kun, do you still want to go to the appointment today?"

Sitting dignifiedly in front of Kitaki Minoru.

Chihara Yukiji raised her eyes and asked.


".Why? Minoru. You should know, right? The Yoshioka clan and others."

"If you only get halfway through challenging everyone in Kyoto Kendo, it will just be a failure halfway."

Lift the wine cup and drink it all in one gulp.

Beicheng's eyes were as solid as ice, not wavering in the slightest.

"Even if there is a trap? Are you going?"



The atmosphere fell into silence.

There were only the sounds of Kitaki Minoru raising his glass and Chihara Yukihime changing the glass for him.

after awhile.

The silence was broken.

"What if I say...I don't want you to go?"

Putting down the sake bottle, Chihara Yukiji tightened her grip on the hem of Wu's clothes.

Her eyes, which had always been strong, were now heartbreakingly weak.

"." Beicheng Shi.

He said no more, just stood up and gently stroked her head.

"Heat some wine and wait for me to come back."

The man spoke like this, stood up and left.

Looking at the small table, there is still a wine cup that is still warm.

Lost tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

She could never restrain an eagle.

Every feather on his body yearns for a broader sky.

"What a stupid man"

Quiet room.

It was she who lamented softly.

Walking out of Chihara Winery.

Beicheng Minoru tied up her long hair at the back of her head and bent down to hold a knife. Under the reflection of the morning light, her handsome face was plated with a layer of gold.

He walked forward step by step.

Go until you reach a clearing.

He just stopped.

"You've been following me for quite a while, it's almost time to come out, right?"

Beicheng Shi said calmly and looked around.

And seemed to respond to his statement.

The thatch began to tremble all around.

Rogues with ferocious faces walked out of it.

They are not well-dressed.

Some people even had tattered straw sandals.

Only the light of the sword in his hand was so profound that it penetrated people.

Among about a dozen people, someone spoke hehey.

"Master Bei Cheng, we admire you too. Challenging the famous sword masters in Kyoto by yourself is something that ordinary people cannot do. But we are paid for our work, so don't blame us after you go to that world."


Bei Chengshi didn't answer him.

He just glanced at the figures around him.

His lips moved slightly, as if he said something.

His eyes dropped.

"What? What did you say? Do you want to beg for mercy, Master Bei Cheng."

The ronin laughed 'hehe' harshly.

And facing their ear-scratching laughter.

Bei Chengshi just shook his head and denied their idea.

"No, I mean."

The voice paused.

He stepped forward!

"Is that all the people?"

He asked harshly.

Clang! ! !

The sharp sound of the knife!

Something warm splashed out!

The leader looked at Bei Chengshi with fear on his face, who was pressing his palm on the handle of the knife.

Bei Chengshi clearly just took a false step forward.

It was just such a simple action.

But behind him.

Several heads were rolling up!

"Go! Everyone come together! We have the advantage in numbers! He is only one person! Behind him is where the woman is! He can't run away!"

The voice of shock and anger squeezed out of the throat of the ronin.

However, in Bei Chengshi's eyes.

It was just that when people feel the fear of death, they will subconsciously emerge with anger to numb their hearts.

However, Bei Chengshi's mind was as clear as a mirror and still water.

At this time, there was still a ripple.

Because he heard what the other party said.

The reason why he had a secret meeting with Yukihime was that he didn't want to involve the other party in these right and wrong.

But the Yoshioka family.

Bei Chengshi took a step forward.

His eyes swept coldly around!

In his eyes, the movements of the ronin were like slow motion.

Press the palm of the hand on the handle of the knife.

Send power from the waist and hips!

The power goes from the waist to the arm, and then from the arm to the fingertips!

Draw the sword!

It was like the Milky Way tilting down.

The cold blade light cut through the sky.

Then there was the sound of a human body being torn apart.

In the morning light.

He swung the long sword.

The blood stained on it splattered on the ground in dots.

Clang! ! !

The long sword returned to the sheath.

Kita Sumire looked at his bleeding chest.

Facing the siege of more than a dozen people.

Even he had wounds on his body.

At this point, he should have turned back to bandage and choose another day to challenge.


"Yoshioka Family"

Whether intentionally or not, actually used Yukihime to coerce him

The killing intent was boiling.

But his heart gradually calmed down.

He walked towards Kyoto step by step.

The knife in his hand

was almost uncontrollable.

He wanted to drink blood.

Today is still two chapters in a row. Then it will return to the normal update time. It will be updated at 0 o'clock and 12 noon.

Thank you for the reward from the book grinder! Thank you very much!

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