Lu Wanxi suddenly felt refreshed, her whole body seemed to be unable to relax, and she slowly closed her eyes.

First the waist, then the legs and arms, the strength is constant, it will not make Lu Wanxi feel pain and pressure, and it can also relieve fatigue very well.

It didn't take long for Lu Wanxi to hear a slight snoring sound. Gao Xiang finally stopped when he saw this, and slowly pulled out the quilt from Lu Wanxi's body, turned him over, and gently pressed the quilt. Covered Lu Wanxi's body.

After moving his numb arms, Gao Xiang also lay down beside Lu Wanxi a little tired. Gao Xiang, who was not going to sleep at first, inadvertently fell asleep.

Chapter 1088

When Gao Xiang woke up, the whole room was pitch black, and the sun had already set.

Gao Xiang lay on the bed and calmed down. He could hear Lu Wanxi's breathing next to him. He squinted and glanced at the phone. It was already past [-] o'clock on the Internet. Gao Xiang struggled to sit up from the bed, using the The light from the phone screen turns on the night light in the bedroom.

The dim yellow light was very soft, and the room felt as intoxicating as the suburbs on a full moon night. This was because Gao Xiang was afraid that turning on the headlights would disturb Lu Wanxi, who was sleeping.

Then Gao Xiang left the bedroom with the help of the light, the living room was also pitch black, and it seemed that Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue had not woken up either.

The curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room were not drawn, so the night scene of half of Shenyang city came into Gao Xiang's eyes. brightness.

Then I started to sit on the sofa and hesitated, should I wake up Lu Wanxi and the others? Wake them up, they will definitely not be able to sleep at night, why are they going, why don't they wake them up, they haven't eaten dinner yet, and wait for them in the early hours of the morning. Get up, what do you want to eat when you are hungry?

After thinking about it, Gao Xiang decided to call them up and go out to eat something.

When I just came out of the bedroom, I was cautious, but when I got back, I didn't worry so much. I pushed the door and walked into the bedroom. After thinking about it, I started to use the "facial massage" invented by Lu Wanxi.

The way it started to destroy Lu Wanxi's delicate facial features.

Who knew that when Gao Xiang was about to pinch Lu Wanxi's lips, Lu Wanxi suddenly bit his finger, and then Lu Wanxi's eyes slowly opened, looking at Gao Xiang playfully.

Gao Xiang exclaimed repeatedly: "It hurts, it hurts, let go."

Lu Wanxi loosened her mouth when she heard the words, and snorted: "Who asked you to bully me first, you are completely self-inflicted."

Gao Xiang looked at the light teeth marks on his fingers and said helplessly, "Didn't I learn this from you?"

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "I'm a girl, can that be the same?"

Then he shook his head and asked, "What time is it?"

Gao Xiang replied: "It should be almost half past eight. Yuqing and the others haven't gotten up yet. Do you want to call them to wake up and let's go down and have something to eat together."

Lu Wanxi nodded and replied, "Okay."

On the bed, he extended his hand to Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang smiled and shook his head, grabbed Lu Wanxi's hand, pulled it up and said, "It's a lot heavier."

When Lu Wanxi heard the words, she gave Gao Xiang a blank look and said, "Impossible."

Then Gao Xiang prepared the slippers on the bed in advance and said, "Go to the living room and wait for a while, and call them."

Gao Xiang nodded when he heard the words, the two walked out of the bedroom together, Gao Xiang went directly to the living room, and Lu Wanxi turned to the bedroom where Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue were.

I knocked on the door lightly, but there was no movement in the room, I tentatively twisted the door handle, but the door was not locked.

Opening the door, Lu Wanxi walked in and pulled Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue out of their sleep, who were still lying on the bed.

Jiang Yuxue, who was woken up, was still a little confused: "Oh, where is this?"

Seeing Lu Wanxi's smiling face, she slowly recovered.

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Get up quickly, sober up, it's already 8:[-] in the evening, let's go out for a walk and have something to eat later."

Jiang Yuxue's sleepy "Oh"

with a sound.

Jiang Yuqing stroked her long hair off her forehead, and said helplessly, "Why did you sleep for so long?"

Lu Wanxi smiled and replied, "No way, I'm too tired to ride in the car, and I was just called up by Gao Xiang."

After returning to their senses, Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue also got up from the bed. Neither of them took off their clothes when they slept. They just threw their jackets aside, sorted out some wrinkled clothes and messy hair, and then went with Lu Wan. Xi walked to the living room together.

Gao Xiang, who was sitting in the living room, greeted with a smile, "Yuqing Yuxue, you're awake, how are you feeling?"

Jiang Yuxue yawned and said, "I'm not tired, it's just... I still haven't recovered."

Jiang Yuqing shook her head and smiled when she heard Jiang Yuxue's words: "It will be much more comfortable to sleep."

Four cups of warm water were prepared on the coffee table in front of Gao Xiang, and he gestured, "Drink some water, rest for a while, and we will go out later."

The three of Lu Wanxi sat down according to their words: Gao Xiang said this, the three of Lu Wanxi did feel a little dry in their throats.

After drinking some water, Lu Wanxi asked Gao Xiang, "Where are we going later?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shrugged and said, "This is not my business scope, you three make up your mind."

Lu Wanxi snorted when she heard the words: "Just say it if you're lazy, it's quite foreign when it comes to your mouth."

Gao Xiang was speechless.

Chapter 1089

Lu Wanxi ignored Gao Xiang's speechless expression and started searching for nearby restaurants on the Internet.

Jiang Yuxue suddenly said: "Hey, I remember when we were looking for the hotel, didn't we say that this hotel has the most outstanding specialty restaurant in Shenyang? It seems to be some kind of teppanyaki."

Lu Wanxi already had information about this restaurant on her phone, and said, "Yuyang Teppanyaki, right?"

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