After stepping over the bluestone slab, Gao Xiang's four people came directly to the location of the living room, and walked into the living room, where all the facilities should be complete, such as sofa, coffee table, TV and so on.

There is also a set of extremely delicate tea sets on the coffee table, and the carvings are even more lifelike.

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "The environment here is really good. Let's take a good rest here today. We didn't use a lot of supplies yesterday. In fact, we don't have much to add."

Gao Xiang went directly to the sofa and said, "Put the supplies aside first, let's settle the lunch first, let's talk about it, what do you want to eat, go out to eat or just eat here."

Jiang Yuxue replied: "If you want me to tell you, let's eat right here. Didn't the waiter say there is a menu?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang reached out and tapped a thick menu on the table, "Here it is."

Then he looked at Jiang Yuqing and Lu Wanxi and said, "What do you two mean?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said, "I don't care, I have no desires or desires."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "There is no need for anything, so my opinion is naturally..."

Then came a big gasp and said: "Listen to the two of them, perfect is not intentional"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang said with a black thread: "It's just your skin, if you sit down and order food."

Lu Wanxi stuck out her tongue when she heard the words, and Yu Qing and Jiang Yuxue settled down on the sofa together.

The three girls discussed and ordered dishes, while Gao Xiang played with the tea set in front of him.

The commonality of men is that they like to observe and play when they see this kind of thing.

The three girls didn't ask for much, two vegetarian dishes, two meat dishes, a total of four 44 dishes, and four more rice dishes.

After ordering, the three girls started talking, and the main content was the next itinerary.

Lu Wanxi looked at the map of China searched on her mobile phone and said, "Which direction should we go next? It takes about seven hours to drive from Chengde to Shenyang on the high-speed. If we insist on going down the road, it is estimated that the most At least a whole day."

Gao Xiang interjected directly: "If you want me to tell you, there is nothing fun to do along the way, just take the high speed and wait until Shenyang, where can we have a good two days, there is no need to waste all our time on the road, and wait until we reach the grassland. We are walking down the road, we are enjoying the scenery along the way."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi pondered: "It's a good suggestion, I took a look, and there really isn't any good scenery along the way, and there is a section of mountainous area in the middle, so it may waste a lot of time if you go down the road. "

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue looked at each other, Jiang Yuqing said: "I support Gao Xiang's statement, go straight to the high speed, get to Shenyang in the fastest time, and then spend two days there and have a good time shopping."

Jiang Yuxue also nodded and said, "I agree too."

Seeing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "If that's the case, then we'll have a good rest today and leave tomorrow for Shenyang."

Not long after the next itinerary was set, Lu Wanxi and the three of them arrived for lunch at 3 o'clock. Jiang Yuxue took a bite and complained, "I don't think Gao Xiang has made home-cooked food so delicious. If they are fed like this, they will definitely eat something that is not delicious when they go home."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang said helplessly: "You say that, it will make me feel so good that I become: very narcissistic, as for the taste, I feel very good, maybe it is the influence of environmental factors. I always feel very satisfied with a mouthful of hot food, and naturally it will be delicious."

Jiang Yuqing also smiled and said at this time: "I don't think so, I feel the same as Yu Xue, it's really not as good as your home-cooked meal."

Chapter 1078

Lu Wanxi covered her mouth and smiled and said, "That's definitely true, and I don't even look at who is looking for a boyfriend."

Jiang Yuxue curled her lips and said, "You can do it."

Jiang Yuqing patted Jiang Yuxue's shoulder and said, "Hurry up and eat, the food will be cold later."

Although it was said that the food that Gao Xiang made was not as delicious, it was still a five-star hotel, so it was impossible for the cooks here to not have the ability to look after the house, and naturally these dishes were not as bad as they really were.

After eating, Jiang Yuxue called the waiter directly to clean up the tableware and the like, and then the four of them sat in the living room to rest.

Jiang Yuxue suddenly thought of something, and said to Jiang Yuqing, "By the way, sister, have we forgotten something?"

Jiang Yuqing looked at Jiang Yuxue suspiciously and said, "What?"

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi also looked up when they heard the words.

Jiang Yuxue pointed to her chest, then to her wrist and said, "As for the jewelry, we seem to have forgotten to wear it."

Jiang Yuqing was stunned when she heard what Jiang Yuxue said about the jewelry, and smiled: "If you don't say it, I forgot, I'm excited to go out and visit.

But you should say that you forgot to bring it, but I didn't."

Then, he picked up the bag that was on the side and rummaged through it.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi had already guessed what it was, and the jewelry that Jiang Yuxue was talking about was naturally what Lu Yuan had promised them after the top-quality jadeite that was offered at the treasure appraisal fair.

Jiang Yuxue looked at her sister suspiciously and said, "You brought it."

As soon as Jiang Yuxue finished speaking, Jiang Yuqing took out a relatively simple jewelry bag from her bag.

There are a total of three 3s, the materials are all made of silk, and the four characters of Beiyu Qinglong are inscribed on the surface.

Jiang Yuqing took out one of them and handed it to Lu Wanxi: "This is yours, a jade bracelet and a necklace."

Lu Wanxi took the thing from Jiang Yuqing's hand and said, "If you don't mention me, I forgot that there is such a thing."

Then he opened the jewelry bag, a jade bracelet and a necklace lay quietly in it, both the carving and the fineness were superb, Lu Wanxi hurriedly took it out and stayed, looked at Gao Xiang and smiled and said, "Does it look good?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and nodded: "Well, it's very good, and it suits you very well."

Jiang Yuxue didn't open it to look, but looked at: "Envy or not"

Gao Xiang shrugged and said, "If I said I didn't envy you, would you be lying?"

Jiang Yuxue rolled her eyes and said, "No, I'll think you have no taste."

Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuqing heard it.

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