However, Jiang Shan naturally ignored this person, and in the eyes of this person who could not tell the truth, he took this thing into his pocket, and transferred [-] million soft sister coins to the account provided by Tang Haoxu.

Tang Haoxu also knew that the transaction price of the Western Han Dynasty Jade Galloping Horse had already exceeded its own price by several times, and it was also far beyond his tone, but the transaction volume might be better if Jiangshan did not have a horse, there is no way to do this. thing.

When Jiang Shan came back, Gao Xiang smiled bitterly and said, "These three old men made two moves, and both times they were in our hands."

Jiang Shan also laughed when he heard the words: "No way, who doesn't want good things, can only blame them for bad luck. As long as these three 3 are together, they can't take a picture of something safely."

Lu Wanxi covered her mouth and chuckled: "Maybe this is the fun of the three of them, in fact, for the three of them, maybe it doesn't matter whether they can photograph this thing itself, even if it is photographed, it will not matter. It's just a tool for them to show off to each other."

Jiang Shan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said with a smile: "That's right, there are a few friends like this, it's not an interesting thing."

Chapter 1011

After that, two more people came to the stage to appraise the treasures one after another, and they were all genuine, but they did not participate in the auction, and the value was much worse than that of the Nine Dragons Sword and the Jade Galloping Horse of the Western Han Dynasty.

The host still asked as usual: "Is there anyone who needs to appraise the treasure?"

The field was quiet for a while... Just when Gao Xiang stood up, a man who looked at least 60 years old stood up and said, "I need to identify one thing."

Then he walked to the stairs with the help of a young man beside him.

Seeing this, Jiang Shan frowned and said, "Just now....I didn't notice it, I didn't expect this old man to come too."

Gao Xiang heard this and said curiously, "Oh, who is he?"

Seeing Gao Xiang's curiosity, Jiang Shan explained, "Ma Zhongwen, the father of the contemporary head of the Ma family."

Gao Xiang looked at the old man in surprise when he heard the words and said uncertainly, "The Ma family is... that... a nobleman that has been handed down from the Qing Dynasty."

Jiang Shan nodded and said: Yes, the Ma family is now considered to be the oldest family in history, perhaps because of the huge family, no generation of the family head can elect a talented person, so many years have passed, no matter what happens. Big things, the Ma family has never been washed away by the torrent of history, and it has been passed down to this day, and its family heritage is even more unimaginable."

After listening to Jiang Shan's words, Gao Xiang nodded and did not show shock. At least Xia Lan had introduced to Gao Xiang a few families with a long history and profound background, among them, the Ma family.

Gao Xiang looked curiously at the broken five in the old man's hand, and the box said curiously: "What such a big family has brought out is definitely not simple, it seems that another treasure is about to be born."

Jiang Shan also nodded after hearing the words.

After taking the stage, Ma Zhongwen held the box and said in front of everyone, "I explained in advance that this item is very precious, but it is very likely to be fake. I hope everyone will not be too surprised until the appraisal results come out."

"This thing is handed down from the ancestors, but there is no historical record at all. Whether it is true or not, I don't think it should be buried in the dust of history, so I took it out for identification. It happened that everyone was there. It's good to be a witness."

Ma Zhongwen's writing made me curious.

The curiosity of Gao Xiang and others was also aroused, and they immediately waited for Ma Zhongwen's answer.

Seeing this, Ma Zhongwen slowly opened his mouth and said: "West is... It has been silent for many years in history, and it has already disappeared for many years, that is the imperial jade seal that has been revered as the most treasured treasure by the emperors of all dynasties in the history of China."

As soon as the four characters of Chuan Guo Yuxi came out, I was shocked.

Chuanguo Jade Seal, the first national treasure in China, referred to as "Chuanguo Seal"

It was made by Li Si, the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, on the order of the First Emperor, and was engraved with He's jade, which was the certificate of the orthodox emperors of the Tian Dynasty.

It is four inches in diameter, and has five dragons in Shanghai and New York. The front is engraved with Li Si's book "Ordered by the sky, longevity and prosperous"

Eight seal characters, as "the emperor's power is granted by heaven, orthodox and legal"


After the Qin Dynasty, the emperors of all dynasties all took this seal as a sign, and regarded it as a rare treasure, and it was also an important weapon of the country.

If it is obtained, it symbolizes that it is "ordained by the sky"

, if it is lost, it will show that it is "exhausted"

Anyone who ascends the throne without this seal will be ridiculed as "white emperor"

, appears to be lacking in confidence and is despised by the world.

You have been vying for the throne of the emperor in the past dynasties, so that the national seal has repeatedly changed its owner.

Now that such a treasure appraisal meeting has been re-emerged, many people present are breathing a lot more violently, this kind of thing is not... one can have it.

Ma Zhongwen said plainly: "I know what you are thinking, this thing cannot be judged by money at all, it is completely invaluable, so this time I will just bring it over for identification, if it is false, it has been some years, and it is a little bit old. It's worth it, people who like it can buy it, if it's true, it has its own place."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They were nervous and had expectations. If this thing is true, this time the treasure appraising meeting will definitely be recorded in the history books.

Mr. Feng was so excited that he almost jumped up from the chair, and his breathing became a little heavier.

Feng Zhiming really did not expect that such an ordinary treasure appraisal meeting would turn out so many famous treasures one after another.

First it was the Nine Dragons Sword, then the Jade Galloping Horse of the Western Han Dynasty, and now there is a Jade Seal of the State.

Feng Zhiming even felt that his heart had the urge to jump out of the middle hall in one fell swoop.

But an antique at the level of a jade galloping horse in the Western Han Dynasty is a treasure that may not appear in several treasure appraising meetings, not to mention the Kowloon Sword, which is dozens of times more valuable, and even the Huaxia No. The appearance of a national treasure's jade seal, which really made Feng Zhiming feel a little dizzy, feeling like he was dreaming.

If the Chuan Guo Jade Seal is true, Feng Zhiming will be a new milestone figure in the history of Chuan Guo Jade Seal.

Jiang Shan, Gao Xiang and the others were stunned when they heard these four words, and it took a long time for them to react.

Gao Xiang couldn't............. he said with confidence: "It's a little unreal to appear in this situation."

Chapter 1012

Lu Wanxi compounded according to her words: "It's true, it's too sudden, but now the protagonist of this incident is the Ma family, whether it's true or false, you'll know after reading it."

At this time, the entire venue was extremely quiet, and the appearance of the Chuan Guoyuxi made the entire venue that was gradually warming up instantly: it became cold, but everyone could feel the upsurge secretly surging.

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