In high school, Gao Yiyi was...a recognized class flower of the entire art class. Not only was his appearance outstanding, but his temperament was also very unique and attractive. Therefore, not only art students or other students, but also for... Gao Yiyi. Much admiration.

Cheng Nan is... one of them, but he can't pursue it.

This is the weakness and fatal flaw of many girls! But these............ are all ineffective for... Gao Yiyi.

"Cheng Nan, what do you think I am?"

Gao Yiyi said with a sneer: "It's not uncommon to use these.... to pursue girls, don't use these.... to insult me! "

: Fourth update:, I beg for automatic subscription and monthly pass, flowers, evaluation ticket, thank you.

Chapter 625

What kind of girl will be measured by the money car room is the gold-loving female green tea bitch! Is Gao Yiyi material? Not material at all! Now Cheng Nan uses such material conditions to ask Gao Yiyi to be his girlfriend, This is just... humiliating Gao Yiyi, Gao Yiyi is very angry now.

Cheng Nan is currently studying in college, but his grades in art are not good, so he was admitted to three art schools in other places.

He didn't really go to college to learn things, or to improve himself, but to pick up girls or experience a different life in college.

After all, with a family like his, after graduation, if the son inherits his father's business and then starves to death, he won't have much success.

In this semester of college, Cheng Nan will pursue a beautiful girl at school. If he can't pursue it, he will show three major weapons: car room money. In the end, most girls will be willing to become Cheng Nan's. girlfriend.

But Cheng Nan is not really so generous. Most of the car and house are the right to use, and he will not give too much money. After all, his purpose is to have fun with 833, and he does not really want to find a girlfriend who can get married. .

Very treacherous! Playing, emotional scumbag! It is precisely because the three tricks of using Qianchefang have been tried and tested in school, so Cheng Nan felt that he was really naive when he pursued Gao Yiyi before, so now he directly Showing these three 3 killers! However, Gao Yiyi does not eat this set.

Cheng Nan was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile, "Why don't you meet these three conditions? You can mention it casually, I just hope you can be my girlfriend."

Money, vehicles, houses... these are all tricks that Cheng Nan has tried and tested, so Cheng Nan is also very proud. Sometimes when he encounters a money-loving girl, he will drive the car for her and it will be done. It's that the car can't get people and it's been played in vain.

This has also become Cheng Nan's after-dinner talk: If I drive my Porsche out, how many women will post it upside down, hahaha.


Gao Yiyi couldn't take it any longer, and was completely in no mood to buy any more clothes, so he was ready to leave, too lazy to bother with such scumbags.

It's just that Cheng Nan finally met Gao Yiyi, how could it be possible to let her leave like this, it must be entangled, so he continued to block Gao Yiyi's way.

"Go away, you promise to be my girlfriend and leave!"

Cheng Nan once again showed his trump card: "As long as you follow me, the house, the car, and the ticket are not a problem.

After all, she is a classmate in high school for three years. Cheng Nan also has a general understanding of Gao Yiyi's family. She knows that her family is not rich or even a little poor. Therefore, such a family needs money very much. Show off these weapons from time to time.

But Cheng Nan didn't know that in the past six months, Gao Yiyi has undergone earth-shaking changes! He didn't pay attention, and he took it for granted that the Gao family was still a family that was short of money.

"Oh, really"

Gao Yiyi was furious, and before he could speak, he heard a loud voice behind him, so Gao Yiyi and Cheng Nan followed the sound and saw Gao Xiang appearing behind them.

"Gao Xiang"

Cheng Nan was also very surprised when he saw Gao Xiang's appearance, and was slightly surprised.

Cheng Nan knew Gao Xiang, but he didn't know that Gao Xiang was... Gao Yiyi's younger brother! Gao Xiang is really hot on the Internet recently.

Although it has been a few days since the news of Gao Xiang's donation to the construction of Hope Primary School, some netizens broke the news about Gao Xiang's Hope Primary School from time to time and some actions of the Feixiang Education Fund to support the school's establishment, so Gao Xiang's related topics continued to become popular.

Just a few days ago, Gao Xiang's Sifang Investment Company made a hot search again because of its huge year-end bonus.

Originally, this year-end award was not too low but not too high, but because of Gao Xiang's popularity, there was a wave of hot searches again.

Cheng Nan knew Gao Xiang through the hot search on Weibo, but he didn't know that Gao Xiang was Gao Yiyi's younger brother! This is very embarrassing.

However, this is also normal.

After all, Cheng Nan just wanted to play with Gao Yiyi's people, but he didn't really want to marry him and be his wife.

Gao Xiang put his hands in his pockets, walked towards Cheng Nan handsomely, and said, "Didn't you say you are rich? If you can spend [-] billion, she will be your girlfriend!"

"Ten billion"

Cheng Nan sucked in a breath of cold air, and was stunned on the spot. He stared at Gao Xiang in a stunned manner, and said, "I'm a fool, I would still pursue her if I had [-] billion."

"You're still a little self-aware! You know you're an idiot!"

Gao Xiang said with a faint smile: "You can't even get [-] billion, and you really don't know how high the sky is if you want to learn how to use money to pick up girls!"


Cheng Nan's face suddenly changed: very ugly, looking at Gao Xiang with a livid face: "Gao know you, you have have the ability to take it. [-] billion."

"I can get [-] billion!"

Gao Xiang took a step forward, only one step away from Cheng Nan, stared at him tightly and said: "I can not only pay [-] billion for him, but also willing to protect her for a lifetime, a scum like you is the best Roll as far as you want, or you can't bear the consequences."

Cheng Nan knew very well what kind of celebrity Gao Xiang was! A person who could eat with so many bigwigs at a dinner party in Wuzhen and take pictures with so many bigwigs at the same time, could he be a simple little person? Of course not! Don't look at what Cheng Nan is now A rich second-generation man looks like a dog, but Cheng Nan is very clear in his heart that his own money is not much... It's just that Gao Xiang's is a drop in the bucket.

Not to mention [-] billion, the total real estate of the entire Cheng family is less than [-] million.

How can it be compared.

Cheng Nan stood in front of Gao Xiang, shivering, swallowing his saliva, the fear and fear that could not be concealed in his eyes, he didn't dare to look directly at Gao Xiang! ,thanks.

Chapter 626

Afraid! Trembling! Gao Xiang's aura was fully open at this time, and his body exuded a powerful aura that formed an invisible coercion, which made Cheng Nan breathless and did not dare to look directly into Gao Xiang's eyes.

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