"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining [Charming Starlight]."

[Charming Starlight: This can enhance the host's charm and enhance the host's charm blessing. This charm is the charm that radiates from the inside out, and it is a special charm, especially for the opposite sex.

] It has a unique attraction to the opposite sex. That is to say, the most important thing for this 【Charming Starlight】 is to increase the attraction to the opposite sex.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the truth potion."

The truth-telling potion is a kind of black-tech potion. Once this potion is used, whether it is a specially trained spy or an ordinary person, it will tell the truth, and it is a powerful potion.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the No. 30 chip of super [-] black technology."

"The No. 50 chip is a super high-tech product, the most advanced chip in the world where the host is located, with super processing power and computing power and performance in all aspects, it can be said that the world where the leading host is located is about [-] years old. A powerful chip."


When Gao Xiang heard this reward from the system, he was instantly overjoyed.

The so-called chip is... Integrated circuit abbreviated in electronics is a way of miniaturizing circuits and often fabricated on the surface of semiconductor wafers.

But now only a few companies in developed countries have mastered chip metal target manufacturing technology in the world. The development of domestic chips has been very slow because of the times, and it can basically be said to be controlled by others.

Although this fact is cruel and I don't want to admit it, it is actually...this is the case.

"The most advanced chip in the world"

Gao Xiang's heart is very excited: "This chip is the core of modern technology. If you have such an important chip, you can not only gain huge wealth, but also control the impact of the current technology era."

A chip is a piece of silicon on which various lines formed by integrated circuits are placed.

The smallest unit is... a single circuit such as a transistor, which can perform logical calculations of 0 and 1, forming a center with powerful data processing capabilities.

The hardest part about knowing a chip is... in a tiny chip there are billions of units of some circuits.

To build such a small thing with hundreds of millions of circuits, it requires strong manufacturing capabilities and high-tech levels, not just money.

As we all know, chips are very heavy, because the cornerstone of the current technological world is... chips, no matter...

It is said that you are inseparable from these chips in any system field, but it is easy to build, because in addition to integrating a lot of transistors on it, it is also because he has a particularly high requirement for the purity of the material, and the purity needs to reach 99.

% or more, only in this way can he not be damaged due to overheating when processing data.

"The chip is really not something you can do whatever you want with money."

Although Gao Xiang is not a person in the chip industry, he also knows that ten minutes of chips are important and very difficult to manufacture.

Today's high-tech world relies on chips.

Chips are divided into high, medium and low-end. At present, the domestic chip technology is not backward, but it is not powerful. In the production of low-end chips, it can be completely self-sufficient. The problem is mainly in the industry and technology of high-end products. Basically rely on imports.

At present, the domestic chip industry started late, and the core technology is controlled by others. The integrated circuit industry has a large gap compared with the world's advanced level in terms of core technology, design, manufacturing process, industrial scale, and leading enterprises.

"Chip is definitely a big market."

Gao Xiang felt that he had mastered a huge path of wealth, and murmured: "At present, the domestic chip industry, the chip design level is basically the same as the international one, the packaging technology level is 45 years behind, and the manufacturing process gap is about 3 and a half years:, Now my chip is 50 years more advanced than the most advanced chip in the world, this is definitely the existence of hegemony."

Rich people can do whatever they want, but in the chip industry it is not allowed.

Because the chip industry itself has the characteristics of high investment, long-term development, and long return period, the investment of ordinary chip manufacturing companies must reach tens of billions of dollars.

Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary enterprises to bear it.

That is to say, although the No. 50 chip rewarded by the system has been ahead of the world for [-] years, and it has not been seen for a long time, the advanced level of this chip is very terrifying.

At the current development speed of the world, it can be said that 50 years from now, there will be 833 earth-shaking changes.

Who would have thought that mobile phones in 20 years would be so advanced in 5 years.

It is enough to subvert the development of the entire world and bring about earth-shaking changes.

"Leading the world's chip technology for [-] years, is this going to form a monopoly?"

Now that the chip No. [-] in Gao Xiang's hands is so powerful, it will inevitably form a monopoly.

The development of the chip industry follows "Moore's Law"

, the technology update is very fast.

And every update is a huge investment.

This kind of industry characteristics with large investment and relatively long return period make the chip industry a high-risk industry, and general social capital is reluctant to enter.

At the same time, this high risk has caused the chip industry to produce the so-called "big man Evergrande"

It is easy to form a natural monopoly, and it is extremely difficult for the latecomers to develop.

"This time the system has really changed: it's different."

Gao Xiang saw the No. [-] chip rewarded by the system, and suddenly felt that the system was suddenly different: "Directly reward such a powerful chip manufacturing technology."

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Chapter 550

The system has changed, and Gao Xiang can clearly feel it.

In the past, the rewards of the system were very 'subtle', and they were all about improving Gao Xiang's own abilities, cultivation, connotation, etc., but this time, the system directly rewarded the black technology such as the truth-telling potion and No. [-] chip. The real thing is very different.

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