This is ability! Therefore, they are willing to offer such a position and reward to Gao Xiang, of course Gao Xiang has such ability and value.

Of course, we will talk about these high-end knowledge points at such a high-end dinner party.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of such a meeting.

Although the other bosses didn't throw an olive branch to Gao Xiang, but from their eyes, it could be seen that they were all very interested in Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang looked at Mr. Lei and Jack Ma, and replied very appropriately: "Mr. Lei, Mr. Ma, thank you very much for your kindness and kind invitation, but I am still a freshman. The purpose is to finish your studies and your own career first, and don't think about the rest for the time being."

Of course, Mr. Lei and Jack Ma understood what Gao Xiang meant.

Although Gao Xiang is very good, but they will not force it.

It's not like-minded people or... together, it won't go far.

They admire Gao Xiang from the bottom of their hearts.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yuan felt very happy in his heart.

It can be said that entrepreneurs in the Beijing circle like Mr. Lei, because they are all in the same circle in Beijing, know the relationship between Gao Xiang and Lu Yuan, but for most of the entrepreneurs who are not in the Beijing circle, they still do not I don't know clearly.

Being able to get the favor of so many bosses is enough to see the excellence of Gao Xiang, the future son-in-law.

At the same time, Lu Yuan's heart is a little more fortunate. Fortunately, his daughter and Gao Xiang have already walked together to determine the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. According to the development of the two, it can be said that Gao Xiang has basically become the son-in-law of the Lu family. There's no suspense anymore.

As the so-called green radish, each has its own love.

A person can be loved by three generations, that is really a kind of skill, and also a capable person.

Gao Xiang is just... so, he can be loved by the three generations of the Lu family, and he can be considered a talent.

But Han Fudong is....I regret it.

Seeing Gao Xiang getting better and better, his heart is... more and more regretful. If time can be turned back, he will definitely match Han Muling and Gao Xiang vigorously.

Opportunity! If you miss it, there will be no more.

Han Fudong only regrets in his heart, but there is no regret medicine in 833.

Immediately, all the bigwigs present began to eat and chat about new consumption.

"Especially in the face of the impact of the mobile Internet.

The mental maturity of new consumer groups, the speed of media information dissemination and the efficiency of social operation have all undergone geometric doubling changes.

It is hard to imagine how the aging degree of the marketing organization structure of traditional brand enterprises can keep up with the changes of the times..."

"The corporate marketing team in the era of new consumption and new retail needs the organizational principles of centralization, grouping and flexibility.

More marketing innovation is needed..."

Gao Xiang interjected from time to time to express his views and ideas.

The whole dinner lasted for about two hours, and everyone communicated one after another. It was a good dinner.

Towards the end of this high-end dinner party, Han Fudong said, "We have a fate to meet each other for thousands of miles. Since we can sit and eat together, let's take a photo together as a souvenir."

This photo can be said to instantly put Gao Xiang behind the scenes into the spotlight and attract much attention.

: The fifth update, begging for automatic subscription and monthly passes, flowers, evaluation tickets, gratitude.

Chapter 485

Now the whole dinner is coming to an end.

A lot of bigwigs discussed and exchanged almost.

Gao Xiang communicated with so many big business giants, and learned a lot from it.

Now that such a high-end dinner party is coming to an end, it is time to end it.

A meal for more than two hours is enough.

This is the boss's dinner.

Han Fudong, the organizer of the game, proposed to take a group photo. Of course, all the bigwigs are very face-saving.

Jack Ma stood up, raised the bowl in his hand, and said, "Let's raise the bowl together, take a sip of wine and look flushed, and then take a photo together."

The wine used in this dinner is Shaoxing rice wine.

Shaoxing rice wine can be said to be a fine wine, and it becomes stronger as time goes by, so Shaoxing wine is called old wine, and the more it ages, the more fragrant it is.

In this high-end dinner, I did not drink foreign wine and red wine, but Shaoxing rice wine, which can be said to be the attitude of many bigwigs.

Shaoxing wine is a famous specialty of Shaoxing with a very long history of production.

According to literature records, Shaoxing winemaking was very common during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

"The Spring and Autumn Period of the Lv's Family" contains the story of Goujian, the king of Yue, who "did the mash and worked as a teacher"

The story of the city, so far, there is still a "throwing mash river" in the city.


By the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Shaoxing old wine had become a tribute.

Among the many wines in the country, Shaoxing old wine is one of the varieties with the most awards.

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