Jiang Yuxue smiled and said: "Okay, anyway... we've even skydived, what's there to be afraid of downhill, let's go, let's go, let's go and ask where is the landing place of downhill, is it inconvenient for us to have a picnic by the river? .

Jiang Yuqing complained: "Why do you seem more anxious than Gao Xiang, wait a little while... I took two pictures with Wanxi, and we finally climbed up, and we will go down after less than ten minutes. "

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue took out the cameras from their backpacks and started to license.

This camera is still the one that Gao Xiang bought before... and he brought it with him for this trip.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang opened his mouth and said, "You guys are filming here first. I'll go to consult and see where the end of the zipline is. If it's not convenient for us to go to the lake, we're discussing what to do."

Lu Wanxi took the camera to take pictures and said, "Go, let's go, we'll go find you later."

Jiang Yuxue naturally stayed in place to accompany Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuqing, and did not go with Gao Xiang.

That... the starting point of the ropeway is not far from where Gao Xiang and others were.

Gao Xiang approached gradually along the winding mountain road.

When I got closer, I found that there was a small house built with steel plates and insulation boards next to the ropeway.

The window of the small house is open, and from the window you can see a few people sitting inside.

When Gao Xiang approached the house, he heard the chatter coming from inside, but the people in the house might be too focused and didn't notice the approaching Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang walked slowly to the door, knocked gently on the door, the chatter in the room stopped abruptly, and soon came the sound of a chair rubbing against the floor, followed by footsteps.

The random footsteps came closer and closer until I heard the door creaked open, and a middle-aged man who looked quite in front was standing behind the door.

Seeing Gao Xiang, the middle-aged man wondered, "May I ask who you are?"

Gao Xiang was also a little confused by the middle-aged man's question, and thought to himself, "Isn't this a place to play ziplines? Otherwise, how could this middle-aged man have such a question."

While thinking about it, I said my purpose: "I came here to consult the zip line, isn't it a place for us to play the zip line?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man suddenly realized: "Oh, so it is, there is indeed a zip line here, but it is for the exclusive use of our employees, and it is not open for business. If you want to experience the zipline, you can go to the top of the mountain first, then go down the mountain road in the southeast direction, and you can see that it is now open for business."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Alright then, I'll trouble you."

The middle-aged man smiled when he saw that Gao Xiang was so good, and said, "It's okay."

Chapter 1105

After saying goodbye to the middle-aged man, Gao Xiang returned to the top of the mountain according to the instructions of the middle-aged man. At this time, the three of Lu Wanxi had already packed their things and were going to find Gao Xiang.

Then, seeing Gao Xiang walking back and having some doubts, Lu Wanxi asked, "Why are you back again?"

Gao Xiang shrugged helplessly and said, "I found the wrong place, it's closed now, we have to go to another place."

Lu Wanxi put the mountaineering bag on her shoulder and said, "Okay, we just finished filming, let's go together."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he first nodded, then stood on the top of the mountain and looked towards the southeast. He really found a few steel cables in the mountains in the distance, but compared to what he saw before, the steel cables have not been connected in the past few days. It is not particularly obvious, it may be far away, and there is a small section blocked by trees, which looks like a wire.

Gao Xiang waved to the three of them, "Let's go."

After speaking, they took Lu Wanxi and the three to go there along the mountain road that the middle-aged man said before.

This mountain road is steeper than the road that Gao Xiang's four-person 4 climbed up the mountain, but fortunately, the safety measures are in place.

Four people 4 walked down this road slowly, passed a section of extremely lush forest, turned a corner and finally saw the one not far away... the starting point of the zip line.

Compared with the place where Gao Xiang went before, it was much more lively here. At this time, several people were queuing up, and the staff next to them were also orderly arranging the zipline platform on the customer's stool and fixing the safety rope.

The buildings here look much better, at least the houses are made of brick and wood.

Gao Xiang went directly to the registration office, saying that the registration office was actually... a small wooden table with a staff member sitting next to it.

Gao Xiang went directly to the money and asked, "We want to experience the zipline, is there anything we need to pay attention to?"

The staff raised their heads and looked at the four people, especially Lu Wanxi, who was in a trance for a day, and then quickly came back to his senses and said, "I'm sorry."

Then he introduced Gao Xiang's four people 4: "I think you should all know the basic precautions for ziplining, that is... Patients with heart disease and some mental illnesses are not allowed to participate, and the others are... ...nothing special to be aware of.”

Gao Xiang nodded and smiled and said, "Then where is our destination?"

The staff introduced: "There are three ziplines at the end of the zipline: Shi Forest Park, Zoo and Xiuhu Lake."

Gao Xiang heard the words secretly: "It's such a coincidence"

Then looked at Lu Wanxi and the three of them next to him 3.

Seeing Lu Wanxi and the three of them nodded, they said, "Then we are going to Xiuhu Lake. There are four people in total. How much does it cost?"

The staff responded by hearing the words: "One person is 120, and four people have a total of 480 soft sister coins. If you want to play, you need to sign a contract."

After speaking, he handed the contract on the table to the four of Gao Xiang 4.

Gao Xiang took over the contract and looked at it.

Most of the contracts are some precautions, among which there are two important statements.

First, the company will be solely responsible for the accident due to the damage of the company's equipment.

Second, the company has the right to refuse compensation in the event of an accident due to illness.

The rest is some irrelevant content.

At this time, the staff said: "Everyone can rest assured that our ropeway will be inspected and maintained by a master every day, and there will never be any accidents."

Gao Xiang nodded and signed their names on the contract, and then Gao Xiang transferred the cost of the four to the account provided by the staff.

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