Then the three girls followed Gao Xiang to the place where the items were stored at the entrance of the mall.

Looking at the small cabinets in front of her, Lu Wanxi was speechless and said, "Such a small cabinet, when will we store this pile of things."

Seeing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Alright, alright, I won't tease you anymore. Actually, there is a counter over there that can directly handle door-to-door service."

After hearing this, Lu Wanxi and the three of them all looked at Gao Xiang with flaming eyes.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang hurriedly said, "Isn't this a good way to go, just kidding."

Don't wait to finish speaking: Lu Wanxi and the three replied quickly and walked to the counter... the home delivery service.

Lu Wanxi and the three of them looked at each other and followed, but the three of them were not very friendly when they looked at Gao Xiang.

The counter is not far from here, occupying a position at the bottom of a commercial building. At the top of the door is a large and small sign, which reads home delivery in four characters, and Fuyuan Liang is also written in the lower left corner of the sign. words.

Seeing the unfriendly gazes of the three of Lu Wanxi, Gao Xiang changed the subject and said, "Where do we send these clothes or something?"

Lu Wanxi smiled at Gao Xiang when she heard the words: "What do you think?"

However, Gao Xiang felt uncomfortable.

At this moment, Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue, who were standing beside them, couldn't hold back and laughed.

Jiang Yuxue said: "Okay, okay, about Gao Xiang's crime, we will deal with it later, and now let's deal with the matter at hand."

Chapter 1060

Lu Wanxi laughed when she heard the words, and then gave Gao Xiang a serious look and said, "Let's go, go and dispose of these things in your hand first, as for what to do with these things, you can make up your own mind. Enough."

Gao Xiang nodded and replied: "Okay, let's take it home first, and then take it to the laundry to wash it, and take it with us when we leave."

After making up his mind, Gao Xiang walked to the store with four of them. Although it was near noon, there were not many customers in the store, and there was only one staff member sitting behind the counter.

Seeing Gao Xiang and others coming in, the front desk hurriedly stood up and asked with a smile, "Hello, do you want to do door-to-door delivery?"

Standing up is also showing respect to the guests who come in here.

Gao Xiang nodded: "Yes, how do we calculate the cost here?"

The front desk smiled and said: "It depends on the distance and the type and size of the goods. May I ask what kind of goods you need to deliver?"

Gao Xiang raised his hand, then turned to glance at Lu Wanxi and the three behind him and signaled to the front desk, "It's the pile of clothes in our hands. The address is at No. 3 District Street, you can check it."

The front desk checked the address on the computer according to the address mentioned by Gao Xiang, then glanced at the things in Gao Xiang's hand and said, "The distance is not too far, and the goods are not much, 20 soft sister coins, we will deliver to your door, but All our couriers are off work at noon, and it will take the afternoon to deliver."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Okay, then you help us handle it."

Afterwards, Gao Xiang paid the fee, handled the door-to-door service, put the items on the side of the store, put a label, and the four of Gao Xiang left with the receipt.

The address that Gao Xiang mentioned was naturally Lu Wanxi's home, and then it would be sent to the laundromat. Although there were clothes from Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue, they were all coats, so there was nothing inconvenient. .

After leaving the door of the store, Lu Wanxi called the nanny at home and informed her, so as to save the time when the goods arrived, the nanny still didn't know.

Afterwards, everyone found a restaurant that looked good nearby, and they really didn't have the heart to worry about what to eat.

The ambience of the restaurant is also pretty good, although not.

But there are partitions between each seat in the hall, and soothing light music is played, which is also very good.

The 4 of us ordered a few side dishes at random, asked for the main food, and the lunch was over.

After lunch, the 4 of [-] didn't immediately.

Leaving the restaurant and instead sit in the seats to rest.

Jiang Yuxue asked, "When are we going to set off? It is estimated that we can pack almost everything today."

Lu Wanxi pondered: "Tomorrow is definitely not going to work, time is too tight, or it will be set for the day after tomorrow. If you can clean up today, take a good rest tomorrow, and think about what I missed, if there is nothing else. If so, we'll set off the day after tomorrow."

Jiang Yuqing said: "Then our travel plan must have a goal."

Lu Wanxi glanced at Gao Xiang as if asking for credit and said, "I have almost prepared the approximate route, and I have written it all down in my notebook. When I asked Gao Xiang to accompany me to do it, he also said that it counts where we go. No, there is no goal at all."

Jiang Yuxue was delighted to hear Lu Wanxi's words and said, "What's the plan, did you bring that little book with you?"

Lu Wanxi laughed and said, "It's a very ambitious travel plan, do you want to see it?"

Jiang Yuxue looked at Lu Wanxi eagerly and nodded.

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi smiled and took out a small notebook from the bag she was carrying. She shook it in front of Jiang Yuxue and said, "Here you are, you all have a look. By the way, give some ideas and add some more."

Jiang Yuxue took the notebook over, and Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuqing looked at it here.

The more the two girls looked at, the more amazed they became. Lu Wanxi had put a lot of effort into this plan. The characteristics of each destination, the reasons for choosing it, and the nearby scenic spots were clearly marked.

Jiang Yuqing sighed: "You have put in a lot of effort here."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "'s nothing to do. Gao Xiang and I spent most of our time here yesterday."

At this time, Jiang Yuxue looked at it and snorted, and asked Lu Wanxi, "What is this treasure hunt in Anxi? What kind of treasure are you looking for?"

Hearing the words, Lu Wanxi explained: "This is... I forgot to tell you.

The imitation jade seal that was auctioned at the previous treasure appraisal meeting was accidentally broken, and a sealed cloth was found inside with an address written on it, so this place was also included in the plan."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxue exclaimed: "There is such a thing, this is too coincidental, just in time for us to travel."

Lu Wanxi pointed to herself, shook her head and smiled, "There's no way, I can't stop my luck lately, and all the treasures run towards me."

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