Gao Xiang shook it deliberately and put on a painful expression: "Oh, why are you so heavy, I can't even carry it anymore."

When Lu Wanxi heard this, she grabbed Gao Xiang's ears with both hands and said softly, "I didn't hear what you said just now."

Although the sound is very soft, it seems that it is naturally impossible to really think so.

Chapter 1055

Carrying Lu Wanxi forward, Gao Xiang said, "I said why you lost weight again, you should make up more."

Lu Wanxi snorted, released Gao Xiang's ears with both hands, gently hugged Gao Xiang's neck with her arms and smiled, "Now your life is in my hands, you have to be careful."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Even so, I'm still very relieved. After all, such a good boyfriend as me is hard to find. You must cherish it."

Lu Wanxi pouted, "You are so narcissistic."

The two slowly walked back like this, and when they were about to reach the courtyard, Lu Wanxi said, "Okay, your task is completed, you can put me down."

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "Don't mention it, we're going home soon. It would be nice if I would carry you home directly. Then I would carry you directly to say hello to my uncle and aunt."

When Lu Wanxi touched Gao Xiang's ear, Gao Xiang said helplessly, "These ears have suffered a lot since we were together, you can't be nice to them. order?"

Lu Wanxi laughed when she heard the words, slowly got off Gao Xiang's body, rubbed Gao Xiang's ears and said, "It's not your fault, I made myself angry and made other people's ears suffer.

You can blame me for not."

Gao Xiang looked into Lu Wanxi's eyes and said, "I'm mad at me, I'm not wronged, I am."

...When the two returned to the courtyard, they saw that the lights in the living room were still on, so they walked directly into the living room, where Lu Yuan and Xia Lan were sitting and watching TV.

Seeing Gao Xiang and the two returning, Xia Lan asked, "Where did you two go to play for a while?"

Lu Wanxi responded with a smile: "I learned from you, we went for a walk in the park over there, didn't we say as the saying goes, walk a hundred steps after dinner and live to be ninety-nine."

Xia Lan smiled and said: "You have a lot of sayings, but I haven't seen you go out before."

Taking a breath, he continued: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go back to sleep."

Lu Wanxi learned the way of speaking from the ancients: "Follow the order, my mother, and the son will retire first."

Xia Lan heard Lu Wanxi's words and joked: "It looks good, or don't quit, how about helping me check some documents?"

Lu Wanxi hurriedly shook her head and said, "It's better for my son to retire."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Gao Xiang and walked out.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang quickly greeted Xia Yuan, and was pulled out by Lu Wanxi.

Back in the room, Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi took a shower and fell asleep. Today, the two of them didn't have much idle time, and it was considered a tired day. At this time, they felt sleepy while lying on the clothes. Come.

They said good night to each other, and the two embraced each other to sleep.

Xia Lan and Lu Yuan in the living room also returned to their rooms shortly after Gao Xiang left.

After a night of silence, Gao Xiang got up from the bed early the next morning and started morning exercise. If there are no special circumstances, morning exercise is a compulsory course for Gao Xiang.

Come back from morning exercise, as usual, take a shower, change clothes, and then go to breakfast.

Today, Lu Yuan and Xia Lan didn't go to the company as usual. As for the reason, it was Sunday, so they didn't have to go.

After breakfast, the four of them gathered in the living room, and Lu Wanxi said to Xia Lan and Lu Yuan: "Mom and Dad, Yuqing and Yuxue will come to find us later, when we go shopping together, we may something to use."

Xia Lan heard the words and replied: "Go, you shouldn't come back for dinner at noon."

Lu Wanxi pondered: "I'm not sure yet, there is a high possibility of not coming back, what's the matter?"

Xia Lan smiled and said: "I'm thirsty watching you guys go out to play every day, so we probably won't be eating at home today, I plan to tell the kitchen if you don't come to eat either, and give them a place to eat. Fake."

Lu Wanxi said with a smile: "Then just tell them, we'll just eat outside and let them rest."

Just as the two were talking, there was a knock on the door of the living room.

Then I heard the nanny say, "The two young ladies from the Jiang family are here."

This nanny has been working in this yard for a long time. Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue also came here as guests before, so the nanny naturally knows Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue.

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi quickly stood up and ran over to open the living room door.

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue stood side by side outside the door, Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Why did you guys come so early."

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said, "It's not because you said that we couldn't control our curiosity, so we came directly after breakfast."

Then Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue also greeted Xia Lan and Lu Yuan respectively.

Chapter 1056

Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuqing didn't stay for a long time, and after a casual chat, Lu Wanxi said to Xia Lan: "Mom, if there is nothing else, we will go out first, if there is something.

Call me anytime."

Xia Lan nodded and replied, "Okay, let's go."

Lu Wanxi turned her head and gestured to Gao Xiang and the Jiang sisters, and the three of them all said hello and walked outside together.

Xia Lan smiled at Lu Yuandao after everyone left: "Where are you going to take me to play today?"

... After Gao Xiang and the others left the living room, Lu Wanxi asked Jiang Yuqing, "How did you come here?"

Jiang Yuqing spread her hands helplessly and said, "My dad is always worried that the two of us will drive by ourselves, and asked the butler to send us over. I have already asked the butler to leave."

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