The bosses who took pictures with him at the Wuzhen dinner party were basically canvassing for Gao Xiang, either by sending a Weibo blessing or canvassing, or reposting the Weibo of other bosses.

They are all business bigwigs, and they usually rarely post on Weibo, but on this special day of New Year's Eve, they not only wish everyone a happy New Year's Eve, but also canvass Gao Xiang for votes.

You must know that these.... The followers of business bigwigs are basically bigwigs or entrepreneurs, and most of them have their own fans and traffic, covering all parts of the country and even abroad. overseas.

When Jack Ma, Mr. Lei, Lu Yuan, and other business leaders started to post Weibo to help Gao Xiang canvass votes, their followers and fans reposted them one after another, forming a very changing effect!!! After all, so many business leaders Guys are all Gao Xiang canvassing votes, this is the treatment of gods.

On weekdays, in the circle of friends or in the group, many people will send various voting links to canvass votes, but there are very few respondents, basically only some close friends will vote because of the credibility of the canvassers. Or the popularity and status are not enough.

The status is enough, then the proper response is a hundred calls.

Now Jack Ma, Mr. Lei, Lu Yuan, Han Fudong, etc... Dozens of business tycoons and various celebrities and even celebrities are canvassing for Gao Xiang, and the effect of this is terrifying.

In particular, dozens of business tycoons have made Gao Xiang's list of votes on the hot search again, which can be said to have created a huge exposure for Gao Xiang, attracting more passers-by fans and people who join in the fun to list Gao Xiang.

"I read it right, Jack Ma is canvassing for Gao Xiang. It seems that this young man Gao Xiang is very difficult. I'm going to vote for him."

"With so many business bigwigs canvassing votes for a young man, this year's New Year's Eve is really unusual. Although I don't know what the super topic list is for, let me vote for Gao Xiang!"

"It's too awesome, the first person in history, so many bigwigs come out to canvass votes, it can be called an annual event!"

"I have to say that Gao Xiang is really excellent and powerful. Since so many bigwigs support Gao Xiang, I will also go to buy tickets for Gao Xiang!"

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, Jack Ma recently posted two Weibos about Gao Xiang, except... these two Weibos, the latest Weibo is five years old The former man who can make Jack Ma tweet so frequently, Gao Xiang is really awesome."

"Originally, I didn't want to participate in this ranking battle, but since so many bigwigs are supporting Gao Xiang, then I will also help Gao Xiang to score!"

...........................With so many business bigwigs supporting Gao Xiang, Gao Xiang's impact on the annual super topic list is constantly being searched The appearance of Gao Xiang, so more and more netizens spontaneously and voluntarily refreshed Gao Xiang again.

After all, like Jack Ma, Lu Yuan, Han Fudong, etc... Big bosses have high social status and have great influence, a Weibo can bring a lot of votes to Gao Xiang.

As a result, Gao Xiang's influence began to increase continuously, and the growth rate began to speed up again.

The time for the big guys to post on Weibo is around 99:[-] in the morning: The two-hour period from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] is the fermentation period. After [-]:[-], the growth rate of Gao Xiang's Weibo super talk begins to be like riding a rocket The general rapid increase.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Gao Xiang's Weibo Chaohua's influence was 430 million, and Xu Kunkun's influence was 480 million.

But after half an hour, at 460:500 in the morning, Gao Xiang's influence directly jumped to 400 million, while Xu Kunkun's was only [-] million, and the gap between the two sides became [-] million.

And the gap is getting smaller and smaller.

Such a twist can be said to be beyond everyone's surprise. After all, no one expected that so many bigwigs would canvass for Gao Xiang, the top-level luxury celestial group canvassing lineup!!!: First update, kneel and beg for automatic subscription and monthly pass , flowers, evaluation tickets, thank you for your work.

Chapter 642

With so many bigwigs canvassing for Gao Xiang, the influence of Gao Xiang's super talk is naturally rising, the speed is extremely fast, and the gap with Xu Kunkun is getting smaller and smaller.

The Kun Fan Club is now panicked, completely panicked! This fierce battle for the super talk list has reached the present, and the entire Kun Fan Club can be said to have spent almost all the points in their hands, and there is not much excess at all. Scored.

Now facing Gao Xiang's rising speed, Xu Kunkun's fans have taken all the points, but they are still unable to maintain the points difference, and the gap between the two sides is getting smaller and smaller.

"Members of the Kun Fan Club, the score difference is getting smaller and smaller now, hurry up and run out all the scores in your hands, and keep the first place in our family Kun Kun, let's go!"

"Eight Three Three"

"It's too fierce, so many bosses are helping him canvassing votes, and now this Gao Xiang's influence is rapidly increasing, we Kun Fan Club can't be counseled, keep the tower! Keep the tower! Keep the tower!"

"It doesn't matter now...

What a reasonable throw, we have to hold the first place, this is a battle of honor."

"Defend the tower! Defend the tower! Absolutely! Our victory is just around the corner, and there is still a gap of more than three million yuan, and we will definitely be able to defend it."

"There are still 12 hours, we must keep the last honor, this is not only the honor of our family Kun Kun, but also the honor of our fans."

............The thinking of fans now is very strange, their idol is very powerful, and it is honorable to be his fan, and even despise fans who look down on others.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that will frantically brush the list of their idols, creating the illusion of top traffic.

Now with so many super bosses canvassing for Gao Xiang, Gao Xiang's super talk data is naturally rising rapidly.

Xu Kunkun's fans are much more than Gao Xiang's fans, but so what? Now, most of the netizens in the whole network, except...... Xu Kunkun's fans, are standing with Gao Xiang this time. In other words, Xu Kunkun The fans of this are fighting against the netizens of the whole network.

So many business tycoons, giant crocodiles, and even some celebrities sent Weibo to Gao Xiang to canvass tickets, which caused many netizens and fans to join this battle, even though they may not know who Gao Xiang is, but I am also willing to give Gao Xiang a ticket.

No way, this is a hatred of netizens for .. traffic data fraud.

The two sides had a very fierce battle for the ranking, which caused the Weibo server to be paralyzed several times, and the programmers could not think of a good year.

Junlong Scenic Villas.

After Gao Xiang and Gao Yiyi had lunch, they rested on the sofa.

Today is New Year's Eve.

In the morning, Gao Xiang and Gao Yiyi made the whole place prosperous and full of New Year's flavor, hung up lanterns and pasted Spring Festival couplets and window grilles.

It is an ancient custom to hang lanterns during the New Year, red represents joy, round lanterns symbolize reunion and happiness, and red lanterns symbolize peace and prosperity.

The taste is getting heavier.

Gao Yiyi likes to swipe Weibo very much now. The most important reason is...Follow Gao Xiang's Weibo Super Chat Ranking.

"Wow, Gao Xiang, you're on Weibo's hot search again."

Gao Yiyi looked at Weibo and couldn't help but be surprised and shocked: "Jack Ma, Mr. Lei, etc... A lot of bigwigs have canvassed for you, it's just... a super-level lineup."

"No, they're all mixed in."

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