Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 96 The main track of the child service!

What do you think love is?

As soon as he said this, Kitasumi couldn't hold back.

To say what love is.

There are countless ways of saying it in this world.

Countless great philosophers have their own explanations.

There is no official formula at all.

Fortunately, Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke didn't seem to expect an answer from him.

He just asked the question, stared at Kitasumi for a while, and then lowered his head again.

His black hair hid his eyes.

He continued to speak softly.

"Mom always says that she loves me very much."

"But isn't love something that makes people feel happy?"

"But why am I so miserable now?"

He said softly, his shoulders twitching.

It was not until then that Kitasumi suddenly realized.

Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke was obviously just a fourteen-year-old boy.

He had a sunny and handsome face.

But that face

That fourteen-year-old face didn't show any of the vitality that a child should have.

From the time he entered the audition meeting.

Kita Sumire has never seen a genuine smile from his face.

No wonder Kita Sumire always feels that he sees some shadows of Akiyama Shion in him.

He walks alone in the industry in a depressed mood.

He carries the heavy pressure of his mother and father behind him.

The child does not look like a child.

He has lost his innocence.

In the industry, a considerable number of parents are like this.

They claim to be doing it for your own good, but in fact they are just forcing their dreams on their children.

"I was discovered by a scout when I was five years old and became a child star."

Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke continued in a low voice.

"I made my debut in a child actor art film, and then everything went smoothly. I also won many awards and made a lot of money."

"But as I got older and my height began to grow, the directors I had worked with before began to refuse, and there were fewer and fewer job opportunities. There were also many rumors on the Internet."

This is natural.

The reason why a child actor is called a child actor is that he is an actor who plays the role of a "child".

A child actor who is too mature can no longer be called a child actor, but an adult actor.

It is natural that he will be rejected by other directors.

Yoshimoto Tsukisuke understands this.

He understands it very well.

But the pressure brought by this really makes him a little breathless.

"Kitazami-kun, can you understand how I feel?"

Yoshimoto Tsukisuke raised his head and asked.

Then --

He seemed to have discovered something and apologized hurriedly:

"Ah, sorry, Kitazami-kun, you are not famous yet, so you should not have such an experience?"

"?" Kitazami Shi.

No, buddy.

You can talk if you want to, how can you be so aggressive?

He was a little speechless, but he continued to listen.

"I am under a lot of pressure now, really a lot"

Yoshimoto Tsukisuke muttered to himself, his voice trembling.

"I don't know what to do anymore."


He didn't know what to do anymore.

Yoshimoto Tsukisuke could tolerate the pressure and gossip at work.

But he could do nothing about the malice from his family.

Kitazami Shi sighed and said nothing.

Because it was hard for him to imagine that these words came from a child.

Fourteen years old.

In Japan, it was only the age of the second grade of junior high school.

This was an age when he should have been getting along with his classmates and friends and doing some stupid things.

But Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke had never experienced these.

It could even be said that his whole heart was on the verge of collapse.

"What's wrong with me, Kitasumi-kun?"

He looked at Kitasumi and asked another question.

"." Kitasumi.

Eh——? I don't want to answer, it's so troublesome, I feel.

Kitasumi was a little speechless.

Because to put it bluntly.

This was the problem between Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke and his parents.

This kind of troublesome thing is like a large-scale family ethics drama.

He didn't want to get involved.


Kitasumi thought of his cheap friend Akiyama Shion again.

He thought of Akiyama Shion who sat obediently on the set, didn't move or run, and always had a smile on her face.

What kind of family would cause a child to become lifeless and lively?

He sighed softly and sat down again.

Forget it.

Although it was troublesome, let's invest in Yoshimoto Tsukisuke's future.

What's wrong with being a life mentor?

He adjusted himself a little.

The originally innocent face began to change.

His eyes also sank, and he turned to look at Yoshimoto Tsukisuke.

He spoke in a steady tone.



Yoshimoto Tsukisuke, who was still trembling, was stunned for a moment.

I don't know why.

He always felt that Kitasumi, who was much younger than him, had suddenly changed.

The other person's eyes were calm, and the childishness on his face faded away silently.

Instead, he was replaced by a calmness that could not be ignored.

Yoshimoto Tsukisuke felt like he was talking to a well-behaved adult man, not an eight-year-old boy.

"First of all, I want to make it clear. I will not sympathize with you, because sympathy cannot change any problems. I also think that you are very strong in persevering and do not need my sympathy at all."

The other person raised a finger and continued to speak.

"Secondly, instead of being worried and overwhelmed, you should think about what to do next."


There is no point in being worried and overwhelmed.

Instead of standing still, think about what you should do instead.

But what should you do?

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto is a little confused.

So far, his life has been arranged by his parents.

What should he do in the future, what does he want to do.

He never had a concrete plan.

He raised his head, wanting to get an answer from Kitazumi.


"Look at what I'm doing, how could I know what you want to do?"

Kitaki gave him a sideways glance.

His tone was still so calm, with a sense of inhumanity.

But his voice was exceptionally clear, as if there was no confusion at all.

"The path you want to take next, the choices you make, and whether you will be troubled after making the choice are all your own business."

"There is only one thing I can tell you - now that you have made a decision, don't regret it. Because the only one who can pay for your life is yourself, not your parents, nor the people in the agency."

That's right.

do not regret.

Now that I have made up my mind not to follow the path arranged by my parents.

Then you should bear all the consequences yourself, don't regret it, let alone blame others.

In the end, you have to pay for yourself in life, and no one can make the decision for other people's lives.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto clenched his fists and then stood up.

"I understand. Thank you, Beicheng-san."

Subconsciously using the honorific, he glanced at Kitumi Minori gratefully and bowed respectfully to him.

The other party was obviously only eight years old, even younger than him.

But there was a feeling of never being confused in those steady words.

This point, even if Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto is only 14 years old, feels that there is an indescribable charm.


Although it is very hasty, it can even be said to be very childish.

But he has already thought about what he will do in the future.

Wait until the sub-service work is over.

Just do photography!

The freedom and wild wind that I never experienced in my childhood.

Now he wants to experience it again.

His path ahead is still unknown and dark.


This time there is light

He bowed again to Kitumi Minoru and left.

My steps were much lighter when I left.

In response, Beicheng actually scratched his head.

To be honest, he didn't know what would happen next for Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto.

But watching the other person's figure walking towards the light.

At least Kitazumi understands.

At this moment, the other party really stepped out of the haze of parents and work.

That's enough.

"Well, after being out for so long, it's almost time to go back."

Taking out the phone, looking at the time on it, Kitumi murmured to herself.

It has been more than half an hour since I said I needed to go to the bathroom.

Koji Tamura, his salty radish, will probably die of anxiety if he keeps lingering any longer.

He didn't stay where he was and walked towards the waiting room.

It's just that Beicheng didn't notice it when he left.

Right where he was talking to Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto.

corner on the other side.

At some point, Akiyama Shiyin, who was wearing a snow-white Wu uniform, peeked at his back with twinkling eyes.

"Are you the only one who can be responsible for your own life?"

Looking at Kitaki Minoru walking away, Akiyama Shiyin muttered softly.

She has always been trying to act as an obedient and sensible daughter in the eyes of her mother.

Acting, eating, exercising.

No matter what she was doing, she was doing it.

Even if she felt uncomfortable, she still obeyed her mother's words.

Because in her ten-year-old world.

What adults say and do should be right.

But now.

Because of Kitaki Minoru’s words.

Akiyama Shiyin was originally calm and calm, with a heart that was content with the status quo.


Just like that, in this twists and turns process.

The audition for "Swordsman Den" is finally over.

"Tamura-san, did Kadokawa Pictures notify you when the results will be released?"

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Kitazumi asked.

"Well, probably in a week or two weeks."

Tamura Koji focused on driving and took the time to reply to Kitaki Minoru.

That's right.

The audition is over though.

But this does not mean that Kadokawa Pictures will immediately announce the ownership of the role of Kenichi Aoki.

After all, announcing the results so quickly seems to be a direct decision.

Brokers from other clubs will definitely be a little dissatisfied.

If the time comes, we will bring up the rhythm in the network.

This is not a good thing for the promotion and operation of "Swordsman Den".

And judging from the number of auditions today.

Kadokawa Pictures may screen out some people and conduct a second audition.

These are all possible things.

"So late?"

A week to two weeks?

Beicheng Minoru touched his chin, it was indeed a long time.

And look at the cute way Kitumi Minoru tilted her head while thinking.

Tamura Koji also couldn't help laughing.

"Beicheng-kun, don't be anxious. No matter what I say, I won't be able to inform you of the outcome of your role today."


Kitami Minoru is not the biological son of Kadokawa Eirama, so how could it be possible that the audition just ended here.

Are you going to rush over to notify me of the news?

how to say

"Beicheng-kun is indeed outstanding as a subordinate, but when it comes to common sense issues, he is not that good -"

It was a rare opportunity to tease Kitami Minori, so Tamura Koji didn't miss it and was just about to speak.


"Ah, okay, I understand, my audition was successful, right? Ah, thank you, Director Tanaka."



The teasing expression on his face gradually solidified, and Tamura Koji looked at Kitumi Minori in surprise.

Why not wait a moment?

"Beicheng-kun, who called you just now?"

"Huh? It's Director Tanaka. It seems that Mr. Watanabe, who is responsible for the original work, has already decided on me and has no plans to replace me with anyone else, so he simply informed me in advance, but he asked me not to reveal the news for the time being."


Tamura Koji couldn't help but take another look at Kitaki Minoru.

If I say it was still a joke before.

Then his expression has really changed now.

I really doubt whether Kitami Minoru is Tanaka Kenzo’s illegitimate son.

The audition results have just been discussed over there.

Are you going to notify Kitumi directly here?

This is too much.

He stopped talking.

Choose to be quiet and be Bei Chengmi's driver honestly.

Compared with Tamura Koji who has become more honest.

Beicheng on the other side was actually a little surprised.

Mainly because he didn't expect Watanabe Maysuki to be so fond of him, so he immediately decided on the most difficult protagonist role to choose.

This is true

And today during the audition.

He clearly felt that something was wrong with the way the other party looked at him, even more wrong than Tanaka Kenzo's eyes.

How to say this.

Although I don’t think the other party meant that.

But you should be a little more wary of Watanabe Mayumi.

He thought this while looking at the scenery outside the car window that kept receding.

Anyway, this is the end of the audition for "Swordsman Den".

It should be a long time before filming officially starts.

Next, it’s time for Kitami Minoru to focus on the situation in “Kidnapped Natsuko”.

"There are still three or four scenes left, and "The Kidnapped Natsuko" is about to end."

He muttered.

The only film he can currently star in is "The Resentful Son".

But "The Resentment" is, to put it bluntly, a horror movie.

No matter how outstanding his performance is, it is difficult for Ziyi, who specializes in healing, to gain the attention of others.

But it's different from "The Resentful Son".

"The Kidnapped Natsuko" is a pure literary healing film——

This is Ziyi’s main track!

Thanks to Wanshi Shuxiang for the 100 starting coin reward, and thanks to I Lost a Part for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks to Li Xuexue for the reward of 500 starting coins! Thank you so much!

If nothing else happens tomorrow, there will be two more chapters totaling 8,000 words.

Not today. So sleepy today. Did twelve thousand.

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