Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 83 Where my heart is at peace is my hometown

This time, it was the most serious injury for Bei Chengshi.

Both wounds on his chest were bleeding.

Even though Bei Chengshi had an extraordinary physique.

It was inevitable that he would feel dizzy due to excessive blood loss.

And during his most vulnerable period.

It was Chihara Yukihime who took good care of him.

The girl did not complain or blame him.

She just looked at him with blood on his chest.

She had always been strong, but she cried secretly for half a night without telling Bei Chengshi.

That's it.

After a month of careful care by Yukihime.

Bei Chengshi's body has almost recovered.

During this month.

Bei Chengshi temporarily put aside the disturbing things in the outside world.

He just focused on accompanying Yukihime.

Helping her move grain and brew wine.

Helping her chop wood and make fire.

Accompanying her to watch the red leaves in Kyoto.

Overlooking the singing and dancing in Heian-kyo from afar.

But Yukihime knew.

Such a stable life would never last too long.

The person she loved.

Definitely not a stable person.

He would never be content to be confined to this corner of Japan.

And the fact is just as she thought.

Three months later.

After Kitasumi Minoru officially became the first swordsman in Kyoto and became famous in Kyoto (Heian-kyō).

He told Chihara Yukihime his idea. He wanted to set off and go to Edo (Tokyo) to have a look.

Because he knew.

Next, the focus of this era will no longer be this Heian-kyō that only whitewashes peace and sings and dances.

But Edo, which has well-connected transportation channels.

There will only be stronger swordsmen and more far-sighted opportunities.

Kitasumi Minoru told Chihara Yukihime his idea.

But she, who has always been gentle and obedient, got angry this time.

"You man, no matter what I say, you will go in the end."

Her delicate face like white snow turned to one side and bit her lower lip.

"In that case, why are you asking me?"

This was the first time she was upset.

But it was also the first time she was upset, but it melted in Kitasumi Minoru's kiss.

".Bad man."

She said softly, but couldn't help brushing his handsome face with her white palm.

She still forgave him.


She had already taken out her heart and gave it to the man in front of her.

"How long will it take you to come back?"

Leaning in his arms.

The red setting sun passed through the gaps between the long eaves of Kitano Tenmangu Shrine and fell on them.

Dragging their shadows.

"At least five years, at most ten years, can you wait for me to come back?"

".Suddenly making such an embarrassing request."

Chihara Yukihime spoke softly.

Kitasumi stroked her long black hair.

Under the setting sun, every glance and smile of hers was very cute.

He approached Chihara Yukihime and spoke softly:

"Five years, ten years, this is a bit long for a woman."


"If you are still waiting for me to come back, if you are still there, please plant a plum tree at the door of the brewery, in that small ravine."

Compared to the cherry blossoms in Japan that only shine for a moment in spring.

Kitazami loves the plum blossoms that bloom in winter more.

Because plum blossoms are just like Yukihime.

Forbearing and strong.

Yukihime didn't say anything else.

She just snuggled in his arms.

Quietly enjoying this moment of peace.

The next day, Kitazami mounted his horse and set off with Chihara Yukihime's farewell.

Kitazami still remembers.

In the vague spring light.

It was the figure of a girl in a snow-white kimono looking far away, unwilling to leave.

Facts have proved that Kitazami was not wrong.

The focus of the current era has indeed shifted from Kyoto to Edo.

This was an era when swordsmen emerged and it was also an extremely chaotic era.

Kita Chengshi went all the way north.

He encountered many things during this period.

When he met someone, the other party would start a duel after hearing his name.

When walking on the road, it was not uncommon for his palm to accidentally touch the handle of someone's sword and be attacked.

The road was blocked, and bandits composed of fleeing soldiers blocked the road and robbed.

There were also many times when he drew his sword to help.

Kita Chengshi won many battles and won many battles.

Because of his superb swordsmanship and his love of drinking, his swordsmanship was as fast as thunder and wind, and he could behead someone with just one fight.


Kita Chengshi's name began to rise in the Edo region of Japan.

People at that time called him the swordsman of thunder and wind.

He was known as one of the five greatest swordsmen in the world, along with Togo Shigemune of Satsuma Shigenryu, Yagyu Muneo of Shinkage-ryu, Ito Ittosai of Ittoryu, and Marume Nagae of Taisha-ryu.

However, Kita Sumire did not stop.

He continued to challenge himself.

He kept honing his sword skills, and at the same time, he quickly absorbed the advantages of the styles of the kendo masters who had been defeated by him.

He kept summarizing, thinking, and training.

His swordsmanship also improved during this period, and he was close to returning to his original simplicity.

A year later, Kita Sumire challenged Marume Nagae of Taisha-ryu, who was known for his emphasis on actual combat, in Kuma County.

Perhaps he had already anticipated that he might not be his opponent.

That day, Marume Nagae deliberately postponed the appointment.

He waited for Kita Sumire under the scorching sun for several hours.

I want to use this extra move to disturb the opponent's state of mind and win.

However, Beicheng Minoru's mind was like a rock and did not waver in the slightest.

After more than 50 fierce battles with the opponent, at the cost of an injured hand, he used a strange move to kill him with a two-sword style stance.

More than two months later, Kitazumi challenged Satsuma Shigenryu's Togo Shigeshi again in Kashima.

Facing Dongxiang's heavy position, he traded injuries for lives, deliberately exposed his flaws, and used a wide-ranging style of play.

Kitazumi was really uncomfortable at first.

I was in danger several times.

However, after he figured out his opponent's swordsmanship routine, he pretended to be injured, but actually used a close-range spin to cut off Dongxiang's heavy head from his shoulders and neck.

See this situation.

Dong Xiang Shige, who was accompanied by more than a dozen servants, drew out his fire blunderbuss in anger and aimed at Beicheng Shi.

But Beicheng Minoru had anticipated this, so he untied the small boat on the shore that had been prepared and drifted away smoothly.

This year.

Kitaki Minoru's momentum reached its peak.

Because Yagyu Sogen of the Shinin-ryu is old and no longer has the strength to wield the sword.

The only one who can threaten Kitazumi Minoru is Ito Ittousai who created the Ittō style.

At this time, Beicheng Minoru had vaguely become the world's number one swordsman in the true sense.

But he was in no hurry to continue the challenge.

Instead, he reorganized his experience after the duel with Togo Shigeki and Marume Nagae.

He settled in for a full year.

The swordsmanship that has been honed repeatedly has finally returned to its original state within this year, without any flaws.

The following year, he dueled Itō Ittousai on a flat grassland outside the Edo area.

This time.

He had abandoned the real sword and instead held the heavy wooden sword.

After only three battles, Ito Ittosai was hit in the head by him and passed out on the spot.

His swordsmanship was now at the peak of the world.

Even without using a real sword, he can still kill people by counting his breaths.

After defeating Ito Ittosai.

Beicheng Shi did not stop.

Instead, he found the Shinin-ryu Yagyu Soen along the way.

At this time, the other party is already old.

Beicheng Shi used wood branches instead of swords and used swords to discuss Tao.

In the sea of ​​​​blood and mountains of corpses, he summarized the "Tao" derived from the advantages and disadvantages of countless swordsman masters.

This made Yagyu Muneyan, who was already timid, feel ashamed and willing to be defeated.

He walked out of Yagyu's house.

His eyes were flat.

However, everyone around him regarded him as a ghost.

because they know

From today onwards.

In the world, Beicheng is the only master of swordsmanship.

Contemporaries summarized his life.

He entered the swordsmanship at the age of sixteen, became famous in Kyoto at the age of twenty, and defeated the four great swordsmen at the age of twenty-six, becoming famous all over the world.

Just ten years.

Beicheng Shi conquered all over the world and had no rivals.

The name of Beicheng Sword Master.

Reverberate throughout the world!

But he politely thanked all the famous families who came to invite him as their family swordsmanship instructor.

He also rejected requests from famous writers to write books.

He left alone.

Because Beicheng actually knows.

Those who wander must return home.

And the place that can make him feel at ease is his hometown.


It's time for him to go home——

Go back to the girl who is full of tenderness and never dislikes him because of his troubles.

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