The three of Lu Wanxi gave Gao Xiang a roll of eyes in unison.

Just when they were about to go back to the bedroom, the three of Lu Wanxi didn't move for a long time, and Gao Xiang asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Three people 3 Look at me, I look at you, and finally Lu Wanxi said, "Can you go to the bedroom to check first, we are a little scared."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he didn't say anything sarcastic. He walked straight to the bedroom, checked the cabinet and everything, and said, "If you're afraid, just turn on the light and sleep well at night. I'm in the living room, I have something to do.

Just call me."

The three of Lu Wanxi nodded, and when the bed was ready to take a bath, they let Gao Xiang leave.

There are two bathrooms in the car, the one in the bedroom...slightly smaller and the one outside a little bigger.

The four of them took turns taking a shower, and they were ready to go to sleep.

The sewage after taking a shower will be discharged into a sewage treatment tank under the car, and it will be released in a suitable place when there is time.

Gao Xiang, who was wearing pajamas, walked around the whole car again, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he returned to the living room, laid the sofa flat, took a set of blankets and lay down.

Chapter 1076

Gao Xiang was lying on the sofa in the living room, and gradually felt a sense of sleepiness, and his consciousness gradually became: chaotic.

Just when Gao Xiang felt half-dreaming and half-awake, he suddenly vaguely heard a movement from his surroundings.

Gao Xiang woke up immediately and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound. Although the living room was pitch-dark, Gao Xiang could still see everything over there.

The three figures were slowly approaching this side, Gao Xiang felt relieved, he could be sure who the masters of the three figures were.

Gao Xiang suddenly said, "What are you doing?"

Gao Xiang's sudden speech was too sudden, the three figures were obviously frightened, and screams followed one after another.

Gao Xiang reluctantly picked up the remote control of the center console that he had put aside, turned on the light, and looked helplessly at the three Lu Wanxi who were hugging together 3.

Seeing this, the three of Lu Wanxi returned slowly, Lu Wanxi patted her chest and said, "What are you doing, you scared us to death."

Gao Xiang spread his hands helplessly and said, "You scared me to death, okay, what are you three doing sneaking around?"

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Let's just see if you are asleep."

Then he pulled Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue to the bedroom, turned to Gao Xiang and said, "Good night, we're going to bed."

When the three figures of Lu Wanxi disappeared in the living room, Gao Xiang shook his head helplessly, and turned off the main light in the living room with the remote control, leaving the four night lights on the top.

After such a small episode, in the second half of the night... nothing happened.

Gao Xiang also slowly fell asleep.

One morning, Gao Xiang slowly woke up from his sleep. He glanced dazedly that it was past seven o'clock in the evening. He sat up from the sofa and stretched, feeling full of energy.

I have to say that the comfort of this sofa is really good. If it is other ordinary sofas, if you sleep like this for one night, you will probably have backaches the next day.

Seeing that there is still no movement in the bedroom, Gao Xiang is not good to get out of the car and go outside now.

He went to the bathroom and washed his face, and immediately felt a lot more awake. Then he went back to the living room, put away the quilt again, propped up the sofa, and rested on the sofa, waiting for Lu Wanxi and the three of them. get up.

When it was about eight o'clock, I only had movement there, and the three of them walked out of the bedroom with naked eyes.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled, "You wash up, I'm just going to make something to eat."

Lu Wanxi rubbed her eyes and said, "What time did you wake up?"

Gao Xiang replied, "I just woke up a while ago, maybe half an hour ago."

Lu Wanxi nodded, and then the three of them took turns to wash.

Gao Xiang ran to the bedroom, struggled for a long time, and finally made a salad, four sandwiches for four people, and heated four glasses of milk.

After everyone had breakfast, Gao Xiang asked, "Are we here to play for a day, or to continue on our way?"

The answer is surprisingly consistent, that is, keep on the road.

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Okay, then, I'll go and inform Uncle Mengang. They came to remind us last night."

When Lu Wanxi and the three of them were finishing the dishes, Gao Xiang got out and walked in the direction of the gate.

At this time, Mr. Mengang seems to have just gone to work and is changing his uniform.

Gao Xiang knocked on the door of the gate. The uncle heard the sound and glanced over here. He walked over and opened the door with a smile, "Young man, how was your rest last night?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Fortunately, nothing unusual happened, and it is thanks to you for reminding us."

The old man waved his hand and said, "Okay, I didn't do anything.

9 is just two more words."

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "That said, I still have to thank you. We'll be leaving in a while. You can calculate the parking fee by the way."

The old man pondered in his heart and said, "It took 14 hours of listening, occupied four 44 parking spaces, one parking space is three yuan per hour, and a total of 168 soft sister coins, you can pay with your finger or in cash."

Gao Xiang took out two hundred-yuan bills directly from his bag and said, "It's two hundred yuan, so don't look for it, and buy some food at night! I'll invite you for a glass of wine, so don't refuse."

It's not that Gao Xiang is unwilling to give more, but he feels that if there is more, the uncle will definitely not accept it, and it will give people the illusion that more money looks down upon others.

And if there is only 200, it can be said that he has no change, which is why Gao Xiang does not use mobile phones to pay.

In the end, the old man accepted it after Gao Xiang's persuasion. The old man didn't want to drink two sips when he came home at night.

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