Today's task has been determined, and everyone is going on a trip. However, since we are going to the virgin forest covered by heavy snow, the snow is already thick there. In addition to the heavy snow yesterday, ordinary shoes are definitely not enough to keep everyone in the room. play inside.

Fortunately, Du Yinuo was ready to leave early. With a few pairs of snow boots in the trunk of the underground garage, the five people 5 first came to the outside of the dream home to see if they could drive there.

The virgin forest is not too close to where everyone is, so it is best to drive, but there is nothing you can do if you can't drive.

Fortunately, the staff here are very conscientious, clearing out some main routes early in the morning, Gao Xiang smiled and said: "Let's go, let's drive directly over, we are in a place where we can't walk, and then look for it. Just park in the parking lot.”

The four of Lu Wanxi had no objection, and then the five of them got into the car and went in the direction of the primeval forest.

Chapter 1172

The car was driving on a smooth road, and there was a lot of snow accumulated on both sides of the road, and it was clear from the road without thinking.

About a few hundred meters away from the virgin forest, the car finally stopped moving. This is a small road, and the snow on the road has not been cleared. In desperation, five people and five had to get off the car and put on the snow. Boots are going on foot.

Gao Xiang glanced at the car parked in a small square on the side of the road and asked, "Yinuo, are you sure there is no problem with the car parked here?"

Du Yinuo nodded affirmatively and said: "Don't worry, this is originally a small parking lot, but I don't know where the sign is, it is estimated that the wind was too strong last night, and it blew away, there will be no problem. of."

Gao Xiang's 4 people felt relieved when they saw Du Yinuo say this.

Then five people 5 put on their equipment and started to move towards the virgin forest, but the snow on the road was thick to a certain extent, and the consumption of everyone's physical strength would increase exponentially.

It wasn't too far away, and the girls were already out of breath.

Seeing this, Du Yinuo said helplessly: "It's like this after college. Snow boots are heavy, and coupled with the obstruction of snow on the road, it is indeed a consumption of physical strength."

Afterwards, he suggested to everyone, "Why don't we change places and just stroll around."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi panted and shook her head: "It's okay, anyway... there's nothing to do today, we're not in a hurry, let's take a break while walking, it's time to exercise."

Jiang Yuqing doesn't care at all, he can do whatever he wants. As for Jiang Yuxue, he has no idea, not to mention Gao Xiang. It's not like he has been exercising all the time.

Seeing this, Du Yinuo nodded and smiled and said, "Well then, let's move forward slowly, but I don't know if there is such a heavy snowfall, are there still animals in the primeval forest... animals are outside? Wandering."

Five people 5 continued to move forward. On the way, not to mention people, everyone didn't even see a single step. It is estimated that because the snow is too thick, no one wants to come here to suffer.

After a few hundred meters of distance, everyone walked nearly halfway and finally reached the edge of the primeval forest.

A large number of cold-resistant tree species, at this time, rely on greenery, but they are covered by white snow, like wearing a white hat.

Du Yinuo said: "The development of this forest is not high, so there will be a large number of wild animals in it, but the weather is still cold today, and many animals are in hibernation."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Let's go, let's just take a look around."

In fact, there is really no amazing scenery in the original forest at this time, and it is full of white flowers, and it may even be buried in the ground by heavy snow.

The main reason is that there is too much snow on the top of the tree at this time. If there is a thawing situation or any other vibration, the snow on the top of the tree will fall directly. If there are people standing below, there will be a certain danger. sexual.

Fortunately, the surrounding trees were not too lush, the canopy was not too large, and there was not a lot of snow. According to Gao Xiang's estimation, even if it fell, it would be covered with snow at most, at least not hurt, so everyone just wandered around carefully. .

However, there is nothing to admire here, and there are some hardy, not too ferocious wild animals roaming the periphery.

Just like now, there is always a pheasant on the ground not far from everyone. The pheasant is not like a domestic chicken, and the pheasant looks quite beautiful, especially against the background of the snow, and its flying ability is better than that of a domestic chicken. Chicken is great.

The pheasant seemed to have sensed the movement of Gao Xiang's five people 5, wiggled its head and Park Lingling flew away.

Five people 5 continued to wander around in the woods, and successively saw animals that I had only heard of but had never seen before.

This kind of search-like feeling, the excitement of seeing something new, makes Lu Wanxi and the Jiang sisters endlessly happy. As a native of Du Yinuo, he has basically seen all these animals, but just look at them. When her friend is happy, she is satisfied from the bottom of her heart.

The five people 5 wandered around randomly, and had slowly started to approach the depths of the forest unknowingly. Gao Xiang could still detect it, but if he could be sure of safety, it was okay to go deeper into nature.

With the gradual deepening, the snow on the ground in some places has become thinner and thinner, especially directly under the huge tree canopy. to other plants covered under the snow.

Gao Xiang is still the best at distinguishing this kind of thing, and he has seen a lot of medicinal herbs from it, but to be honest, the value of these herbs is not high, they can be found everywhere on the market, and they are also very cheap. Sold from goods directly supplied by herbal plantations.

Chapter 1173

The four 44-year-old girls looked at the animals, and Gao Xiang analyzed the plants, but they did not interfere with each other.

Originally, it was already late when everyone arrived here, and it was almost noon before they had wandered around for a long time. Everyone didn't feel very hungry, so they just found a place with less snow to eat something they brought with them. Snack, and then continue to stroll around in the virgin forest, maybe because I feel that there is no place to go, or maybe I really like the clean atmosphere here, you must know that the dense virgin forest and the virgin forest covered by heavy snow give people It feels completely different.

It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that everyone proposed to leave.

Du Yinuo asked: "Will we stay at Dream Home for another night, or go back to my house?"

Gao Xiang pondered: "Go back to your house, just in time to have a good rest, we should leave tomorrow, and prepare to leave for the next destination."

When Du Yinuo heard the words, he hurriedly said, "I'm so anxious. In fact, we have some other interesting attractions here. You can stay for a while longer."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and said: "It's really not needed, Uncle Du's condition is just right, and he also needs to rest, and the purpose of our self-driving tour is to go around China for a long time. If it is delayed, when will we be able to turn around? Finish this lap."

Du Yinuo didn't want to embarrass the four of Gao Xiang, so he opened his mouth and said: "Well, to be honest, I also really want to go with you, but my father's illness has just improved, and my mother's vacation will end at any time. Now the family's source of income is relying on my mother, and it's definitely not possible, I have to greet my father at that time, so I may not be able to accompany you."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi stepped forward and held Du Yinuo's hand with a smile: "What's the matter, there will be more opportunities in the future, when you have time, you can come to Beijing or Hangzhou to find us, Let's be a host too."

The original plan of Gao Xiang and others was to stay in Linhai City for two days, but the road was blocked by heavy snow, and it was postponed for a day. In addition, because Gao Xiang helped Du Fangjun to heal his chronic illness, Du Fangjun and his wife's surprising enthusiasm for everyone also made Gao Xiang and the four others. 4 It feels a little unnatural, so Gao Xiang and others have made up their minds to leave tomorrow.

While everyone was talking, they went to Xiaoguang, who was parked. They were not fickle people. There was no need to make a simple distinction so complicated. Now the traffic is very convenient, that is, a few hours of work. .

After getting in the car, the five people 5 first went to pick up some personal clothes in the dream home courtyard, then went to the front desk to return the courtyard, and drove the car to the direction of Linhai City.

On the way, Du Yinuo called his father and said hello in advance.

In fact, this time I went to Xuexiang Forest Park and did not do anything. The only thing that made Gao Xiang uneasy was the kite and what happened in the temple. Although Gao Xiang and Gao Xiang did not care about it on the surface, but whoever happened to have such a coincidence , you can't ignore it.

After thinking about it, I don't seem to be entangled at this time, just bury it in my heart silently, and I can't affect my normal life for such a thing.

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