When the rest of the people heard this, they all smiled.

When the people on the stage completed the deconstruction again, it was finally Gao Xiang's turn to select the rough stone. Gao Xiang, Lu Wanxi and the Jiang family sisters, after the host announced that Gao Xiang and others should be on the stage, a group of four went to the Go up the stairs.

At this time, the total number of rough stones had dropped by more than half. Fortunately, those who participated in stone gambling were people who were not familiar with stone gambling.

Gao Xiang and the others were picking and picking among the piles of rough stones, and the four of them are now just... See which one is pleasing to the eye and which one is to be picked.

Although Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue have been living in jade piles since they were young, they have the same understanding of gambling stones as Gao Xiang, they are both little whites, and neither of them has a detailed understanding of this. aspect things.

Gao Xiang casually took two pieces from it and stood aside and waited. Lu Wanxi and the three of them were not as direct as Gao Xiang. The three girls picked them together. ...too big again, for a while... Said that the surface was not enough... smooth, and for a while said it was uncomfortable to handle.

When all the people at the table have finished unraveling all the rough stones in their hands, the rough stones here have not been picked yet.

After President Zhang Wei Zhang, together with two other jade appraisal experts, the total value of the rough selected by the people at the table was less than [-] million yuan, and they spent [-] million yuan to buy the rough stone, with a total of [-] million yuan. It's not a loss even if it's in the account.

After appraising the price, the group stepped down and returned to their own positions. At this time, under the urging of Gao Xiang and the guidance that even he himself did not know was right.

Lu Wanxi and the three of them finally completed their choices. Counting the two rough stones that Gao Xiang chose, there were eight in total. That is to say, no one chose two of them, and they were all in their own hands. It seemed that they wanted to contest who chose. The value of the original stone is the highest after it is unraveled.

According to the statistics of the staff, Gao Xiang took out his mobile phone and paid for the eight yuan and seven million soft sister coins.

Seeing that none of the three of Lu Wanxi was willing to step forward to be the first to dissolve the stone, Gao smiled and handed the two large and small stones in his hand to the person in charge of the stone removal.

The three of Lu Wanxi smiled at Gao Xiang, and then whispered beside them, pointing at the two stones that Gao Xiang had chosen.

Gao Xiang has been watching the staff's lithotripsy movements.

I saw that the staff member took over the two stones that Gao Xiang handed over, put one of them aside, took the other one and observed it over and over again, and then began to cut according to the patterns on the stones. Then cut the second layer, little by little to the center of the stone.

Under the crowd's onlookers, the stones were reduced little by little, until all the ordinary stones were cut off, and still no trace of emerald was found.

Seeing this, the three of Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang with pity.

Gao Xiang shrugged helplessly, and then asked the staff: "I want to ask, if the jadeite is very small, will it be possible that the jadeite is not in the middle of the rough stone, but at the edge of one side."

The staff nodded and said: "Of course this situation exists, but the probability is very small, do you want to continue to dissolve the stone?"

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Go ahead."

The staff didn't say anything and started to dissolve the stone.

There were many stones cut in half like this before and no jade was found, and those people simply chose to give up.

It's not that Gao Xiang is distressed about money and can't afford to lose, he just wants to see if this stone really has no emeralds.

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi walked slowly to Gao Xiang's side and whispered beside his ear, "You can't afford to lose, don't worry, my rough stone that you lost will definitely help you get it back, don't be angry. what."

Gao Xiang naturally knew that Lu Wanxi was only joking, patted Lu Wanxi's forehead lightly and said, "People who generally gloat in misfortune will not have good results.

Said that in a while, the things you opened with those two stones are not worth as much as mine."

Lu Wanxi disapproved and said, "That's impossible, do you want to gamble, little brother."

Gao Xiang heard the black line at the end of his words. When the two first met, Lu Wanxi often called him the younger brother. At that time, it really felt nothing, but now it does sound a little unspeakable.

Gao Xiang accepted Lu Wanxi's gauntlet without hesitation: "Tell me, what do you want to bet?"

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1021

Since Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuqing were relatively close to each other, and Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi's voices were not very low, the conversation between the two reached Jiang Yuxue's ears.

Jiang Yuxue saw that the two were going to bet against each other, and she also came to the nature. She took Jiang Yuqing and walked quickly to the two of them and smiled: "Add us."

Lu Wanxi smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, then the four of us are betting against each other. The one with the lowest value is the loser. You have to think carefully about how the loser should be punished."

Jiang Yuqing said at this time: "This is easy to handle, aren't we going to travel by car in a few days? The loser is responsible for all the consumption on the road, how?"

"That's good, then let's settle it."

Jiang Yuxue agreed to Jiang Yuqing's proposal.

Lu Wanxi smiled and nodded in agreement, then looked at Gao Xiang with a smile.

Gao Xiang didn't care anymore and agreed.

Just when Gao Xiang just nodded, the voice of the staff suddenly came over, "It's green, and there is actually emerald."

Gao Xiang's group 4 immediately looked over when they heard the words, and as expected, they found the cut surface of the stone that was not unusual at first. At this time, there was a touch of green, crystal clear.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang deliberately showed a smile to Lu Wanxi.

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi rolled her eyes and snorted softly.

When the staff removed all the waste stones and polished the jade, what appeared in everyone's eyes was a piece of oblate jade with a diameter of about one centimeter, which could just be used as a pendant for a necklace.

There is no direct identification of the type of jadeite. After handing the jadeite to Gao Xiang, the staff immediately began to unravel another piece of rough stone that Gao Xiang gave him.

Following the dissolution of the stone, Gao Xiang was stunned for the second time, and when he got up, it was the same as the first dissolution of the stone.

A full half of the waste rock was removed, and still no trace of emerald was found.

The staff didn't even ask and continued to solve the stone.

This time, Gao Xiang's luck didn't seem to be so good, until all the pieces had to be cut into pieces, and no trace of jade was found.

Lu Wanxi and the three of them all held back their smiles and looked at Gao.

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