Yesterday, the cleaning shop had called and everything had been washed and dried.

The quilts are not thick, and they are all simple and unisex. There are five sets in total.

After everyone arrived at the cleaning shop, they took the quilt out, stuffed three sets in the trunk, and the back seat of the car could just fit two sets, so Gao Xiang did not let the cleaning shop deliver.

Anyway... the garage is already very close here.

After taking the quilt, Gao Xiang drove his car towards the garage.

The gatekeeper was still responsible as always, checking Gao Xiang's identity before letting him go.

Jiang Yuqing asked Gao Xiang, "Gao Xiang, will this car be put in the garage later?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Just put it here. I have already said hello to the manager. When the time comes, let him help with the maintenance. There is such a service here."

Jiang Yuxue commented: "This is really convenient, and the rent should not be cheap."

Gao Xiang smiled and said: "It's not too expensive, 50 a month, but it's a peace of mind to put it here."

Jiang Yuxue nodded and said, "That's true."

While everyone was talking, the car was already parked beside the garage that Gao Xiang rented.

Gao Xiang got out of the car and opened the garage door. He said to Lu Wanxi and the others, "You guys wait a while... I'll drive out the RV first and we'll move things up."

After that, he went straight into the garage.

Slowly driving the RV out, Gao Xiang opened the door of the cab and put things behind the RV together with Lu Wanxi and the three of them, and then parked the Rolls-Royce Rose Phantom Collection in the garage, and put The garage door is closed.

When he returned to the RV the next time, the three girls were busy in the back of the RV. Gao Xiang walked in and took a look, and found that the three girls had already hung all the prepared clothes in the closet of the bedroom. Temporarily stack that...the upper and lower bunks, at this time the role of the upper and lower bunks will be reflected.

Seeing that the three of Lu Wanxi had already packed up, Gao Xiang said with a smile, "Let's go, our journey has officially started."

Chapter 1072

The car started slowly, and the four Lu Wanxi also sat in the other three seats in the cab, with smiles on their faces, and the long-awaited trip finally began.

Lu Wanxi directly opened the navigation on the laptop-sized screen in the cab, entered Shenyang, the destination of the trip, and chose a long road without high speed.

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Our trip is all about... sleeping on the street, sleeping wherever we go."

Jiang Yuxue replied: "Is this fun? You can't even stop at the service area if you don't go on the expressway. How good is this, stop where you go."

The car slowly moved forward according to the navigation, and as the distance from the center of the capital became farther and farther away, the density of the surrounding buildings became smaller and smaller, which immediately gave people a feeling of being released.

Gao Xiang looked at the map and said, "With our current route, we will pass through Chengde, and beyond the scope of the capital, we will reach a mountainous area. I hope we can reach the county seat on the Dude side by night."

Although they did not take the high-speed, but out of the center of the capital, the vehicles on the road became smaller and smaller. When it was near noon, the cars of Gao Xiang and others finally drove out of the capital and entered the boundary of Chengde.

At this time, I looked far to the north, and never again... I had an unobstructed view. The rolling mountains blocked the sight of the four of them.

Jiang Yuxue sighed: "I used to climb mountains, but I have never experienced such a magnificent scene. It seems that the whole world is surrounded by mountains."

Lu Wanxi glanced at the navigation and said, "We have arrived in Xinglong County, Chengde City."

Then I opened my mobile phone and searched for some basic information about Xinglong County: "Although Xinglong County is located in a mountainous area, it has developed quite well. There are several good scenic spots, and it is also known as the hometown of hawthorn and hawthorn. The hometown of chestnuts.”

Jiang Yuqing heard the words and replied: "It sounds pretty good, should we go and have a look."

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Then go for a walk in the car and take a look around, but we'd better fill our stomachs before that."

......At this time, the car of Gao Xiang and others was driving on a narrow road, and officially entered the mountain area. All around were surrounded by mountains, and the car could only drive on artificially opened roads.

Although the mountains here are rare, they still look good.

There is a clear stream on the side of the road.

Gao Xiang's Four People 4 really came to a place with mountains and water, but this place is not as beautiful as Gao Xiang's Four People 4 imagined, after all, it is not a scenic spot.

Gao Xiang's group of four had been walking on this narrow road for a while, but they didn't even see a car, and the surroundings were silent.

It was almost 1:[-] in the afternoon, and everyone hadn't had lunch yet. Just wanted to take a look at the surrounding environment, and finally found a platform that could barely park. transportation.

Slowly parked the car on this platform, Lu Wanxi wondered, "What's wrong?"

Gao Xiang put on the handbrake and said, "I'm going to start cooking. At the current speed, it is estimated that it will take two or three o'clock in the afternoon to arrive at the county seat. Take a look at the scenery here."

When Lu Wanxi heard the words, she touched her stomach, looked at Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue, and asked, "What do you think?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said, "I can do it, anyway... I don't need to cook."

Jiang Yuxue looked at the scenery outside the window and said, "It looks very good, and it's quiet enough here. Even if you open the hood and sit in the living room to eat, no one will disturb us."

Seeing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Then you guys rest for a while... Didn't we buy a fishing rod? We can go and see if there are any... fish in the creek. I'll cook first, and I'll call you after finishing the meal."

Lu Wanxi also stood up at this time and said, "Let me help you."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "No, I'll simply make some noodles, and it'll be ready in a while."

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Alright then."

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue also smiled and said thank you.

When Gao Xiang came out of the kitchen with four bowls of oil-splashed noodles full of color and fragrance on a tray, the open top of the living room of the RV was wide open, and the three girls were not inside.

Gao Xiang turned his head and looked away, realizing that the three of them didn't know what they were doing hiding by the river.

Gao Xiang shouted loudly: "Three beauties, come to dinner soon."

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