No choice but to go to the restaurant to eat first.

Xia Lan asked: "It looks like you two are very tired. What are you doing all day today?"

Lu Wanxi explained: "I bought a lot of things, and arranged our small RV, otherwise the space inside always looks cold and affects the mood."

Xia Lan smiled and said, "Then do I have to thank you all too well, when you come back, we can directly take the fruits of your labor to travel."

Chapter 1065

Lu Wanxi joked: "Of course you can, but you need to pay rent."

Then he asked Xia Lan, "Where are you and my dad? Where did you go today?"

Xia Lan wiped her mouth clean with a piece of paper and said with a smile: "Go to Longquan Villa to soak in a hot spring, and then found a few friends to get together."

...After dinner, after Lu Yuan and Xia Lan went out for a walk, Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi went directly back to Lu Wanxi's room. The two of them had been busy all day, and they were really in no mood to go out for a walk.

After the two of them showered one after another, Lu Wanxi sat down in front of the computer again.

Gao Xiang wiped his wet hair and walked out of the bathroom. Seeing this, he asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lu Wanxi responded without raising her head when she heard the words: "Nothing to do, check online to see if there is any news."

Gao Xiang nodded and smiled and said: "Okay, by the way, you can pay attention to the discussion about the pills for curing leukemia on the Internet. The pills may be on the market in the near future. Find out and make arrangements when the time comes."

Lu Wanxi rolled her eyes at Gao Xiang and said, "Why, did you throw your hands-off shopkeeper on my head?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and said with a smile, "It's all the same. Whoever we are with whomever we are, we are both old and married."

Lu Wanxi pouted: "Who is your husband and wife, hum."

After that, I searched for some discussion information about pills.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang smiled slightly, put down the towel, and went back to the bathroom to blow his hair.

After Gao Xiang finished blowing his hair, Lu Wanxi had already summed up the general information on the Internet and said, "There is basically no major turbulence now, some extremely serious patients have been treated by Doctor Du, and The body has recovered, and the effects of the pills have been published on the Internet, and more and more patients have begun to show their faces for medicine."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded and said, "It's normal.

There are still many people in a wait-and-see state, skeptical about the information on the Internet, after all, there is now false information on the Internet."

After listening, Lu Wanxi nodded and continued: "According to statistics, Dr. Du's cure is exactly the number of pills we gave him, and it is estimated that he has no pills in his hand now, as if he has put some more serious patients in the first place in Kyoto. In the hospital, he is helping to suppress the condition of leukemia."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang pondered: "I don't have any ready-made medicines, and Sister Zhao should have some in her hands. I'll just call her tomorrow and send it to Dr. Du. As for those whose conditions are not serious, they can still Persistence is slow."

Lu Wanxi sighed: "It is estimated that Dr. Du is not feeling well now, after all, the parents of doctors have the hearts of doctors, seeing so many patients, they clearly know the medicine to cure and save people, but because of the production factor of the medicine, they have to endure the pain for such a long time in vain. ."

Gao Xiang stepped forward and patted Lu Wanxi on the shoulder: "This is also something that can't be helped. If the prescription is announced, the amount of the drug can definitely be increased, but the production technology of this pill is too troublesome, any step is wrong. , people may die, and there is no way to control the price of drugs, it is likely to cause many people to be ruined because of false information, so it is better to let them suffer more, and then they can be accepted. Buy qualified medicines at the price.”

Lu Wanxi nodded and smiled when she heard the words: "I understand, I just sighed."

Then he turned his head and asked Gao Xiang: "Many people in the mountainous area may not get news of medicines because of the lack of information. What if they are tricked by black-hearted merchants?"

Gao Xiang pondered: "This is also an unavoidable thing, it depends on how Sister Zhao works."

After reading the news about the pills, the two watched for a while... Some news on the Internet are all insignificant things, and there is nothing worthy of attention.

Gao Xiang suddenly suggested: "Why don't we find a movie to watch for a while, it's almost eight o'clock now, it's time to go to bed after watching it."

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Alright then, what movie do you want to watch?"

Gao Xiang shrugged and said, "I don't know, just find one and pass the time."

Afterwards, the two of them actually found a horror movie and watched it. The first half was okay, but the second half started all kinds of mindless calculations and logic, and forced it down to the hatred between people.

The two of them insisted on watching it, but after watching it, they looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Lu Wanxi joked: "After watching this movie, I want to invest in the film business and make a good horror movie. Although it can't be too violent or bloody, at least the horror elements must be present."

: Ask for a reward, ask for all support.

Chapter 1066

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Is it like being in the haunted house in Happy Valley before?"

Lu Wanxi pinched Gao Xiang's arm and smiled, "Can I suspect that you are laughing at me?"

Gao Xiang hurriedly begged for mercy: "How could it be that I'm just making an analogy, why are you becoming more and more violent now."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi retracted her hands, clapped her hands and said, "What can I do with the things that can be solved by force, especially for you."

The film is one hour and forty minutes long. Gao Xiang glanced at the time at this time, and it was ten o'clock in ten minutes. He opened his mouth and said, "It's getting late, we should go to bed."

Lu Wanxi glanced at Gao Xiang when she heard the words and said, "Why, can't I start changing the subject?"

Gao Xiang shook his head helplessly and said, "It doesn't mean that at all, it's really getting late."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Okay, then get ready to sleep."

Then he wondered: "Mom and Dad, they should be back, why haven't they moved."

Gao Xiang replied: "It's true that they came back. I saw them before. I guess they were watching us at home, so they didn't come to pay attention to us."

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Alright then."

Then he stood up directly from the chair in front of the computer and lay down on the bed next to him, "I'm really tired today, I feel a little sore in my shoulders."

Seeing this, Gao Xiang also stood up from the sofa, turned off the lights in the room, lay down beside Lu Wanxi and smiled, "Would you like me to rub it for you."

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