At present, the new Internet conference is about to be held, and Han Fudong is... Taking advantage of the fact that so many bigwigs gathered in Wuzhen on the eve of the Internet conference, they organized such a high-end dinner.

"Where do you live now, Gao Xiang?"

Said: "When you have time, let's travel to Wuzhen together."

“Now staying at Alila Wuzhen Hotel.”

Gao Xiang said: "I have dinner today, and I will be free tomorrow."

"A local tyrant."

Han Muling laughed and joked: "Alila Wuzhen Hotel is the most high-end and luxurious hotel in Wuzhen...0"

Gao Xiang said, "This is the hotel your father booked."

"All right."

Han Muling nodded.

This time Gao Yiyi and Han Muling came to Wuzhen because the whole class came to sketch and draw together, so the accommodation was... in an ordinary homestay, because the homestay is cheaper.

Although Han Muling and Gao Yiyi don't have the money to stay in a high-end hotel, they will appear very unsocial and have very low emotional intelligence.

Gao Xiang was very surprised to meet Han Muling and Gao Yiyi in Wuzhen, but it was good that someone visited Wuzhen with him.

The whole Wuzhen is very big, and the rivers and ravines are densely covered with grids. It must be impossible to finish the tour in half a day, so Gao Xiang, Gao Yiyi, and Han Muling simply toured the scenery of Wuzhen 2.

8 colors only.

When it was after [-]:[-] in the evening, Gao Xiang returned to Alila Wuzhen Hotel to participate in this high-end dinner.

Alila Wuzhen Hotel is very lively at this time, and the whole hotel is full of people inside and outside.

As soon as he entered the lobby of the hotel, Gao Xiang saw two acquaintances.

This is the rhythm of a sudden visit: the fourth update:, Guiqiu automatic subscription and monthly pass, flowers, evaluation tickets, gratitude.

Chapter 479

As the top hotel in Wuzhen, Alila Wuzhen Hotel basically welcomes all kinds of bigwigs, especially during the World Internet Conference now, it is the Internet bigwigs who come and go.

If Han Fudong hadn't booked the room in advance, Gao Xiang would not have been able to make a reservation at the Alila Wuzhen Hotel.

Just as Gao Xiang stepped into the lobby of the hotel, he saw two familiar figures appear in the lobby.

It is the future father-in-law Lu Yuan and the future mother-in-law Xia Lan.

Seeing Lu Yuan appear here, Gao Xiang is not too surprised. After all, Lu Yuan is one of the participants in tonight's dinner, but why is Xia Lan here? It's hard to check the post, but Gao Xiang is... ......Don't panic, it doesn't matter even if it's a post check.

When Gao Xiang saw Xia Lan and Lu Yuan, they also saw Gao Xiang, so the two sides walked up head-to-head.

Gao Xiang greeted Xia Lan and Lu Yuan, and said with a slight smile, "Hello, uncle and aunt."

Lu Yuan looked at Gao Xiang, did not speak, but stared straight at Gao Xiang, his sharp eyes emitting stern eyes, as if they were going to penetrate everything in a person.

Xia Lan was also looking at Gao Xiang, but with a smile on his face.

Feeling the gazes of the two, Gao Xiang was very calm, without any panic or tension on his face.

Being a thief will lead to a guilty conscience. Gao Xiang is not a thief, so he is not afraid of the eyes of the two at all.

in spite of....

Whether modern or ancient, no matter...

In which dynasty, the thieves, although they said they did not commit any heinous crimes, but the guilt of being thieves, this kind of psychological weakness, often made them show their legs and have nowhere to hide.

It is a psychological weakness to be a thief.

Now Lu Yuan and Xia Lan are staring at Gao Xiang so much, the purpose is to see if Gao Xiang is guilty of being a thief.

After a while, Lu Yuan said, "Gao Xiang, did you arrive in Wuzhen very early?"

"It's not too early."

Gao Xiang replied: "It takes more than an hour to reach Wuzhen from Hangzhou to 60 kilometers."

Lu Yuan nodded and asked, "Have Wanxi come together?"

Gao Xiang said, "Wanxi needs to go to class, so she didn't come with her."

When Lu Yuan and Gao Xiang were talking, Xia Lan was watching Gao Xiang.

Xia Lan has always been very satisfied with Gao Xiang's son-in-law, but just now she saw Gao Xiang and two tall and temperament long-haired beauties traveling together in Wuzhen.

Xia Lan and Lu Yuan also spent a lot of time traveling from the capital to Wuzhen, and arrived at the Alila Wuzhen Hotel at noon. After lunch, the two also went to visit Wuzhen.

In fact, it's... such a coincidence.

Gao Xiang, Gao Yiyi, and Han Muling were seen by Xia Lan and Lu Yuan when they were in Wuzhen.

This is also the official reason why the two of them stared at Gao Xiang at the beginning, the purpose was to see if Gao Xiang would make some nervous actions because of his guilty conscience.

But after careful observation, it was found that Gao Xiang was all normal.

Everything was normal, including his conversation with Lu Yuan, and there was nothing wrong.

Xia Lan looked at Gao Xiang and said, "Gao Xiang, your uncle and I arrived in Wuzhen at noon, and we will visit this ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River together."

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