I also took out the only 500 soft sister coins in it.

Put all the money in that box.

The reason why Gao Xiang did this naturally also has an idea. One of Buddhism is to teach people to be kind, and Gao Xiang can also feel the charm of the real Buddha from the old monk. Since this place is a real place of practice, then It's not a big problem to pay some more incense money.

Afterwards, Gao Xiang returned to the yard with three incense sticks.

The old monk was still sweeping the ground unhurriedly, this time he didn't even look at everyone, as if he was the only one in the whole yard.

Gao Xiang's five people 5 naturally did not bother this... monk, but went to the incense burner together, lit the incense, worshipped three times, and inserted it into the incense ashes in the incense burner. The wind blew away.

Gao Xiang's five people 5 stayed in front of the incense burner for a while... before turning around, Gao Xiang saw that the old monk was still sweeping the ground unhurriedly and asked: "Master, the ground is very clean, you Why are you still scanning?"

Hearing this, the old monk did not stop his movements this time, and said while sweeping the floor: "Really, is it clean? Young man, you must know that the dust in this world can never be cleaned, maybe you want to I asked, since I can't clean it, why should I clean it?"

"Actually, sweeping the floor is cultivating the mind. It is true that the dust will never be cleaned, but the mind can be calmed down. When the mind is calm, the dust from the outside world will not affect you."

Gao Xiang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then nodded and said, "Okay, everything is dust, and only a peaceful mind is eternal."

The old monk smiled without saying a word, seeing that Gao Xiang was still standing there, the old monk was still talking.

Gao Xiang and the old monk seemed to be confronting each other, the old monk just swept the ground unhurriedly, while Gao Xiang watched quietly.

A full ten minutes passed, and the two of them were still like this. Lu Wanxi and the others didn't know what Gao Xiang was doing, so they could only stand where they were and try not to disturb Gao Xiang.

After a few minutes, Gao Xiang finally shook his head and said, "How can you be truly peaceful when you think about the world?"

Hearing the words, the old monk smiled and said, "Being in the world is a kind of cultivation, but the path is different. Why should the little benefactor care about it?"

Gao Xiang heard the words and put his hands together and said, "I have been taught."

The old monk just shook his head lightly and said, "Meeting is fate. The second conversation between you and me is... fate. It's really impossible to talk about being taught."

"Master, there is still something I don't know, can you enlighten me?"

Gao Xiang respectfully said.

The old monk said flatly: "In life, a name is just a number, and the same is true for temples, why should you care about these things if you are practicing.... The so-called Gushan Yunding Kongshan Temple stands without a name. practice."

Gao Xiang retorted: "The so-called geese have left their names, that is, they have no name and how can they keep their names.

What is the purpose of practicing without a name?"

The old monk shook his head and smiled and said, "That's why your practice is in the world, and mine is in the mountains. That's how it is."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang suddenly realized, just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by the old monk: "The wishing tablet is on the shelf on the right side of the main hall, and the writing brush is placed on the desk. After making the wish, leave. It's getting late."

Hearing that, Gao Xiang could only drag what he was about to say into his stomach, nodded and said, "Okay."

Gao Xiang didn't ask the old monk how he knew he wanted to make a wish, and the old monk did not explain, everything was silent.

Gao Xiang finally took Lu Wanxi and the four of them to the hall, and when they came out the next time, each of them had a sign in their hands.

Gao Xiang walked to the old monk's side and bowed slightly: "I'm leaving here, Master take care."

The old monk replied: "Meeting by chance means that there is a fate, and I hope to cherish it."

Hearing that, Gao Xiang took Lu Wanxi and the others out of the temple and came to the wishing tree directly opposite the courtyard gate.

Next to the tree was a long bamboo pole with a barb at the top.

Everyone began to hang their wishing cards on the wishing tree one by one. The four 44-year-old girls of Lu Wanxi went well, but when they arrived at Gaoxiang, there was a little accident.

Gao Xiang's wishing card was indeed hung up, but for some reason, it broke a branch.

At this time, the old monk's voice suddenly came from the door of the temple: "Since it is broken, you can take it away. The broken branches of the ancient trees are gifts."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang picked up the branch on the ground and remained silent for a long time.

When Gao Xiang came back to his senses, the old monk had disappeared at the entrance of the temple.

Chapter 1164

Not only Gao Xiang, but also Lu Wanxi and the four of them felt quite incredible. At this moment, everyone thought of one thing, and that was the deal that the kite boss said before going up the mountain.

But now I have suddenly received the "Gift from the Ancient Tree"

, the combination of these two things may be a bit of a coincidence.

Lu Wanxi frowned and said, "Maybe this is a little more fantastical."

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "I'm also a little stunned, but as soon as I come here, I'll take it easy. It's a fate between me and this place."

Lu Wanxi's four 44 girls did not continue to speak when they heard the words.

The purpose of Gao Xiang and others in this place has been completed, Gao Xiang looked back at this ordinary temple, but at this time Gao Xiang felt that he could not see clearly.

A group of five people 5 finally stopped staying. When they left, the section of the mountain road that was very close to the top was already flying with frost, and a few people still took it... Use safety buckles to connect several people into a whole as if they were walking slowly. Going down the mountain, everyone took every step carefully, now it is down the mountain, once slipping may affect the safety of the entire team.

Everyone's care was naturally fruitful. After ten minutes, everyone finally left this mountain road where the sky was falling and the frost danced.

When the five people returned to the mountain gate for the second time, the sky was already a little dark, and Gao Xiang was always on the way: thinking about what happened this afternoon, everything seemed to be arranged, the coincidence was unbelievable.

Gao Xiang sometimes wonders if the kite stall owner and the old monk in the temple colluded to arrange it.

But neither of them seem to be the kind of people who would do such a thing, and it is true that the branch that he was holding at this moment was accidentally broken by himself, although he said he couldn't figure out why the branch fell off without any force. down.

It wasn't until he returned to the square... where all kinds of stalls gathered, Gao Xiang shook his head to remove the dazzling thoughts in his mind, gathered his eyes again, and looked at the... kite stall not far away.

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