Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 93 That touch of navy blue

It’s different from previous role auditions.

Today, including ‘subordinates, agents and guardians of subordinates’, there were too many people coming to Kadokawa Pictures.

The audition venue prepared before seemed too small.

To cope with this.

Kadokawa Films dedicated a studio to the entire "Swordsman Den" audition.

This makes the venue spacious enough.

Even the agents present at the audition and agents from other companies can see the performance of the auditionees on stage.

This kind of scene is watched by people in the industry.

There is no doubt that it will aggravate the tension of some servants with poor mental endurance.

It may even cause differences in their acting skills.

To put it bluntly, no matter how precocious he is, Ziyi is just a child after all.

For this reason, some brokers from brokerage companies specifically expressed their dissatisfaction to Tanaka Kenzo and others.

The response I received was simple.

"Mental endurance is also within the scope of the audition. If you really can't perform well, please try harder the next time you audition."

The wording is not rude.

But the rejection caused the agents who had previously expressed dissatisfaction to shut up.

That's right.

The child's mental endurance is also included in the audition.

The last thing a director needs is an actor who pulls his hips at the critical moment.

If it doesn't work, just screen it out and replace it with another batch.

The most indispensable thing in the industry is actors.

Excellent actors are hard to find at best, but they are definitely not hard to find.

It was in this atmosphere that Kenzo Tanaka, the director, raised his hand.

The audition begins.

to be honest.

Kenichi Aoki’s audition was actually not complicated.

The first is the appearance of the actor.

The appearance, height, and age must match the character of Kenichi Aoki.

The appearance, height and age of Ziyi should not be too 'mature', otherwise there will be no 'rejuvenation' flavor.

But don’t be too childish.

If you are too childish, the feeling of separation in front of the camera will be too strong.

It should be just right in the middle.

The second is the foundation of kendo and Ziyi's physical fitness.

To put it bluntly, the adaptation of "Swordsman Den" is an adaptation of an action movie.

Many of the action scenes require Ziyi to have basic swordsmanship skills and physical fitness.

"not bad."

So far from the audition, Tanaka Kenzo is actually quite satisfied.

Because the character image of Aoki Kenichi is really difficult for Ziyi to grasp.

But every actor who auditioned performed very well.

There were also a few people who specially put on makeup and put on the costumes of Kenichi Aoki's Ronin Swordsman to audition. They had a heroic feeling and were very impressive.

But what a pity.

It's just a 'not bad' level.

Compared to talented swordsmen like Aoki Kenichi, these servants are too superficial and lack the courage and sharpness of the characters in "Swordsman Den".

But this is also a fact. All the people present are servants and children.

Look for the feeling of a character like Aoki Kenichi from them.

This is a very difficult thing.


Tanaka Kenzo took advantage of the time to drink water and secretly glanced at Watanabe Maysuki next to him.

Today's audition seemed to be dominated by him as the director, and the producer next to him didn't speak at all.

But in practical terms.

Watanabe Maysuki, the original author, also has a large proportion of his ideas.

Even if he opens his mouth.

Tanaka Kenzo will refer to his opinions to a certain extent.

no way.

His works have sold so well, and he has been serialized for 21 years, so his voice can naturally be louder.

Even in front of a well-known director in the industry like him, the other party's back can be straightened.

It’s just from the beginning of Kenichi Aoki’s audition to now.

Watanabe Maysuki, who is forty-one years old this year, has always frowned tightly, looking very unhappy.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

Watanabe Mayumi was not satisfied.

Really dissatisfied!

Even almost out of breath.

What kind of stinky fish and shrimps are all coming along this way? !

Most of the servants' steps were loose and weak.

Her eyes were also loose, and she didn't have the sharpness of a 'swordsman' at all. Instead, she looked like a little girl, a mother-in-law.

Are you really practicing kendo seriously? It just doesn’t look like it!

He wanted to stand up and question so loudly.

As the original author of "Swordsman Den".

Watanabe Maysuki herself is a fan of ancient kendo. She also practices ancient kendo and watches many videos of ancient kendo masters.

Otherwise, I would not have drawn this "Swordsman Den", which is famous for its "shape" and "swordsmanship beauty".

It is also my own love for kendo.

So when he saw these servants slouching when they came on stage, he felt like his blood pressure was soaring.

Does this look like Aoki Kenichi?

He would just make the "hey hey haha" sign there.

Aoki Kenichi practices killing swordsmanship!

It’s different from modern competitive kendo!

It’s time for you to say ‘hey hey haha’.

The enemy has already rushed up without you noticing and ripped off your head!

Watanabe Maysuki doesn’t understand movies.

He understands that there will definitely be a difference in perspective between the director and the original author.

But the Aoki Kenichi in his heart was definitely not like this.

In his eyes, these servants are simply not even normal human beings.

In the world of "Swordsman Den", he doesn't look like the protagonist.

It's more like the kind of miscellaneous soldiers who are harvested by the protagonist in a second.

Watanabe Maya felt helpless and already regretted handing over the fifth volume of "Swordsman Den" to Kadokawa Pictures for adaptation.

"The next one. The next one is Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto from the Chiba Military Service Center?"

Tanaka Kenzo also saw that Watanabe Mayuki was not that interested.

However, after taking a look at the list, he immediately became energetic and turned his head to look at Watanabe Mayuki.

"Teacher Watanabe, I know Yoshimoto. He has very good acting skills and has been involved in kendo for two or three years. You should not be disappointed."


Watanabe Maysuki still frowned, but she obviously looked into the field with a little more energy.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto was standing politely in the middle of the field.

Since this year is already fourteen.

His appearance is more mature than the previous sub-heroes, but there is still a hint of childishness in his eyebrows, which really fits the role of Kenichi Aoki, the rejuvenated queen.

At least in terms of appearance, he is completely qualified.

Watanabe Mayuki nodded secretly, thinking that finally there was a subservient who could watch.

Wait until Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto briefly introduces himself and greets him.

The staff next to me also took advantage of the situation and opened the script.

He found the scene where Aoki Kenichi was walking on the road and accidentally touched the scabbard of the Ronin sword coming towards him.

So I read the lines without any emotion.

"You just touched my scabbard, right?"

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto took a deep breath first, as if he was adjusting something.


He opened his eyes, and the expression on his face slowly changed from the polite one just now.

"So what?"

He turned sideways and raised his gaze, his tone calm and cold.

His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked straight ahead.

It was as if there really was a rogue looking for trouble.

Looking carefully, his wrist was pressing the handle of the knife slightly, as if he was about to unsheath the long knife in the next second.

The standing posture is also stable, without the loose feeling of the previous ones.


It seems really interesting.

Watanabe Mayumi's eyebrows spread, and she straightened her sitting posture for the first time.

He motioned to the staff to continue.

The staff who received the instructions understood it clearly and immediately found a place in the script where the character's movements were.

That was the scene where Aoki Kenichi was tracking the enemy all the way and encountered an ambush from the opponent's iron cannon (gun) team.

"The iron artillery team is ready."

There is almost no need for reminders from the staff.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto turned his wrist and held the long sword in his hand.

The whole person moved forward and made a crisp squat.

It seemed like he was really dodging invisible projectiles.

But it's not over yet.

While turning on his side, he held the long knife and slashed horizontally and diagonally forward with an indifferent expression, cutting the invisible enemy in front of him in two.

Kenichi Aoki, who was wearing a navy blue robe, had never been gentle to his enemies.

Anyone who wants to take his life must be prepared to die.

And just after he cleared out the 'enemies'.

A few more agility rolls.

He moves quickly.

Still breathing heavily.

His eyes were constantly looking at him.

It's like being in an environment filled with the smell of gunfire.

His movements are agile and his steps are steady, and he really looks like a 'swordsman'.

Even under the gazes of Tanaka Kenzo and others.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto even performed a quick backflip on the wall while holding a knife.

This action is very difficult.

Ordinary servants simply can't do it.

The key is--

"Is this...? An action I drew in the comics?"

"Swordsman Den" is, after all, the work of Watanabe Mayuki.

He could tell at a glance that Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto was replicating his original work.

I didn’t expect that the other party was so attentive and even studied the movements of his original work.

However, Watanabe Mayumi couldn't help but nodded.

After Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto finished the next few scenes, he took the initiative to speak.

"Do you usually do kendo training?"

"Ah yes, Mr. Watanabe."

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously.

I couldn't help but feel a hint of joy in my heart.

After all, this was the first time since the audition began that Watanabe Mayuki took the initiative to speak.

And it seems that he has a pretty good impression of himself.

That should be done!

First impressions are very important to actors, and Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto also understands this.

After another few words of greetings with Watanabe Mayuki, Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke sat back in his seat.

"Yoshimoto-kun is so awesome."

"This audition feels like it was won by Yoshimoto-kun."

From both sides, the envious voices of the servants came.

But in response, Yoshitsune just smiled.

His eyes were full of confusion.

Because only he knows how heavy the pressure is on him.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto is fourteen years old this year.

This age is already considered older among Ziyong.

He was extremely popular when he was young.

It has also declined particularly sharply now.

As for the media, as long as there are signs, they will leave no room to create topics.

Criticisms such as "It's outdated", "My acting skills are not up to par", "I can only live as a slave".

When he wasn't paying attention, they were already flooding in from the Internet.

Disappointment from parents.

The Chiba Military Service Center gradually ignored him.

Let him, a fourteen-year-old kid who should be carefree.

For the first time, I felt the pressure of being out of breath.

Be an obedient child.

Be a valuable child.

Your parents are all for your own good.

The company will not give up on you.

Words ticked in my ears.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto wiped the sweat from his forehead and subconsciously spread his palms.

In this place where Watanabe Maysuki and Tanaka Kenzo cannot see.

Sweat had already soaked his palms.

His palms were trembling slightly.

And this was just an audition of just ten minutes.

He was under too much pressure.

His breathing was rapid, but he suppressed it deliberately.

But he did it.

He showed off his difficult movements and acting skills.

And compared to the previous auditions.

His performance is undoubtedly the best!

But why?

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto pressed it on his chest.

The pressure on his chest did not ease at all.

There was no sign of relaxing at all.

There was even a tendency for the pressure to become heavier and heavier, making him unable to breathe.

Because of.

"Isn't it over yet?"

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

After the audition, there is still acting.

After the acting, there is a release and a premiere.

After the premiere, there will be a new round of auditions

It worked this time, but what about next time?

A job with no end in sight.

Can't see the pressure of the head.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto suddenly felt a little scared.

Walking alone on this dark road.

In my ears are the murmurs of my parents' expectations.

On his body was the expectant gaze of the company's broker.

He was not afraid of the dark, nor was he afraid of walking alone, but he was afraid of this dark road with no lights to illuminate the way ahead.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto also wants to go out and play.

I want to turn on the air conditioner and cover myself with a quilt in the summer like a fool.

He also wanted to enjoy his fourteen-year-old youth, and even wanted to go to an amusement park - he had never been there even once.

Instead of sitting in the Ziyong training center practicing fake crying and smiling day and night.

But there is no way.

My parents are nearby.

Always smiling at him.

They were smiling all the time, their eyes full of expectation.

Never stops.

But dad and mom.

In my childhood, there was never a free wild wind blowing in the mountains, only the high walls of the Ziyong Training Center, endless high walls.

Feeling the envious looks from the surrounding servants.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto actually had the feeling in his heart that 'it would be great even if he failed in this audition' and 'anyone can snatch the role of Kenichi Aoki away'.

But how is this possible?

He was really good just now.

There should be no one among the disciples present who can surpass his performance just now.

In the end, he could only stay in this industry with confusion.

The precarious days continue.


"The next one is AR Ziyue Training Institute, Kitazumi Minoru."


A clear and childish voice suddenly sounded from my ears.

He raised his head in surprise.

A small figure wearing navy blue Wu uniform suddenly stood up.

Under the gaze of Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto.

This young boy named Kitazumi Minori unhurriedly pulled out the wooden sword he carried with him.

The hem of Wu Fu.

That touch of navy blue.

In the next moment, it occupied his little world.

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